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Some common gender myths and their rebuttals

It seems like the same discussions come up around Reddit a lot, so I figured I'd gather up some common topics, and their rebuttals.
Many of these arguments can be expanded with more points and sources but I'm trying to keep this as compact and to the point as possible.

Myth 1: "Sexism against men is never institutional or systematic"

Many forms of sexism and discrimination against men are explicitly institutionalized or systemic in society.
Examples include police violence, court biases, incarceration, child custody discrimination, military service, educational biases, health research and spending, insurance, housing discrimination, reproductive rights, bodily autonomy rights, and many others.
The widespread ignorance and denialism around these issues can itself be interpreted as a form of systemic discrimination against men as well.
Note that some of these are institutional because they boil down to statutory legal rights which exist in the realm of government policy and administration. And the government is obviously an institution.

Myth 2: "Most politicians and CEOs are men, and this has led to a society that privileges men and disenfranchises women"

The fact that many positions of formal power are occupied by men does not translate into measurable privileges for the average man.
The assumption this is based on is the idea that men have an in-group bias and prefer other men over women.
Which is an idea that has been debunked over and over again in the academic literature. The gender bias among men is almost zero, and sometimes manifests as an out-group bias sightly in favor of women, not other men.
In-group bisses do exist among women though. In fact some research has found evidence for very strong gender biases among women. Including when it comes to educators, bosses, and hiring managers. Women in formal positions of power do actually seem to prefer other women over men, in much the same way that men are accused of behaving. So maybe this is just projection: people who themselves have gender biases assume that everyone else does as well.

Myth 3: "Women were uniquely oppressed in history compared to men"

Much like today, sexism in history was often two sides of the same coin. If it was unfair that women had to stay home and take care of their children then it was also unfair that men had to work long hours outside the comfort of their homes. Many people try to equate sexism to the history of racism, as if men were unilaterally oppressing women for their own benefit. And that's simply not an accurate view of history (nor is it a very healthy belief to have).
Gender norms were often unfair to women. But for most of history, women could own property, get divorced (where they usually took most of their husband's money), run businesses, and even be heads of state. Many large empires were ran by women, for example.
The reality of the situation though is that pregnancy (and breastfeeding) often dictated the need for women to have men supporting them. Birth control and baby formula didn't exist. So your options were basically abstinence, or marriage. Which was the same choice that men also had.
"What about voting rights?"
Voting rights were historically tied to military service and the draft. It was never something that men got "for free" just for being men.
In England, most men couldn't vote until 1918, and that was only because they instituted a draft for all men during WWI.
Women aged 30 and older were also given the right to vote in 1918, and this came without the same obligation to serve in the military that men had. Women over 21 were given voting rights just 10 years later in 1928, which was the same age that men could vote. And that temporary age difference had a practical purposes: so many men died in WW1 that there was a need to even out the gender ratio.
So men have been allowed to vote for a whopping 10 years longer than women, at most. And that was only because of the mass, involuntary slaughter that they experienced around the world during WW1.
Other obligations that men had were paying taxes, attending caucuses, and signing up for bucket bridges to fight fires.
It took a few decades in some parts of the world for people to decide that it was fair for women to be able to vote without giving anything back to the state, but I think it's important to understand the context here. It wasn't misogyny or oppression but political theory. Specifically the question of whether or not it was fair to give women voting rights without equivalent responsibilities that were required from men (something known as a moral hazard, and that can be contextualized as "female privilege also sometimes harming women").
See also:

Myth 4: "Domestic violence and sexual assault are primarily women's issues"

Domestic violence and sexual assault affects everyone, and at nearly identical rates between men and women.
In the US, roughly 37.3% of women have been victims of domestic violence, stalking, sexual harassment, and sexual abuse. Including 1.4 million women who experience sexual assault annually.
For men that same figure is 30.9%. Including 1.7 million men who experience sexually assault annually (defined as "made to penetrate"). The vast majority of these men are also victimized by women, not by "other men" (which is another myth).
This pattern is similar across the world, including in poor and underdeveloped nations (see here for a collection of studies), and is consistent with a wide range of research demonstrating "gender parity" between men and women for this topic.
It's also not true that there's a significant difference in severity between male and female victims. Around 66% of intimate partner homicides do have women as victims (which is hardly a staggering majority), but when you include intimate partner related suicide deaths (including assisted suicides), a greater number of men are killed because of domestic violence than women. These statistic also ignore the fact that lesbian relationships are more violent than heterosexual and gay male relationships. Which inflates these numbers and doesn't necessarily back up the idea that women are being uniquely victimized by men.
We should obviously work to fight against abuse in any form, but our current, gendered approach to this doesn't seem to be helping very much. It is also commonly used as an excuse for misandry. Many people who discuss abuse against women do not actually care about female victims. All they care about is advancing a culture of hatred and sexism against men.
See also:
"But women are afraid to walk down dark alleyways at night!"
As they should. And as do men. Most violent crime targets men. And fear is subjective. This is hardly evidence of some kind of unique oppression against women (at least one that doesn't also affect men), and it ignores the fact that men are usually afraid of finding themselves in those same situations as well.
Men are stronger and more capable of defending themselves so I wouldn't blame someone for having gendered views or assumptions here. But let's try not to minimize male victimization or blame it on things like "male oppression".

Myth 5: "False allegations are extremely rare"

Multiple studies have found alarmingly high rates of false allegations in society.
As many as 1 in 7 men have been falsely accused at some point in their life, and they often have to live with those allegations even after proving their innocence.
In addition, around 1 in 20 women have also been falsely accused at some point during their life.
False allegations are particularly common when it comes to child custody and divorce, where well over half of all allegations have been estimated to be false. There is also a common racial element that targets minority men. Especially in history during the era of lynchings in the US.
See also:

Myth 6: "Men commit suicide more often than women, but women still attempt suicide more often than men"

This idea has its origins with faulty hospital reporting which lumps suicide attempts in with self-harm (which is something that's more common among women). Women are also more likely to report their suicide attempts than men. And even if this statistic were accurate, it ignores the obvious fact that a suicide survivor can attempt again, thus artificially inflating this statistic.
The fact is, most suicid deaths are men, and most evidence points to there being more unique attempts by men. Any evidence that men are "better" at it than women has been interpreted as evidence for greater motivation of success, due to the very same factors that lead them to attempt suicide to begin with. Not as evidence that women are somehow attempting suicide at rates similar to men in the background.
See also:

Myth 7: "Men make more money because of their gender, and this is evidence of male privilege"

Existing gender norms encourage men to earn money in order to meet the financial demands that are placed on them by women.
This causes them to work harder and sacrifice more for their careers than women. Which they do in part because their income is tied to how successful they are with women, and whether or not they qualify as "marriage material".
The wage gap is therefore an example of a gender norm that harms men just as much as it does women.
92% of workplace deaths are men. Men work on average an extra 4 to 10 hours a week (depending on your source) than women. They start working at a younger age (often skirting child labor laws). They retire later (which is also during their peak earning years). And they die sooner than women. Men have worse health outcomes than women and that's largely because of the pressures that society puts on them to be successful and earn money to spend on women.
This is the other side of the wage gap that is equally as important, and that is equally as harmfully to men as it is to women. And it's really just the tip of the iceberg.
In many ways the wage gap is just a reflection of the financial exploitation of men in society. Which is facilitated by things like hypergamy and unfair marriage and divorce practices.
See also:

Myth 8: "Men don't go to the doctor because of toxic masculinity"

The main reason that men sometimes don't seek help is a lack of time to see a doctor.
Men work longer hours than women at jobs that are less flexible, and more stressful, than jobs that women usually work at. Men overall engage in an extra hour of paid and unpaid labor per day compared to women, and an extra 45 minutes commuting to jobs that are further away. Meaning men on average have quite a bit less free time to go see a doctor than women do.
This is also something that changes during retirement: retired men are just as likely to go to the doctor as retired women.
A general lack of help and support, especially financial support, for men who need medical help also contributes to this. There is a myth that men are better taken care of than women which has resulted in gendered policies that help women, but exclude men. Even though it's men who often need that help more.

Myth 9: "Men don't speak up about sexism as much as women, so it's obviously not as big of an issue"

This is because people are less likely to care or listen to them. In part because many men who do speak up are silenced and accused of being misogynistic. A situation known as testimonial injustice or epistemic oppression.
Men are told to keep quiet and many end up internalizing the idea that only women can be discriminated against, since this is what society tells us to believe. Instead, men often adopt different terminology when they discuss gender issues. Like referring to differences in treatment between men and women as "double standards" instead of sexism or discrimination.

Myth 10: "Most men's issues are caused by men themselves"

Most men's issues are caused by gender norms and those gender norms are enforced by women just as much as they are by men.
Men's issues are often just one side of the coin, and usually reflect disadvantages that women face as well.
One of the biggest gender norms in society is hypergamy, or the tendency for women to try to marry up, and for men to marry down. And this gender norm is mostly enforced by women, not by men.
Two other gender norm that are enforced by women is the providership gender norm, and the childcare gender norm. Which also causes women to perform more unpaid work and earn less money than men in the labor market.
A fourth gender norm that is enforced by women more than men is the "boys don't cry bias". Which is mainly instilled in young boys by their mothers and by female school teachers. In fact, fathers and male school teachers actually fight against this gender norm.
See also:

Myth 11: "Toxic masculinity is harming men and their mental health"

The concept of toxic masculinity has never been empirically tested, and some research questions the validity of it in the context of psychology and mental health.
Even if you do think it is valid though, it is still commonly used in a way that is sexist and hateful torwards men.
In recent years it has become associated with female supremacy, feminist hostility towards men, and misandry in general. And as a result, the vast majority of men find the term to be sexist and offensive.
Men who identify with traditional masculine values have greater self-esteem, better mental health, better relationships with women, and are usually better educated than men who are opposed to masculinity or who accept feminist views about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
The key to better mental health for men might therefore be an embracement of masculinity, not a shunning of it. Instead of trying to redefine masculinity, we should work to understand it better, and offer men better services based on an honest acknowledgement that men's and women's mental health might require different approaches.
Men are not "defective women", and treating men's mental health in that context does not seem to be working very well.

Myth 12: "Most men's activists just hate women or are opposed to feminism. They don't really care about men."

This rhetoric is normally used to silence the voices of men (and women) who support men's rights and prevent them from expressing themselves. Which makes it another example of testimonial injustice or epistemic oppression.
The fact is that many people do care about men's issues, and that's why they become MRAs. Feminism does get discussed in the men's movement, but there are a couple reasons for that:
  1. Many feminists, "radical" or otherwise, have advocated against men and have even pushed for public policy in ways that are harmful to men or discriminates against men. Feminists themselves tend to not fight against this, meaning it's often up to MRAs to address it.
  2. Many MRAs are themselves current or ex-feminists who were ostracized for daring to take the feminist rhetoric about "also caring about men" a little too seriously.
Warren Farrell is a great example of this. He used to be on the board of directors for NOW, the world's largest feminist organization.
And then he said that we need to work on child custody equality and reproductive rights for men. Topics that he assumed should fall under the umbrella of feminism since they are issues pertaining to gender equality. Instead of agreeing with him though, he ended up being excommunicated from the feminist movement. And now he's often regarded as the "father of the modern men's movement" for carrying on his advocacy outside of feminism.
The problem that many MRAs have with feminism is that it usually stops half way when advocating for gender equality.
So sometimes what MRAs are doing is just taking it the rest of the way towards actual gender equality. Our frustration with feminists comes from the fact that they refuse to see this as valid (or do it themselves to begin with).
See also:

Myth 13: "Men don't receive custody of their children because they're bad fathers and don't bother requesting custody"

Academic research simply does not back this up. The only study that ever found something like this was discovered to be purposefully fraudulent, although that hasn't stopped people from trying to repeat this. The fact is that men are widely discriminated against on numerous different fronts when it comes to child custody and other areas involving family court law.
Note also how hateful this rhetoric is. This is the kind of stuff that you find repeated by feminists, and it simply doesn't treat this topic in a fair and honest manner. Fathers love their children and many fight tooth and nail just to get a few hours a week to spend with them. The system is broken and it represents a grave social injustice that is deeply unfair to fathers and their children.
See also:

Myth 14: "Most child abusers are men"

A majority of child abuse is actually committed by women, and especially by mothers. This is even more true when you include emotional abuse and neglect instead of just physical abuse.
By some metrics, the biological father is the safest person for a child to be with. This is because when men do abuse children, it often happens while under the custody of the mother. Who is sometimes complicit in the abuse or even encourages it.
Close to half of child abductors and traffickers are also women, not men. And many of their victims are boys. Boys face sexual abuse and are also used for forced labor and organ harvesting. They are less likely to survive or escape, are less likely to be reported on or identified, and they suffer from higher rates of abuse than girls who are trafficked.
And yet very little attention is given to this. Missing boys, and especially missing minority boys, are often ignored by society and the media. To the point that people often assume that most of the victims are girls. Something which is known as the missing white woman syndrome (although in Canada there is a lot of attention given to missing indigenous women, even though 71% of missing indigenous people are men and boys).
Note that I'm not saying these things to attack women, imply that they shouldn't receive custody, or to downplay the plight of girls. Which is a lot more than you can say about people who try to paint men as the villains in this picture. We should however be fair about what the facts are, and give male victimization, including victimization by women, the attention that it deserves.
Fair is fair and equal is equal. Gender equality will never be fixed if we refuse to look at both sides of the coin. We need to be honest about what the problems are, and stop ignoring them when they involve men, fathers, and boys.
submitted by Oncefa2 to MensRights [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Trump's "Election Defense" slush fund rakes in $170 million

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
NOTE: Some important news that would be in this post is going into a separate special post tomorrow! So if you notice something is missing, that's why - check back tomorrow (edit: or maybe Thursday, not sure how much I can get done today on second thought)


President Trump pardoned his former national security adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday, excusing him from charges of lying to the FBI in 2017. While Flynn’s flip-flop plea change and AG Barr’s intervention got the most news coverage, we should focus on the origin of the case itself: the lie. Flynn lied about his contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak not to protect himself, but to protect Trump.
  • There was nothing illegal about talking to Kislyak before the new administration took control; Flynn had no liability. Trump’s murky history with Russia, backroom meetings, and deals for dirt on opponents put him at risk. In return for lying to protect him, Trump pardoned Flynn. Keep in mind, Michael Cohen has yet to receive a similar pardon (and likely will not, as he stopped lying for Trump.)
  • While he was never charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent, Flynn’s role in a scheme to advance Turkey’s interests are arguably worse than lying to federal agents. In response to revelations that he was a paid asset of a foreign government while serving as National Security Advisor, Judge Emmett Sullivan declared: "Arguably, you sold your country out."
The text of the pardon was released on Monday in DOJ court filing seeking to dismiss the criminal case against Flynn. The specific language absolves Flynn of "any and all possible offenses arising from the facts set forth ... or that might arise, or be charged, claimed or asserted" based on “facts and circumstances, known to, identified by, or in any manner related to the investigation of the Special Counsel.”
Trump is reportedly considering pardons for other associates...and perhaps for himself. Others who could be under consideration are George Papadopoulos and Paul Manafort. Trump has been asking aides since 2017 about whether he can self-pardon and even brought up whether he could issue pardons pre-emptively for things people could be charged with in the future.
Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has been pushing Trump to issue pardons to a wide variety of people, including Joe Exotic. Gaetz took to Fox News to exclaim that Trump should “pardon everyone, from himself to his administration officials to Joe Exotic” to combat “radical left bloodlust.”
  • Representatives for Joe Exotic have been chasing a pardon since April, when in a coronavirus briefing Trump suggested that he would “take a look” into the case. His advocates have made appeals to Don Jr. and Jared Kushner, appeared on Fox News, and spent $10,000 at the Trump International Hotel in DC in a bid to get Trump’s attention.
UPDATE: The New York Times reports that Rudy Giuliani has "discussed with the president as recently as last week the possibility of receiving a pre-emptive pardon before Mr. Trump leaves office."

Court cases

A lawsuit accusing Trump associate Felix Sater of laundering millions of money from a Kazakh bank through Trump Organization properties was allowed to advance on Monday. In the next step, the Kazakh entities bringing the case must present evidence showing the Sater defendants’ deceptive conduct and their justifiable reliance on that conduct.
Yesterday, the Supreme Court heard arguments in the Trump administration’s attempt to exclude undocumented immigrants from census apportionment. Overall, the justices seemed skeptical of the plan, with even Barrett and Kavanaugh pointing out that the Constitution’s apportionment clause leaves little wiggle room. However, Chief Justice Roberts and conservative Justice Alito advocated they delay ruling on the case until the Census Bureau acts in January.
The Supreme Court voted 5-4 in favor of an injunction blocking coronavirus restrictions imposed on religious gatherings in New York. Trump’s impact on the highest court is now crystal clear, with Chief Justice Roberts in the minority alongside the liberal justices. Amy Coney Barrett joined the conservative justices, including Trump’s two other appointees Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
Justices Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan: ”Justices of this Court play a deadly game in second-guessing the expert judgment of health officials about the environments in which a contagious virus, now infecting a million Americans each week, spreads most easily."
  • The cases under review were brought by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Agudath Israel of America, an Orthodox Jewish group. The restrictions at issue limited attendance to 10 or 25 worshipers in the most dangerous zones.
  • The next day, Pope Francis published an op-ed in the New York Times praising medical workers and criticizing groups protesting Covid-19 restrictions. “Looking to the common good is much more than the sum of what is good for individuals. It means having a regard for all citizens and seeking to respond effectively to the needs of the least fortunate,” the Pope wrote.
Indiana Attorney General Curtis Hill asked the Supreme Court to take on a case that could strip same-sex couples of their equal parenting rights. A three-judge panel for the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals appears to have delayed issuing a decision on the case until the Supreme Court signaled an interest in taking it up. Now, with a conservative majority, SCOTUS is considering the request.
The Justice Department filed an appeal of a lower court ruling that it may not intervene in the defamation lawsuit brought by E. Jean Carroll against the president. Last month, SDNY Judge Lewis Kaplan rejected the DOJ’s attempt to replace Trump in the lawsuit, writing that “the allegations have no relationship to the official business of the United States.” If the DOJ is successful, the case would likely be dismissed because the government cannot be sued for defamation.

Election shenanigans

The Trump campaign paid $3 million of its donor money to the Wisconsin Elections Commission for recounts in two counties in the state, Milwaukee and Dane. As a result, the counties discovered a net increase of 87 votes for Biden, adding to his already sizable lead in the state. At 11 a.m. (eastern) today, Wisconsin will certify its election results (stream).
On Friday, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals rejected the Trump campaign’s latest attempt to stop the certification of the voting results in Pennsylvania. The ruling, written by Trump appointee Stephanos Bibas, thoroughly repudiated Trump’s argument: “calling an election unfair does not make it so...Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court on Saturday dismissed with prejudice a lawsuit brought by Trump ally U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and other Republicans challenging the state’s vote-by-mail system. The court ruled that it was far too late to file such a lawsuit, noting the absentee voting procedures had been established last year.
A venture capitalist has sued a pro-Trump group for the return of $2.5 million he donated to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Fred Eshelman, the owner of the healthcare-focused investment company Eshelman Ventures LLC, claims True the Vote promised to file lawsuits in seven battleground states to challenge the election results. Instead, the group dropped lawsuits and did not respond to Eshelman’s communications.
Trump has raised about $170 million since Election Day as his campaign operation continues to inundate supporters with fundraising emails to file election challenges… despite losing almost all of his court cases. The first 75 percent of every contribution currently goes to a new political action committee that Mr. Trump set up in mid-November, Save America, which can be used to fund his political activities going forward, including staff and travel. The other 25 percent of each donation is directed to the Republican National Committee.
Republicans are worried that pro-Trump conspiracists are demoralizing Georgia voters and may cost them control of the Senate. Trump himself has accused the Republican state leaders of election fraud and thrown doubt on the integrity of the voting system. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel met with voters over the weekend and confronted the reality firsthand:
One person demanded to know why the RNC wasn’t investigating accusations about voting machines that supposedly changed votes or counted votes that weren’t there. When McDaniel said that “the evidence wasn’t there” for voting irregularities, the crowd got surly, according to CNN correspondent Ryan Nobles, shouting things like “Kemp is a crook!”
A supporter asks why the RNC is not looking into the allegations with the voting machines. McDaniel stated flatly there is no evidence of that. Then someone asks why they should vote in this election when it’s “already decided” (clip).
Trump campaign lawyer Joe DiGenova said the former head of US election security "should be drawn and quartered. Taken out at dawn and shot.” DiGenova made the remark about Krebs on The Howie Carr Show, a podcast shown on YouTube and the Trump-allied Newsmax TV, on Monday. This morning, Krebs said he is considering taking legal action against DiGenova for the apparent death threat.


YouTube temporarily suspended One America News Network from posting new videos last week for violating its COVID-19 misinformation policy. YouTube has a three-strikes policy before an account is terminated. This is OANN's first strike, but it has violated the platform's COVID-19 misinformation policy before.
House Democrats subpoenaed an ICE detention facility last week after it refused to hand over documents related to allegations of medical abuse and Covid safety hazards. LaSalle Corrections, which runs the Irwin County Detention Center, has been under investigation since September, when reports surfaced that women held at the detention center underwent sterilizations without their consent.
Republicans in Ohio want to expand the state’s “stand your ground” laws and cut down on gun restrictions, just a week after proposing legislation that would crack down on protests.
El Paso has hired legal counsel to help it collect the more than half a million dollars owed to the city by the Trump campaign from a rally almost two years ago. The city is struggling to fight the pandemic amidst budget shortfalls and a lack of federal funding.
The Texas attorney general's office has fired the last remaining whistleblower who alleged Ken Paxton broke the law in doing favors for a political donor — just days after aides had sued the agency alleging they suffered retaliation for making the report.
The House of Representatives paid $850,000 this year to settle wrongful termination claims by five Pakistani-American technology specialists, after a set of routine workplace allegations against them morphed into fodder for right-wing conspiracy theories amplified by President Trump.
In 2018, Mr. Trump stood next to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia at a now-infamous news conference in Helsinki, and implied that one of the employees involved in the House case — a “Pakistani gentleman,” he said — could have been responsible for stealing emails of Democratic officials leaked during the 2016 campaign. His own intelligence agencies had concluded that the stolen emails were part of an election interference campaign ordered by Moscow.
“It is tragic and outrageous the way right-wing media and Republicans all the way up to President Trump attempted to destroy the lives of an immigrant Muslim-American family based on scurrilous allegations,” said Representative Ted Deutch, Democrat of Florida, who had employed Mr. Awan and is chairman of the Ethics Committee.
submitted by rusticgorilla to Keep_Track [link] [comments]

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update February 3, 2021

Notes and Highlights of Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear’s Live Update February 3, 2021
Notes by mr_tyler_durden and Daily Update Team
Watch here:
Full Notes
(continued in stickied comment)
submitted by mr_tyler_durden to Coronavirus_KY [link] [comments]


HACCP Certification is the abstract of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point helps in determining the risk or hazards in the food safety throughout the supply chain. HACCP Plan is an internationally accepted plan to recognize a risk-based system. This helps in managing the manufacturing process,0 preparation, packaging, distribution of the food. This system is designed to prevent, control, monitor, reduce or eliminate the risk of hazards (microbial, chemical, or physical) from raw material to finished products. Certification to HACCP helps the business to reduce the risk of producing unsafe productions and bring transparency in the process. HACCP plan is the preventive process to produce safe products. The HACCP is a system ensuring CCPs are in the streamline with the standard guidelines. Adoption of the HACCP Plan helps in analyzing and formulating the CL (Critical Limits) for each product as per their standard requirements. HACCP management team helps in coping with the errors or the new dangers arising in the process and production of the food pathogens and poisoning due to changes in the habit of production or consumption. BENEFITS OF HACCP CERTIFICATION
Better execution of the HACCP plan helps in better results for the organization in terms of monetary. It helps in achieving several benefits to the organization as well as to others in the process. The main benefits of HACCP are:
Saves your business in the long run in the market
Avoids food damage and recalls
Food Safety Management System gets into a streamline
Ensures compliance by the law
Food poisoning decreases
Organizes the Critical Limits at an earlier stage
Organizes the teamwork in the organization
Due diligence in the court
Other Benefits are:
  • Long term cost savings
  • ensure increased business profitability
  • Cuts all risks of health hazards
  • Increases the food safety practices
  • Helps build efficiency within the workplace
  • HACCP records are a legitimate if worst cases
  • HACCP procedures combine with other types of systems in food businesses
Also check HACCP Certification
HACCP follows the procedures based on the Principles of HACCP to identify and control any hazards that could pose a danger to the preparation of safe food. It helps you to:
  • Identify what can go wrong?
  • Identify what actions to implement corrective plans?
  • How to ensure the corrective actions?
  • What records or documentation are required?
Answering these questions helps in complying with the requirement of the HACCP Plan.
  • Conduct Product testing if any hazard or risk involved
  • Scrutiny of requirements as per the compliance of the standard
  • Application for a certificate for achieving HACCP Certification
  • Carry out inspection all CPPs are verified
  • Evaluation of the product
  • Verify product safety and quality for usage by customers
  • Take enforcement actions (if any required)
  • Make quality enhancement (if need arises)
  • Conduct Internal audit
  • Testing of products and safety by the third party
  • Closure of observations
  • Evaluation of the product
The requirements are based on the Seven Principles of HACCP.
The initial step to ensure HACCP Certification is to precisely identify the risk and hazards involved in the food products (if any). To comply with the guidelines of the standard an organization needs to keep certain documentation and records of data as required:
  • Name of the product
  • Brief description of the product
  • Ingredients use in the process
  • Nutritional value Chart (Per 100gm)
  • Manufacturing and Expiry date
  • Storage conditions
  • Manufacturer Details
Also Check HACCP Certification in Sri Lanka
To make the HACCP Certification process simple and quick. Hiring a consultant will guide you and your business through the following steps to achieve HACCP Certification by providing
  1. Gap Analysis
  2. Training
  3. Testing
  4. Documentation & Test Report
  5. Process Audit
  6. External Audit
  7. Certification and beyond
submitted by Abhishekbediskar122 to u/Abhishekbediskar122 [link] [comments]

Europe's 5 digital health trends to watch in 2021, according to investors

Europe's 5 digital health trends to watch in 2021, according to investors

Image: Unsplash - Owen Beard
Interest and investment in European healthtech is booming. The (often archaic) health industry has adopted new technology like never before — from digital screening and diagnostics apps to patient engagement platforms and hardware.
Healthtech startups have attracted new users in droves, and the sector saw a $750m investment increase from 2019 to 2020, making it a record year for the sector.
But what will 2021 bring? We spoke with three healthtech investors — Dr Fiona Pathiraja, founder and managing partner of Crista Galli Ventures, Ashley Abrahams, investment manager on the IES team at Guinness Asset Management, and Pam Garside, angel investor and co-chair of The Cambridge Health Network — about the trends and technologies they are most excited about.
  1. Telemedicine
Social distancing has necessitated much greater use of telemedicine, a concept we’re all now familiar with thanks to companies like UK-based Babylon Health and Sweden’s KRY. All three investors see this trend continuing as the technology improves.
Pathiraja sees innovative uses of telemedicine on the near horizon. She says: “One of my companies, Arthronica, uses computer vision to measure the movements of people with rheumatoid arthritis. You can do it over video and it gives you an objective measurement to say the patient is 30% worse than at the previous appointment.”
Abrahams adds that technology is improving to the point that microphones may soon be able to substitute stethoscopes, which would further bolster the growth of telemedicine. He says: “It’s not quite there yet but you can see nascent trends emerging.”
And while not all doctors’ equipment can be replaced with a smartphone, telemedicine has allowed medical professionals to collect new information. White coat syndrome, for example, is a condition where the stress of being in a doctor’s office spikes a patient’s blood pressure, giving the doctor an inaccurate reading. Virtual house calls can improve the quality of certain tests and treatments, and allow doctors an opportunity to identify potential lifestyle factors in illness, including gauging nutrition from a fridge, checking thermostats and monitoring background for tripping hazards.
  1. Mental health
According to an IFS study, lockdown has negatively impacted mental health in the UK by 8.1%.
Mental health startups — from workplace wellbeing and loneliness to depression diagnosis — have been growing steadily since 2014, and plenty more are still launching. Mental health startups that have raised money over the past year include Spill, the Slack app that monitors mental health, workplace mental health platform Unmind, and Meru Health, an AI-matchmaker for better therapy.
Record investment in the sector — $588m in the first half of 2020 alone — led some, such as Garside, to warn the market might not be able to sustain all the new players, but Pathiraja points out there’s now unfortunately a wider potential customer base for mental health startups: “The pandemic is going to drive a crisis in mental health for the people who either don’t have a big community or who are in some way socially isolated.”
She says in the past, the group who has suffered the most from loneliness has traditionally been the elderly, whereas now isolation is causing loneliness in every group, including Gen Z and millennials. New mental health startups are emerging that target younger generations.
One example is Triumf Health, which operates from Finland and Estonia. Triumf offers app-based behavioural and psychological support to children, including those with chronic illnesses, in the form of ‘wellbeing games,’ for which they won the EIT Health Catapult Nasdaq Audience Award in 2019.
  1. Deeptech and AI
Even before 2020, AI was seen as a solution to help healthcare systems handle increasing demand with limited supply.
“Now we’ve got to a point where there is real AI and machine learning going on in health,” says Garside, referring to one of her portfolio companies, Kheiron Medical, which uses AI to assess mammograms. It’s a more cost-effective way for a health service to screen for cancer, as it often eliminates the need for a second doctor to analyse the X-ray.
Similarly, Spain-based Methinks cuts down the assessment time for stroke patients by using AI to analyse preliminary CT scans, for which it won first prize for Digital Health at the EIT Health Catapult in 2020.
As the pandemic stretches healthcare professionals to their limit, AI adoption presents a unique opportunity to alleviate some of the strain. European health startups using AI include France-based Cardiologs, which helps healthcare professionals screen patients for heart disorders, and the UK’s Healthily (formerly Your.MD), which uses AI to help users check their symptoms before deciding to see a doctor.
Beyond freeing up the healthcare system from admin-heavy tasks and improving the accuracy of screenings, deeptech could play an even more important role in tackling coronavirus. Pathiraja says: “This is the time for deeptech to really come to the fore because there’s a lot of science that is needed in the pandemic. We’ve created vaccines in a short period of time but artificial intelligence and machine learning can do a lot around supply chains for vaccines, PPE and drugs.”
  1. Personalised and preventative care
Medical care tailored to the individual user is also on the up, something that telehealth affords more than traditional health services. Services are emerging that are specifically tailored to provide accessibility to women, LGBTQIA+ people and Black and brown communities.
Grace Health, for example, is a Sweden-based app that claims it’s ‘the first-ever digital women’s health assistant.’ Users can track their menstruation and monitor their health using AI-based predictions and 24/7 chat support.
Because Covid-19 has halted most doctor’s check-ups, personalisation for preventative care is also increasing. Abrahams has invested in UK-based Thriva which makes personalised nutritional suggestions to patients based on the results of an at-home finger-prick blood test and can detect issues such as iron, B12 or Vitamin D deficiencies.
Babies are also benefiting from advancements in preventative care, as samples can be taken far less intrusively. Spanish startup New Born Solutions, for example, has created a medical device which can non-invasively screen for infant meningitis, and won them first prize for Medtech EIT Health Catapult in 2020.
As tailored healthtech grows, Garside sees genomics as an overlooked area for startups, despite the crucial role it’s playing in tracking Covid-19 mutations. She says: “Personalisation is a significant trend. I’m surprised we haven’t seen more 23andMe-type companies that go direct to the consumer providing genetic profiles.”
  1. Occupational health
Pathiraja believes another area with huge growth potential is occupational health.
Most of the globe is being forced to work from home this year, and that might become a permanent change, post-pandemic — it’s estimated that 37% of jobs in Europe can be carried out remotely.
Pathiraja invested in two companies in this space — Vitrue Health and LiveSmart, both UK-based. LiveSmart uses comprehensive health assessments and coaching to build a healthier workplace, while Vitrue Health is developing computer vision to monitor motor function, ensuring workers are safe at their desktops, earning itself a place as a semifinalist in EIT Health Catapult 2020.
“They will measure you ergonomically to see how you are working. And they have the same kind of technology to do at-home physiotherapy,” Pathiraja says.
The pandemic as a catalyst for ideation and creation
Abrahams thinks we’ll see a lot of product development, hiring and investment in healthtech this year.
He says: “In any crisis there is opportunity and we’ve seen a lot of really interesting businesses come up in response to [the pandemic].”
“People are bubbling together as founders. This will be a net positive for idea generation, innovation and acceleration in the healthtech space. The crisis has shown the quality and talent there is in the ecosystem. Everyone is adapting.”
Originally published by Tony Sekinah | February 3, 2021 sifted
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How incident management helps in making your workplace safe and secure

How incident management helps in making your workplace safe and secure
Won't you like to have a safe work environment? You will. Avoiding any incident makes the working environment more safe, productive, and reduces unnecessary expenses. With the help of incident management, you can avoid any future accidents with the right assessments.
Safety incident management in Australia becomes more crucial as one of the leading countries in various sectors on manufacturing and services with a vast pool of resources, chances of any mishap are high. In 2020, in Australia itself, around 158 people lost their lives in the workplace, and thousands were injured. The cost of loss due to deaths and damaged infrastructure comes around in millions of dollars.
What is incident management?
Incident management is a process of identifying, analyzing the hazards, and working on the solution so that such incidents don't happen in the future. It can be termed as a preventive measure taken by the workplace to reduce the vulnerability toward hazards.
Since these incidents can be disruptive for a business process, there is a greater need to take lessons from the previous incidents and opt for incident management.
Types of incidents
With so much diversification be it in manufacturing or service sectors there are a lot of areas where the incidents can happen and potentially disrupt business activities. The incidents mainly include:
· Physical incidents
· IT issues
· Physical incidents
It includes the incidents that cause damage physically to the workplace or the manpower. These incidents can have a great impact on the business as it can be very dangerous incurring loss to both life and property.
· IT issues
IT incidents or issues include any kind of unwanted error a company might face while providing its services such as server failure, access to a website, or any other issue which leads to downtime.
The need for Incident Management
If we talk about the need for such incident management solutions, there are 4 main reasons which will let you know the importance of Incident management are as follows:
· Improving the safety of the employee
· Time-saving
· Minimizing risk
· Maintenance of profits
Improving the safety of the employee
Employees are on the verge of risk as incidents can happen anytime even due to some very small issue that turns out to create havoc and causes much damage to life and property. Incident management services help out to overcome such incidents by investigating and identifying the issues and ensuring employee safety.
Incident management services are very beneficial in conserving time. Be it the case of physical incidents or IT issues, these services help to save a lot of time as they prevent any disruption in the work by automated responses. These responses are created by looking and learning through past incidents.
Maintaining of profits
In Australia itself, there are so many companies working across different fields. One incident can hamper productivity and can incur a huge loss to the company's revenue. The profits and earnings of the company not only affects the operation of that company itself but also affects employee’s salary. Incident management services make sure that the assessments are done correctly and prepare you to avoid any such financial losses in the future.
You must be clear by now about how these incident management services can help you to avoid future incidents and help you save a ton of money and life.
If you are confused, as you have known about incident management but have no idea of which company services you should avail of. Don't worry, we have got you covered
About Serene Safety
Serene safety is one of the leading firms for incident management in Newcastle
. It provides a complete incident management solution and covers all the aspects through investigation and cost analysis. It provides in-depth detail and helps in identifying how these incidents can be avoided from happening in the future.
Why you should go with Serene Safety
Though there are a plethora of reasons which will redirect you to avail of the incident management solutions by Serene Safety. Let's discuss a few important reasons:
· Expert and equipped staff for incident investigation providing the detailed report.
· Affordable services to avail saving you a lot more money by preventing future incidents.
· Improves work culture by providing the right assessments resulting in the implementation of new safe and sound processes.
· Accredited ICAM investigator staff offering 24/7 incident management solutions to all industries.
Visit for more information on Incident management services in Newcastle.
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In this blog, we will be learning all about the importance of ISO 45001 Standard and how ISO 45001 cost in Bahrain has helped the organizations in Bahrain at a very minimal price.
ISO 45001 is an international standard for Occupational Health and Safety(OH&S), but understanding whether it is worth the investment for your company is one of the critical following measures. The objective system is that your investment for ISO 45001 Certification purifies the way of approach for your work, and the certification drives you towards better attractive opportunities for customers as well as workers.
To assist you to consider what choice actually affects your organization and permits you to make a decision on whether ISO in Manama is a valuable acquisition, here come the top-9 benefits that you can get from ISO 45001 certification.

Benefits of ISO 45001

1. Helps your business to be in top positions.
While you executing the most considerable up-to-date Occupational Health and Safety standard, your organization will be remarked as an elite classification in the industry, and be universally recognized. It is a tier of distinction that is accepted globally and will assist to stand out from your opponents.
2. Increase in Trust.
By showing that you are effectively promoting continuous improvement of your organization, worker’s confidence, protection, and implementation will allow individuals to authorize and maintain your team’s well-being. Being transparent and broadcasting your corporate responsibility actions can have a massive effect on your prospective workers, and approaching customers sense your business.
3. Protective Risk & Hazard Assessment.
Executing this standard the organization to control endangerment. The auditing team approaches to deliver an ‘early alert method’ in order to assist you to catch sight of feasible hazards when it comes to health and safety.
4. Reduces Insurance Premiums.
By merely executing ISO 45001 standard, it delivers a medium to decrease insurance premiums as it illustrates the organization is conducting robust due persistence in supervising and guarding their workers.
5. Improves Public and Industrial Safety.
ISO 45001 has been extensively anticipated by the International trade organization because it addresses the individual health and safety hazards of the person-related to any operation or service of machinery within the industry. This connects both cognitive health and physical protection within your workplace.
6. Improves Organization’s Vision.
With respect to ISO accountability and privilege that lies with the safety management, Includes the involvement of head authority and a distinctly transmitted procedure of recognizing threats, the occupational health, and safety are continuously improved over the period.
7. Consistency & Efficiency.
ISO 45001 Certification in Bahrain completes an industry created around the finest techniques. This is across the business and specifies a standard for maintaining overall workers’ health. Maintaining a robust and consistent standard shows that the industry is more systematic across the console.
8. Increases Return On Investment(ROI).
There are certain methods that ISO 45001 delivers ROI for your organization. By executing ISO 45001, the productivity of your staff enhances, on the other hand, workplace damage decreases. This indicates that your capacity levels can be enhanced overall.
9. Focus on Occupation.
The top priority is that the worker’s physical and mental well-being at work has to be taken care of. This is a vital aspect to identify when examining to execute ISO 45001 (OH&S) into your industry, as it also improves staff confidence, which in turn drives more profit to the company.

Get Assistance from Finecert

Having explained about ISO 45001 Standard and its never-ending benefits that one can utilize, one question that occurs in mind is how does one get their organization with ISO 45001 certification. Well, the solution is here..
Finecert Solutions is one of the progressing business units in providing ISO consultation and Certification for universally acknowledged, cost-effective ISO Certifications with a hassle-free procedure. Finecert has a skilled team of people who expertise in helping with the entire procedure at economically priced certifications. These certifications help you add extra value to any industry. We put in great effort to achieve this by looking deeply at each situation while maintaining a solid relationship with our clients.
​Discover some of the globally acknowledged, and most widely-used standards. Visit for more information. For any queries, write to us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).
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Growing Expertise, Expanding Portfolio: Messung Group

Growing Expertise, Expanding Portfolio: Messung Group
In 1981, Messung was born, and by 1983, had launched India's first indigenous PLC - Meprolog-H. From that pioneering start, Messung grew to become a market leader in industrial automation, continuously adding to their ever-expanding portfolio of factory automation & control solutions in India.
Today, decades down the line, Messung is a diversified conglomerate with expertise that spans industries and applications.
Portfolio that empowers
Messung offers a diverse portfolio of best-in-class products, solutions, and services enabling a wide range of industrial verticals to optimize operations and maximize productivity. The Group’s know-how and offerings keep growing, keeping pace with global trends, market dynamics and new technologies.
Messung in Industrial Automation & Control
Messung offer essential components, intelligent devices and advanced industrial automation & control solutions in India, capable of controlling, in a distributed and redundant way, complex industrial processes, machines and high-performance production lines. Smart factory automation & control solutions in India facilitate well-informed decision-making and efficient controls. Their solutions cover:
Process Automation: Messung partners to customise high-end process automation & control solutions in India that meet the highest technical demands for speed, quality, operational reliability, system availability and more.
Servo & Motion Control Automation: They deliver fully integrated, future-proof solutions incorporating Messung’s own Nx-ERA programmable logic controllers; motion control systems and drive products from Sigmatek, Austria and Fuji Electric, Japan; HMIs and much more – to bring flexibility, consistency and long-term availability for factory automation.
General Purpose Automation: Messung custom designs General Purpose Automation solutions for varied equipment in diverse application areas. With real-timed diagnostics and maximised control, they optimise safety, speed, productivity and efficiencies – for the competitive edge.
Messung in Building & Infrastructure Automation & Control
For all types of buildings, from hospitals to shopping malls, IT and industrial establishments, corporate buildings, and power stations - Messung’s solutions optimise energy efficiency and comfort, all the while reducing operating costs.
Messung’s expertise in this business covers three broad categories:
IBMS: With products from Distech Controls, Canada, Messung’s IOT-enabled BMS solution provides control and supervision of HVAC, Security, CCTV, Intrusion Alarm and Fire systems, including diesel genset, water pumping systems, and other third-party systems, which are now mandatory in all modern buildings.
IOT: The Internet of Things (IOT) allows exchange of information and data, and enables 24x7 monitoring and remote control of equipment, systems, buildings and plants. Customised dashboards provide data on different criteria while advanced analytics help to improve efficiency, response, operation, preventive maintenance, etc.
EMS: Messung offers integrated energy management systems designed to store energy parameters, analyse consumptions, identify areas of wastage, reduce energy consumption, predict electrical system performance and optimise energy usage to reduce cost in a premise.
Messung in Home, Office & Hotel Automation & Control
Messung works closely with customers to offer a wide range of industry-best automation products and customised solutions that dramatically transform interiors into luxurious spaces, enhancing comfort and safety while reducing energy consumption.
Home Automation: Messung, with Zennio, Spain, provides KNX-based solutions for apartments, villas and bungalows, that enable you to control all your home appliances, lights, fans, TVs, ACs, curtains & blinds, video door phones, CCTV cameras, media devices, garden sprinklers, etc.
Office Automation: With Crestron, USA, Messung helps in automating existing office procedures, and providing control over an increasingly complex network of devices, for greater convenience, comfort and efficiency.
Hotel Automation: Guests can control multiple functions including lighting, air conditioning, drapes and audio/video systems using smart, automated bedside consoles and interfaces. Integration of guest rooms with the hotel's property management system enable better monitoring and control.
Messung in Electrical Engineering
Efficient and safe distribution including energy management and power quality monitoring is critical for providing industries and buildings with power. Messung provides reliable, intelligent and world-class solutions for Power Monitoring and Distribution in three broad segments:
Distribution & Control: Messung provides smart power distribution control panels with Wohner’s ‘s special Busbar systems as per IEC 61439 standards. Messung offers total low voltage power distribution control systems that are Industry 4.0-compatible, Cloud-based solutions to provide “Any time Anywhere” supervisory & control features.
Control Panels: Messung provides “Control Panel Solutions” to a wide arena of applications like water and waste water treatment plants, sugar machinery, plastic extrusion, printing, pharmaceutical, automotive assembly and testing lines, electro plating, boilers, material handling, furnaces, mechanical and hydraulic press and other similar applications in different industry verticals.
Energy Management: By implementing proper Energy Management systems, Power Quality Monitoring and Analysis including Residual Current Monitoring, users can greatly benefit from enhanced up-time of machines, reduced tariff and penalties, and improved profits.
Messung offers modern Janitza products which allow customers to implement a comprehensive installation of Class A power quality energy meters, varieties of energy measuring devices with Ethernet IP, Modbus, Profibus, Profinet, M-Bus protocol interfaces as per IEC 61000-2-4.
Messung in Workplace Technology
Messung’s experience of the health hazards, safety risks and challenges of the industrial workplace has inspired them to find and deliver meaningful solutions – some indigenously made and some from international majors.
Test & Measuring: Messung provides complete setups for R&D labs, calibration centres, training and didactic centres, electronic assembly & testing, spread across the Indian electronic industry. Ergonomic industrial furniture with ESD protection, and intelligent test & measurement solutions are designed to improve efficiency while offering user comfort.
Electronic Assembly: Messung, under its 'Navonmesh - Make in India' initiative, offers a range of modular, world-class electronic assembly tables in India, besides trolleys and racks for use in electronic assembly, product assembly, repair, rework and end of line testing in a gamut of industries.
Workplace Ergonomics: Messung’s indigenous AFM-PLUS range of rugged and reliable ESD-safe electronic assembly chairs in India are proven in tough industrial applications. With world-class looks and specifications, these ergonomic ESD chairs enhance user comfort, safety and health to benefit your people.
From designing and manufacturing their own range of products and bringing the world’s finest products from leading international majors, to building integrated solutions – Messung delivers technological excellence with customised service through the entire life cycle.
submitted by Gloomy_Pangolin2299 to u/Gloomy_Pangolin2299 [link] [comments]

Plutonium production

To understand why the uranium fuel cycle is the basis for most nuclear fission technology today, we need to take a look a plutonium production. The initial exploration of nuclear fission was conducted with the goal of enabling the production of nuclear weapons, and as it turns out both uranium 235 and plutonium 239 are capable of achieving runaway nuclear reactions and vaporizing, burning, and poisoning large numbers of Japanese civilians. The “little boy” nuclear device dropped on Hiroshima used U-235 and accelerated a projectile into a target to create the critical mass, while the “fat man” dropped on Nagasaki used explosive lensing to compress a sphere of Pu-239. After this, the implosion plutonium bomb was carried forward, and U-235 was out. However, while uranium can be dug up, physically pulverized, chemically reacted out of the ore, isotopically separated, and chemically reacted to a metal, plutonium does not exist on earth. Instead, it must be formed by irradiation in a nuclear reactor from uranium.
First up, uranium is still element 92 and still has 92 protons. Plutonium is element 94 and has 94 protons, with Pu-239 having 145 neutrons. Unfortunately, in doing the research to write the next sentence I have just realized that I have been mistaken on my definitions of alpha and beta radiation. Alpha decay is the ejection of a helium nucleus, two protons and two neutrons (I had previously identified this as beta decay). Beta decay is the ejection of either an electron (minus) or a positron (plus) from a nucleus, which either transforms a neutron into a proton or a proton into a neutron. A neutron has a slightly higher mass than a proton, which means that beta minus (neutron to proton) results in a release of energy, while beta plus (proton to neutron) requires energy. [Speaking as a chemist with a limited knowledge of nuclear physics, I must say that I was relatively comfortable with my incorrect definitions of alpha and beta decay, but the correct definition of beta decay makes me decidedly uncomfortable. However, this does explain why beta burns are so nasty.] Changing the number of protons in a nucleus changes the chemical identity of the nucleus, and beta minus decay can raise uranium to plutonium. In a reactor, if an atom of U-238 captures a low energy neutron (becoming U-239) it can then undergo on beta minus decay after 24 minutes to neptunium-239 (93 protons, 146 neutrons) and then another after 2.4 days to plutonium-239 (94 protons, 145 neutrons). If the initiating neutron collides at too high of an energy, the original U-238/U-239 atom undergoes fission instead, which explains why the plutonium production derived nuclear reactors in operation today almost all operate in the thermal neutron range. Additionally, Pu-239 has a high neutron capture cross section and will tend to absorb another neutron, becoming Pu-240, which is not well-behaved in detonating nuclear weapons. As a result, either the dwell time of the nuclear fuel in an operating plutonium production reactor needs to be minimized (as with the RBMK from the USSR with refueling possible during operation) or the produced Pu-239 needs to be separated from the Pu-240, with the Pu-240 being stored as nuclear waste or burned as nuclear fuel. Nuclear reactors can also be used to dispose of excess weapons grade plutonium, transforming a nuclear weapon proliferation concern into a nuclear waste disposal concern.
In any case, the plutonium needs to be removed from the reactor and separated from the rest of the nuclear fuel. Since the U-238 that captures a neutron to initiate the plutonium production process is located in the nuclear fuel, the plutonium ends up scattered randomly throughout the fuel. [I would assume that the ratios of U-238 and U-235 and the reactor operating conditions can be tweaked to optimize plutonium production, and that this was the subject of extensive efforts in the 1940s, 50s, and possibly 60s.] To recover the plutonium, it is necessary to remove the irradiated nuclear fuel from the reactor, completely dissolve it, and apply chemical separation techniques. This also liberates all of the fission products in the fuel, generating a voluminous stream of high level nuclear waste that is also chemically unpleasant. In earlier times this was dumped either in random lakes and rivers (USSMayak) or into shoddily constructed single layer tanks with extensive leaks (US/Hanford). The former practice has resulted in the need to cover the surface of one or more lakes with concrete to prevent further spread, while the latter has resulted in a plume of radionuclides in the ground and groundwater. This waste specifically resulted from a series of processes, the first of which was the bismuth phosphate process of precipitating out the plutonium. However, this process was unable to recover uranium, which joined the fission products and added chemicals in the waste stream. Solvent extraction methods were subsequently developed that could extract both plutonium and uranium, leading to the PUREX process, which is still used today.
In the PUREX process, the spent nuclear fuel is first dissolved in concentrated nitric acid (~7 moles per liter). This yields a mixture containing water, nitrates, and of course the dissolved fission products, remaining uranium, plutonium, etc. Any remaining insoluble solids are removed with filtration and an organic layer is then added. This 30% tributyl phosphate ((butyl-O)3PO) in 70% hydrocarbon (eg kerosene) selectively dissolves the uranium and plutonium, leaving the fission products in the aqueous (water-based) phase with the remainder of the acid. After the aqueous phase has been piped into the tanks where it will need to remain for the foreseeable future, reducing agents up to hydrazine in toxicity are added to the hydrocarbon phase to take the plutonium to the +3 oxidation state. This makes the plutonium soluble in a new aqueous phase, which can then be drained off to separate the plutonium from the uranium remaining in the hydrocarbon phase. A dilute nitric acid (~0.2 moles per liter) can then be used to remove the uranium from the hydrocarbons and both uranium and plutonium can be transferred to further processing. In early practice, it is unclear how well the partitioning of compounds between phases actually worked, potentially increasing the volume of waste contaminated with fission products by several times. In modern practice, it seems likely that most of the hazard can be confined to the initial aqueous layer, which is still screamingly radioactive. The presence of fission products means that reprocessing work needs to be carried out in shielded “hot cells” with several feet of leaded glass and remote manipulators, with less elaborate gloveboxes used to handle intermediate level compounds. I will also note that this work started in the 1940s when automation was nonexistent, advanced chemical instrumentation was nonexistent, and workplace safety standards were nonexistent, and I will leave it up to you to imagine the sorts of things that could have gone on in terms of spills, dumping, and general stupidity.
Mayak is located at 55°42'3.76"N 60°47'23.51"E, with the relatively less accident prone Tomsk-7 at 56°37'13.68"N 84°54'10.95"E
The Hanford site has three PUREX “canyons” and a plutonium finishing plant among its assortment of other nuclear facilities, reactors, liquid waste tanks, and solid waste landfill sites.
PFP: 46°33'1.90"N 119°37'59.60"W
PUREX (no particular order, the last two are quite close to the submarine reactor burial trench mentioned earlier): 46°33'40.17"N 119°37'7.55"W
PUREX: 46°33'26.23"N 119°32'29.26"W
PUREX: 46°32'59.36"N 119°31'13.36"W
submitted by FightingForSarah to SpaceXFactCheck [link] [comments]

Lost in the Sauce: Firings to protect Pompeo & Chao

Welcome to Lost in the Sauce, keeping you caught up on political and legal news that often gets buried in distractions and theater… or a global health crisis.
TRYING A NEW FORMAT. The goal is to fit more stories, which sacrifices details but since the sources are all linked you can learn more about those stories you’re interested in. Please let me know in comments if you like or don't like it.
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Mike Pompeo’s dirty laundry

Two weeks ago, President Trump fired State Dept. Inspector General Steve Linick at the request of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
  • By law, Congress must be notified 30 days in advance before the firing of an IG, giving the watchdog time to wind down his investigations. But Linick has since been told that he is physically barred from returning to the State Department even to collect his belongings, complicating his ability to finish his work. Former White House ethics attorney Walter Shaub calls this “a direct violation of the Inspector General Act.”
  • Pompeo’s new acting inspector general is already creating a conflict of interest… In violation of the above law, Stephen Akard has already taken Linick’s job. Akard is also keeping his previous position as the head of the State Department’s Office of Foreign Missions - meaning the new IG is essentially overseeing himself.
  • The White House and the State Department failed Friday to hand over documents to Congress about Linick’s firing… Rep. Engel, chair of House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Sen. Menendez, the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, launched an investigation last week into Linick's removal.
Pompeo’s dirty laundry - literally - is being exposed:
  • Pompeo ordered officials to find a way to justify the Saudi arms sale that Linick was probing… Pompeo's demand meant State Department officials had to reverse engineer the situation to provide the justification for a decision which was made in an aggressive and unconventional manner.
    • In justifying the move to Congress, Pompeo wrote that "Iranian aggression” and “increasing regional volatility” necessitated an urgent delivery of certain weapons to U.S. partners in the Middle East. However, at meetings last year, senior officials agreed that there had been no change in Tehran’s behavior to justify invoking emergency authorities and advised against doing so.
  • Pompeo and his wife have hosted about two dozen elite dinners at the State Department funded by taxpayer dollars since 2018… Linick was investigating Pompeo’s potential misuse of government resources for personal endeavors.
    • State Department officials involved in the dinners said they had raised concerns internally that the events were essentially using federal resources to cultivate a donor and supporter base for Pompeo's political ambitions — complete with extensive contact information that gets sent back to Susan Pompeo's personal email address.
  • Linick was reportedly investigating two top aides to Pompeo, two officials in the Office of Protocol, which runs the dinners… Cam Henderson, who leads the department’s Office of Protocol, and a deputy of hers, Mary-Kate Fisher, may have failed to report workplace violence.
  • Pompeo is accused of the misuse of a political appointee to perform personal tasks for him and his wife… including walking the dog, picking up dry-cleaning, and making restaurant reservations
    • Slate reports that when Susan Pompeo visited her mother in Lafayette, Louisiana, security officials were ordered to pick her up at the airport. Last June, they were told to pack up the house in Lafayette and cart away boxes when her mother prepared to move to a retirement home in Overland Park, Kansas.
    • Some officials in the State Department say Mrs. Pompeo, a former bank executive, has played an unusually active role in running meetings and accompanying her husband on official business. “They know that’s not supposed to happen, because she isn’t in their chain of command. But what can they do?”

DOT Inspector General

The same day Linick was fired, Trump replaced the acting-Dept. of Transportation (DOT) IG, Mitch Behm, with Howard “Skip” Elliott, the head of a pipeline safety agency:
Behm was investigating whether Secretary Elaine Chao, wife of Mitch McConnell (R-KY), was giving preferential treatment to projects in Kentucky… Numerous House committees are investigating Chao’s conduct benefiting her husband’s political prospects.
The White House Counsel's Office reportedly directed Behm’s replacement… Behm was a member of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee.
Elliott will retain his previous position leading the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA), meaning he will be policing himself… Additionally, McConnell was instrumental in Elliott’s confirmation to that position, worrying ethics officials that he was chosen for passing a loyalty test.

GOP focuses on Biden

The Senate Homeland Security Committee approved a subpoena related to Biden’s son last week… Chairman Ron Johnson’s subpoena targets documents and testimony in the custody of Blue Star Strategies, a lobbying firm that acted on behalf of Burisma.
Sen. Kamala Harris gave an impassioned plea before the vote: "There are literally matters of life and death waiting for our committee's attention, but instead this committee is doing the president's personal bidding ... I urge you to vote against this political sideshow." (video)
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said that Senate Republicans “want to dive into the deepest muck of right-wing conspiracy to invent scapegoats for the president to use in his re-election campaign.”
Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham announced a June 4 vote on a subpoena to an array of senior Obama-era officials, including former FBI Director James Comey… Other targets include former FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, and former CIA Director John Brennan. * Graham on his probe’s timeline: “We’ll go through the summer and try to get wrapped up by September, October… I want to do it before the election. I want to get all the information out there”
Senate Republicans are embracing Trump’s agenda… Trump’s campaign “was treated like a hostile foreign power by our own law enforcement,” McConnell said Tuesday, subject to “wild theories of Russian collusion.” Sen. John Thune pointed out that the White House and Republicans in Congress must be united because their “fortunes sort of rise or fall together.”

Flynn, Barr, and unmasking

Almost immediately after special counsel Robert Mueller closed his investigation last year, AG Barr met with the prosecutor now reviewing Russia probe… Barr met at least six times with US Attorney John "Bull" Durham over a 10-week period in spring 2019. Since last summer, Barr and President Donald Trump have used the Durham investigation to sow skepticism about the Mueller investigation.
The DC Appeals Court ordered Judge Sullivan to explain why he is hesitating to dismiss Flynn’s case… The request for an immediate intervention initially appeared to be a long shot since Judge Sullivan has not declined to dismiss the case, but rather is conducting a review before making a decision. However, two of the three appellate judges on the panel have ruled in Trump’s favor previously - including Trump appointee Neomi Rao.
If the appellate panel orders Sullivan to drop the Flynn charge, he still has other options. The lawyer he’s chosen to represent him, Beth Wilkinson, could ask the full appeals court or the Supreme Court to reverse any order shutting down his review.
Marcy Wheeler has written a great analysis… Emmet Sullivan Has Up to Six Pending Decisions, Not One.
Despite Republican efforts to identify an “unmasker,” apparently Flynn’s name was never redacted in the FBI report about his communications with Russian Sergey Kislyak… Unmasking is a routine practice used to identify U.S. individuals who are referred to anonymously in an intelligence document. * “When the FBI circulated [the report], they included Flynn’s name from the beginning” because it was essential to understanding its significance, said a former senior U.S. official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe sensitive intelligence. “There were therefore no requests for the unmasking of that information.”
Flynn coordinated the Kislyak call with Trump officials at Mar-a-Lago… Not only did Flynn make efforts — by lying — to hide his consultation with Mar-a-Lago when he was interviewed on January 24, but after Kislyak relayed to Flynn that Putin had specifically taken Flynn’s call into account, Flynn took immediate efforts to hide that sanctions had come up by writing McFarland a cover email she could share with others that didn’t mention sanctions.
Outgoing acting-DNI Ric Grenell says he is in the process of declassifying some of the transcripts of Flynn’s calls with Kislyak… Rep. John Ratcliffe was confirmed to the position by the Senate last week.

Open Skies and nuclear ambitions

The US has declared its intention to leave the Open Skies Treaty, which is intended to reduce the risk of war by allowing Russia and western nations to conduct observation flights over each other’s territory. America’s European allies are keen to keep the treaty going. They have benefited from the more than 1,500 overflights carried out under the OST, allowing them to observe Russian military movements. * An American withdrawal from the Open Skies treaty would give Putin more leeway to make forays into areas like eastern Ukraine, where he'd love to keep his actions concealed from western scrutiny.
Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, noted that the U.S. announcement about its intended withdrawal from the Open Skies Treaty came as a surprise to America’s allies. “The United States is sowing discord and uncertainty among its allies... They are ignoring the opinion of NATO and other nations that are party to this agreement,” he said.
The Trump administration has discussed whether to conduct the first U.S. nuclear test explosion since 1992… During the meeting, serious disagreements emerged over the idea, in particular from the National Nuclear Security Administration. “It would be an invitation for other nuclear-armed countries to follow suit.”
Russia is seizing on Trump’s abandonment of treaties and nuclear ambitions… Instead of playing along with Trump’s dangerous brinkmanship, Russia may pull out of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty altogether...State media outlet Vesti surmised that such a move would obliterate all of Washington’s efforts and decades-long investments in the nuclear ban treaty.

What are the courts up to?

Court orders State Department to reconsider intersex passport application… The federal appeals court said the agency provided invalid reasons for denying Dana Zzyym, an intersex Navy veteran, a passport with an "X" gender marker.
A judge has refused to stay a lawsuit alleging the Trumps engaged in an illegal pyramid scheme… This decision makes it likely that the case will play out in the public sphere.
Second Circuit holds that White House visitor logs maintained by the Secret Service aren’t agency records subject to disclosure laws… In April 2017, the White House said it would stop releasing the names of the president's guests. That prompted a lawsuit.
Justice Department Backs Challenge To Illinois Stay-At-Home Order… The legal maneuver marks the first time the U.S. Department of Justice has weighed in on state level COVID-19 policies that are unrelated to religious matters.
Michigan Judge Pens Partisan Rant Against Gretchen Whitmer’s “Totalitarian” Shutdown… More and more the standard for some jurists, and particularly those who take their cues from a president who doesn’t believe in an independent judiciary, is quite a bit lower: They seem to be asking simply whether, if this whole judging thing doesn’t work out, they might still get a prime-time slot on Fox News.
Florida Supreme Court’s new conservative majority allowed the state to resume executing individuals who may be intellectually disabled, shredding a precedent no one asked them to destroy.

Voting rights

A Montana judge temporarily blocked a voter-approved law that restricts the collection of absentee ballots, which limited one person to turning in a maximum six absentee ballots. The ACLU, Native American tribes, and advocacy groups had sued to block the 2018 law, arguing that it disproportionately harms American Indians who live in rural areas and rely on others to collect and convey their ballots to elections offices or post offices.
Republican National Committee sues California to halt vote-by-mail for November general election… Trump later tweeted unfounded claims of voter fraud: "People grab [ballots] from mailboxes, print thousands of forgeries and 'force' people to sign. Also, forge names. Some absentee OK, when necessary. Trying to use Covid for this Scam!" he added.
Federal judge says all Texas voters can apply to vote by mail during pandemic… District Judge Fred Biery granted a preliminary injunction that allows all registered voters to apply to vote by mail during the coronavirus pandemic after finding the state's existing election rules violate the Equal Protection Clause.
A federal judge has gutted a Florida state law requiring felons to pay all court fines and fees before they can register to vote, clearing the way for thousands of Floridians to register in time for the November presidential election.
Republicans Have a New Plan to Thwart the Will of the People… A Missouri initiative would undo voters’ preference for nonpartisan legislative districts — and perhaps shift representation itself. * Further reading: Republican legislators’ armlock strangling Missouri progress, and it’s getting tighter
Georgia Republicans cancel election for state Supreme Court, so governor can appoint a Republican… Republicans will control a seat on the state Supreme Court for an extra two years.
Freed by Court Ruling, Republicans Step Up Effort to Patrol Voting… Officials seek to recruit 50,000 poll watchers and spend millions to fight voter fraud. Democrats say the real goal is to stop them from voting.


Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort Got to Leave Federal Prison Due to COVID-19. They’re The Exception… Just a small fraction of federal prisoners have been sent home. Many others lack legal help and connections to make their case.
Nearly 500 Miami-Dade jail inmates — a whopping 41 percent of inmates tested — have contracted the novel coronavirus… The rate of infection dwarfs the rate of infection among the public in Miami-Dade, where state statistics show just over 11 percent of those tested for the coronavirus have tested positive.
The gunman who killed three U.S. sailors at a military base in Florida last December communicated with Al Qaeda operatives about planning and tactics in the months leading up to the attack… In other words, al Qaeda infiltrated Saudi military’s exchange program with the US. Trump’s Muslim ban was not focused on the countries at most risk of exporting terrorists.
As Saudi Official Hid Abroad, His Family Became a Target at Home… As a former Saudi intelligence officer, Saad Aljabri knows “where the bodies are buried.” Now Saudi authorities are arresting his relatives to force him to return to the kingdom, his son says.
  • Jailed Saudis Seek Influence in Washington to Counter Crown Prince. Some are hiring lobbyists with links to the Trump administration, looking to build support at a time when the de facto Saudi ruler is beset by economic problems and criticism over human rights violations.
The Trump administration has cleared the United Arab Emirates of wrongdoing and approved a possible sale of thousands of armored vehicles to the Gulf state, despite evidence that the country made unauthorized transfers of American military hardware to armed groups in Yemen.
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Blood Sample Collection from Home

Gathering blood tests and Blood Sample Collection from Home in today's scenario is vital to the understanding, prevention, and treatment of illness. But, from the patient's viewpoint, it can likewise be difficult, startling, terrifying, and badly designed.
How you draw blood depends at any rate to some degree on the idea of the condition being tried for, however, most ordinarily includes embedding a needle into a vein. Generally, clinical specialists attract tests their workplaces, on occasion helpful for them (if not generally for patients).
Three famous strategies for blood assortment are:
  • Arterial sampling
  • Venipuncture sampling
  • Fingerstick sampling
Arterial sampling
This type of blood sample most generally happens inside a medical clinic condition. It is utilized in the distinguishing proof of metabolic, respiratory, and blended corrosive base issues, where CO2 levels require comprehension or observing.
While for the most part protected, the system can be upsetting and excruciating for the patient. There are additionally a few potential logical inconsistencies that can influence the site of the assortment, for example, an unusual adjusted Allen test or nearby contamination. There is additionally an expanded danger of draining difficulties in patients with coagulopathy.
Venipuncture Sampling
Venipuncture is the most widely recognised approach to gather blood from grown-up patients. Assortment happens from a shallow vein in the upper appendage, for the most part, the middle cubital vein; this vein is near the skin and doesn't have numerous enormous nerves situated close by. This diminishes torment and distress for the patient.
Venipuncture can occur in an overall clinical professional's office and is frequently completed by a prepared phlebotomist or attendant. But, its shared trait doesn't liken with it being the most ideal approach to gather a blood test. Numerous patients think that it's awkward and troubling. There are additional hazards identified with the capacity, transportation, and expected misfortune or tainting of the blood tests once they are gathered. These equivalent concerns likewise influence the reasonableness of blood vessel examination.
Fingerstick Sampling
Fingerstick or fingerprick testing includes taking an exceptionally limited quantity of blood from the patient, normally from the finish of a finger. It is over rapidly and requires next to no in the method of readiness; accordingly, diminishing concern and tension in patients, especially in kids and apprehensive grown-ups.
Understanding government assistance at the purpose of the sample isn't the main motivation behind why this technique ought to be viewed as the most ideal approach to gather a blood test. The drawn-out advantages to the patient incorporate the loss of less blood and the capacity to complete testing at home, as a phlebotomist isn't needed for the technique.
Blood vessel and venipuncture inspecting are still normal and still have their places in medication, clinical exploration, and patient consideration. Notwithstanding, with propels in innovation and more prominent comprehension of blood inspecting, fingerstick assortment is making strides.
Organisations like Modern Diagnostics keep on propelling blood collection samples and examining, with expert following utilizing a scanner tag framework, making any loss of tests more outlandish. Innovative advances likewise mean diminished tainting hazards and decreased expenses. From preclinical examination to clinical preliminaries to distant patient checking, the fate of microsampling is here!
For more information on Blood Sample Collection from Home, contact Modern Diagnostic!
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Benefits of OHS Certification for Small organization

Nowadays it is a requirement of any organization's responsibility to provide a safe workplace for its employee, including workers, contractors, visitors, and society. Organizations ensure that there should be no ill-health, accident & Incidents in the organization or it should be reduced as much as low possible to ensure the Human Safety at the workplace.
If the organization plan for OHS safety in a systematic way considering the standard OHS works practice in the organization. Then it is possible to enhance the Occupational Health Safety (OHS) of the organization and ensure human safety in the workplace.
ISO 45001 – is an Occupational Health Safety Management System Standard – the requirement of ISO 45001 has been placed in such a way that – if the organization implement ISO 45001 in the organization effectively and adopt the ISO 45001 requirements into practices. the OHS performance of the organization will be enhanced and reduced the accident/ Incidents and ill- Health at the workplace.
ISO 45001 Certification can be a great addition for small businesses to grow. In short words, ISO 45001 Certification is international standards that ensure the employees of an organization are protected from work-related hazards/ Accidents/ Incidents/Ill-Health.
So, what are the benefits of ISO 45001 Certification for small businesses?
With ISO 45001 Certification, your business will be able to improve the occupational health and safety system (OH&S) while reaping many benefits along the way.
1) Decreased work-related risks
Small businesses are not immune to risks and accidents. As such, ISO 45001 provides you with a systematic framework that allows you to identify and assess the hazards and also gives you a proper plan to deal with it.
Besides managing work-related risks, ISO 45001 also takes into account the needs and expectations of the employees.
2) Increased performance and productivity
By focusing on the needs of the employees, ISO 45001 encourages better performance which results in better productivity of the workers.
ISO 45001 also distinguishes between acceptable and unacceptable workplace-related behavior. This in turn strengthens the employees’ commitment to the organization as a whole and builds a strong social chain.
3) Reduced costs
By taking care of the health and safety of the workers by reducing work-related risks and creating a better work environment can contribute to reducing the costs that go into your organization. Through fewer sickness or accidents, you save yourself from expensive legal issues. Moreover, there is also less damage to property.
4) Positive image
Once again, by attaining an ISO 45001 Certification, you showcase that your business is socially responsible, one which keeps its employees’ well-being in mind. It also further enhances your company’s credibility.
This in turn attracts and gives confidence to potential investors and clients to continue/ begin cooperation with your organization leading to your company growing in size and the possibility of entering the international market.
5) Continuously improving
As said earlier, ISO 45001 helps you to identify risks. But to do this at all times results in initiating plans, working to continuously identify risks and opportunities, and generally striving to become better in all areas concerned with the objective of minimizing risks.
This naturally helps your company to flourish as the products and services not only get improved but the company as a whole improves their social relations and results.
What are your thoughts on this? Comment down below!
Hope the above explanation will be beneficial for the organization to understand – why ISO 45001 Certification is important for an organization.
So, any organization seeking ISO 45001 Certification and enhance the OHS performance of the organization by reducing the workplace injury/accident / Incidents/ Ill- Health.
The organization can implement Occupational Health and Safety Management System in the organization and Get ISO 45001 certified by any accredited ISO Certification Bodies in India.
How to Implement ISO 45001 in the organization
- Gap Analysis
- Address the Gap identified (By Developing Documents / Changes in Infrastructure)
- Develop the OHS Policy/ Procedures/ Documents / SOP
- Provide Training
- Address the OHS legal requirements
- Do internal Audit and Management Review meetings
ISO 45001 Certification process
- Implement ISO 45001 in the organization
- Apply to ISO Certification Bodies
- Get Proposal for ISO 45001 Certification
- ISO Certification Body will visit for Audit
- Award of ISO 45001 Certification
submitted by yogendra05 to u/yogendra05 [link] [comments]

What Types of Construction Safety Equipment Should You Prepare?

Preparing appropriate types and enough quantity of construction safety equipment are ones of the important steps you have to do to ensure safety during construction work inside your workplace area or chemical plant.
You may rely on your daily safety equipments to fulfill the requirement of construction safety equipments. But, it is not enough. Take a moment to think about it. Construction work is much different with your daily plant operation. You will need different types of safety equipment.
Fail to fulfill the appropriate safety equipments for construction work will endanger the safety of your construction workers, employees and plant facilities.
Hazard Identification is the Critical Step
In order to ensure that you have prepared the appropriate type and enough quantity of the equipments, at first you have to identify all hazards that are associated with the construction works. Describe the construction works in detail to make the hazard identification work easy. And make sure that nothing is left in your hazard identification.
The hazard identification result which is followed by risk assessment should give you a clear situation during the construction work. Thus, you can prepare the equipment with confident.
Available Types
What type of construction safety equipment you will require depends on nature of the construction works that will be done. As a reminder, below here are some common types that you should prepare.
Head Protection: construction hard hats, construction safety helmets, industrial hard hats, industrial safety helmets, safety helmets, face shield visor, welding helmets and welding mask.
Eye protection: safety goggles, chemical splash goggles, clear safety glasses, protective spectacles, protective glasses, protective eye wear, welding goggles and protective goggles.
Hearing protection: ear plugs, hearing ear muffs, electronic earmuffs, electronic earmuff with radio, disposable earplug, shooting ear muffs, reusable earplug and foam earplug.
Respiratory protection: dust masks, dust respirator, respirator masks, particulate mask, n95 masks, half face mask, disposable respirator, face mask, filter cartridges, respirator cartridges, etc.
Hand Protection: welding gloves, working gloves, PVC Dot gloves, leather gloves and driver's gloves.
Foot Protection: safety shoes and boots.
Fall Protection: safety belts, safety harness, industrial safety harness, half waist safety belt, full body industrial safety harness, etc.
Gas detector: combustible gas (Lowe Explosive Limit) detector, oxygen detector, etc.
Others: safety sign, protective barrier, safety tape, ventilation equipment, knee pads, fire extinguishers, etc.
Even though construction safety equipments are very important, however always bear in mind that you can not solely rely on them. The first you should do is how to reduce hazard from your construction area.
submitted by NegativeEgg to masksforkidsr [link] [comments]

how can you identify hazards in the workplace video

Hazard Identification, Assessment & Control - YouTube Identifying Hazards in the Workplace - YouTube Identifying and managing workplace hazards in a hospital ... Finding Hazards in the Workplace - YouTube Hazard Identification - The Safety Inspection - YouTube Hazard & Risk Identification  How to identify & control ... Hazards and risks - YouTube

Some hazards can affect an employee’s health over a long period of time or may result in stress. You should not just be looking for things that could physically harm an employee but consider emotional or mental stressors as well. This can include bullying, harassment, a negative work environment or an overworked employee. As you walk around your workplace, you may find problems that are You can identify workplace hazards by reviewing inspection and injury reports, soliciting feedback from employees, and seeking the assistance of professional health and safety experts from outside your company. Using these methods will help you protect workers at your workplace from potential harm. Steps . Method 1 of 2: Carrying Out an Internal Risk Assessment. 1. Review safety information Identifying hazards in the workplace is the first step to a good hazard/risk management as you cannot manage what you do not know. The goal of identifying hazards in the workplace is to find and record possible hazards that may be present in the workplace. Every workplace has different hazards, and it is the duty of every employer to ensure that all hazards within their workplace are You need to be aware of workplace hazards to properly identify safety risks. To help with hazard identification and assessment, start by creating and maintaining a list of all sources of information on workplace hazards. The sources should be consulted periodically, or whenever a new process or job task is introduced. The following are sources of information on hazards that may already be How to prevent workplace hazards. The best way to protect yourself and your employees from workplace hazards is to identify and manage them and take reasonable steps to prevent their potential to harm. In order to control workplace hazards and eliminate or reduce the risk, you should take the following steps: identify the hazard by carrying out a workplace risk assessment; determine how Workplace hazards have many roots or sources, but they are not the infinite, and you can control if you can identify or know them and determine how they can harm or affect your employees. Sources of hazards include tools & equipment, materials, processes, energy, substances, conditions, and the work practices. How can you identify hazards in your workplace? Think about the documents and personnel available to you, and give at least three examples of identification methods you could use. Identifying hazards can be done by: Examining commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations and codes of practice o this will help inform you about the areas where hazards usually occur Checking equipment Depending on the tools and mechanisms you use to identify hazards in the workplace, you will be looking at a different example and workflow. For our example, we are going to look at 'best practice' based on using the above software and app combination. Here's what an example hazard identification workflow would look like on this site: When a worker spots a hazard, they can use their mobile The 5 Ways We Identify Hazards Hazards are objects and in themselves don’t harm anyone. An object only becomes a hazard when a human engages with it, until then it remains a potential hazard. One can focus as much on displacement of energies and damaging energies as one wants but unless there is some understanding about human judgment and decision making the object remains a neutral object The definition of hazard identification - and how you can better identify hazards. The definition of a hazard. In order to define what hazard identification is, we should start by defining what a hazard is: A hazard is a source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone. As we are all too aware, workplaces and particlularly industrial industries sites are a

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Hazard Identification, Assessment & Control - YouTube

A short demonstration of a self paced scenario created for health students at the Canberra Institute of Technology that enables them to practice identifying ... What's the difference between a hazard and a risk? Health & Safety at Work Hazard & Risk Identification How to identify & control Hazards & Risks in a WorkplaceA Health & Safety at Work Presentation about H... Online Course: Identification Topic page: This online Hazard Identification course will help keep you safe on the job by showing you how to prevent injuries and illness in the workplace through hazar... Learn how to identify hazards in the workplace to ensure the safety of yourself and those around you. Every job has workplace hazards. Knowing what the hazards are is an important step in being safe on the job. This video introduces workers to potential hazar...

how can you identify hazards in the workplace

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