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Every Gun To The Line

Annapolis, Maryland, USA
“Team 1, go in, 1 minute from now. Final checks.” Tergelyx checked his gear as he waited, stacked up against the wall of the target house. Plasma rifle, still working. Body armour, still online and all parts functioning. Comms, no problems there. Night vision gear, oh that was definitely working. He’d be blind as a bat without it, as the Humans were so fond of saying.
One of the SWAT team members took up position on the door opposite Tergelyx, a great big battering ram in hand, and an assault rifle strapped to his back. Next to all of them, Tergelyx stood out like a sore thumb. Having 4 eyes, dark blue skin, and all the high tech armour tended to make you look a bit peculiar. But then, they didn’t have a fraction of the stuff Tergelyx was sporting around, so who was the real winner?
Actually, thinking about it, probably still not him. At least the SWAT people wanted to be here. Tergelyx didn’t, oh no, he didn’t want to be here in more ways than one. Firstly, he hadn’t really chosen to still be on this planet, for 4 years now, though that was obvious. If it had all gone to plan, he’d probably be back home, on Scijnfax, in his old apartment, and Earth would be under the rule of the Hekatian Stellar Imperium, and he’d never have had to think about it again. But that hadn’t gone to plan, the Humans had won, and done it quite handily. Then they’d got all the Hekatian POWs together, and explained that either you apologise and become a regular member of society, or spend the rest of your life in a prison. It was obvious which one Tergelyx chose.
“15 seconds.”
Unfortunately, for some, it hadn’t been so easy. They’d pretended to be interested in apologising, but then just went off and tried to win a war against 7 billion people with whatever they could scrape out of a bin. Before Tergelyx knew it, there were terrorist attacks on the news every other night, and then a little after that, he’d been “volun-told” (what did that mean?) to go and help do something about it.
“Go go go go go!” Commander Myers shouted, as if the radio wasn't there or something. The officer with the battering ram set to work, while the others braced themselves. When it was sufficiently damaged, he stepped back, clearing the way for Tergelyx to kick the door open and charge in, rifle at the ready.
Immediately, Tergelyx’s night vision gear came of use, giving him a near-perfect view of the living room he had just entered. There was a Hekatian on his right, with just a knife, as well as another Hekatian crouched behind an overturned chair and clutching a revolver. They fired, the bullet pinging harmlessly off of Tergelyx’s combat armour, while Tergelyx fired off a plasma lance, hitting the shooter in the arm and taking them out of action.
The other Hekatian, clearly assuming the target was a more squishy one, attempted to jam a knife into Tergelyx’s shoulder blade. This was responded to by Tergelyx jamming his elbow into their stomach, followed by a kick, and finally a fist straight into the face.
“Room clear, 2 hostiles down!” The officer behind Tergelyx shouted over the radio, before advancing into the next room with yet more trailing behind him. A short burst of rifle fire announced the discovery of more Hekatians, followed by another announcement on the radio. “Hostile down, room clear!”
Tergelyx took some handcuffs from an equipment pouch, fastening them around the hands of the revolver user. Glancing at the man’s arm, he could see the lance had burnt right through, while a burn completely surrounded the impact site, thankfully stretching just a few centimetres beyond. Back in the Hekatian Stellar Imperium, treating that would be no real problem, and you’d be back to normal within a few hours. With the stuff available here… well they had learnt a lot from what they could scavenge, but that didn’t mean reverse-engineered equipment was everywhere yet. It took time, and unless this guy got to go to a top-tier hospital, he’d be taking a slightly longer route to recovery.
“Tergelyx, get in here. Look at all this.” Looking up, Tergelyx found Commander Myers gesturing to him. He nodded and got up to follow him inside, leaving the prisoner to be attended to by a proper medic.
“What, what is it?” He walked through the door, to find himself in a kitchen. Except, it wasn’t a kitchen any more, rather a bomb-making laboratory. Components of explosives dotted the cabinets and tables. A single Hekatian was surrounded by a ring of guns on the floor, as a series of bandages were applied to the bullet wounds on him. Tergelyx noted the presence of what looked like several nail bombs in a box. For people who hate Humans, they really do love to copy all their weapons don’t they, he thought to himself.
“Exactly like you predicted. Looks like they might have been connected to that mall bombing the other week.” Of course it’s just like I predicted, if I couldn’t predict right, I wouldn’t be here, would I?
“Possibly. We should probably clear out and let the investigators in.”
“Agreed. Well done everyone, that was perfect.”
“Have we found anything else yet? Leads on other cells?” Tergelyx was sat in the back of a SWAT BearCat now, watching as the Hekatians were loaded into ambulances or police vans. Commander Myers sat opposite, a flask of coffee in his hands.
“Nada, but that’s not surprising. Again, looks like you were right, these were the last cell east of the Mississippi, which means we’re pretty much done. Want some?” Myers gestured to his flask.
“No, I don’t do coffee. Can’t stand most of your drinks to be honest.”
“Heh, maybe that’s why there’s so many of these terrorists about. Can’t stand our food.” One of the many SWAT officers mulling around commented, a remark that elicited a chuckle from his peers. “Would make a lot of sense!”
“Just to confirm though, I’m free to go back?” Tergelyx decided to take it back on track.
“Hold on, got something on my phone.” The team commander pulled a phone out of one of his pockets. Tergelyx was pretty sure that wasn’t allowed to be there, but he got the feeling it wasn’t worth pursuing anyway. “Some emergency alert, says some shit about… inbound pods?
“I got that earlier as well.” A different officer, the same one who had led the way into the kitchen, answered back. “Never seen anything like it.”
“Me too.” The same team member who had been responsible for that quip before, added their bit. What was it with some Humans, and always wanting to have their chance to butt in? “Probably some bs, like that one in Hawaii a few years ago. Martinez, how long ago was that?”
“How should I know?” Another, presumably Martinez, replied.
“You’re the history guy!”
Medieval history, not shit that happened recently!”
“Tom, it was 7 years ago now. There’s your answer.” Another voice, a woman’s this time, joined the conversation.
“And what if it isn’t some BS?” More and more people were talking, and Tergelyx could hear some hushed whispers between team members.
“Then we’ll kick their ass, just like the Contact War, that’s what. But it won’t be, 5 bucks says some dumbass sat on the emergency button and now he’s panicking about how turn it off.”
“Tergelyx, what was it you said before I got distracted? Oh, yeah, you’re done, 100%. We’ll have you flying back to England by the end of the week.” England was now Tergelyx’s home, as it was for most of the Hekatian population on Earth. Of course, you could find Hekatians all over the world at this point, having had a few years to travel and resettle, but only Britain had a sizeable enough population to make meeting others a regular occurrence.
“And uhh, am I getting paid for this?”
“Yes, but I think they’re routing it through the Brit army, because you are on their orders to be here, so it’ll take a while. Funny thing is, you get overt-“
Tergelyx never heard what that funny thing was, because the commander cut himself off in the middle of his sentence. A bright white had filled the sky, completely and totally blinding this late in the night, forcing Tergelyx to shut his eyes quickly. A single word flashed across his mind, Nuke. He got out of the vehicle and dived into a small dip in a nearby lawn, awaiting further blasts, quickly followed by the rest of the SWAT team.
Another series of flashes followed, which Tergelyx counted as 3 more. His training began to kick in, half remembered sections of textbooks from basic training, and a few hours in a simulator. Every soldier, in any truly interstellar army, was expected to be able to identify nuclear weapons effortlessly, and while it had been quite a few years since Basic there was still a little left in the corners of his mind. The sound of the first explosion finally arrived, giving him enough info to start mental maths. Sound taking that long, means about 20km, flash came from the west. That loud and bright means probably... 1 megatons? 4 so far. Hekatian navy uses 3 warheads per missile, so maybe 2 MIRVs, first round ⅔ intercepted? Nothing left to intercept them on the second round, obviously.
“Everyone, report in!” Myers shouted, just before the sound of the 2nd wave of nukes hit.
“All good, sir! No injuries, but my eyes feel ready to fall out!”
The rest of the team concurred, glad that the onslaught appeared to be over.
“Where the fuck did they hit? What the fuck is going on?” Myers shouted, seemingly looking for his phone.
“Think they hit Washington DC, sir.”
“Jesus Christ… Tergelyx, is this your people?”
“I think so, sir. It’d match the emergency alert, assuming that wasn’t an error. If they’re launching nukes here, that means a landing is likely. We consider that standard tactics for peer-grade militaries, which means they’re taking Earth more seriously.”
“Son of a… okay. Right, everyone, listen up. Our best bet is Dover Air Force Base, there’s bound to be someone left to call shots over there. We’ve got guns and vehicles, that’s enough to be of use to somebody. We won’t be able to do any good trying to go into the city without geiger counters or whatever.”
“What about the prisoners, sir?” Martinez asked, his helmet off and a pale look on his face.
“We’re still taking them with us. Looks like they’re officially POWs again, not criminals.”
Pyeongtaek, South Korea
SSgt Foster was having a bit of a bad day, as the army’s technical term went. He’d started the day off, doing some good old maintenance on his tank, 'Better Not Run'. Then, he’d got rushed into a briefing room, to get told that there was a war on. Then, ordered into his tank, because they’d worked out one of the Hekatian landing pods was due to land nearby. And finally, he’d been ordered to attack it, before those inside the pod managed to establish their foothold and begin pushing out.
'Hurry up and wait', more like, 'hurry up and... die?' He needed to work on that line.
“We’re really doing this, aren’t we? They’re really here.” PFC Nicholson was shaking a little, sat in the loader’s chair. Unlike the rest of the crew, this was his first time in combat, having been a civilian during the Contact War. Which, come to think of it, should probably start being called the First Hekatian War right about now.
“Look, Nicholson, no time to worry now. Load sabot.” Nicholson nodded, opening the ammo storage door, and withdrawing a round to load.
“Up!” He shouted back.
“Remember, just stick to our training, and we’ll be fine.” That was a bit of wishful thinking on Foster’s part, he had no real idea how this would go. This time, it looked like the Hekatians been… smarter in their preparations.
“Looks like 6 tank-analogues, plus a platoon worth of IFV’s.” That was the gunner, Sgt Weber, sat directly in front of Foster. Foster liked to think of him as one of the best gunners in the whole US Army. Though, considering all the tech a tank sported these days, individual skill was certainly not as important as it used to be.
Foster decided to take a close look at the enemy’s tank design, fiddling with the optics a little. Wheels, suppose that makes sense for them, they probably fight in a lot of cities. Very short barrel, maybe means a different type of main gun. Extremely low profile, so they could have automated it up a lot. Not sure that’s the way I’d build a tank, given their tech, but hey-ho, I'm just a Human.
“A section, target the tank on the far right, designated Target 1. B section, take the tank next to it, that’s Target 2, and so on. Once these are down, we’ll push on to the landing site and crush it. Sooner we have these ones out, the sooner we can get a proper grasp of the situation. Onwards!” The voice of the platoon leader, Lt Stephens, came over the radio, giving some guidance to the charge. They were bringing a company up against the Hekatians, which meant 2 tanks to every enemy tank.
“Weber, you on target?”
“Fire on Lt’s order, we’ll coordinate. This is just a screening force while they unload from their lander, no point trying to tease out their capabilities. Mullins, keep us going.”
'Better Not Run' rumbled past a pair of burnt-out Hekatian tanks, their crews nowhere to be seen. A series of Hellfire missiles had gotten to them before Foster could have, something he was thankful for. After all, it had shown the tanks could be killed, albeit they didn’t know how much they needed at minimum. The Apache crew responsible had simply fired "enough" off, before reporting a pair of explosions.
“Open fire!” Lt Stephens’ order echoed through the radio headset, and almost instantly after, the gun thumped out a reply. The round shot away towards it’s target, Foster watching it’s progress all the way. The Lt’s shot got there first, provoking a bright blue translucent wall that the round smacked against. Then Weber’s shot hit, the wall not appearing this time and enabling the depleted uranium round to burrow it’s way through the thick armour of the Hekatian tank. It didn’t seem to explode, however, suggesting the armour was more than a little tough.
“What the fuck was that?” Weber shouted through his headset. Glancing over to the left, Foster could see Nicholson already reloading the 120mm, sliding a round into the breech. “Some kind of Star Wars bullshit?”
“Our round hit, we must have overwhelmed it with that 1st shot! So keep firing!” The Hekatian tanks turned their turrets onto individual tanks, locking a barrel on. Foster waited for them to belch a round out, but none appeared. Then the reports started coming through the radio.
“Torres’ tank is down, hostiles blew it up!” Weber fired again as the platoon sergeant yelled to the rest of the platoon, hitting their target once more. It exploded in a nice, visually satisfying manner.
“All units be advised, Hekatians appear to be deploying some sort of laser weapon! Optics of tanks that survive are busted!” The Lt shouted back, before his tank fired at their original, now deceased target. A volley of Hellfire missiles shot overhead, eliminating 2 more tanks. Must have managed to get more Apache’s airborne then.
“Target 3 is still here sir, all others eliminated.”
“Push on then, ignore the IFVs unless they are firing at you! Air support will handle them!” The range kept decreasing, the situation even more chaotic. There was no synchronisation to the battle at this point, shells flew one way and plasma blasts off the IFVs flew back.
Weber let off another round, this time blowing target 3 up, marking an end to the major threats on the battlefield. The Apaches opened up with their chain guns, letting 30mm shells burst over the IFVs. One blew up, the other 2 rapidly catching fire, and their disembarked passengers fared little better.
“Keep pushing, once we reach the pod, orders are total annihilation. We'll fire our machine guns until empty, use canister, everything we have. Either we kill until we’re stopped, or they’ll surrender, whichever comes first.” Foster announced over the tank’s intercom. Grim order, but I have to say it nonetheless. Mullins kept the speed up, while Weber fired off a final round at a nearby IFV, it’s burning wreck now to their rear.
“I’m seeing a lot of Hekatians moving about, looks like some tanks parked up. They’re still unloading stuff.” We've caught them at just the right time.
“Load canister. Nicholson, get to work with your 7.62 when you’ve loaded it.” Foster gave the order, before opening the hatch and taking hold of the .50 cal. He picked out a small group of infantry, about company sized, who appeared to be in the process of running towards cover, and opened fire. Small puffs of dirt erupted in the ground alongside them, and a handful fell to the ground. Normally, they’d get back up, their armour being tough enough to take a hit or two. But that was what the Apaches were around for, chain guns working to cut the company down to size.
The main gun thumped out a canister round, blasting hundreds of tiny tungsten pellets towards the company. Within a few seconds, the infantry had completely disintegrated, the survivors alive purely by sheer chance. Any sense of order remaining on the battlefield evaporated, as Hekatians scattered, desperate to make sure they weren't in a large enough group to make themselves a target.
The crew of “Better Not Run” shifted focus again, onto the parked up tanks. Their crews seemed to be making an attempt to get them running, and they couldn’t exactly let that happen. A few bursts of machine gun fire from the co-axial forced them to the ground. Then a series of artillery shells began to rain irregularly upon the battlefield, further adding to the chaos. Foster was in the process of swinging his .50 cal around to fire on a Hekatian crawling towards his tank, when he witnessed a 155mm shell land inside the turret, passing through an open crew hatch, before detonating. It set off a chain reaction, blowing up the nearby tanks in a spectacular display.
“I’m seeing hands in the air, staff. Just on our right.” Foster looked forwards, and sure enough, one small group had stuck their hands in the air, cast their weapons aside, and decided to take their chances.
“Alright, don’t fire on them. Hopefully the others will get the message.” Just out of the corner of his eye, Foster spotted a Hekatian tank attempting to roll down the ramp of the landing pod, only to have several holes punched into it’s side before it could even turn to face the attackers. That gave Foster an idea. “Mullins, take us up that ramp. Get us a line of fire into the pod.”
Immediately after the order was given, ‘Better Not Run’ broke towards the looming pod, which sat in a massive impact crater. Foster fired off another few dozen rounds, before stopping to watch the situation unfold. Tanks were crossing the battlefield purely at random, hunting down whichever target presented itself at that moment in time. The Apaches had taken up position, scanning the ground with their guns and blasting anything that dared to resist. It almost made Foster feel bad for the Hekatians. Then he remembered that Washington DC was currently an irradiated pile of rubble, and he gripped the trigger again. If they wanted sympathy, they had to surrender.
“Nicholson, load canister. Weber, be ready to fire a shot off when we’re coming up the ramp. If whoever’s in command realises we can threaten the ship itself, chances are he might order them to give up.” Nicholson nodded, ducking down into the turret to grab a round from the ammo compartment.
“Loaded.” Mullins made a turn, bringing ‘Better Not Run’ parallel with the crater. Now, looking out of the turret at it, Foster could truly appreciate the sheer size of the landing pods. In an academic sense, he'd already understood it, of course. But reading it in a book, and seeing it, were simply not the same. Longer than a Nimitz class carrier, and almost as wide as 3 of them out side by side, it absolutely dwarfed him. And yet, he was about to completely wreck it, if all went to plan. Another slight turn, and they were now coming up the ramp, pushing their wrecked Hekatian counterpart aside effortlessly. Forster waited until the barrel of the tank just barely peeked over into the loading bay before giving the order.
Weber fired, and hell descended upon the landing pod. A few lucky Hekatians were just inside the minimum range, allowing them to survive unscathed as the canisters hadn’t got enough time to properly separate and cover the bay. Those who weren’t so lucky, never had the chance to understand what had happened to them. The tungsten pellets ripped through armour, crates, power packs, computers, nothing was spared. Survival came only from being behind enough things that soaked up a pellet before it could get to you.
Smaller explosions rippled through the loading bay, and a small fire began to spread across the walls, rapidly gaining in strength as more and more vulnerable pieces were exposed in its path. Klaxons began to blare, and the survivors were left to gaze upon the unfolding chaos. Instead, most of them chose to run for cover, in case Foster started firing upon them. But he had other plans.
“Right, Weber, gimme the megaphone. Load sabot.” Weber passed back a small portable megaphone, which Foster ducked down to grab. “Attention all Hekatians. If you surrender your weapons, we will cease fire and allow you to repair your ship,. We know where your reactor core is, and we will find out what happens when it meets a depleted uranium shell, should resistance continue. You have 1 minute to respond.”
The survivors paused, presumably radioing the order onto their commander, who would then make a decision, and pass it back. One stepped forwards, and began to approach Foster’s tank.
“General Gercinleyolx wishes to relay his intent to surrender. He asks that you order your fellow soldiers, outside of the ship, to cease fire.” The Hekatian spoke in the precise, accentless and completely robotic English, of a perfect machine translation. That was something Foster hated. The Hekatians who'd been on Earth for a while now, they were learning to speak it's languages themselves. They weren't perfect, sure, but they sounded infinitely more relatable than this robotic monotone.
“We will do that. You have our permission to begin damage control now, although we will bring up reinforcements.” Foster then made a call into the platoon radio network. “Lt, they’re surrendering. I am going to need some more support up here to keep them in line, just in case.”
“Understood, well done Foster. I’ll pass that on.” Feeling pleased with himself, Foster sat down in his turret seat. Weber lowered the gun to point at the ramp, as a signal of peace.
“Well, Weber. How does it feel to have fired what is probably the single most damaging shot in the history of warfare? That’s gotta be a lot of space dollars gone there.”
“I don’t know what the barrel ring for mission-killing a spaceship should be, frankly.”
Hi! Thank you for reading this story. If you’re new to my work, great! This is the latest part in a universe I’ve been writing for a while now, so you may want to check those other ones out (I absolutely recommend the one-offs, personally, I think they’re my greatest content. The series' I've written, eh, not so much). There will be a link down below for my wiki page, which I have categorised so you can find the stories easily. This will also be the first part in a series I have planned, under this same name, and emphasis on planned. I do not know how many parts I can get out of my ideas, but there are plenty of them and plenty of things I intend to write.
I will say, for those of you new to my work (which I assume is most people reading this), that you do not need to read them to understand what will happen going forwards. The older stories I have written do take place in this universe, yes, but the story that will be told here will not depend on them too much (and may sometimes retcon them, depending on how stupid I think my older ideas are). I will do my very best to make this series as engaging and interesting as possible without relying on those ideas to be understandable.
For regular readers of my work: yes, sorry. I did promise this a lot earlier. But there have been a few things that have caused trouble in getting this out to any sort of schedule.
  1. For once, I’ve had too many ideas floating around, rather than simple writer's block, and have struggled to pick one. I’ve been switching parts out, and editing this chapter constantly for the past 2 months now, and ultimately I’ve had to just kinda pick one idea and force myself to see it through (The earlier drafts of this chapter were all over the place, and I'm happy to talk about them in the comments if anyone is interested).
  2. My keyboard has broken slightly, which has made actually typing this out a lot harder and slower than it really should have been. But I have kept going regardless.
  3. Gestures at the outside world.
Anyway, that is probably more than enough stuff from me. If you have enjoyed this, leave your thoughts. If you hated this, leave your complaints, please, I actually do appreciate them and will respond. I will answer any questions people have, like if you want to know more specifics about whats going on in the universe, then just ask and I can answer. I have tried to make the backstory fairly easy to understand, but that can be a tall order, and I have probably missed a few bits out that people may want clarifying.
(Buy me a coffee) (My wiki page)
submitted by GIJoeVibin to HFY [link] [comments]

Vaccine Landscape

I don't know how much people are following vaccines here and there is the daily COVID thread but I feel like this is its own topic so I feel like it should be written up alone. I follow the developments as closely as I can so I'm writing this in hopes that it will help.
First thing to note is there are a lot of scientists and companies laboring to try to help the world out here. The list is staggering:
Here I'm just going to address the vaccines most relevant to us in MD.
They are:
We have an EUA for Pfizer's vaccine now and that is the shot that will start to be given Monday or Tuesday in MD. We got an allocation of about 50K of them in the first batch. (
Moderna's review advisory board review for an EUA is on Dec 17th, which if approved likely means Dec 21st for that vaccine to start getting into arms.
The Pfizer data from their EUA and paper ( shows a clear protective break point before day 14. It is reasonable to assume most highly effective vaccines will have this property as well. Thus although these vaccines are two doses (except J&J) they will have an impact within 2 weeks of being given. The second dose is needed to provide more durable protection and to be consistent with the trials. Because of the need for two doses, only 1/2 of the produced vaccine is being shipped out this week. Some have argued one should give all the doses out and rely on just in time manufacturing, but this is just not ethical as there always can be manufacturing problems and the trial protocol requires the two doses.
All of the vaccines above were ordered by the Federal gov. at a level of at least 100 million doses, with options for more.
Moderna's vaccine is being produced by 2 lines in the US one in Boston at Moderna and another in NH by Lonza. Lonza has 3 additional lines being brought up in Switzerland.
Pfizer is producing their vaccine at two plants in the US and one in Belgium I believe and BioNTech has purchased a facility from Novartis AG that may be brought online.
It is important to know that manufacturing targets often miss or slip. The range of vaccine production Moderna has estimated is 500-1000 million a year and Pfizer up to 1.3 billion a year. However since their production is not fully built out yet that rate will not be flat for the year.
The companies have a potential market for 14 billion doses of these products so they have no reason not to scale up as fast as they can to make money and both are doing this for profit.
While Moderna's and Pfizer's vaccines are similar in that they use mRNA to produce a stabilized version of the spike protein of the SARS-COV-2, they use different lipids to enclose the mRNA. This results in different cold storage temperature requirements for the two products with Pfizer's being more challenging than Moderna's. Pfizer's may actually be stable at higher temperatures but if it is they don't know so they are being cautious. Moderna has been around doing mRNA vaccine trials for a while so it may just be they know more about their stability. They also relaxed the temperature requirements late in the game by some study.
Moderna's vaccine design was heavily helped by NIH (in MD).
Of course the FDA approves these products which is in MD.
Oxford's vaccine has also read out but they presented the information in a way that was confusing. However the FDA bar for EUA was only 50% and the point efficacy for their trial certainly was above this. Had their result read out first they might have had a very different reception.
This vaccine is based on the same spike protein but wild type rather than engineered to be stabilized. This may be the reason for the lower efficacy or it could be something totally different. The stabilization makes the spike look like folding when it binds to the ACE2 receptor on human cells which is the main pathway to infect people.
The vaccine is a replication deficient chimpanzee cold virus. What this means is that people won't have immunity to the viral vector already (not a human virus) and that they have removed the DNA that allows it to replicate and are just using it as a box to take payload code on how to make the spike protein into the cells. Essentially they are just replacing the fragile man made lipid shell and replacing it with a evolved natural shell and swapping DNA for mRNA.
The Serum Institute in India (a major manufacture of vaccines) and others are producing this vaccine. Emergent biosolutions is also making this vaccine in MD.
It is unclear what the road to use of this vaccine in the US might be but they are doing further study of it and collecting more data. If it were used volume of availability might be higher than the two mRNAs. It is still a two dose vaccine.
The next vaccine to likely report efficacy will be J&J's vaccine.
The first trial is a 1-dose vaccine and is going to close recruitment this week:
They reduced the size of the trial from 60,000 to 40,000 because cases are so high in the US they don't need more people than that (the Pfizer trial was about 40K and the Moderna was 30K). They also have to show safety for 2 months for 1/2 of their group to the FDA. If they had continued recruiting that would have taken longer.
The two month bar is before Feb 10th based on recruitment figures. Basically last week in Jan is as soon as this one might be able to apply for an EUA if it works.
It is also a cold virus vector vaccine but this time a human one. Unlike Oxford's though it is on that has been licensed before to vaccinate against Ebola. While that is a fringe use case it was actually licensed which none of the others in this group of 5 have been. Not that an EUA is not a license.
I think this uses the stabilized spike code. Hopefully it will be more effective than Oxford's because of that.
To hedge their bets they started a two dose trial on Nov 15th for this vaccine in case the efficacy with one dose is not high enough. The dosing for this trial is two months between shots so it won't read out until at least April and probably later than that. So in terms of making a difference in the US this vaccine is probably 1 dose or not used.
It like the Oxford vaccine is not hard to distribute/store.
This vaccine is also being manufactured by Emergent BioSolutions in MD!
Novavax a MD company based in Montgomery Co is the last on the list. Their platform is a recombinant protein vaccine.
They infect moth cells with the virus and then harvest the spike protein. They put that protein on a nanoparticle scaffolding and add a compound called an adjuvant that helps you have a strong immune response to the spike proteins.
There is a trial of 15,000 people fully enrolled in the UK and a smaller one in S. Africa (about 2000 mostly to look at HIV positive people).
I'm not sure the US will give an EUA based on an international trial but they might. Just probably after the UK. Novavax was suppose to start a phase 3 trial with 30,000 people in the US for this vaccine in Nov. But they are still ironing out production/quality control concerns with the FDA and their partners Fujifilm in NC.
They hope to start this two dose trial in the US this month. If they do the earliest they could have an EUA based on that trial would probably be March.
This platform while not licensed before is very traditional and the company has a flu vaccine almost to market.
MD is contributing to almost all of the vaccines in some way, for some in multiple ways.
The best shot at another EUA before Q2 2021 is probably J&J, unless the US will use Novavax's UK trial as the basis for one. Of course they can give an EUA to Oxford if they want, but I think they will wait until J&J reads out before doing that (as it might be better or as good and only requires 1-dose).
Expect manufacturing issues. We will be very lucky if we don't have any.
If there are none and J&J's works well enough there would be enough vaccines for 200 million people by March 31st. (60% of the population). Along with natural infection that likely would be enough to basically end the pandemic in late April.
If J&J and Novavax fail and Oxford is not given an EUA 200 million cannot be reached until summer 2021. (Unless Pfizer really crushes the manufacturing but other places need vaccines too so I don't expect this).
Edit: 12/13/20 @ 9:35 PM
One last thing I should have said is that we cannot expect much change in the dynamics of the pandemic from these for a while.
And be ready for lots and lots of stories that I was vaccinated and I still got sick. If you vaccinate 20 million people with a 95% effective vaccine 1 million of them can still get sick. That's a lot of stories on Facebook or Twitter. Real work effectiveness will be different than the trials and people still should mask and distance until case numbers tumble, even if vaccinated.
submitted by classicalL to maryland [link] [comments]

Bovada Referrals - 2021 - Sister Sites and State + Country Restrictions Information

[This sub does not allow referral posts. Posting a referral code will result in a ban. Check the sidebar on Desktop or the About page on Mobile and Apps for full sub rules.]

Bovada Information:

Bovada Referral Link
Offers sports betting, online casino, online poker games.
USA only. Four states are excluded and those states are Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, and New Jersey. If you live in one of these four states, you can not play on Bovada. Same goes for players from other countries, you can not play on Bovada, try one of the sister sites and if you still cannot play, you are out of luck.

Sister Sites to Bovada and Referral Links:

Bovada Referral Links can be found in this post, as well as Bovada's sister sites.
Site Name Games Offered Countries Allowed Referral Links
Bovada Sports, Casino, Poker USA sans DE, MD, NV, NJ Referral Link
Ignition Casino Casino, Poker, Virtual Sports USA, Australia Referral Link
Bodog EU Sports, Casino, Poker Canada Referral Link
Bodog COM Sports, Casino, Poker AR, BO, BR, CL, EC, GT, HN, MX, NI, PE, PY, SV, VE Referral Link
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Joe Fortune Casino Australia Referral Link

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Ignition Casino & Poker Referrals - 2021 - Sister Sites & State + Country Restrictions Information

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Ignition Casino Information:

Ignition Casino & Poker Referral Link
Offers online casino, online poker games, and virtual sports betting (not to be confused with real sports betting).
Australia and USA only. Four US states are excluded and those states are Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, and New Jersey. If you live in one of these four states, you can not play on Ignition. Same goes for players from other countries, you can not play on Ignition Casino, try one of the sister sites and if you still cannot play, you are out of luck.

Sister Sites to Ignition Casino & Poker plus Referral Links:

Ignition Casino and Poker Referral Links can be found in this post, as well as Ignition's sister sites.
Site Name Games Offered Countries Allowed Referral Links
Ignition Casino Casino, Poker, Virtual Sports USA sans DE, MD, NV, NJ, Australia Referral Link
Bovada Sports, Casino, Poker USA sans DE, MD, NV, NJ Referral Link
Bodog EU Sports, Casino, Poker Canada Referral Link
Bodog COM Sports, Casino, Poker AR, BO, BR, CL, EC, GT, HN, MX, NI, PE, PY, SV, VE Referral Link
Slots LV Casino USA, Canada sans Quebec Referral Link
Cafe Casino Casino USA Referral Link
Joe Fortune Casino Australia Referral Link
submitted by ProfRBcom to IgnitionCasino [link] [comments]

Decent article summarizing the history of Dominion's GEMS (General Election Management System), which Powell keeps referring to as the "same DNA" as Smartmatic and Diebold. Only detail the author missed: GEMS was originally designed by federal criminal hacker Jeffrey Dean before Diebold bought it.

Reproduced below since CDMedia is deplatformed.
Cracking Dominion’s Source Code – A National Security Threat Since 2003
by George Eliason
With the Georgia runoff election in full swing, this article will show why the ballot results should be ash-canned even before the final tallies are in — both Georgia and Pennsylvania adhere to the federal standard for elections and because Dominion uses modems, the election provider itself is not certifiable.
Pennsylvania state certification requires that voting systems be evaluated by a federally recognized independent testing authority, or voting system test laboratory (VSTL), and certified by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) according to federal voting system standards.
Once you add that modem, you are de-certifying it,” Kevin Skoglund, senior technical advisor at the National Election Defense Coalition said. “It is no longer federally certified. And I don’t know that all these jurisdictions are aware of that because ES&S is advertising otherwise. The three largest voting manufacturing companies — Election Systems &Software, Dominion Voting Systems and Hart InterCivic — have acknowledged they all put modems in some of their tabulators and scanners.”-NBC
What you’re going to find is the current Dominion and ES&S voting systems were designed over 22 years ago to allow and promote every type of voter fraud imaginable and the same two conspirators have been safeguarding and selling these broken systems the entire time.
From 1997 to 2003 Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron developed the art of electronic vote manipulation to such a degree; you didn’t need to hack the system to change the election results. Below is the chain of custody for the software and source code that made this possible.
The key takeaway is simple. Although what’s described below is from Diebold Election Systems, Dominion bought Diebold and this system for use. This the backbone of Dominion Voting Systems today and it gives a clear line of sight into the otherwise opaque world of election fraud in 2020.
In 2003, a research journalist named Bev Harris opened up the world of Diebold Election Systems. When Dominion Voting Systems got off the ground and became a player it was because of the purchase of Diebold properties including systems, source code, and software.
What she found was Diebold had a ‘no-login needed’ website that was a detailed manual of how to hack the election systems Diebold was servicing across the US. If you didn’t like the election tallies, it was a simple matter of replacing the file with one that reflected the results you wanted on this FTP site.
According to Harris, the site was set up for election workers and technicians and included hardware and software specifications, election results files, the vote-counting program itself, and “replacement files” for Diebold’s GEMS vote-counting system and for the Windows software underlying the system.
The contents of these files amounted to a virtual handbook for vote-tampering: They contained diagrams of remote communications setups, passwords, encryption keys, source code, user manuals, testing protocols, and simulators, as well as files loaded with votes and voting machine software.
Diebold Elections Systems AccuVote systems use software called “GEMS,” and this system is used in 37 states. The voting system works like this:
Voters vote at the precinct, running their ballot through an optical scan, or entering their vote on a touch screen.
After the polls close, poll workers transmit the votes that have been accumulated to the county office. They do this by modem.
At the county office, there is a “host computer” with a program on it called GEMS. GEMS receives the incoming votes and stores them in a vote ledger. But in the files we examined, which were created by Diebold employees and/or county officials, we learned that the Diebold program used another set of books with a copy of what is in vote ledger 1. And at the same time, it made yet a third vote ledger with another copy.
Apparently, the Elections Supervisor never sees these three sets of books. All she sees is the reports she can run: Election summary (totals, county wide) or a detail report (totals for each precinct). She has no way of knowing that her GEMS program is using multiple sets of books, because the GEMS interface draws its data from an Access database, which is hidden. And here is what is quite odd: On the programs we tested, the Election summary (totals, county wide) come from the vote ledger 2 instead of vote ledger 1, and ledger 2 can be altered so it may or may not match ledger 1.
Now, think of it like this: You want the report to add up only the actual votes. But, unbeknownst to the election supervisor, votes can be added and subtracted from vote ledger 2. Official reports come from vote ledger 2, which has been disengaged from vote ledger 1. If one asks for a detailed report for some precincts, though, the report comes from vote ledger 1. Therefore, if you keep the correct votes in vote ledger 1, a spot check of detailed precincts (even if you compare voter-verified paper ballots) will always be correct.”
Again from Bev Harris provided all this information on a share-as-widely-as-possible basis. The audit trail is what is supposed to guarantee election security. Harris went to the same Diebold/Dominion website and downloaded a GEMS (General Election Management System) audit report.
“Note that a user by the name of “Evildoer” was added. Evildoer performed various functions, including running reports to check his vote-rigging work, but only some of his activities showed up on the audit log.
It was a simple matter to eliminate Evildoer. First, we opened the election database in Access, where we opened the audit table: Then, we deleted all the references to Evildoer and, because we noticed that the audit log never noticed when the admin closed the GEMS program before, we tidily added an entry for that.
Access encourages those who create audit logs to use auto-numbering so that every logged entry has an uneditable log number. Then, if one deletes audit entries, a gap in the numbering sequence will appear. However, we found that this feature was disabled, allowing us to write in our own log numbers. We were able to add and delete from the audit without leaving a trace. Going back into GEMS, we ran another audit log to see if Evildoer had been purged:
As you can see, the audit log appears pristine.
In fact, when using Access to adjust the vote tallies we found that tampering never made it to the audit log at all.” – Bev Harris
An election (after the fact) using the real files on the real system was changed for research purposes with no elaborate hacking necessary.
The Dominion software and source code was originally developed by a company called Premier Election Solutions. The founder was Bob Urosevich.
• In 1997 Global Election Systems acquired Premier. The company representatives were Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron
• In 2001, Diebold purchased Global. The company representatives were Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron.
• In 2009, Diebold Sells U.S. Elections Systems Business to ES&S. The company representatives were Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron
• In September 2009, ES&S acquired Premier, without any objections from the DOJ. But in March 2010, the DOJ forced ES&S to “sell” Premier’s assets to Dominion. ES&S was also forced to license to Dominion some of its software for free.
• Dominion announced the acquisition of the Diebold (formerly Premier) products on May 19, 2010
• Dominion Voting Systems purchased the primary assets of Premier, including all intellectual property, software, firmware, and hardware for Premier’s current and legacy optical scan, central scan, and touch screen voting systems, and all versions of the GEMS election management system from ES&S.
• Barry Herron is the Southeast regional sales manager for Dominion Voting Systems as well as being their lobbyist.
• Barry Herron is Director of sales for INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY AND TOTALIZATOR, INC.
• Barry Herron is the sales manager for Unisyn Voting. Unisyn, an HK registered company wholly owned by UNISYN VOTING SOLUTIONS (A DIVISION OF INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY AND TOTALIZATOR, INC) a division of Berjaya Lottery Management (h.k.) Ltd, a division of Yong Hong Group Co., Ltd., referred to Wing Hung Kai Group ( English: Wing Hung Kee Holdings Limited’s, HKEx except when licensing 0288.HK), founded in 1971, formerly known as Wing Hung Kai Properties Limited referred to as Wing-hong Kee Property ( English: Wing Hung Kee Investment Company, Limited ). Listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 1973. In 1994, the Malaysian consortium Berjaya Group ( Berjaya Group ) acquisition, changed its name to succeed Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited.
Unisyn is a wholly-owned private corporation headquartered in Malaysia but registered in Hong Kong, China.
INTERNATIONAL LOTTERY AND TOTALIZATOR, INC is the world’s largest manufacturer of voting machine equipment.
Does Unisyn manufacture Dominion Voting Solution machines? I don’t have the answer to that but Unisyn’s Barry Herron is Dominion’s lobbyist for GA.
Along with Bob Urosevich’s ES&S, Unisyn is also one of the voting systems companies certifying the 2020 US election was the safest in history.
How important is this information? If attorneys Rudy Guliani and Sydney Powell don’t have this information yet, it will be vital in court to show the voting machine source code and system was known to be threats to national security in its previous use.
Throughout the rest of this article, I’ll be referring to “background” The Case of the Diebold FTP Site Part of the Voting and Elections web pages by Douglas W. Jones Head of THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science. The reference will be (DWJ). His study which refers to The Johns Hopkins Study On Voting Systems (Hopkins) as well as the SAIC (Science Applications International Corp). These three reports led to the decertification of the previous iteration of Dominion’s source code and software in various states and Dr. Jones has testified before Congress on these specific issues.
I’ll also be referring to the NBC article (NBC), ‘Online and vulnerable’: Experts find nearly three dozen U.S. voting systems connected to internet which shows the problems the same voter software and source code used by Global Elections over 20 years ago is why Dominion Voting Systems/Diebold and ES&S/Diebold are still a national security threat today the same way they were labeled as such 17 years ago.
Lastly, How New Voting Machines Could Hack Our Democracy Jennifer Cohn for the New York Review of Books (NYRB) shows the updated methodology combined with Dominion’s source code makes election fraud easy. Comparing this to the Hopkins study or the paper by (DWG) it’s clear the level of threat election security is facing today.
At every waypoint in the election cycle from certification, planning, voting, absentee and mail-in votes, county reporting on the GEMS (General Election Management Systems), this system provides the means to monitor and change votes in real-time and even during the ballot reporting at the county level.
Throughout its history, whenever Diebold/Dominion’s source code, software, and method were inspected, it was moved under a new corporate logo.
Using Modems for federal elections decertifies voting machines.
The state of Michigan is currently grappling with this issue. Since the 2016 election, Michigan authorized $82 million dollars to upgrade its election systems. Some of that money was spent on tabulators with wireless modems. But now, some state officials worry that the machines may pose a security risk and are pushing to have the modems removed.(NBC)
Some of the companies, agencies, groups, and people certifying the 2020 election as the safest in history represent a who’s who of people to investigate for 2020 election fraud. If one voting system company is looked at under a microscope, more of them will fall soon thereafter.
For Georgia, this means the broken Diebold system Herron replaced with new Dominion machines is the same made to be hacked system Georgia already had with a few new add-ons.
LAN and hard lines
Because hacking into the systems is easy they way Diebold/Dominion set it up, according to (DWG)’s report even the use of LAN and hard lines pose a significant security problem.
Allegation #53 (p. 16):
“Physical access to the voting results may not even be necessary to acquire the voting records if they are transmitted across the Internet.”
Diebold Response:
… Results are not transmitted over the Internet.
My Added Comment:
But we know that result transmission uses telephone, PPP, and a username and password, from Page 14 of the Hopkins report, quoted in Allegation #40. Therefore, it is quite possible that election central will have a LAN connection using Internet protocol, perhaps used to connect a modem bank with a single PC. This LAN may not be as vulnerable as the public Internet, but it is vulnerable to packet snooping and several other attacks, and must therefore be carefully secured. Furthermore, if an adversary can dial into the PPP host and await connections, Trojan horse applications on the voting system could communicate with the adversary using PPP without talking to the GEMS system at all. (DWG)
In its previous iteration under the Diebold logo, access to GEMS was already provided. Using a latent Trojan or latent dynamic code that isn’t detectable during certification or is added later and goes live during the election isn’t just possible with this system. Every door for it happening has been left open for over 22 years of election cycles.
Diebold (now Dominion) made public assurances that GEMS servers were/are not connected to networks despite the fact that some were. If GEMS has a pool of modems it is connected to the telephone system and security depends on how the modems are managed and who is managing them. Telephone networks are considered part of the internet. A GEMS server could be dialed and corrupt data directly. The modem bank can be tunneled through to gain access to the polling places and corrupt election machines directly. (DWG)
That fact alone along with Dominion Voting Systems specifically being the owner of this system is enough to decertify not just the elections Dominion contracted for, but the equipment itself, already long considered a threat to election security.
Intrusion into the General Election Management System (GEMS)
From its inception this election system used 3rd party add-ons. This includes Microsoft Windows OS and Microsoft Office software which depending on the definition used for can be loaded with other COTS (commercial off the shelf 3rd party software).
The problem found with Microsoft components (DWG) is the use of dynamic coding which can be used to change ballot results. From the beginning (1997), Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron insisted this was not subject to a source code audit.
The same Microsoft ACCESS program is shown above to swiftly and undetectably change the audit trail and results is what Diebold/ES&S and Diebold/Dominion demand protection for.
When Diebold (using Dominion’s current source code) was audited by Metamor for the FEC/NASED, they found the security of GEMS and the integrity of the audit trails were compromised because Microsoft Access can easily change that audit trail.
Diebold (now Dominion) convinced Metamor this wasn’t a problem for them because it was up to the customer to secure the election. In other words, they provided the means, training, and support for the crime, but cannot be held liable themselves.
According to (DWG’s report) this was despite the fact that Diebold (now Dominion) was aware that this security was being routinely breached: “Jane (I think it was Jane) did some fancy footwork on the .mdb file in Gaston [county Florida?] recently, I know our dealers do it. King County is famous for it. That’s why we’ve never put a password on the file before.” [See BlackBoxVoting on Diebold’s Internal Memos or Alteration of Audit Log Access.]
While this is damning, it only gets worse. After Diebold’s source code was found on their website and examined, the code for the GEMS system used to manage elections and the Accutouch terminal was found. What became clear to (DWG) is the same code errors he pointed out half a decade earlier to Bob Urosevich and Barry Herron at Global Elections followed them to Diebold and was still in use.
This one point made Dr. Jones call for HYPERLINK “” the decertification of the Diebold (Dominion) system directly after reading the John Hopkins University report.
Mail-in votes
In the (DWJ) report Diebold’s (now Dominion’s) assertion that security loopholes in their voting system is of no importance because customer safeguards prevent exposure.
But, despite supervision in a San Louis Obispo County election, the GEMS system used to accumulate absentee and mail-in ballots were connected to the Diebold FTP site live and the tally of votes was noted midway through the election. For this to be posted on GEMS is normal for any election. How did Diebold comes into possession of this data and post it on their website?
Before the internet existed, sneakernet was the way hacking was done by loading floppy discs or smartcards into the victim’s computer and adding malicious code or software.
We’ve all seen the videos of thumb drives handed off during the 2020 election. The fact they weren’t secured should have decertified the results. Smartcards and thumb drives were noted in (DWG)’s report as a major concern. In 2003, smartcards provided the interface for concern but these machines were not protected against inconspicuous devices like USB flash drives.
The locks on the machines themselves were noted to be so cheap it took no longer than 3 seconds to go past them. Gaining access took a team testing Diebold security 3 guesses to get the password and because Diebold (Dominion) uses the same login system-wide only one password gained supervisor credentials for every machine.
When Diebold/Dominion’s source code was read the researchers discovered a class of Security Key Cards that could be used to change default passwords.
Voting Machines
If it were the case that Diebold’s machinery offered the possibility of a real audit of an election, in the same way that corporate accounting systems are supposed to be auditable, partisan bias on the part of the vendor would not be a problem, but this is not the case with direct-recording voting machines such as the Diebold AccuVote TS. Democrats want election machine firm thrown out, in the Port Clinton News Herald, August 27, 2003 and Voting machine controversy, in the Cleveland Plain Dealer, August 28.](DWG)
Universal Ballot Marking (BMDs)
According to Jennifer Cohn’s article on December 17, 2019 (NYRB), Universal use Ballot Marking Devices or BMDs function as electronic pens, mark your selections on paper on your behalf. Although vendors, election officials, and others often refer to this paper as a “paper ballot,” it differs from a traditional hand-marked paper ballot in that it is marked by a machine, which can be hacked without detection in a manual recount or audit. These pricey and unnecessary systems are sold by opaquely financed vendors who use donations and other gifts to entice election officials to buy them.
These scholars warn that even a robust manual audit, known as a Risk Limiting Audit, cannot detect whether a BMD-marked paper ballot has been hacked. BMDs instead put the burden on voters themselves to detect whether such ballots include fraudulent or erroneous machine marks or omissions—even though studies already show that many voters won’t notice.
Andrew Appel, an election security expert at Princeton University, said Georgia currently “has the least-secure voting machines now of any state” and is right to replace them.
But he said the touchscreen ballot-marking devices and optical scanners of the new system are easily hackable. And the system relies on voters to check their own paper ballots when research shows they do a poor job of it.
Printed-out ballots will include the text of voters’ choices, but scanning machines will read computerized bar codes to count ballots.-AJC
This means the only real audit trail existing today is in the hands of voters when they leave the polling station. The BMD ballot they cast is unreadable barcode. Their ballot can be changed at every point along the way at the voting machine to the GEMS system.
Patches and new software
“The ability to install patches or new software that wasn’t certified has many risks, including the introduction of new bugs and more opportunities for tampering. It is even more risky if different patches can be installed at the last minute in particular jurisdictions,” says David Dill, professor of computer science at Stanford University.
“This opens the possibility of customized tampering by people who know exactly which races they want to affect, or bugs that are even less likely to be caught because they only occur in a small number of locations,” says Dill. “Of course, even if the certified code is frozen, it is easy to think of ways that undetectable back-doors could be installed in the software so that someone at the election site could choose the winner of the election.” -Bev Harris
SAIC Conclusions on Dominion’s source code
The final paragraph of the executive summary of the SAIC report on the Diebold (now Dominion) system is pretty damning. The system is made to compromise. At the time six years had passed from the time the routes of compromise were discovered and Diebold’s system, now owned by Dominion is the same.
The system, as implemented in policy, procedure, and technology, is at high risk of compromise. Application of the listed mitigations will reduce the risk to the system. Any computerized voting system implemented using the present set of policies and procedures would require these same mitigations. [Page V, final paragraph.]
See Risk Assessment Report: Diebold Accuvote-TS Voting System and Processes, SAIC-6099-2003-261, Sept 2, 2003]
Furthermore, since SAIC examined the current certified version of the code, the version number of which was redacted in the body of the text but exposed in Appendix D as, this seriously damages Diebold’s claims that the flaws reported in the Hopkins study were in old code that is not used in real elections.- (DWG)
With an over 20 year history of providing every means of election fraud possible, training people how to do it, making sure elections are hackable, can Dominion or ES&S claim innocence in 2020?
These election vendors have a history that’s mocked in Congress about the bribes they payout to the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS) and other concerned parties.
Because the 2020 election season was Federal, every machine in every county that was hooked up to a modem was decertified for a federal election. In fact, the argument as shown above can be made for every system connected to any form of telephone systems as a backdoor to the internet and hackers.
Every state using the Dominion system ran decertified elections. The states elected to ignore federal election standards.
Can states that did not meet federal rules for elections after adding them into their own election certification requirements be considered legitimate participants in the 2020 election by choosing to ignore their own election standards?
The answer is no.
submitted by Law_And_Politics to anarchogeoism [link] [comments]

Maryland 2020 Voter & Election Information

Voting Day is coming up so I wanted to make a post to inform all Maryland Voters of their rights and who/what they may be voting for.
You must be registered in order to vote. It is better to register to vote before the election starts, to do so: please click this link to register. If you are unsure whether you are registered to vote you can click this link to check your voter registration. You must be registered to vote by October 13th, otherwise you have to do same day registration where you may have a provisional ballot. To do same day voter registration:
You can register to vote on election day by bringing a document showing proof of residency with you to vote. You can register to vote or change an existing voter registration during early voting (October 22 through October 29) by going to an early voting center in the county where you live and bringing a document showing proof of residency. You can give proof of residency by showing the election judge a Maryland driver's license or identification card with your current address or, if you don't have these documents or they don't show your current address, you can show the election judge a paycheck, bank statement, utility bill, or other official document with your name and new address.
If the election judge determines that you are a resident of the county and qualified to register, you will be given a voter authority card to sign, and then issued a regular ballot. Source
Early voting starts on October 22nd and runs until October 29th between 8am and 8pm. To find your early voting polling place, click this link. PDF Warning
You do not need a reason to vote by absentee ballot in Maryland. All residents should receive an absentee ballot application in the mail. This is not the actual absentee ballot, but is just an application to receive an absentee ballot. You may request an absentee ballot with this website if you do not receive an application in the mail. Applications for absentee ballots must be received by Tuesday Oct 27. If you are unable, or uncomfortable about going to a polling place, you should vote via absentee ballot. Once you have sent in your ballot, you can check the status of it via this online lookup tool
Rather than talk about the presidential election, I am going to give an overview of our Maryland-specific issues/candidates below.
There are two ballot measures on the ballot this year:
Ballot Measure What Voting 'Yes' Means What Voting 'No' Means More Information
Maryland Sports Betting Expansion Measure A "yes" vote supports authorizing sports and events wagering at certain licensed facilities with state revenue intended to fund public education. A "no" vote opposes authorizing sports and events wagering at certain licensed facilities. Ballotpedia
Maryland Legislative Authority over State Budget Amendment A "yes" vote supports authorizing the Maryland General Assembly to increase, decrease, or add items to the state budget as long as such measures do not exceed the total proposed budget submitted by the governor. A "no" vote opposes authorizing the Maryland General Assembly to increase, decrease, or add items to the state budget, thereby maintaining that the state legislature can only cut from the budget and not add to it. Ballotpedia
There will be space below to debate or discuss those two issues below.
No US senators from Maryland are up for election this year.
Please discuss the candidates and the ballot measures below. Be civil and give substantial answers for why you are voting for or against any of the following candidates. "Fuck Andy Harris" or "MAGA Trump 2020" does not sway a voter one way or another, explain why you dislike or like the candidates. Low effort comments may be removed from this thread.
House Races
Find your district with this website
District Number Incumbent Challenger(s)
1 Republican Andy Harris Democrat Mia Mason
2 Democrat Dutch Ruppersberger Republican Johnny Ray Salling
3 Democrat John Sarbanes Republican Charles Anthony
4 Democrat Anthony Brown Republican George McDermott
5 Democrat Steny Hoyer Republican Chris Palombi, Unaffiliated Rashad Lloyd
6 Democrat David Trone Republican Neil Parrott, Unaffiliated Peter James
7 Democrat Kweisi Mfume Republican Kim Klacik Independent Amber Ivey, Independent Gary Schuman
8 Democrat Jamie Raskin Republican Gregory Coll
Maryland State Senate and House terms last 4 years and all representatives were elected in 2018 so no Senators are up for election this year.
Baltimore Mayoral Race
Democrat Brandon Scott vs Republican Shannon Wright
Your ballot may have local measures and will have different local politicians up for election. Your districts should release a 'Sample Ballot' once all candidates have been finalized. I will update this post once they are released.
If you notice any issues, wrong information or broken links in this post, please send me a message ASAP so I can correct it.
submitted by langis_on to maryland [link] [comments]

Know Halloween
Halloween or Hallowe'en (a contraction of Hallows' Even or Hallows' Evening), also known as Allhalloween, All Hallows' Eve, or All Saints' Eve, is a celebration observed in many countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.
... the...
Know the ...
It begins the observance of Allhallowtide, the time in the liturgical year dedicated to remembering the dead, including saints (hallows), martyrs, and all the faithful departed.
One theory holds that many Halloween traditions originated from ancient Celtic harvest festivals, particularly the Gaelic festival Samhain, which may have had pagan roots and that Samhain itself was Christianized as Halloween by the early Church
The speed of sound is 343 meters-per-second, which is 1234.8 km/h
Halloween... trick, or treat?
  • "The Witch Sabbath" = 1337 jewish-latin-agrippa | 2407 square | 1,247 eng-ext
  • ... ( "Magic School" = 1337 squares )
Date numerologies: ( Halloween, Oct 31 2020 )
October 31 is the 304th day of the year (305th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 61 days remain until the end of the year.
  • (10) + (31) + (20) + (20) = 81 ( ie. "Wizard" = "Ritual" = 81 alphabetic )
  • (10) + (31) + 2+0+2+0 = 45 ( ie. "Geometry" = 45 reduced )
  • 1+0 + 3+1 + 2+0+2+0 = 9 ( ie. 'witch' and 'broom' )
  • (10) + (31) + (20) = 61 ( ie. matching days left in the year on Oct 31 )
ie. number 9 is a major one, all the above , except for 61, reduce to 9.
Multi-cipher matching.
Here we see how a news agency (ABC News, or an Alphabet Agency) can generate thematic topics for the day of Halloween, using dictionary listings, and results from my custom lexicon files.
Matching the search phrase, 'Halloween', across multiple ciphers simultaneously. Common nouns in italics, proper nouns in standard font (I separate them in those sections with a high number of matches, but they remain mixed together further down). I have bolded some items that catch my eye on first glance, particularly those that match the 'scary' thematic of the day. The list might be further reduced to a manageable set by filtering these results down to those spells whose numbers match the date numerologies of the actual 2020 Halloween (as seen above). At the bottom of the list are primes cipher matches, which arguably might rank above those with multiple matches in other ciphers.
10 matches
No common nouns found.
Proper nouns (only one found):
  • Pondoland ( ie. the ultimate place to have your Witch's Sabbath, numerologically)
8 matches
  • illegally (ie, witch meetings)
Proper nouns:
  • Congolese
  • Kweiyang
  • Malaysian
  • Neverland
Lexicon file matches:
  • Alligator ( ie. dragon )
  • Auslander
  • Human farm
  • Law of Noah
  • Like a Swan
  • Oddworld
  • Shoemaker ( ah! one of my new favourite songs )
7 matches
  • advisably ( ie. it's illegal, but advisable... )
  • ancillary
  • anopheles
  • broadloom ( ie. loom weave )
  • climbdown
  • diglossia
  • dollarise
  • execrably
  • laryngeal ( ie. throat, speech, human voice )
  • razorback
  • screwball
Proper nouns (7 matches):
  • Baltimore
  • Ethelbert
  • European
  • Excalibur
  • Lippmann
  • Lithuania
  • Olympiad
  • Rembrandt
  • Vietcong
  • Welshman ( red dragon standard )
  • Zaragoza
Lexicon file matches (unsorted, 7 matches):
  • Pentagram ( ie. doubtless )
  • of one Mind ( ie. dance and sing together )
  • Carnation
  • I am the hop
6 matches
  • alligator ( ie. dragon )
  • axiomatic ( ie. cores of the system )
  • brainwash ( ie. initiation ritual )
  • brainwave ( ie. how you do it )
  • catchword ( ie. how you do it )
  • crookneck ( ... and don't forget the flail )
  • decompose ( remember the dead, remember )
  • devilry ( self-explanator )
  • fastening ( ie. bindings, enchantments, loosen and unloosen the Fates )
  • flashings ( ie. will 'o wisps )
  • gangplow
  • housemaid ( ie. a witch )
  • humankind
  • kilocycle
  • lodgement
  • marshaler
  • mineshaft ( ie. darkness, mystery, treasure )
  • monomania ( ie. 'One Thing' = 'The Coven' )
  • objectify
  • ochlocrat
  • papilloma
  • shoemaker
  • toothache ( ie. too much sugary treats )
  • valuables ( ie. treats )
  • vandalism ( ie. tricks, chaos )
Proper nouns ( 6 matches )
  • Almighty
  • Babylonian
  • Berkshire
  • Bhutanese
  • Cainozoic
  • Calcuttan
  • Cowpens [ ie. alpha bet @ ox house @ cattle pen ]
  • Crimplene
  • Deepfreeze [ it was a dark and stormy night ]
  • Ethernet [ ie. ether @ magic medium ]
  • Geometric [ ie. indeed ]
  • Honduran
  • Horlicks
  • Illinoian
  • Jessamine
  • Johnson
  • Kalamazoo
  • Kimberly
  • Kurilian
  • Lafayette
  • Margrethe
  • Neolithic [ new stone ]
  • Popsicle [ ie. deepfreeze ]
  • Reuther
  • Reverence
  • Scorpio
  • Slavonic
  • Thurman
  • Whiggism
Lexicon file matches (unsorted, 6 matches):
  • Summit ( ie. a mountaintop meeting )
  • Summ it
  • Fortuna ( O )
  • alligator
  • Robust
  • the blocks
  • Qualcomm
  • The tithe
  • The Signal ( can you hear it, or see it, or hear and see it? )
  • Anamensis
  • Ziltoid
  • brainwash
  • Who am eye
  • human farm
  • dragon oil ( ie. annointing )
  • The shift
  • call forth
  • Thunberg
  • book door
  • Kirinyaga
  • marryable
  • Landerneau
  • Oros man
  • close home
  • Explore
  • neverland
  • Infection
  • The Plague
  • The Ark Eve ( archive, ark hive )
  • hold down
  • weak bones
  • Neolithic
  • Make it real ( ie. magic )
  • Promise
  • Laundry
  • Nintendo
  • End World
  • devilry ( ie. obviously )
  • the insane
  • gentlemen
  • Ilmarinen
  • Good note ( @ Good tone )
  • Epic enter ( @ Epicenter )
  • the signal
  • drink meat
  • Moon boat ( ie. that's no moon, but gather under it anyway )
5 matches
  • alienator ( ie. initiate alone )
  • alignment ( ie. ritual )
  • allegory ( ie. mystery )
  • amenities
  • artisanal
  • autogenic
  • ayatollah
  • binocular ( ie. stereo vision, Hunter's moon )
  • blitheful
  • bombsight
  • bungalow
  • callipers
  • campesino
  • carnation ( ie. coronavirus, carnival nation )
  • cartwheel ( ie. dance! )
  • chipmunk
  • cocooning ( ie. and Mothra steps out )
  • commensal
  • curtained ( ie. veiled )
  • deduction ( ie. figure it out )
  • demotion
  • depressed
  • desirably
  • detection ( ie. Witch-finder Pulsifer )
  • dictation ( ie. 'spell-caster' = 'the orator' = 'great language' = 474 )
  • doohickey
  • doorframe ( ie. portals )
  • effusion
  • emergency
  • emphasise
  • empower ( ie. magic spells ; empower @ empire )
  • empyreal
  • esoterica
  • ethically
  • explicate
  • feelingly
  • flexibly
  • fraternal ( ie. the coven )
  • greyscale
  • heartfelt
  • hereabout
  • hippiedom
  • immigrate ( ie. to fairy land )
  • inclement
  • kitchenet
  • longtime
  • mangrove ( ie. Druid's grove )
  • menfolks
  • millpond
  • moulding ( ie. shape it, shape them )
  • oesophagi ( ie. throat, voice )
  • olfaction
  • omikron
  • palomino
  • parrakeet
  • pentagram ( ie. duh )
  • penumbrae ( ie. shadow )
  • percolate ( ie. bubble, bubble, toil and trouble )
  • phwoor
  • practised ( ie. ritual )
  • printhead
  • ramblings ( ie. toil and trouble )
  • rationale ( ie. it's Halloween )
  • renounce
  • requite
  • respected ( ie. the Master of Ceremonies, Pan )
  • rockery
  • rounder ( ie. dance around the bonfire )
  • sagacious ( ie. the Druids )
  • scaleless ( ie. weightless )
  • sceptered ( ie. empowered )
  • scheduler ( do it on Halloween )
  • scowler ( ie. the disapproving )
  • scratcher ( ie. claws )
  • graffitis
  • skimobile
  • subdivide ( ie. a social distance )
  • unguarded ( ie. because everyone fears you )
  • wandering ( ie. into the woods )
  • wanness
  • writeable ( ie. it is )
  • zenithal ( ie. fly to the moon )
Proper nouns ( 5 matches )
  • Anglophobe
  • Asquith
  • Botswana
  • Bukovina
  • Cozumel
  • Dardanelles
  • Debussy
  • Dumfries
  • Einstein
  • Everett
  • Falstaffian
  • Gomorrah
  • Humboldt
  • Hussein
  • Huxley ( ie. Brave New World )
  • Jacobinism
  • Leninism
  • Lesseps
  • Luoyang
  • Morton
  • Mysore
  • Neptune
  • Paestum
  • Philippi
  • Rosario
  • Sakharov
  • Stygian ( ie. The Netherworld )
  • Suzann
  • Teuton
  • Thimphu
  • Torres
  • Tuesday
  • Ulster
  • Utrecht
  • Waspish
  • Wessex
  • Winton
  • Wroclaw
  • Xerxes
Lexicon file matches ( unsorted, 5 matches ):
  • It is done ( ie. Make it real )
  • The Legion ( ie. of the Underworld )
  • Troupe
  • Brew of God ( ie. in the Cauldron )
  • Tuesday
  • The plans
  • Of the King
  • The King of
  • sagacious
  • no freedom
  • go around
  • the revel
  • A male witch
  • My Birth
  • Notre Dame
  • man grove
  • Flying-V
  • airplanes
  • To make baby
  • emergency
  • lift veil ( of the mystery )
  • Whisky
  • Aeronaut
  • great dune
  • Southbee
  • a wealthy
  • Mongols
  • The Impact
  • Process ( ie. ritual )
  • The Action
  • Glabrous
  • Of One Mind
  • Red Planet
  • the Hawks
  • The Vaper
  • It is Death ( ie. 'scary' )
  • One Church ( ie. Coven )
  • Tongass
  • Plato Cave ( ie. shadow puppets )
  • the flight ( ie. the broom )
  • the winged ( ie. the bats )
  • Mustang
  • The sense ( of mystery )
  • plugged in
  • Man work
  • did not see
  • The enemy
  • Abandon hope
  • Xenobot
  • Xerxes
  • walk cycle
  • the Vats
  • Oropher
  • Botswana
  • Uberlord ( ie. Witch-King )
  • new skin ( snake shed )
  • depressed ( Goth )
  • seize land
  • ear rumble
  • blue is red
  • coronated
  • No Corona
  • Corona On
  • the impact
  • A Covenant
  • wash mask
  • Law of Fire
  • The Embers
  • horn toad
  • the charms
  • no freedom
  • eye in hell
  • Glee Curse
  • red sludge
  • nice treat
  • more folk
  • Sorry
  • Firm Facts
  • Fly six
  • the dewing
  • cowlicks
  • Knight God
  • High Elves ( ie. fairies )
  • More Mold
  • I, Godzilla
  • The Dewing
  • Aye captain
  • Qing Blood
  • dispell me
  • Need Water
  • to blend in
  • The agony
  • allegory
  • burqa bans
  • the comics
  • online god
  • lake woman
  • blood cure
  • long time
  • The Belter
4 matches
  • agonising
  • agronomic
  • alikeness
  • almighty
  • anemically
  • believably
  • bellyful
  • bigmouth
  • blossom
  • brushoff
  • buckteeth
  • casework ( cases of coronavirus )
  • columbaria
  • congeries
  • craftsman
  • criterial
  • criticise
  • crocheter
  • crossbeam
  • crowfeet
  • dangling
  • darkroom
  • deepfreeze
  • delimiter
  • demitasse
  • depiction
  • deskbound
  • detumesce
  • devious
  • dimorphic
  • directive
  • disallow
  • discerner
  • draperies ( curtain, veil, storied hangings )
  • dustpan
  • edibility
  • edifice
  • enactment ( ie. ritual )
  • enzymic
  • epicenter ( ie. the spell-focus )
  • epicentre
  • epileptic
  • epithetic
  • erosion
  • erythema
  • establish ( the coven )
  • etiologic
  • evenings ( the night cometh )
  • explore ( the darkness )
  • extender
  • fanaticism
  • fashioner
  • fatherly
  • flavour
  • flounder
  • foretold ( you are reading it )
  • fragilely
  • furnish
  • geometric
  • grassland
  • heirloom ( ie. altar goods )
  • henhouse ( ie. the Coven )
  • herbarium ( ie. for the brews )
  • hierarchy ( ie. who will lead the ritual? )
  • hipster
  • illusory ( ie. tricks and treats )
  • imperfect ( ie. hence the perfecting )
  • imposer
  • impulse ( ie. spellpower )
  • infection
  • insult
  • interbred ( ie. by Bene Gesserits )
  • intoner ( ie. chant / cant )
  • jessamine
  • kiddingly
  • knuckler
  • lactation
  • lankness
  • laundry ( ie. money magic )
  • leakiness
  • lethally
  • lifebuoy
  • limelight
  • lingering ( .. magic )
  • liveware
  • mainliner
  • mandibular
  • martyr ( ie. remember them )
  • Masters
  • meagerly
  • meagrely
  • medallist
  • methylic
  • mildness
  • milksop
  • mindless ( ie. after the brainwashing )
  • misplay
  • mollusc
  • mutism
  • neolithic
  • neoplasm
  • nightmare
  • noumenal
  • nurser
  • oafishly
  • obsolesce
  • odometer
  • ornery
  • overreach
  • passably
  • pitting
  • pivotal ( ie. aciomatic )
  • pleading
  • pleonasm
  • plethora
  • podiatric
  • politick
  • poolside
  • popery
  • pregnant ( with meaning )
  • premium
  • prescribe ( ie. fore-writ, foretold )
  • preterm
  • promise
  • prudish ( ie. not on Halloween... )
  • pylori
  • recognise
  • recovered ( ie. Celtic cauldron )
  • refashion
  • refection
  • reminisce ( ie. remember them )
  • remodeler
  • repairman
  • retailing
  • retrainee
  • reverence ( ie. remember them, remember it )
  • robust
  • scattered
  • scours
  • semipro
  • shoetree
  • shriven
  • shuffler
  • sixpence
  • skullcap
  • skydive
  • skyline
  • slipper
  • smirky
  • speedily
  • spinner
  • staircase ( ie. Harry Potter )
  • standup
  • steadfast
  • subjacent
  • subvocal ( ie. secret whispers )
  • summit ( ie. climb it, add it up )
  • sunlit ( ie. cast light of it )
  • surging
  • swinger ( ie. Bacchic rites )
  • terracing
  • throbbing ( ie. Drumbeat )
  • tradesman
  • trembly
  • unfearing ( ie. steadfast )
  • unscathed
  • uvular
  • vibraharp
  • villus
  • wetware
  • willful
  • wishbone ( good luck )
Proper nouns ( 4 matches )
  • Attucks
  • Beaujolais
  • Beerbohm
  • Bristol
  • Crockett
  • Dictaphone
  • Docetist
  • Gregory ( ie. GRG @ ChRCh @ Church @ Coven @ Watchers )
  • Guatemalan
  • Hydrus ( ie. the sea and it's serpent )
  • Labradorian
  • Linnaeus ( ie. naming things, categorizing )
  • Lisburn
  • Lushun
  • Machiavelli
  • Islamism
  • Manichaeism
  • Masters
  • Mogadiscio
  • Oshkosh
  • Prairies
  • Sirius
  • Surinam
  • Yvonne
3 matches
  • acclimatise
  • acquainted
  • actually
  • adjacently
  • aeronaut
  • aliquot
  • armoured
  • attempt
  • becoming
  • bespectacled
  • birdshot
  • boorish
  • brindled
  • bullring
  • canoeing
  • Canopus
  • capitalise
  • ceiling
  • cephalopod
  • Champagne
  • champagne
  • chanciness
  • chatoyance
  • chenille
  • choirboy
  • chuckwalla
  • classism
  • clearout
  • clinger
  • coevally
  • coexist
  • confiscate
  • conflux
  • cooktop
  • Cornish
  • cotyledon
  • coupledom
  • crenellate
  • currant
  • cynicism
  • deathwatch
  • dependency
  • designee
  • despiser
  • direness
  • disarray
  • discolor
  • discover
  • dismally
  • disperse
  • document
  • doneness
  • dourly
  • draftily
  • dreaded
  • dressing
  • drywall
  • dysgenic
  • egotist
  • Eminence
  • eminence
  • empress
  • endanger
  • endorsable
  • enhancer
  • enuretic
  • euphoric
  • excuser
  • extinct
  • feminist
  • firewood
  • flaccidness
  • flatfoot
  • flatiron
  • flummery
  • foothold
  • foretop
  • frugalness
  • fusileer
  • gaolbird
  • garbage
  • gathered
  • geodetic
  • gesture
  • glabrous
  • glaring
  • gleaming
  • glosser
  • grammarian
  • grampus
  • gruffly
  • gurgling
  • headphones
  • headwind
  • heatstroke
  • Hellenic
  • highball
  • hockshop
  • holistic
  • hootenanny
  • Horatio
  • humidify
  • illumine
  • inaccurate
  • incalculable
  • inculpable
  • infidel
  • infield
  • inflator
  • injector
  • injurer
  • instill
  • jollily
  • jotting
  • joyride
  • Kemerovo
  • keynote
  • kitschy
  • knucklehead
  • labiodental
  • lacunary
  • legalize
  • leisured
  • leptonic
  • libretti
  • liquefy
  • lorikeet
  • luster
  • lustre
  • matzot
  • meddlesome
  • meddling
  • melanomata
  • misfeasance
  • mismatched
  • moisten
  • monaural
  • monocot
  • morosely
  • mustang
  • mwethya
  • myosin
  • nephrite
  • nettlerash
  • nightly
  • nineties
  • nitrite
  • nitwit
  • nonsalable
  • nonsecular
  • nucleus
  • nuthatch
  • nymphlike
  • obesity
  • obliger
  • olivine
  • omelette
  • ooziness
  • organize
  • osculant
  • overlie
  • paraquat
  • parkway
  • paucity
  • pegboard
  • pfennig
  • phylum
  • plighter
  • polarise
  • ponderer
  • poofter
  • popsock
  • porously
  • poshly
  • potholed
  • pouter
  • preggers
  • process
  • pummelo
  • punning
  • purify
  • reasoner
  • receipts
  • recover
  • relaxant
  • remarriage
  • remodify
  • resort
  • restuff
  • result
  • rewrote
  • richness
  • rifeness
  • rifler
  • roster
  • rustle
  • salinize
  • scooter
  • sedition
  • senores
  • sentimo
  • shadowy
  • Shawnee
  • sherbert
  • shinbone
  • showing
  • shrubby
  • simony
  • sinewy
  • slackening
  • sleazeball
  • slotted
  • sorry
  • sorter
  • splits
  • spookily
  • spouse
  • sprung
  • stolon
  • stoolie
  • stout
  • submenu
  • sufferable
  • summon
  • supper
  • surly
  • sutler
  • synergy
  • tarpaper
  • textile
  • therefor
  • toilful
  • trekking
  • trephine
  • tricycle
  • tripodal
  • Trollope
  • troupe
  • tumbril
  • twiddler
  • twofold
  • twohanded
  • ulster
  • uncaught
  • unholy
  • unruled
  • unwashed
  • Vermeer
  • virtue
  • volute
  • warrant
  • waspish
  • waterman
  • wayside
  • wayward
  • whisky
  • witter
  • workman
  • worst
  • yeasty
  • yessir
  • zesty
  • zoysia
All prime matches
  • abridgement
  • alimony
  • allegation
  • alluvial
  • animator
  • annotate
  • anopheles
  • archaically
  • archenemy
  • asepsis
  • aspirate
  • astatine
  • atypical
  • aviation
  • awayday
  • bacterium
  • Baptist
  • baptist
  • beginnings
  • biopsy
  • boatyard
  • bollocking
  • bookmobile
  • borewell
  • brakeless
  • bravely
  • bulwark
  • busboy
  • butter
  • Canopus
  • castrate
  • catechetics
  • cerebellum
  • chastener
  • chowderheaded
  • cirrus
  • classifiable
  • concerto
  • cortices
  • cricketeer
  • cricketing
  • crotchet
  • Daliesque
  • deathwatch
  • Deepfreeze
  • deepfreeze
  • deferential
  • deftness
  • deliverance
  • demotion
  • diglossia
  • dioptric
  • direness
  • doorframe
  • driveler
  • duster
  • eagerness
  • effusion
  • effusive
  • Empedocles
  • equipped
  • equitable
  • eradicator
  • Erfurt
  • estival
  • estranged
  • ethicist
  • exocrine
  • eyewash
  • fanaticism
  • fastening
  • fireless
  • focussed
  • fruitcake
  • gallows
  • gauzy
  • gawkily
  • generalised
  • Geronimo
  • getout
  • greenfly
  • gripping
  • haemoglobin
  • harasser
  • headwaiter
  • heartsick
  • henhouse
  • Hertford
  • highbrowed
  • Himalayas
  • Hitlerian
  • Honour
  • honour
  • Horlicks
  • housemaid
  • ignition
  • immigrate
  • inflexible
  • injector
  • innuendo
  • invincible
  • ionizable
  • Istrian
  • jingoism
  • jotter
  • kronor
  • ladyboy
  • leisured
  • leptonic
  • lessor
  • likeness
  • logistic
  • longtime
  • lyrics
  • magnetite
  • Mahratti
  • mainmast
  • malefactor
  • marbleize
  • Margery
  • Marseille
  • Maryland
  • massive
  • menfolks
  • merchandise
  • Merlyn
  • mineshaft
  • moiety
  • Moscow
  • muntjak
  • newsman
  • Orkney
  • overlap
  • paisley
  • parasite
  • pasty
  • Patsy
  • patsy
  • Pegasus
  • pewter
  • peyote
  • phyllo
  • piquet
  • Piraeus
  • placeholder
  • plumbing
  • Polaris
  • politick
  • precollege
  • prescience
  • primula
  • printhead
  • Ptolemaic
  • punchy
  • puttee
  • Realtor
  • realtor
  • reckless
  • referrer
  • regulated
  • relator
  • remarriage
  • remembrance
  • resonance
  • revers
  • rhymer
  • risers
  • rocailles
  • rusted
  • Samnium
  • sawmill
  • scrotal
  • seasonable
  • Semtex
  • semtex
  • server
  • severance
  • sgraffiti
  • shifty
  • shoemaker
  • simoniacal
  • smelly
  • snapper
  • snorer
  • soundable
  • spacecraft
  • splosh
  • standby
  • stridden
  • sulphide
  • swayback
  • synagog
  • tarrier
  • tebibyte
  • telecoms
  • tessera
  • theistic
  • thinly
  • treadmill
  • trendy
  • twohanded
  • unclosed
  • upraise
  • urbanised
  • victual
  • Vulgate
  • vulgate
  • Wampanoag
  • wandering
  • warring
  • wayside
  • Whiggism
  • wuss
This post posted at 4:54 am UTC
Blade Runner 2049 — 'Wallace'
  • "The Halloween Revelation" = 776 primes | 1998 tri | 3,747 sq | 249 alphabetic
  • "Halloween Code" = 360 primes | 1111 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The Halloween Code" = 1,224 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. ( "Know Corona" = 1,224 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. .. ( "Corona" = 224 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • "A=1: on Halloween" = 1776 squares
Uh-Oh. Russia's Laptev Sea Should Have Started to Freeze by Now
Normally, the 'birthplace of ice' freezes by late October. For the first time in recorded history, it hasn't. That could have knock-on effects across the Arctic.
  • "Started to freeze" = 616 primes
  • ... ( "Perfect number" = 616 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. ( "Number" = 616 trigonal )
  • "Laptev Sea" = "The Number" = 333 primes
  • .. ( "The birthplace of ice" = 474 jewish-latin-agrippa ) ( "Numerology" = 474 primes )
  • ... .. ( "The knock-on effects across the Arctic" = 2,474 square )
  • "Freeze a Laptev" = 1,618 english-extended
  • .. "Freeze a Lapteve" = 474 primes
  • .. "Freeze a Lapped Eve" = 474 primes
  • .. .. .. "Freeze Lapteve" = 1492 jewish-latin-agrippa
The coronavirus pandemic was declared 3/11
  • "Hello. Wine?" = 311 primes
  • "The Romance" = 311 primes
  • "Sorcerer" = 393 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • .. "To Date the Witch" = 1,393 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • ... ( "The Root" = "Tradition" = 393 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... ( "Accurate" = "Count" = 393 jewish-latin-agrippa )
  • ... .. ( "Accountancy" = 393 primes )
  • ... .. .. [ "Count each Moon" = 1,166 trigonal | 454 primes ]
  • ... .. .. [ "Decryption Key" = 1,166 jewish-latin-agrippa ]
Uh-Oh. Russia's Laptev Sea Should Have Started to Freeze by Now
In Godzilla: The Planet Eater, the third part of an animated trilogy, Ghidorah is depicted as an evolved entity from a universe with different physical laws that are worshiped by the Exif, who he influenced to become nihilists upon mastering advanced Gematron mathematics.
  • "Know Witch" = 2020 jewish-latin-agrippa
  • .. ( "To Gather Under the Moon" = 2020 trigonal )
Moondance & Passion and the Opera
NIGHTWISH | Live In Buenos Aires [Full Concert],_by_Luis_Ricardo_Falero.jpg
submitted by Orpherischt to GeometersOfHistory [link] [comments]

Sub Survey Results!!

Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey! I was hoping to get some insight into what's bringing people here and how we can improve, and I think we mostly met that goal! You can go on a deep dive into the results below.
In general, people come here because of the sense of community and how nice everyone is. Ways we can improve: more engagement with each other and with the band (I lost count of how many people asked for Rian's AMA lol). The mods will work on what we want to do with some of these ideas and go from there.
81 people filled out the survey. Last year, we had 65 responses. I linked the results to the last survey, but I have not yet gone through to see what's similar and what's different.
Disclaimer #1: Some comments were lightly edited for clarify or spelling.
Disclaimer #2: Next time I think I want to do a survey, someone please remind me how much freaking work it is to put all the data together.
Disclaimer #3: My comments are in bold, as are the top selections for each category. I was a little sassy.
Reminder: There are controversial opinions about the band and normal song opinions. You're welcome to respond to anything but remember to be nice and respectful. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and mostly everyone is here because of how welcoming the community is.



State (if in US)

All-Time Stats

How Long Have You Been Listening to ATL?
First Album/EP You Listened To?
Where Does ATL Fit Into Your Favorite Bands?
How Many Times Have You Seen ATL Live?
Do you watch/listen to Crash Test Live/Full Frontal?


Favorite Album/EP?
Least Favorite Album/EP

Favorite Song
Least Favorite Song
Favorite Opener - this band has some great openers. I went with Reckless but it was hard to choose!
Favorite Closer
Favorite Part of ATL
Least Favorite Part of ATL - this is why we're all reading this post, right?
Favorite B-Side
Favorite Song to Hear Live
Least Favorite Song to Hear Live
Dream song to hear live that they WILL NOT PLAY?
Do you have a favorite member?
Wow us with your controversial opinions/hot takes: or is it THIS section we're all here for?

Sub Feedback

How long have you been subscribed to alltimelow?

How often do you come here?
What other subs do you frequent? I took out all the because that seemed super spammy
What other fan spaces do you use? (To interact with other fans, not to follow the band/members)
If you use other spaces, how does the sub compare?
What do you like about the sub?
How could we improve?
What would you like to see on the sub for content/activity?
Anything You Want To Add?
submitted by jg429 to alltimelow [link] [comments]

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