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The tabloids tracked his every move. The business magazines predicted his demise. And the public couldn't get enough. But the only people privy to Donald Trump's real story were the members of his inner circle—men such as Jack O'Donnell, a top executive at Atlantic City's Trump Plaza Casino until April, 1990. For three years O'Donnell witnessed the goings-on in the House of Trump that the people only guessed at. Now he reveals what he saw.
Here's the inside story of Trump's legendary tirades, his convenient forgetfulness, and the infamous Donald Trump ego. O'Donnell tells how the Plaza staff catered to Trump's personal whims, and to those of his mistress—and how the man who built the largest gambling hall in the world knew little about running a casino.
From the hypocrisy, bad deals, and the monumental debt to the untold tales of Marla and Ivana, Trumped! rips the mask off the mighty Trump facade—revealing a man whose castle is about to collapse.
From Kirkus Reviews
An old saw about Hollywood has it that if you scrape away the phoney tinsel, you'll find the real tinsel underneath. On the evidence of the would-be hiss-and-tell expos‚ at hand, much the same could be said of Donald Trump, the casino real-estate operator who's now adrift in a sea of financial woes. By the author's evenhanded, knowledgable account, in fact, Trump is a decidedly dull boy whose life story could as easily have been subtitled ``The Banality of Narcissism.'' The son of a top gaming-industry executive, O'Donnell (now 36) grew up in the slot-machine business. A sometime prot‚g‚ of Steve Wynn, he signed on with The Donald's organization in 1987. As chief operating officer at Trump Plaza, O'Donnell was in almost daily contact with his boss. If familiarity did not breed contempt, it eventually led to distaste. Trump at work emerges here as a cocksure boor who pays precious little attention to detail and pins the blame for his own misjudgments on subordinates. While he seems surprisingly dumb when it comes to weighing a deal's downside risks against its potential rewards, he apparently suffers from near- terminal overconfidence. As O'Donnell makes clear, however, his empire was built on an abiding faith in rising property values, an assumption that came a cropper shortly after the Taj Mahal's botched opening. And Trump at play with his yacht, helicopter, and other trophies is an equally unappealing eminence. A lover of gossip, The Donald has a phobia about germs, which makes him reluctant to shake hands with high-rolling customers or mingle with the celebs he adores and caters to. Nor does the abstemious Trump have a talent for extramarital flings. A long-running, oddly joyous affair with Marla Maples cost him his marriage to Ivana--and a good deal more. At any rate, O'Donnel quit Trump cold about a year ago. Now employed at Merv Griffith's Resorts Casino Hotel, he's watched from afar as Trump's sagging fortunes have attested to the truth of Hardy's contention that character is fate. An insider's saavy appraisal of a lad who lierally grew too big for his britches; no real surprises or new dirt for attentive readers of tabloid and business news, but a slick piece of work that will almost surely attract attention. -- Copyright ©1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
submitted by wellnessjames to u/wellnessjames [link] [comments]

Everything I Noticed whilst playing P5R (very long) (no major 3rd semester spoilers)

So I just beat Royal about 2 weeks ago and had an absolute blast. 10/10 would do again
Whist playing, however, I actually made a list of everything I personally discovered, though some things may be wrong.
If you want to add anything to the list, suggestions are appreciated!! And if you notice any mistakes, please tell me and I'll fix it up a bit, thanks!!
Oh, and there are no 3rd semester spoilers! I only wrote down things between the first day and Christmas day, so don't worry about anything too major in this post djsjshks and I didn't write much about any of the Palaces besides from story related things
Anyway, here's literally everything I wrote down!! Enjoy, my dudes 🤠

The Atlus/Criwear intros have now been improved, with Atlus's intro having a bit of Joker at the start doing Jokery things
The loading screen for starting up the game now includes the PTs logo with 3 spotlights
Palace "distortions" that can be seen surrounding the screen now have a new look
You can now see the sillohetes of future party members in the Casino
The dialogue between Futaba and Ryuji are now actual dialogue boxes, not side dialogue that you'd see in Mementos
Loading screens are SO much faster and the "walking" loading screens now include more people
You can see Takemi walking towards the clinic when you arrive in Yogen
The scene after you cleanup your room, and going to school is now fully voiced
Sojiro generally has a kinder tone
The "New day" screen now has gone through some improvements. The clouds now move!!
Kawakami will accidentally hand you something whilst giving you your student ID. She quickly takes it back though before you can see it. Most likely maid service stuff
The ride back home now has additional dialogue of the road being extra packed at the end of Sojiro's monologue
You can meet Ohya interrogating a Station officer about the train crash
Arsène now has an "è" in his name
Arsène also talks with a "shouting" dialogue box. It's like a normal dialogue box, but it's shouting now
Not sure if this was in the original or not, but Ryuji has a bit of extra dialogue for him throwing the key away (not much, just a simple "ngh" but still)
The "ugh woe is me I'm a teacher and he's late boo hoo" is now voiced
A fuck tone of dialogue has been rewritten to sound better. Definitely an improvement
Sae now mentions what Kamoshida's crimes were ("He was guilty of everything - the abuse, the... violations...") (I think I'm not sure tho jdhdgh)
Kawakami when shittalking Ryuji will now get cutoff as soon as he approaches
While Ryuji waits for you on the roof, you can find Haru on the 3rd floor talking to a teacher!!! The teacher says how they'll leave the rooftop open so she go to the planters that she volunteered to take care of
The planters are already on the rooftop. I'm not sure if it was there last time in the original, but if it's not, it's a cool touch lmao
Sojiro's scolding for ditching half a day is now rewritten a bit +new dialogue options for Akiren
New dialogue from Justine about how neglecting your fate will lead to his death
New Kasumi scene
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Villians, or C)
New student thoughts scene talking about Kasumi
Kamoshida + Ann scene is now voiced + rewritten
Ryuji's search for the castle is now voiced (though it could've been in the original, in not sure)
Palaces now start at 40% security when you enter instead of 0%
After going through the Palace and meeting Morgana again, the dialogue of them going back into the Palace + so much more that I'm not bothered to write is now voiced
Safe room enterences are now all wiggly and distorted
Ammo is now replenished after battles
Morgana will ask after the gun tutorial if you want to directly command him or act freely instead of making new players go to the menu and find it
New scene of Ryuji and you discussing plans to take down Kamoshida + Goro and Sae walking in the background
New IM background. Messages now have sakura petals floating in the background
Whilst you're stuck at Leblanc, unable to go out, you can up all your stats! Studying at the booth helps your Knowledge, making Coffee ups your Charm, making Curry helps your guts, you can now clean Leblanc to up your Kindness (+some points for Sojiro if he's there) and making Tools helps your Proficiency!
Ann + Shiho can be seen walking in the background at 4/13
Some students walking to school now have voices
After the rally, Ryuji complaints about Kamoshida are now voiced
One victim of Kamoshida that you interrogate now has a voice
Students you can listen into now have a slighty darker "chatter" icon once you talk to them. Same with the "whisper" icon
Wrong answers to Ryuji's question about any names turning up are now voiced
After school when Morgana tells you about changing hearts, there's a little scene where you can get the students options on Ann
The scene after you chase Ann is now voiced
Ryuji post-suicide scene is now voiced
Makoto can be found post-suicide scene right outside the courtyard talking to a teacher about Shiho's suicide (Teacher's worried about it turning into a scandal while Makoto's like "bro wtf what about the fucking student??? Huh????")
Ryuji post running off to the PE office is now voiced
Ryuji shakes his arms when he gets pissed off at Kamoshida
Shadow Kamoshida's speech to the Knights after you enter the palace is now voiced + the scene after that
When a new weapon is found in a treasure chest, the person it belongs to will ask if you want to equip the item
After Ann's awakening, there's a little scene of the crew returning to the real world and talking about what the hell just happened
Sae's dialogue about Ann has changed
Sojiro tells you to "Stay upstairs while we're open for business." Not sure if it's in the original, but it's also voiced
Takemi has a new voice actor!!!
God, fuck, there's so many new voice lines, I'm not gonna put them in anymore since there's so MANY. I'll just mention important scenes that have voices from now on
Friends that go to Shujin will sometimes catch up to you and you'll both walk to school together
Some new people appear on Yongen street when you go to Takemi's for the first time! There's a stern old man who can't hear you (he thinks you're talking about Kindergarten), there's a talkative women (who actually mentions a "very good doctor who's very reliable." Possibly the Doc from Takemi's Route?) And a sick man who says he wants to go in, but doesn't have the guts. (alluding to Takemi needing Guts to rank up)
Iwai's first meeting is now voiced
Kawakami will talk to you after Kamoshida tries to get you expelled. There's now a new scene with Kawakami, Kamoshida and Kasumi
New student comments about you + Kasumi
There are new "thoughts" when quick traveling down near the lower right-hand side of the screen that give you hints (e.g. when hovering over the Library, it says "I think I could improve my Knowledge...")
By sitting on the toilet, you can find out how close you are to improving your stats
You can see your friends (Makoto, Haru, ect) walk to school
New Hiruta question (The answer is they're both the same, or C)
There is now a tutorial for baton passing since it's no longer a confidant ability
Chests now have a weird glitchy sound to them
Some items will give you some additional moves (Wind Ring will give you Garu, ect)
The twins will have new features for you in the Velvet room after you secure the route to the treasure.
The "Next Day" screen's weather will change depending on the weather in game
On 4/21, you can see Makoto and Sae hanging out in the background
The "Next Day" screen will also change when you send the calling card! A card will fly into the date instead of a dagger and the sky will become black and red
You cannot resell guns to Iwai anymore
The Palace security will actually go up to 100% when you send the Calling Card, not 99% like in the original
The Ass Chalice now has a sound effect for when you break it
Shiho and Mishima now appears as apart of Kamoshida's boss fight
New question, forgot which teacher tho (the answer is D, or all of them)
Morgana will tell you to work on your Kindness so you can talk to Ann
Confidants will now sometimes call you
Confidants will also have a little after scene after you hang out with them, mostly by phone call
The amount of people on the train will change depending on the time of day
You can get multiple choices for what to buy from the Home shopping channel now
Teachers will now sometimes call on your dumbass friends and ask them questions. Be a bro and help them out
New Kawakami question (answer is B, you stand by it no matter what, and then C, you have a duty to correct it)
Sometimes, when you're at the trainstation, confidants will come to talk to you. They are now voiced
New Usami question (the answer is B, or Four Colour Theorem)
Achievements for destroying Palaces have different titles now
Walking around the Wilton Buffet to get food is now voiced
Thieves Den, baby!!!!!!
Kawakami's lecture about Kamoshida is now voiced
When Kawakami goes on to explain multiple personalities and stuff like that, Akiren sits up a bit
There are more Chalk throwings by Ushimaru
The Library assistant will actually apologize to you if you spend enough time at the library!
New Kawakami question (Answer is Fatal Woman, or C)
The Monamobile will now purr when you rub the touch pad, and will yowl when you press it
Ryuji's Rank 5 now starts with a little scene of you two entering the alley to Protein Lovers gym (probably to show players where the gym is)
You can now also quick travel to the gym when you enter it
New Inui question (The answer is the Heian period, or C)
When traveling to places such as Inokashira Park, the windows on the train can change depending on the weather and scenery
New scene on 5/11. A school assembly is apparently happening on 5/13 after exams. Enter Maruki (He's the Counciler!!)
Maruki can now ask you questions in the classroom (Answer is the Placebo effect, or C)
The Morgana train button mash incident is now voiced
New scene on how to get to Madarame's shack
New Inui question (the answer is Hokusai Katsushika, or B)
New Usami question (the answer is 1:1.414, or B)
Treasure demon fights now have a new effect for when you enter battles with them (not unlike Disaster enemies, but this time it's yellow and sparkly)
New Chouno question (Answer is Together, or C, then Senses, or B, and then "Senses coming together," or B)
On 5/24, Kawakami announces a public cleanup campaign that the school will be participating in on the 30th
In Madarame's Palace, instead of you having to travel all the way back to the beginning to traverse the paintings, you can hop back in where you exited out of
Madarame's security guard is now no longer origami man, but instead it's this weird, blue angel dude with like a seashell horn?? Sorry idk all of the Persona names
New Kawakami question (The answer is Authur Conan Doyle, or B)
Operation Maidwatch is now voiced!
New Maruki class/question (The answer is the Halo effect, or B)
New scene with Ryuji, we're going to Kichijoji, baby!!!
When you unlock Lockdown during the Strength confidant, Lockdown will have a new feature called Incense. Incense will improve your Persona's focus and gives them more strength. You can find Incense not only in the Metaverse, but in daily life too.
The day when Ryuji forgets to change over to his Summer uniform, or 6/6, he will now catch up to you in the right uniform
The students walking around in the loading screens are now wearing their summer uniforms
Ann now wears a clover necklace with her Summer uniform (in her sprite atleast. Not sure if that was in the original)
Even MORE chalk throwing incidents with Ushimaru
New Kasumi scene
New Hiruta question (The answer is the number of legs, or C)
New Public Thoughts scene discussing Akechi and the Phantom Thieves (this is right before the Social Studies trip)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Controlling public thought, or C)
Not sure if it's just me, but Kobayakawa seems a bit more of an asshole to Makoto
You actually exchange numbers with Akechi this time
New Hiruta question (The answer is Green, or B)
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Coins, or B)
Kinda newish scene of Makoto/Sae sister time? It's the same dialogue, but they're not eating this time and instead are talking in their living room
New scene of Makoto and Iida (the guy who got blackmailed by Kaneshiro and co.)
New scene of you and Ryuji finding the right line to take you to Shinjuku
The two trolls of Shinjuku scene has been rewritten.
New Usami question and Ann needs help answering it (The answer is Smartphone, or B)
Kaneshiro's introduction is now slighty different (the camera focuses on him talking to Makoto before zooming out and seeing her struggling on the floor)
New Inui question (The answer is a Pope, or C)
Kawakami's IM pfp has now been changed to her maid outfit
New scene on 6/25. Morgana/Ann's showtime introduction
When you enter Kaneshiro's palace, a dog enemy will spot you and will initiate a battle. You will be able to trigger Ann/Morgana's showtime!
New technical tutorial in the middle of Kaneshiro's palace since this is the first time you encounter enemies without weaknesses
Treasure demons will now sometimes appear in battles with other enemies
Kaneshiro's security cameras now have a sound effect for when they go out
In Kaneshiro's Palace, there's a miniboss right before the giant lock. In the og, right as you walked down the stairs, you were forced to fight before you could save in the safe room behind you. Now, in Royal, you can save before going to fight! (Credit to u/Theroonco for this fact!!)
Kaneshiro's palace now has golden doors you need to pay for to open up (Specifically 10,000 yen.) Fortunately, you can just beat the shit out of them to get them to open.
Kaneshiro's Guard near the end of the palace has been changed. Instead of Armless Brainless mcgee it's horse skeleton man with weird hat (again, idk persona names fdjdhsk)
Special animations will play for Caroline and Justice when lockdown is in effect
New lines from Caroline/Justine when lockdown is in effect
New Chouno question (The answer is Dogs, or C)
On 6/28, new scene with Ryuji/Makoto for their showtime introduction though the date may differ depending on your playthrough. I got mine just as I was about to send the calling card, so who knows?
New Kawakami question (The answer is Gold, or B)
Kaneshiro's entire first phase has been deleted. Instead, you just skip to Piggytron
Kaneshiro also now has 3 phases
New Inui question (The answer is Barbarian's Head, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is Julius and Augustus, or B)
New Kawakami question (The answer is The Milky Way, or B and then Soumen Noodles, or A)
New Usami question (The answer is a Triangle, or D)
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memories that last for a long time, or B, then Infinite, or C and finally Forever, or C)
New Makoto scene
New Kasumi/Goro scene (I literally gasped outloud as soon as I saw him I'm not kidding that really caught me by surprise dkdkshhs)
New Inui question (The answer is Thievery, or D)
New Maruki/Makoto scene
New scene with some Gossiping students taking shit about Kasumi and Maruki
New scene on 7/17!!! Festival, baby!!!!! + Ryuji/Yusuke showtime introduction
On the day of the fireworks festival, on the train loading screens, you can see people dressed up in Yukatas!
Not sure if it was in the game last time, but there's now dialogue of Medjed claiming to be modern day Robin Hoods
New scene with Ryuji asking you to check with people in your neighbourhood about Futaba
You can no longer slide down the sand in front of Futaba's Palace while in your normal attire
Anubis will now warn you if he'll perform Mudoon or Hamaon (Anublis tips towards Curse (Mudoon) / Bless (Hamaon) or Anus reset balance (if Anubis decides to stop the Insta kills))
New mementos rooms
New Treasure Demon dialogue if you already have that Treasure Demon in your party
I've also noticed that there are a lot more Treasure demons in Mementos, whether they spawn in or appear right after battle with another enemy
You can sometimes fall into the ground in Mementos
I'm not sure if this was in the original, but you cannot hang out with your confidants in certain areas if the weather is bad
The Big Bang challenge without the special on is 2000 yen on the burger's second phase and 2500 yen on burger's final form
Cognitive Wakaba's 1st phase has now been sped up. She will now dive down on her third turn
New animations for Futaba working in Necronomicon whilst she is talking to Sphinx Wakaba
New Cognitive Sphinx Wakaba + Futaba Dialogue
Just as jobs can now text you and ask if you can come in, Lala can now text you and ask if you can take a shift. She even has a unique Profile colour!
Also, more people will come in on Sundays to Crossroads. Instead of receiving 7200 yen, you'll get 12000 yen instead for your hard work
Kasumi's ending text (Unbreakable bond) is now different. Also, I think it was a different voice?? It said you gained a glimpse, not the ultimate secret though. Very interesting
Also, there's no new Persona for you to fuse for her and Kasumi herself doesn't get a new persona (I finished this before she even awakened so huh??? Wha???)
Futaba's integration into the PTs is now voiced
The Shinjuku Trolls/Lobster incident is now voiced
New scene of the Gang hanging out at the beach (it's animated, but it's one of the 3D ones with the models)
The Movie Theatre Mementos request is now right after Medjed's takedown, and you do not need to search for the name this time as Mishima just gives it to you. You can still find Yasuo Jochi (the target) at the movie theatre threating the old man
New scene on 8/30. Ryuji didn't do his Summer homework
The Takases (Kawakami's blackmail no-good doers) turn into the butterfly man and green girl fairy now (I think. I could've sworn they turned into a Succubus and an Incubus but who knows? I do remember fighting the enemies they turn into now though so again, who knows?)
Naguri (the guy that attacks indiscriminately and can be found out through gossip in the Flower shop) is also now a Kin Ki (again, not sure if it was in the og but I do not remember fighting a Kin Ki)
New Inui question (The answer is Prosperity, or C)
New Maruki class (The answer is Chronostasis, or B) (I'm also pretty sure the second hand stopping question was in the og, but now Maruki asks you the question.)
Not sure if this is actually in the fight, but whilst I was exploring the Thieves Den, I noticed Kamoshida (Monster oogly bloogly form) had a mini him on the Ann Cup.
The Yusuke Hawaii incident is now voiced
New scene with Kawakami
New scene with Maruki, Sojiro, Futaba and Morgana
New scene of the gang + Kasumi shopping for soveineurs (with an additional Haru in the background!!) (Also, unfortunately, instead of the original scene of Kasumi scaring you (she originally said "Konichi-WA") being translated to "Alo-HA", it just got translated to "Hello, SENPAI" which kinda saddens me but it's eh)
When you get back from Hawaii, if you say "Aloha!" to Futaba, instead of saying "He's been influenced..." she now says "He's been Hawaiianized..." Not sure why they changed it, I mean, it was fine to begin with but it's whatever ¯_(ツ)_/¯
New scene with Ryuji and Kasumi
The conversation with Futaba about Morgana's fissy fit is now voiced
New Inui question (The answer is Money loans for collateral, or A)
If you interact with the stuff in your room whilst the game forces you to sleep and Morgana is missing, you'll get text like "There's something that relates to the cat... I'm worried about Morgana..." (E.g if you interact with your work bench, it says "A cat left paw prints in the dust... I'm worried about Morgana..."
Haru's Metaverse outfit sprites have been remade
After Morgana's + Haru's little spiel, if you check on the stuff in your room again whilst the game tells you to go the fuck to sleep, it'll have different dialogue. It's mostly Akiren wondering who "Beauty Thief" was and being worried about Morgana
Again, even more dialogue about Morgana and Haru on the next day. "Why didn't I noticed that something was bothering Morgana...?" oh Akiren you sweet little child hit me right in the Kokoro
New Chouno question (The answer is Cats eating human tongues, or B)
The Morgana chase scene is now voiced
Finally, when Morgana returns, he'll comment on everything saying shit like "Oooh this place is as drab as ever lmao I'm glad to be back ahahah"
New Kawakami question (The answer is Centeral Europe, or B)
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT!!! If you check on your calendar, you can see Akiren's thoughts and what he did that day!!! I didn't know until now djdjdh (also, Hawaii has some cool stamps?? Stickers?? Probably not stickers but they're cool lmao (ALSO THE BIG BANG CHALLENGES ARE CALLED "TRIAL BY BURGER" KSJDHDHH)
New Usami question (The answer is 20 white, 12 black or B)
New scene of Yusuke/Ann for their showtime
The Sad Oh no Okumura Robot dying wahh scene is now voiced
Maruki can now meet you at the station, surprisingly
New scene with Haru and Morgana for their Showtime
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Imperial Household Agency, or B)
God, I tried to not include that much Palace stuff in here - especially the bosses - but holy fucking shit Okumura is fucking hard as shit and it took me 3 tries to beat him oh my god beware of the Borger man and forehead girl I'm actually shaking as I'm writing this just know I hate Okumura and his stupid bossfight
New scene with Kasumi, Maruki and some random teacher
New Hiruta question (The answer is Stars, or B)
New scene with Kasumi and anime scene!! and WHOOPS we've accidentally entered the metaverse WHAT
Gun Customisation has a new screen and new mechanics
You can also now instantly go to the Gun Customisation screen when you buy a new gun
New Inui question (The answer is Joseph-Igance Guillotin, or D)
New Usami question (The answer is Bouba, or B)
New scene with Kawakami at lunch at 10/11 telling you to go see Maruki + Kasumi and Maruki afterwards
New scene with Maruki and Haru on 10/20
New Usami question (The answer is 15, or A)
Instead of Makoto getting Akechi's number from Sae, we give his number directly to Makoto since we actually exchange contact info this time
New Maruki class/question (The answer is Memory Bias, or B)
New scene after the school festival. Yusuke is missing and is found by Maruki
The post-festival party is now accompanied by Kasumi, though afterwards you can hang out with your friends
New anime scene too!!
Ryuji's phone call about being the shittiest of shitbags is now voiced
Goro's prince outfit reveal is now voiced
Also, I forgot if I mentioned this before, but Akechi's pfp is now a different colour. It was grey before, but now it's light brownish
Not sure if it just randomly happens in October, but on 10/30, I saw people dressed up in costumes! Nice little detail (I even saw a Jack Frost lmao)
You can also find people walking around Shibuya in costumes!
Haru will instead be outside the school tending to the plants instead on the roof on Sundays if you want to hang out with her
New scene with Makoto and Haru!! It's the girls' showtime!!! Time to kick ass
I only noticed until now, but if you hold down the R2 button, (the button that makes you dash if you're unfamiliar with the PS controller like I am) you'll instantly perform actions such as jumping across ledges and climbing up walls
Sae now has actual cognitive-human bodyguards when she approaches you whilst you wander around the Casino (they actually kinda look similar from the bodyguards at the beginning whilst you're being chased lmao)
In Sae's Dice room, instead of crawling through the vent to reach the backrooms, you can just select "crawl" on the vent and instantly teleport there without having to crawl through since the two rooms are in seperate "areas"
New scene with Kawakami! She informs the class that Maruki will leave on the 18th, so make sure to rank him up to Rank 9 so you can unlock the 3rd semester!
Not sure if I just didn't notice before, but there are now people in the Dark Maze
Didn't notice earlier since my sneaking skills are so good, but safe rooms now bring Palace Security down to 0%, or something like that idk I was on 10% so it could be something like 15% or 20%, who knows lmao (edit: According to u/Theroonco, apparently this is a new confidant ability from Ohya! Thanks, worst girl, my opinion of you has slightly improved)
The battle areana is now voiced
Just like Maruki, Akechi will warn you that you will not be able to see him after the deadline, so rank him up so you can get to the 3rd semester!!
New Inui question (The answer is A Share of Stolen Goods, or C)
New Chouno question (The answer is a Sword, or B)
Futaba's Mementos scan is now a lot quicker
Also, I guess now is a good time to mention, but areas in Mementos can have certain qualities to them, such as all the shadows turning into the big hulky ones and the floor being weak which makes Morgana slip through them to the floor below. There's also a chance that the Reaper will spawn right away, which Futaba/Morgana will warn you that there's a certain strong shadow you have to look out for. These areas however will go back to normal after you leave them
New Ushimaru question (The answer is Any Age, or A) (And this was technically in the og, but they've reworded it so I'm just gonna put it in anyway lmao)
New Kawakami question (The answer is Crows eyes are hard to see, or B)
Nee Ushimaru question (The answer is because of high altitude, or C)
New Usami question (The answer is Cochleoid, or B)
New scene with Kasumi on 11/17
New scene with Maruki on 11/18, which is the day that he leaves
On 11/20, (the actual 11/20, not the one at the beginning of the game) you can see the SIU Director's face in the phone call thingymajig
True Justice now has actual text, not just question marks (it says "Cooperate as comrades who fight for justice and seek the truth")
Futaba's computer has now been translated in the subtitles, though I didn't get to read that much
New scene with Morgana. After the whole Interrogation Room incident, he asks you if it was Kasumi that helped you
New scene with Kasumi on 11/25
New angle/actions when hanging out at the downstairs Leblanc hideout
The Rats scene in Shido's palace is now voiced (And the rats voices are weird lmao rats rats we're the rats)
You can now eat cheese as a Rat in Shido's palace to regain Sp
After securing the route, Akiren thinks about keeping Akechi's promise to duel with him again (if you make it up to rank 8, that is)
The Eternal Lockpick is now called the Perma-Pick
On days that it is snowing, Snowflakes will fall across the IM screen instead of Sakura Petals (though they disappeared for some reason. Maybe because spring ended?)
New Vegetables for Haru!! Earth Beans that have the same effect as Charge and Star Onions that have the same effect as Concentrate
New scenes with Kasumi right before Exams and during Exams
Mementos Depths now have collectables that you can steal from
If you have reached the skill Live Painting (obtained on Rank 6), you can ask Yusuke to create skill cards in safe rooms
Your teammates speeches in the Velvet Room are now completely voiced
New ending Cutscene
And the entire 3rd semester :))

And that's about it!! Again, if anything is missing or incorrect, feel free to tell me!
Thanks for reading kdjsjs 🤠🤠🤠
submitted by The-Alpacat to Persona5 [link] [comments]

[US][SELLING]Many Individual Volumes of Manga/Anime [W]$2.75 each Paypal

Most of the manga are in the grade range of G2-G4. Some of the manga have parenthetical notes about their condition and are generally in G1-G3 condition. Ex-library manga are automatically G1 regardless of their condition. I'm selling these manga cheaply enough that I don't want to answer 20 questions about each book.
I also have a small amount of anime available for the same price. Anime are either new in shrinkwrap or used but tested. Each one is subtitled or dubbed in English. Some of them are numbered, while others aren't. I include the episode numbers when I think it will clarify things.
18+ manga (either non-yaoi or yaoi) is separated from the rest of the manga.
After we agree to what you're buying in the thread, I'll need you to PM me your email address. Then I'll send you a paypal invoice.

  1. Manga/anime cost $2.75 each.
  2. If you buy 5 or fewer manga, you must pay an additional $3.50 for shipping and handling.
  3. If you buy 6 or more manga, I will waive the shipping fee. As long as supplies last, I will add a free bonus manga sampler or graphic novel sampler.
  4. No international shipping.
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, please tell me in your PM. I have to charge 7% sales tax. Because I live in Allegheny County, it's 7% regardless of which part of Pennsylvania you live in.

* Starred manga are larger than normal, which matters if your shelves only have so much space. Smaller manga are NOT starred.

Akihabara Geeks
Alien Nine Collector's Series
Angel Sanctuary Enhanced Edition
Angelic Layer: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Arc the Lad: 5 [episodes 17-21]
Armored Trooper VOTOMS [episodes 14-27]
Aura Battler Dunbine: 7 [episodes 26-29]
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Basilisk: 2 [episodes 5-8] (The box is kind of slanted.), 3 [episodes 9-12], 6 [episodes 21-24]
Beck Mongolian Chop Squad: 1 [episodes 1-5], 3 [episodes 11-14], 4 [episodes 15-18]
Black Jack episode 8
Casino Warrior Zero: 2 [episodes 5-8]
Corrector Yui [episodes 11-14]
Cyber City episode 2
Dangaizer 3: 1
DNA: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Ex-Driver: 1
Fairy Reins
Fight!! Spirit of the Sword
Final Fantasy Unlimited: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Fleet of Doom [Voltron movie]
Fruits Basket: 1 [episodes 1-6]
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: 2 [episodes 5-7], 4 [episodes 11-13]
Geneshaft: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Getter Robo Armageddon: Transfiguration
Godannar!!: 6 [episodes 21-23]
Grappler Baki The Ultimate Fighter
Green Green: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Grenadier: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Hades Project Zeorymer Extinction
Hammerboy Collector's Series
His and Her Circumstances: 4 [episodes 17-21]
Huntik: 1 [episodes 1-7]
I Shall Never Return
I'll/CKBC Crazy Kouzu Basketball Club [episodes 1-2]
Idol Project: 1 [episodes 1-2], 2 [episodes 3-4]
Initial D: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Jubei-Chan The Ninja Girl The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch Complete Series
Kodocha: 11 [episodes 41-44]
Magical Witch Punie-Chan
Mirage of Blaze: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Mushi-Shi The Movie [live action]
Noir: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Now and Then, Here and There: Bonus Disc
Oh My Goddess: 4 [episodes 15-18], 5 [episodes 19-22]
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
Orphen: 5 [episodes 15-19]
Otogi Zoshi: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Peach Girl: 1 [episodes 1-5], 6 [episodes 22-25]
Queen's Blade: 2 [episodes 5-8, OVA episodes 3-4]
Rahxephon: 2
Rave Master: 2 [episodes 3-5]
Revolutionary Girl Utena: 3 [episodes 14-17], 5 [episodes 21-23], 8 [episodes 31-33] (medium rip in slip cover)
Robotech: 14 [episodes 80-85]
Sakura Wars The Movie
Samurai 7: 4 [episodes 13-16], 7 [episodes 24-26]
Samurai Jack The Premiere Movie
School Rumble: 6 [episodes 23-26]
Sentimental Journey [complete series, 2 dvds]
Seven of Seven: 1 [episodes 1-5], 2 [episodes 6-11]
Shadow Star Narutaru: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Shuffle!: 6 [episodes 21-24]
Slam Dunk: 3 [episodes 11-15]
SoltyRei: 1 [episodes 1-6]
The Boy Who Wanted to be a Bear
The Goku Sen: 1 [episodes 1-5]
The Twelve Kingdoms: 2, 6
The Weathering Continent (warped front matter)
Trinity Blood: 2 [episodes 5-8], 3 [episodes 9-12]
Tsubasa: 3 [episodes 11-14], 5 [episodes 19-22], 6 [episodes 23-26], 9 [episodes 37-40]
URDA The Third Reich
Witchblade: 4
Ys: 2
Zone of the Enders Dolores, i: 4

18+ Manga: (non-yaoi; a couple are 16+, but in series that are usually 18+)
7th Garden: 6
Astral Project: 1
Battle Vixens: 1 (small rip)
Between The Sheets
Blade of the Immortal: 1*
Blood Sucker: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Blood the Last Vampire 2002* [one shot] (2: 1 with several small creases, 1 slightly bent at spine)
Category Freaks: 1 (2 copies, 1 pretty scuffed up)
Death At Death's Door: 1 (2 copies)
Dogs Prelude: 0*
Doll: 1 (hardback, moderate wear on slip cover), 3 (a couple small creases)
Flowers & Bees: 2
Happy Mania: 5, 8 (2 copies)
Hey Princess (small rip, spine stress)
High School of the Dead: 1
Jormungand: 4* (a page is ripped and creased)
Kami-kaze: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips), 4
Kannazuki No Miko: 1
Kikaider 02: 4
King of Wolves [one shot]
Maico 2010: 1 (2 copies, 1 with small rip), 4
Omamori Himari: 1, 4
Ooku The Inner Chambers: 5 (ex-library, dirty)
Orfina: 1*
Remote: 2, 3 (2 copies), 4 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Sacred: 1
Samurai Harem Asu No Yoichi: 2
Sensual Phrase: 1-2
Steel Angel Kurumi: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers, tiny stain)
Strawberry 100%: 9
Sword of the Dark Ones: 1
Sword's Edge: 1* (severe shelfwear, small stain, tiny stain, small rip)
Testarotho: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4
The Dead Boy Detectives
The Young Magician: 1 (2 copies, 1 with slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World: 2 (moderate shelfwear, several creases)
Tokko: 1 (moderate shelfwear, medium stain, slightly warped at 1 corner, creases/rips on spine, several small creases)
Tokyo Zombie*
Triage X: 1 (a couple large creases, small hole)
Warriors of Tao: 1 (2 copies, 1 slightly dirty)
Welcome to the N.H.K.: 2 (small stain, slightly warped at front of book, a couple small creases)
Yubisaki Milk Tea: 1 (slightly bent)

18+ Manga: (yaoi)
A Foreign Love Affair [one shot]
Alcohol, Shirt & Kiss* [one shot]
Barefoot Waltz* [one shot]
Because I'm a Boy [one shot]
Black Knight: 2 (moderate shelfwear)
...but, I'm Your Teacher [one shot]
Crazy Star* [one shot] (slightly bent)
Croquis [one shot] (sticker residue)
Dark Prince: 3
Delivery Cupid [one shot] (large crease)
Don't Be Cruel: 8
Don't Rush Love [one shot]
Don't Say Any More, Darling [one shot]
Duetto* [one shot]
Gerard & Jacques: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Hanky Panky [one shot]
Hero Heel: 1* (2 copies)
I Can't Stop Loving You: 1-2
Invisible Love* [one shot]
J-Boy: 1*
June Pride [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty)
Junior Escort* [one shot]
Just My Luck [one shot] (slightly dirty)
Kashinfu* [one shot]
Kiss All the Boys: 1 (multiple creases)
Little Butterfly: 2*
Love Circumstances [one shot]
Love Code* [one shot] (some browning on inside covers)
Love Pistols: 1
Lovers in the Night [one shot] (several small creases)
Loving Gaze* [one shot]
Man's Best Friend [one shot]
Meeting You [one shot]
Melted Love* [one shot]
My Paranoid Next Door Neighbor [one shot]
Our Kingdom*: 5
Passion: 1*, 2*, 3*
Pet on Duty [one shot]
Picnic* [one shot]
Poison Cherry Drive [one shot] (slightly bent)
Sensitive Pornograph* [one shot]
Shining Moon* [one shot] (slight browning on inside covers)
Shinobu Kokoro [one shot]
Skyscrapers of Oz [one shot]
The Art of Loving: 1* (2 copies, 1 with tiny stain and a few wrinkles, 1 slightly warped)
The Crimson Spell: 1
The Devil's Secret [one shot]
The Moon and the Sandals: 1*, 2*
The Prime Minister's Secret Diplomacy [one shot]
The Sky Over My Spectacles [one shot]
The World's Greatest Love: 2 (slightly warped)
Thunderbolt Boys: 1
Truly Kindly [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, small rip/crease)
Waru* [one shot]
Wild Rock [one shot] (small rip)
Yaoi An Anthology of Boys Love Stories: 2
Yellow: 1* (slightly bent, moderate yellowing, slightly dirty)
Yokan: 1, 2 (slight browning on inside covers)
You Will Fall in Love [one shot] (small rip)

Regular Manga:
+Anima: 1 (medium crease, some writing), 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip), 3
07-Ghost: 1, 2 (ex-library, peeling plastic), 3-4, 6
10, 20, and 30: 1
13th Boy: 2* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
20th Century Boys: 4* (ex-library, somewhat dirty), 5* (ex-library, slightly dirty)
7 Billion Needles: 1 (slightly bent at spine)
9th Sleep* [one shot]
u/Large: 2
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar: 2
A Midnight Opera: 1 (significant shelwear, medium rip), 2 (significant shelfwear)
A Perfect Day for Love Letters: 1
A Wise Man Sleeps: 2 (small rip)
Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade: 2
Absolute Boyfriend: 1-3
AI Love You: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3 (medium crease), 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 7 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
AI Revolution: 1
AI Yori Aoshi: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3-4
Aion: 1, 3
Airgear: 1 (moderate yellowing at edges of pages)
Aishiteruze Baby: 4
Alice 19th: 1-3, 5 (slightly bent), 6-7
Alice in the Country of Hearts: 1 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several tiny creases), 3
Alice on Deadlines: 1
Alichino: 1-3
Alien Nine: 1
Alive: 3 (ex-library)
Amazing Agent Luna: 1-2
Amnesia Labyrinth: 1
Amulet: 1*
Angel Cup: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Angel Diary: 4* (large crease), 6* (several small creases)
Angel Sanctuary: 1, 2 (back cover is scraped up), 3
Angel/Dust* [one shot]
Angel/Dust Neo* [one shot] (moderate shelfwear)
Angelboy: 1*
Angelic Layer: 1 (several small creases), 2, 4 (faded spine, moderate shelfwear)
Ani-lmo: 1, 5
Anne Freaks: 1-2, 4 (medium-to-large crease)
Antique Bakery: 1*, 3* (significant shelfwear, multiple creases, small stain, small rip)
Aoi House: 1
Aoi House in Love: 1 (some yellowing of inside cover), 2 (some yellowing of inside cover)
Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion: 1-3, 5
Arana The Heart of the Spider: 1
Arata the Legend: 5 (ex-library)
Arcana: 2
Archlord: 1 (ex-library)
Are You Alice?: 1 (ex-library, wavy, dirty, small rip, significant shelfwear)
Aria: 1
Aria: 2
Arisa: 1 (pretty creased up covers)
Ark Angels: 1-2
Armageddon: 1-2
Aron's Absurd Armada: 1* (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: 1
Artemis Fowl [one shot]*
Assembly [one shot]
Astro Boy: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing, several small creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers), 9 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
Attack on Titan: 1, 13 (small-to-medium crease)
Avalon Hill Coronation: 1, 2, 3 (creases in both covers)
Avatar the Last Airbender: The Promise Part 2*
Avatar the Last Airbender Cine-manga: 1
Aventura: 1 (ex-library), 3
Azumanga Daioh: 1*
Baby Birth: 1-2
Babymouse: 12* (bent)
Backstage Prince: 1-2
Bad Kitty: 1
Bakegyamon: 4 (slightly bent), 5 (slightly bent)
Ballad of a Shinigami: 1
Bamboo Blade: 1-3, 6
Banya the Explosive Delivery Man: 2 (spine stress)
Battle Girlz: 2
B.B. Explosion: 4
Beast Master: 1
Beauty is the Best: 4 (ex-library), 5 (ex-library)
Beauty Pop: 2
Because I'm the Goddess: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Beet: 3 (several creases, tiny stain), 4 (medium rip, medium crease), 5 (bent at spine, multiple creases, couple small rips, back cover bent)
Beyblade: 2 (several small creases)
Beyond the Beyond: 1-2
Bird Kiss: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Bizenghast: 1-3
Bizenghast The Novel
Black Beauty* (ex-library?)
Black Bird: 1-2
Black Cat: 1 (a little plastic peeling at the edges of the covers), 2-3, 4 (writing/coloring, small-to-medium crease), 5 (medium crease, multiple small creases, 2 small rips), 18, 19
Black Sun Silver Moon: 1, 4
Blade of Heaven: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip)
Blame: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several tiny creases, small rip)
Blank: 1 (spine stress)
Blank Slate: 1 (slight browning on inside covers)
Bleach: 1 (tiny stain), 2 (several small creases), 4 (small crease, medium gouge), 5 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 6, 7 (a few creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, medium crease), 10-11, 14, 16, 19 (a couple creases), 20, 36 (ex-library, small stain, medium crease)
Blood Alone: 2, 3 (piece of tape or something in the middle of the book)
Bloody Kiss: 2
Bloody Monday: 3 (ex-library, large crease), 5 (ex-library)
Blue Exorcist: 1-2
Blue Inferior: 1
Blue Monday: The Kids Are Alright*
BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing)
B.O.D.Y.: 2 (small rip)
Bogle: 1-2
Bombos Vs. Everything: 1
Bone: 1* (slightly bent at spine), 2*, 5* (slightly bent at spine, small rip)
Bound Beauty: 2 (ex-library, significant shelfwear)
Bow Wow Wata: 1
Boy Princess: 9
Boys Be: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2-3
Boys of Summer: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Brain Powered: 1 (several small creases), 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Bran Doll [one shot]
Brave* (stained at bottom of book, several creases)
Bride of the Water God: 1*
Brigadoon: 1 (moderate shelfwear, several creases), 2 (ex-library)
Bring it On!: 2*, 4*
Broken Angels: 1-2, 4 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Burst Angel: 2
Bus Gamer 1999-2001 The Pilot Edition (moderate shelfwear)
Buso Renkin: 1 (several creases, gouges, and the subscription card is cut out), 2 -3
Butterfly: 1
By the Sword: 1-2
Cactus's Secret: 1
Cafe Latte Rhapsody [one shot] (some plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Cafe Occult: 1-2
Calling You: 1 (medium cut through back cover and several pages)
Camp Midnight*
Can't Lose You: 1
Cantarella: 1
Captain Nemo: 1
Captive Hearts: 1 (bent), 2, 4 (small dent, medium crease), 5
Cardcaptor Sakura: 1 (ex-library), 3 [pocket edition], 5
Cardcaptor Sakura Master of the Clow: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (significant shelfwear, large crease, and 2 medium creases), 3, 6 (multiple creases, small dent)
Cardcaptors [cine-manga]: 6
Cardfight!! Vanguard: 2, 6 (last page stuck to back cover)
Case Closed: 1, 13 [hardback] (ex-library), 31 (ex-library, a couple small rips), 49 (ex-library)
Castle of Dreams [anthology] (moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips, slightly dirty)
Cat Paradise: 2 (light spine stress), 4 (small rip)
Central City: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Ceres Celestial Legend: 1, 2 (2 small rips), 3, 4* (medium-to-large crease), 5-6
Cheeky Angel: 1-2, 5 (some creasing in back cover)
Cherry Juice: 3 (several creases)
Chibi Vampire: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 6 (significant shelfwear), 12 (significant shelfwear, 2 small rips, slightly dirty)
Chobits: 1, 2 (light spine stress, a couple small creases, a few gouges), 3-5
Chronicles of the Cursed Sword: 1-2, 3, 5 (slightly bent), 6-13, 14 (small rip), 15
Chrono Crusade: 1, 7
Chunchu The Genocide Fiend: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (significant shelfwear)
Cirque Du Freak: 1 [Special Scholastic Edition], 8 (ex-library)
Clamp School Defenders Duklyon: 1 (medium stain)
Clamp School Detectives: 1 (several tiny creases, plastic starting to peel at edges of covers)
Clan of the Nakagamis*
Clay: 1
Claymore: 1 (ex-library)
Clean-Freak Fully Equipped: 1
Click: 1
Club 9: 1* (creases, slightly dirty)
Code Breaker: 2
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion: 1
Cold Mountain*
Colosseum: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Comic: 4* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Comic Party: 1, 4
Comic Party Another Round: 2 (slightly bent)
Comic Party Party Time: 1
Complex Age: 1* (small rip, small wrinkles in spine)
Confessions of a Blabbermouth* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Confidential Confessions: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Confidential Confessions Deal: 1
Corrector Yui: 1
Countdown 7 Days: 1
Courtney Crumrin: 1*
Cowboy Bebop: 1 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain)
Cowboy Bebop Shooting Star: 1
Crazy Love Story: 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, creases)
Crescent Moon: 1 (significant wear, creases, and rips), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (small rip)
Crimson Hero: 3
Croquis Pop: 4 (ex-library)
Cross: 1
Cross Break: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Crossroad: 3, 6
Crown: 1, 2 (slightly bent)
Culdcept: 1, 2 (rip/dent in the bottom of the book), 3-4
Cy-Believers: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3
D. Gray-Man: 1 (slightly bent at spine, several small gouges, several small creases), 2 (small rip), 10
Daemonium: 1
Daniel X: 1* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Dark Angel: 1 (creases in covers), 3
Dark Edge: 8
Dark Goodbye: 1 (couple small creases)
Dark Metro: 1 (small rip)
Dark Moon Diary: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Dawn of the Arcana: 5 (ex-library), 11 (ex-library)
Dazzle: 1-3, 6 (2 medium creases)
Dead End: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip), 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Deadman Wonderland: 1
Dear Myself* [one shot]
DearS: 1 (small rip), 2, 4
Death Jam: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear, 2 large stains, slightly warped at back of book), 3
Death Note: 1
Degrassi the Next Generation Extra Credit: 3-4
Delicious Seasons: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Deltora Quest: 6 (large crease)
Demon City Shinjuku: 1
Demon Diary: 1-3, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5, 6 (wrinkles in spine)
Demon Flowers: 3
Demon Love Spell: 1, 6
Demon Sacred: 1 (small rip), 2
Descendants of Darkness: 4
Desert Coral: 1-2
Destiny's Hand: 1
Detective Jermain: 1 (ex-library, slightly bent)
Deus Vitae: 1-2
Devil Survivor: 1 (ex-library, several creases), 2
Devil's Bride: 1
Devils and Realist: 1-2
Di Gi Charat: 1-2, 3 (gray line on cover)
Di Gi Charat Theater Leave it to Piyoko: 1
Digiko's Champion Cup Theater (smudges/fading on back cover)
Dimension W: 1, 5, 7
Disgaea 2: 1
Disney Fairies: Vidia and the Fairy Crown (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Divine Melody: 1* (very bent, slightly dirty)
DNAgents: 1*
DNAngel: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear), 5-6, 10-11
Do Whatever You Want: 2
Dobeki Bride: 5
Dogby Walks Alone: 1
Dojin Work: 1
Dokkoida?:: 1
Dolls: 1
Doubt!!: 1 (wrinkled plastic), 2, 4
Dragon Ball: 4
Dragon Ball Z: 1 (a few small rips), 2 (small stain, a couple small creases)
Dragon Drive: 1
Dragon Eye: 4
Dragon Hunter: 1-5
Dragon Knights: 1-7
Dragon Voice: 1
Dramacon: 1-3
Dream Gold Knights in the Dark City: 1
Dream Saga: 3 (significant shelfwear, many creases, 2 small rips)
DVD: 1 (small rip, dent, and crease in front cover), 2
E's: 1-3, 4 (2 medium-to-large creases, 2 small rips)
Earthlight: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
East Coast Rising: 1
Eensy Weensy Monster: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Eerie Queerie: 1-2, 3 (ex-library)
El Deafo* (small rip)
Element Line: 1-2, 4
Elemental Gelade: 1 (moderate shelfwear, some writing), 8
Elf Quest The Grand Quest: 1, 5 (ex-library, small stain, peeling plastic, creases), 6
Emma: 3 (ex-library, moderate yellowing, small rip), 5 (ex-library, medium and 2 small stains)
Emperor's Castle: 1
Enchanter: 1*, 2*
Enmusu: 1
ES Eternal Sabbath: 1, 3
Et Cetera: 1-5
Eureka Seven: 1 (slightly dirty), 5 (slightly dirty)
Evil's Return: 1-2
Evyione Ocean Fantasy: 1* (slightly bent)
Excel Saga: 1 (tape on corners of covers), 2-3, 4 (small-to-medium crease)
Eyeshield 21: 6 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 11 (major crease), 18 (medium stain, slightly warped), 19 (tiny rip)
Faeries' Landing: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfewear), 5-7
Fairy Cube: 1 (many dog-eared pages), 3
Fairy Navigator Runa: 1 (ex-library, slight browning on inside covers, slightly dirty)
Fairy Tail: 1 (large crease), 52 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, creases)
Fake: 3, 4 (laminated covers), 6
Fall in Love Like a Comic: 1 (slight yellowing on inside covers), 2 (slight yellowing on inside covers)
Figure 17: 1 (ex-library), 2
Final Fantasy Type-0 [Loot Crate Exclusive]
Final Fantasy Type-0 Side Story The Ice Reaper: 1
Firefighter! Diego of Fire Company M: 10, 14
First Love Monster: 7
Flame of Recca: 1 (a couple small rips), 2
FLCL: 1 (slightly dirty, a couple tiny creases), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Flock of Angels: 1 (small dent in spine)
Flower of the Deep Sleep: 1 (noticeable spine stress), 2
Fluffy, Fluffy Cinnamoroll: 2, 4
Fool's Gold: 1
Forbidden Dance: 1-3
Forbidden Scrollery: 1*
Forget About Love: 1
Formera: 1* (ex-library, bent at spine, several creases, several small rips)
Four-Eyed Prince: 2
Foxy Lady: 1
Freak Legend of the Nonblondes: 1
Free Collars Kingdom: 1
Free Runners: 1 (slight browning on inside covers)
From Far Away: 2 (spine stress)
Fruits Basket:1 (slightly bent at spine), 2 (slightly bent at spine), 4 (slightly warped at back of book, moderate shelfwear, medium crease), 6, 9
Fubar: 6*
Fujoshi Rumi: 1
Full House: 3
Full Metal Panic Overload: 1 (plastic starting to peel on front cover), 3, 5
Full Metal Panic!: 1 (moderate yellowing, small stain, dirty, a little plastic peeling on covers)
Full Moon: 1
Fullmetal Alchemist: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers), 2, 4 (several creases), 5 (large crease), 9, 11 (slightly bent at spine)
Fullmetal Alchemist [Light Novels]: 1 (slightly dirty)
Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden: 1, 4 (medium crease)
Fushigi Yugi The Mysterious Play: 1, 2 (slightly dirty), 3* (bent at spine, medium stain), 5*, 6*, 8* (multiple creases), 10 (ex-library, staples, creases, shelfwear), 11 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, several creases), 12 (bent), 13 (ex-library, several creases)
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class: 1*
Gaba Kawa (front 10% of book is "wavy" from water damage)
Gacha Gacha: 1-3
Gakuen Alice: 1, 11, 15
Gakuen Prince: 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Galaxy Angel: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (significant spine stress and small rip in spine)
Galaxy Angel Beta: 1 (ex-library with creases)
Gamerz Heaven: 1-2
Garden Dreams: 1* (slightly bent)
Gatcha Gacha: 1-2
Gate [by Hirotaka Kisaragi]: 1
Gate Keepers: 1-2
Genshiken: 1, 3, 7 (wavy at back of book)
Gestalt: 1, 5
Get Backers: 1 (significant creasing in both covers), 2-3, 5
Ghosts* [one shot] (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small creases, slightly dirty)
Gimmick!: 4
Gin Tama: 4 (slight yellowing)
Girl Got Game: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2, 3
Girls Bravo: 2, 7 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases, corners of covers are coming apart)
Glass Wings [one shot]
Go West: 1
Godchild: 1-3
Gon: 5 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, ex-library)
Good as Lily* (moderate shelfwear)
Good Luck: 1, 2 (spine stress)
Goong the Royal Palace: 1* (ex-library, creases, peeling plastic on covers)
Gorgeous Carat: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (slightly bent)
Gothic Sports: 1 (moderate shelfewar, small-to-medium piece ripped off back cover), 2
Grand Guignol Orchestra: 1, 2 (tiny stain)
Gravitation: 1-3, 5 (moderate shelfwear, medium crease)
Gravitation Voice of Temptation [light novel] (moderate shelfwear)
GTO Great Teacher Onizuka: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Guardian Angel Getten: 3-4
Guardian Hearts: 1
Gunparade March: 1-3
Gunslinger Girl: 1-3
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: 1-2, 8 (ex-library)
Gyakushu!: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
.hack Legend of the The Twilight: 1-3
Haibane Renmei: 1
Haiyuki: 1
Hana-kimi: 1-3, 4 (several creases), 6-11
Hanami International Love Story: 1
Hanaukyo Maid Team: 1-3 [All of these are a slightly smaller size than normal]
Hand of the Morningstar: 5
Hands Off!: 1, 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear on spine), 3, 7 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, many creases, small pieces ripped off corners of pages)
Hannah Montana Secrets and Super Sneaks Cine-Manga (significant shelfwear, small creases)
Happy Cafe: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Happy Happy Clover: 1, 3
Happy Hustle High: 1-4, 5 (several small creases)
Happy Lesson: 1
Harlequin Violet Blind Date
Haruka Beyond the Stream of Time: 1, 2 (slight browning on inside covers)
Harukaze Bitter Bop: 1
Haunted House [one shot] (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Hayate the Combat Butler: 1 (ex-library, peeling plastic, several creases), 2, 16
Hayate X Blade: 4-5
He Is My Master: 1
He's My Only Vampire: 10 (slightly bent)
Heaven's Will [one shot]
Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo: 2
Hellgate London: 1 (tiny stain on 1 page)
Hellsing: 3 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Her Majesty's Dog: 1 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, several small creases, small rip)
Here is Greenwood: 2 (bent at spine), 3 (small rip), 4
Hero Tales: 2, 5 (ex-library, faded spine, slightly bent at spine)
Heroman: 3
Hetalia: 1* (bent at spine)
Hibiki's Magic: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2
High School Debut: 1, 7 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
High School Girls: 1, 3
Higurashi When They Cry Abducted By Demons Arc: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Hikarou No Go: 1-2, 7 (ex-library), 19 (ex-library), 21 (ex-library)
Hikkatsu: 2 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Hinadori Girl: 1
Hissing: 1* (smudges), 2* (dirty), 5*
Hollow Fields: 1-2
Honey and Clover: 5 (ex-library), 9 (ex-library, browning on inside covers)
Honey Hunt: 1 (slight browning of inside covers), 2
Honey Mustard: 1 (medium crease in back cover), 2-3
Hopeless Savages: 1* (ex-library, large crease, medium crease), 3* (ex-library, significant shelfwear, medium-to-large crease, medium rip taped together)
Hoshin Engi: 1
Hot Gimmick: 1-9, 12 (tiny stain)
House of Five Leaves: 8* (ex-library)
Howl's Moving Castle: 1
Hybrid Child* [one shot]
Hyde Closer: 1-3
Hyper Dolls: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Hyper Police: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Hyper Rune: 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
I Am Princess X [Light Novel] (moderate shelfwear, many creases)
I Hate You More Than Anyone!: 6 (slightly bent)
I Luv Halloween: 1-2
I"s:2 (medium-to-large crease), 14
I"s:1, 2 (medium stain), 3, 7, 10, 12
I, Otaku Struggle in Akihabara: 1 (slightly brown inside covers), 2 (slightly brown inside covers)
I-Doll: 1
Ichiroh!: 1*
Id_entity: 1 (small rip, moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3-6
Il Gatto Sul G: 2*
Imadoki!: 1 (several creases), 2, 3-5
Immortal Rain: 1, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, slight yellowing), 4 (slight yellowing)
Imperfect Hero: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing)
In Dream World: 1-2
Indian Summer: 1
Initial D: 19 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, dirty)
Innocent W: 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Instant Teen: 1
Insufficient Direction [one shot]*
Inubaka Crazy for Dogs: 1 (ex-library, several small/medium creases)
Inukami: 1
Inuyasha: 1 (large crease), 2 (moderate yellowing), 3, 5-6, 13-18, 19 (several small creases), 43 (ex-library)
Inuyasha Ani-Manga: 3, 10 (slightly bent at one corner, a couple slightly dirty pages), 14 (a couple slightly dirty pages)
INVU: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Itsuwaribito: 1-2
Jack Frost: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Jim Henson's Legends of the Dark Crystal: 1
Jim Henson's Return to Labyrinth: 1
Jing King of Bandits: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear, several small rips), 3 (significant shelfwear, multiple creases, dirty, small rip)
Jinki Extend: 1-2
Jiu Jiu: 1
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: 7 (several creases)
Juline: 1* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Junk Force: 1-2, 3 (medium crease, shelfwear at top and bottom of spine, slightly bent at one corner)
Junk Record of the Last Hero: 1, 5, 7
Juror 13 [one shot]
Just a Girl: 2
K-on: 4* (ex-library, significant shelfwear, bent at spine, several creases, small rip)
Kagerou-Nostalgia: 1 (small gouges in front cover)
Kagetora: 1, 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3 (ex-library)
Kamen Tantei: 1, 3 (ex-library, creases, medium stain)
Kamichama Karin: 1 (warped, moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 2, 3 (several creases), 4 (significant shelfwear, several creases), 5 (several small creases), 6 (moderate shelfwear), 7 (small rip)
Kamichama Karin Chu: 1
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: 1, 4 (tiny stain), 5 [hardback] (ex-library), 6
Kamui: 1-2, 6 (slightly bent)
Kanna: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Kanpai: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small crease)
Karakuri Odette: 2 (ex-library), 6 (ex-library)
Kare First Love: 1-4, 8
Kare Kano: 3 (spine stress), 4 (large stain, moderate shelfwear, small rip), 5
Kashimashi: 1, 2 (2 large creases)
Kasumi: 1 (multiple small creases), 2 (marker)
Kat & Mouse: 1
Kaze Hikaru: 1, 10
Kedamono Damono: 2-3
Kekkaishi: 1 (small stain)
Key Princess Story Eternal Alice Rondo: 1-2
Kids Joker: 1
Kieli: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Kill Me, Kiss Me: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, several creases), 5 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Kim Possible: 3
Kimi ni Todoke: 10 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine)
Kimikiss: 1
King of Cards: 1
King of Hell: 1-2, 5 (significant shelfwear, small stain, small rip)
King of RPGs: 2
King of the Lamp [one shot] (medium hole in front cover, small holes in first 22 pages - barely affects reading)
King of Thorn: 2 (ex-library)
Kingdom Hearts: 1 (medium crease), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, small piece ripped off spine)
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories: 1 (significant shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small creases)
Kingdom Hearts II: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (slightly bent at spine, moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Kissing* [one shot]
Kitchen Princess: 1
Kodocha: 1
Koihime Soushi [one shot]
Kokoro Connect: 2
Kon Kon Kokon: 1
Kujibiki Unbalance: 1
Kurogane: 2 (moderate yellowing)
Kurogane Communication: 1
Kurozakuro: 2
Kyo Kara Maoh!: 1(warped, moderate shelfwear), 2, 3 (large but mostly invisible crease), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
La Corda d'Oro: 1, 6 (ex-library, slight-to-moderate yellowing)
La Esperanca: 1*
Laddertop: 1
Lagoon Engine: 1-2, 3 (small rip and small crease in front cover)
Lament of the Lamb: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing at edges)
Land of Silver Rain: 3 (slightly dirty, small crease), 7
Last Fantasy: 3-4
Last Hope: 1-2
Laya the Witch of Red Pooh: 1
LBX Little Battlers Experience: 6 (ex-library)
LDK: 1-2
Leader's High!: 1
Legal Drug: 1, 3 (large crease, small crease)
Legend: 1*, 3* (moderate shelfwear), 6*
Legend of Chun Hyang [one shot]
Legend of the Eight Dragon Gods: 1 (small rip in front cover)
Let's Dance a Waltz: 1 (ex-library, small rip, multiple small creases)
Liberty Liberty! [one shot]
Library Wars: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Life: 1 (several small creases)
Lights out: 1
Liling-Po: 1-3, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (ex-library, several tiny rips)
Limit: 1
Little Queen: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Lizzie McGuire Cine-manga: 6
Lost at Sea*
Lost Boys* [one shot]
Louie the Rune Soldier: 1 (2 small stains)
Love Attack: 1-2, 5-6
Love Com: 1, 3 (slight browning on inside covers), 5 (moderate browning on inside covers, some wrinkles in cover), 7, 16 (ex-library), 17 (ex-library)
Love Hina: 1-2, 3 (bent), 4, 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (tiny stain), 9 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 14
Love Master A: 1
Love or Money: 1-2, 3 (small rip in front cover)
Love Roma: 1, 4, 5 (ex-library)
Loveholic: 1
Loveless: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, medium crease), 4 [hardback] (ex-library), 5
Lucky Star: 1* (small stain, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 3* (small stain, front of book is warped)
Made in Heaven: 1-2
Magic Knight Rayearth: 1 (small-to-medium crease, slightly dirty)
Magical JxR: 2* (moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip), 3* (large crease, small rip)
Magical X Miracle: 1-2
Mahoromomatic: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty), 2 (a couple small creases), 3 (several small creases), 4
Maid Sama!: 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Maid Shokun: 1
Maid War Chronicle: 1
Maison Ikkoku: 1-4
Manga Dogs: 1
Maniac Road: 1
Maoh Juvenile Remix: 2
MAR Marchen Awakens Romance: 1-2
March on Earth: 1
Maria Holic: 1-2, 3 (significant creasing, moderate shelfwear), 4
Maria the Virgin Witch: 2-3
Marilyn the Story of a Woman* (medium stain, many creases, corners of covers coming apart)
Mark of the Succubus: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (small rip)
Marmalade Boy: 1-2
Mars: 6, 7 (moderate shelfwear)
Masca: 1
Maus: 1* (small rip), 2* (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
MBQ: 1
Me & My Brothers: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip, tiny creases), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 5 (moderate shelfwear)
Megatokyo: 1-4, 5 (small stain)
Menkui!: 1
MeruPuri: 1, 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 4
Metamo Kiss: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Metro Survive: 2*
Midori Days: 5
Mikansei No. 1: 1-2
Miki Falls: 1 (small wavy spot, large creases, small rip, moderate shelfwear)
Millennium Snow: 1-2
Million Tears: 1 (medium stain, moderate shelfwear)
Minima: 1
Mink: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (significant shelfwear, bent at one corner, creases, small rips)
Miracle Girls: 3, 6
Missile Happy: 3 (small rip in spine)
Missing Kamikakushi No Monogatari: 1
Missions of Love: 10 (ex-library)
Mixed Vegetables: 2 (slightly bent, moderate browning of inside covers, large crease), 5 (moderate browning of inside covers), 8 (ex-library, large crease)
Mobile Fighter Gundam: 1 (slightly bent at spine, small rip)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: 2
Model: 1 (moderate shelfwear, wrinkles in spine), 2-5, 7 (moderate shelfwear, small rip, medium crease)
Momogumi Plus Senki: 3, 4 (ex-library)
Monkey High: 2
Monster Hunter Orage: 3
Monster Soul: 2
Moonlight Meow: 1 (slight yellowing of inside covers)
Mouryou Kiden: 2 (1 large crease, several smaller creases, and a little dirty)
Mouryoukiden Legend of the Nymph: 1-3
Moyasimon: 1
Mugen Spiral: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation: 1 (several tiny stains), 12 (ex-library, 2 medium creases), 14 (ex-library)
My Dead Girlfriend: 1 (significant shelfwear)
My Dearest Devil Princess: 1
My Girlfriend's a Geek: 1-2
My Heavenly Hockey Club: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3, 6 (moderate shelfwear)
My Love Story!!: 2
My Neighbor Totoro: 3-4
Nabari No Ou: 1, 4 (ex-library)
Nabi the Prototype [one shot] (slightly bent, moderate shelfwear)
Nadesico: 1
Najica Blitz Tactics: 1-3
Nana: 1 (stain on back cover), 21 (ex-library)
NaNaNaNa: 1 (bent at one corner, small-to-medium stain)
Naruto: 1 (tiny stain), 2, 3 (slightly dirty), 4, 6, 7 (slightly bent at spine), 18 (bent), 21 (large crease, wrinkled plastic on spine), 27, 28 (tiny stain), 30, 40 (slightly bent, several tiny stains, a couple small creases), 43, 44 (slightly bent)
Naruto The Movie Legend of the Stone of Gelel (gouges and pinhole in back cover)
Neck and Neck: 1-2
Negima: 1, 2 (medium stain, slightly warped), 3-7
Neko Ramen: 1
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2 (bent, multiple small creases), 11 (ex-library)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Angelic Days: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Neotopia: 1 (has staples)
Never Give Up: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Ng Life: 1-2, 4 (ex-library)
Night Head Genesis: 1
Night of the Beasts: 1 (significant shelfwear)
Nightschool: 1*
Ninja Girls: 1
Nisekoi: 1
No Man's Land: 1-2
No Need for Tenchi: 1-2
Nodame Cantabile: 1, 2 (tiny stain), 5 (tiny stain)
Noodle Fighter Miki: 1
Nora: 1-3
Nosatsu Junkie: 1-3
Now: 1-3, 4 (2 large creases), 5 (ex-library, very dirty, small stain, slightly wavy at back, 2 small rips)
Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan: 1-2
Ocean of Secrets: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Odd is On Our Side (ex-library, moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small creases)
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakasi: 6
Off Beat: 1-2
Oh My God!: 1-2
Oh My Goddess!: 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 9*
Omukae Desu: 1 (small rip in spine)
On the Books* (small piece ripped off back cover and 1 page)
Once in a Blue Moon: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
One: 1-2, 7
One Piece: 1 (small rip), 2, 5 (2 medium stains, moderate yellowing, several creases), 21
One Thousand and One Nights: 1
Onegai Twins: 2 [light novel]
Only the Ring Finger Knows* (wrinkles in spine)
Orange Planet: 1
Oresama Teacher: 7, 13
Orphen: 2, 3 (some creasing in back cover), 4, 6
Otazine Manga of Otaku Generation: 0 (large crease, small rip)
Othello: 1-2
Otogi Zoshi: 1-2
Otomen: 1, 10 (ex-library), 15 (ex-library), 16 (ex-library)
Our Kingdom: 1*, 3*, 4*
Ouran High School Host Club: 1
Outlaws of the Marsh: 6
Oyayubihime Infinity: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Pandora Hearts: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4
Pandora Hearts Caucus Race [light novel]: 2 (ex-library)
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: 2-3
Pantheon High: 1 (large crease, writing on 1 page)
Para Para* [one shot] (medium crease, a few folded pages)
Paradise Kiss: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4-5
Pastel: 1-3
Pavane for a Dead Girl: 1
Peace Maker: 1-2
Peacemaker Kurogane: 1 (slightly dirty, 2-3
Peach Fuzz: 1-2
Peach Girl: 1-2, 3 [pocket size], 4 [pocket size], 5 [pocket size], 6, 8 [pocket size]
Peach Girl Change of Heart: 2, 7-9
Peach Girl Sae's Story: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Pearl Pink: 1-3
Peigenz: 3
Penguin Revolution: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases), 2-6
Peppermint: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2, 4
Persepolis 2*
Phantom Dream: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 4 (ex-library), 5 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Phantom Tales of the NIght: 1* (slightly bent, back cover is very dirty, several large creases)
Phantom Thief Jeanne: 1
PHD Phantasy Degree: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4-5
Pichi Pichi Pitch: 2, 4, 5 (wrinkles in spine)
Pick of the Litter: 1 (multiple creases in both covers)
Pieces of a Spiral: 1, 4 (tiny stain), 7
Pig Bride: 2*
Pilgrim Jager: 1
Pink Innocent: 2
Pita-Ten: 1 (slightly scraped up), 2-4
Pixie Pop: 1
Planet Ladder: 1, 2 (slightly bent), 3-5
Platinum Garden: 1-2, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Pokemon Adventures: 3 (slightly bent at spine)
Pokemon Adventures Diamond and Pearl Platinum: 1, 3
Pokemon Adventures HeartGold and SoulSilver: 1
Pokemon Adventures Ruby & Sapphire: 17 (slightly bent at spine), 21, 22 (a couple small creases)
Pokemon Black and White: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure: 1 (a couple small creases), 2 (medium stain, small stain, and a several small creases), 4, 5 (several tiny creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, tiny stain, large crease, several small creases)
Pokemon The Movie Kyurem Vs. The Sword of Justice [one shot]
Pop Japan Travel - Essential Otaku Guide [one shot]
Popo Can: 1
President Dad: 1, 2 (ex-library, plastic book cover, medium crease), 3, 4 (ex-library, plastic book cover, several creases), 6 (ex-library)
Pretear The New Legend of Snow White: 2, 3 (a couple creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers)
submitted by lootsmuggler to mangaswap [link] [comments]

[US][SELLING]Many Individual Volumes of Manga/Anime [W]$2.75 each Paypal

Most of the manga are in the grade range of G2-G4. Some of the manga have parenthetical notes about their condition and are generally in G1-G3 condition. Ex-library manga are automatically G1 regardless of their condition. I'm selling these manga cheaply enough that I don't want to answer 20 questions about each book.
I also have a small amount of anime available for the same price. Anime are either new in shrinkwrap or used but tested. Each one is subtitled or dubbed in English. Some of them are numbered, while others aren't. I include the episode numbers when I think it will clarify things.
18+ manga (either non-yaoi or yaoi) is separated from the rest of the manga.
After we agree to what you're buying in the thread, I'll need you to PM me your email address. Then I'll send you a paypal invoice.

  1. Manga/anime cost $2.75 each.
  2. If you buy 5 or fewer manga, you must pay an additional $3.50 for shipping and handling.
  3. If you buy 6 or more manga, I will waive the shipping fee. As long as supplies last, I will add a free bonus manga or graphic novel sampler.
  4. No international shipping.
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, please tell me in your PM. I have to charge 7% sales tax. Because I live in Allegheny County, it's 7% regardless of which part of Pennsylvania you live in.

* Starred manga are larger than normal, which matters if your shelves only have so much space. Smaller manga are NOT starred.

Akihabara Geeks
Alien Nine Collector's Series
Angel Sanctuary Enhanced Edition
Angelic Layer: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Arc the Lad: 5 [episodes 17-21]
Armored Trooper VOTOMS [episodes 14-27]
Aura Battler Dunbine: 7 [episodes 26-29]
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Basilisk: 2 [episodes 5-8] (The box is kind of slanted.), 3 [episodes 9-12], 6 [episodes 21-24]
Beck Mongolian Chop Squad: 1 [episodes 1-5], 3 [episodes 11-14], 4 [episodes 15-18]
Black Jack episode 8
Casino Warrior Zero: 2 [episodes 5-8]
Corrector Yui [episodes 11-14]
Cyber City episode 2
Dangaizer 3: 1
DNA: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Ex-Driver: 1
Fairy Reins
Fight!! Spirit of the Sword
Final Fantasy Unlimited: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Fleet of Doom [Voltron movie]
Fruits Basket: 1 [episodes 1-6]
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: 2 [episodes 5-7], 4 [episodes 11-13]
Geneshaft: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Getter Robo Armageddon: Transfiguration
Godannar!!: 6 [episodes 21-23]
Grappler Baki The Ultimate Fighter
Green Green: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Grenadier: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Hades Project Zeorymer Extinction
Hammerboy Collector's Series
His and Her Circumstances: 4 [episodes 17-21]
Huntik: 1 [episodes 1-7]
I Shall Never Return
I'll/CKBC Crazy Kouzu Basketball Club [episodes 1-2]
Idol Project: 1 [episodes 1-2], 2 [episodes 3-4]
Initial D: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Kodocha: 11 [episodes 41-44]
Magical Witch Punie-Chan
Noir: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Now and Then, Here and There: Bonus Disc
Oh My Goddess: 4 [episodes 15-18], 5 [episodes 19-22]
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
Orphen: 5 [episodes 15-19]
Otogi Zoshi: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Peach Girl: 1 [episodes 1-5], 6 [episodes 22-25]
Queen's Blade: 2 [episodes 5-8, OVA episodes 3-4]
Rahxephon: 2
Rave Master: 2 [episodes 3-5]
Revolutionary Girl Utena: 3 [episodes 14-17], 5 [episodes 21-23], 8 [episodes 31-33] (medium rip in slip cover)
Robotech: 14 [episodes 80-85]
Sakura Wars The Movie
Samurai 7: 4 [episodes 13-16], 7 [episodes 24-26]
Samurai Jack The Premiere Movie
School Rumble: 6 [episodes 23-26]
Sentimental Journey [complete series, 2 dvds]
Seven of Seven: 1 [episodes 1-5], 2 [episodes 6-11]
Shadow Star Narutaru: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Shuffle!: 6 [episodes 21-24]
Slam Dunk: 3 [episodes 11-15]
SoltyRei: 1 [episodes 1-6]
The Boy Who Wanted to be a Bear
The Goku Sen: 1 [episodes 1-5]
The Twelve Kingdoms: 2, 6
The Weathering Continent (warped front matter)
Trinity Blood: 2 [episodes 5-8], 3 [episodes 9-12]
Tsubasa: 3 [episodes 11-14], 5 [episodes 19-22], 6 [episodes 23-26], 9 [episodes 37-40]
URDA The Third Reich
Witchblade: 4
Ys: 2
Zone of the Enders Dolores, i: 4

18+ Manga: (non-yaoi; a couple are 16+, but in series that are usually 18+)
7th Garden: 6
Astral Project: 1
Battle Vixens: 1 (small rip)
Between The Sheets
Blood Sucker: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Blood the Last Vampire 2002* [one shot] (2: 1 with several small creases, 1 slightly bent at spine)
Category Freaks: 1
Death At Death's Door: 1 (2 copies)
Dogs Prelude: 0*
Doll: 1 (hardback, moderate wear on slip cover), 3 (a couple small creases)
Flowers & Bees: 2
Happy Mania: 5, 8 (2 copies)
Hey Princess (small rip, spine stress)
High School of the Dead: 1
Jormungand: 4* (a page is ripped and creased)
Kami-kaze: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips), 4
Kannazuki No Miko: 1
Kikaider 02: 4
King of Wolves [one shot]
Maico 2010: 1 (2 copies, 1 with small rip), 4
Omamori Himari: 1, 4
Ooku The Inner Chambers: 5 (ex-library, dirty)
Orfina: 1*
Remote: 2, 3 (2 copies), 4 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Sacred: 1
Samurai Harem Asu No Yoichi: 2
Sensual Phrase: 1-2
Steel Angel Kurumi: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers, tiny stain)
Sword of the Dark Ones: 1, 2 (warped, missing first page, moderate shelfwear, creases, slightly dirty)
Sword's Edge: 1* (severe shelfwear, small stain, tiny stain, small rip)
Testarotho: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4
The Dead Boy Detectives
The Young Magician: 1 (2 copies, 1 with slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World: 2 (moderate shelfwear, several creases)
Tokko: 1 (moderate shelfwear, medium stain, slightly warped at 1 corner, creases/rips on spine, several small creases)
Tokyo Zombie*
Triage X: 1 (a couple large creases, small hole)
Warriors of Tao: 1 (2 copies, 1 slightly dirty)
Welcome to the N.H.K.: 2 (small stain, slightly warped at front of book, a couple small creases)
Yubisaki Milk Tea: 1 (slightly bent)

18+ Manga: (yaoi)
A Foreign Love Affair [one shot]
Alcohol, Shirt & Kiss* [one shot]
Barefoot Waltz* [one shot]
Because I'm a Boy [one shot]
Black Knight: 2 (moderate shelfwear)
...but, I'm Your Teacher [one shot]
Crazy Star* [one shot] (slightly bent)
Croquis [one shot] (sticker residue)
Dark Prince: 3
Delivery Cupid [one shot] (large crease)
Don't Rush Love [one shot]
Don't Say Any More, Darling [one shot]
Duetto* [one shot]
Hanky Panky [one shot]
Hero Heel: 1* (2 copies)
I Can't Stop Loving You: 1-2
Invisible Love* [one shot]
J-Boy: 1*
June Pride [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty)
Junior Escort* [one shot]
Just My Luck [one shot] (slightly dirty)
Kashinfu* [one shot]
Kiss All the Boys: 1 (multiple creases)
Little Butterfly: 2*
Love Circumstances [one shot]
Love Code* [one shot] (some browning on inside covers)
Love Stage: 5
Love Pistols: 1
Loving Gaze* [one shot]
Man's Best Friend [one shot]
Meeting You [one shot]
Melted Love* [one shot]
My Paranoid Next Door Neighbor [one shot]
Our Kingdom*: 5
Pet on Duty [one shot]
Picnic* [one shot]
Poison Cherry Drive [one shot] (slightly bent)
Shining Moon* [one shot] (slight browning on inside covers)
Shinobu Kokoro [one shot]
Skyscrapers of Oz [one shot]
The Art of Loving: 1* (2 copies, 1 with tiny stain and a few wrinkles, 1 slightly warped)
The Devil's Secret [one shot]
The Moon and the Sandals: 1*, 2*
The Prime Minister's Secret Diplomacy [one shot]
The Sky Over My Spectacles [one shot]
The World's Greatest Love: 2 (slightly warped)
Truly Kindly [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, small rip/crease)
Waru* [one shot]
Wild Rock [one shot] (small rip)
Yaoi An Anthology of Boys Love Stories: 2
Yellow: 1* (slightly bent, moderate yellowing, slightly dirty)
You Will Fall in Love [one shot] (small rip)

Regular Manga:
+Anima: 1 (medium crease, some writing), 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip), 3 (moderate shelfwear)
10, 20, and 30: 1
13th Boy: 2* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
9th Sleep* [one shot]
u/Large: 2
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar: 2
A Midnight Opera: 1 (significant shelwear, medium rip), 2 (significant shelfwear)
A Perfect Day for Love Letters: 1
A Wise Man Sleeps: 2 (small rip)
Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade: 2
Absolute Boyfriend: 1-3
AI Love You: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3 (medium crease), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
AI Revolution: 1
AI Yori Aoshi: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3-4
Aion: 1, 3
Airgear: 1 (moderate yellowing at edges of pages)
Aishiteruze Baby: 4
Alice 19th: 1-3, 5, 7
Alice in the Country of Clover Knight's Knowledge: 1*
Alice on Deadlines: 1
Alichino: 1-3
Alien Nine: 1
Alive: 3 (ex-library)
Amazing Agent Luna: 1-2
Amnesia Labyrinth: 1
Amulet: 1*
Angel Cup: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Angel Diary: 4* (large crease), 6* (several small creases)
Angel Sanctuary: 1, 2 (back cover is scraped up), 3
Angelboy: 1*
Angelic Layer: 1 (several small creases), 2, 4 (faded spine, moderate shelfwear)
Ani-lmo: 1, 5
Anne Freaks: 1-2, 4 (medium-to-large crease)
Antique Bakery: 1*, 3* (significant shelfwear, multiple creases, small stain, small rip)
Aoi House: 1
Aoi House in Love: 1 (some yellowing of inside cover), 2 (some yellowing of inside cover)
Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion: 1-3, 5
Arana The Heart of the Spider: 1
Arata the Legend: 5 (ex-library)
Arcana: 7 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, moderate shelfwear)
Archlord: 1 (ex-library)
Are You Alice?: 1 (ex-library, wavy, dirty, small rip, significant shelfwear)
Aria: 1
Aria: 2
Arisa: 1 (pretty creased up covers)
Ark Angels: 1-2
Armageddon: 1-2
Aron's Absurd Armada: 1* (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: 1
Artemis Fowl [one shot]*
Assembly [one shot]
Astro Boy: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing, several small creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers), 9 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
Attack on Titan: 1
Avalon Hill Coronation: 1, 2, 3 (creases in both covers)
Avatar the Last Airbender: The Promise Part 2*
Avatar the Last Airbender Cine-manga: 1
Aventura: 1
Baby Birth: 1-2
Babymouse: 12* (bent)
Backstage Prince: 1-2
Bad Kitty: 1
Bakegyamon: 4 (slightly bent), 5 (slightly bent)
Bakuman: 1, 2 (medium-to-large crease)
Ballad of a Shinigami: 1
Bamboo Blade: 1-3, 6
Banya the Explosive Delivery Man: 2 (spine stress)
Battle Girlz: 2
B.B. Explosion: 4
Beast Master: 1
Beauty is the Best: 4 (ex-library), 5 (ex-library)
Beauty Pop: 2
Because I'm the Goddess: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Beet: 3 (several creases, tiny stain), 4 (medium rip, medium crease), 5 (bent at spine, multiple creases, couple small rips, back cover bent)
Beyblade: 2 (several small creases)
Beyond the Beyond: 1-2
Bird Kiss: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Bizenghast: 1-2
Bizenghast The Novel
Black Beauty* (ex-library?)
Black Bird: 1
Black Cat: 1 (a little plastic peeling at the edges of the covers), 2-3, 4 (writing/coloring, small-to-medium crease), 5 (medium crease, multiple small creases, 2 small rips), 18, 19
Black Sun Silver Moon: 4 (tiny stain spots)
Blade of Heaven: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip)
Blame: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several tiny creases, small rip)
Blank: 1 (spine stress)
Bleach: 1 (tiny stain), 4 (small crease, medium gouge), 6, 7 (several creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, medium crease), 9 (several creases), 10-11, 14 (a couple small creases), 19 (a couple creases), 20, 36 (ex-library, small stain, medium crease)
Blood Alone: 2, 3 (piece of tape or something in the middle of the book)
Blood+ [light novel]: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Bloody Kiss: 1 (severe shelfwear, small rip, multiple small creases), 2
Bloody Monday: 3 (ex-library, large crease), 5 (ex-library)
Blue Exorcist: 2
Blue Inferior: 1
Blue Monday: The Kids Are Alright*
BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing)
Bogle: 1-2
Bombos Vs. Everything: 1
Bound Beauty: 2 (ex-library, significant shelfwear)
Bow Wow Wata: 1
Boy Princess: 9
Boys Be: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Boys of Summer: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Brain Powered: 1 (several small creases)
Bran Doll [one shot]
Brave* (stained at bottom of book, several creases)
Bride of the Water God: 1*
Brigadoon: 1 (moderate shelfwear, several creases), 2 (ex-library)
Bring it On!: 2*, 4*
Broken Angels: 1-2, 4 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Bus Gamer 1999-2001 The Pilot Edition (moderate shelfwear)
Buso Renkin: 1 (several creases, gouges, and the subscription card is cut out), 2 -3
Butterfly: 1
By the Sword: 1-2
Cafe Latte Rhapsody [one shot] (some plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Cafe Occult: 1-2
Calling You: 1 (medium cut through back cover and several pages)
Camp Midnight*
Can't Lose You: 1
Cantarella: 1, 7 (ex-library, small-to-medium crease), 8 (ex-library), 10 (ex-library, small rip, multiple small creases)
Captain Nemo: 1
Captive Hearts: 1 (bent), 2, 4 (small dent, medium crease), 5
Cardcaptor Sakura: 1 (ex-library), 3 [pocket edition], 5
Cardcaptor Sakura Master of the Clow: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Cardcaptors [cine-manga]: 6
Cardfight!! Vanguard: 2, 6 (last page stuck to back cover)
Case Closed: 1, 13 [hardback] (ex-library), 31 (ex-library, a couple small rips), 49 (ex-library)
Castle of Dreams [anthology] (moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips, slightly dirty)
Cat Paradise: 2 (light spine stress)
Central City: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Ceres Celestial Legend: 1, 2 (2 small rips), 3, 4* (medium-to-large crease), 5-6
Cheeky Angel: 1-2, 5 (some creasing in back cover)
Cherry Juice: 3 (several creases)
Chibi Vampire: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 6 (significant shelfwear), 12
Chikyu Misaki: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, multiple creases,
Chobits: 1, 2 (light spine stress, a couple small creases, a few gouges), 3-4, 5 (wrinkles in plastic on spine)
Chronicles of the Cursed Sword: 1-2, 3, 5 (slightly bent), 6-13, 14 (small rip), 15
Chrono Crusade: 1, 7
Chunchu The Genocide Fiend: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (significant shelfwear)
Cirque Du Freak: 1 [Special Scholastic Edition], 8 (ex-library)
Clamp School Defenders Duklyon: 1 (medium stain)
Clamp School Detectives: 1 (several tiny creases, plastic starting to peel at edges of covers)
Clan of the Nakagamis*
Clay: 1
Claymore: 1 (ex-library)
Clean-Freak Fully Equipped: 1
Click: 1
Club 9: 1* (creases, slightly dirty)
Code Breaker: 2
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion: 1
Cold Mountain*
Colosseum: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Comic: 4* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Comic Party: 1, 4 (several small creases, pencil marks on spine)
Comic Party Party Time: 1
Complex Age: 1* (small rip, small wrinkles in spine)
Confessions of a Blabbermouth* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Confidential Confessions: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Confidential Confessions Deal: 1
Corrector Yui: 1
Countdown 7 Days: 1
Courtney Crumrin: 1*
Cowboy Bebop: 1 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain)
Crazy Love Story: 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, creases)
Crescent Moon: 1 (significant wear, creases, and rips), 2, 5 (small rip)
Croquis Pop: 4 (ex-library)
Cross: 1
Cross Break: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Crossroad: 3
Crown: 1, 2 (slightly bent)
Culdcept: 1, 2 (rip/dent in the bottom of the book)
Cy-Believers: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3
D. Gray-Man: 1 (slightly bent at spine, several small gouges, several small creases), 2 (small rip)
Daemonium: 1
Dance Till Tomorrow: 2* (small-to-medium rips, many large creases, large piece ripped out of ad at end of book, slightly dirty)
Dark Angel: 1 (creases in covers), 3
Dark Edge: 8
Dark Goodbye: 1 (couple small creases)
Dark Metro: 1 (small rip)
Dark Moon Diary: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Dawn of the Arcana: 5 (ex-library), 11 (ex-library)
Dazzle: 1-3, 6 (2 medium creases)
Dead End: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip), 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
DearS: 1 (small rip), 2, 3 (tiny stain spots on edge)
Death Jam: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear, 2 large stains, slightly warped at back of book), 3
Death Note: 1-2
Degrassi the Next Generation Extra Credit: 3-4
Delicious Seasons: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Deltora Quest: 6 (large crease)
Demon City Shinjuku: 1
Demon Diary: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, severe shelfwear, multiple creases, slightly dirty), 5 (moderate shelfwear), 6 (moderate shelfwear)
Demon Flowers: 3
Demon Love Spell: 1, 6
Demon Sacred: 1 (small rip), 2
Dengeki Daisy: 2 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Desert Coral: 1-2
Destiny's Hand: 1
Detective Jermain: 1 (ex-library, slightly bent)
Deus Vitae: 1-2
Devil Survivor: 1 (ex-library, several creases), 2
Devil's Bride: 1
Di Gi Charat: 1-2, 3 (gray line on cover)
Di Gi Charat Theater Leave it to Piyoko: 1
Digiko's Champion Cup Theater (smudges/fading on back cover)
Dimension W: 1, 5, 7
Disgaea 2: 1
Disney Fairies: Vidia and the Fairy Crown (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Divine Melody: 1* (very bent, slightly dirty)
DNAgents: 1*
DNAngel: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear), 6, 10-11
Do Whatever You Want: 2
Dobeki Bride: 5
Dogby Walks Alone: 1
Dojin Work: 1
Dokkoida?:: 1
Dolls: 1
Doubt!!: 1 (wrinkled plastic), 2, 4
Dragon Ball Z: 1
Dragon Drive: 1
Dragon Hunter: 1-5
Dragon Knights: 1-5
Dragon Voice: 1
Dramacon: 1-3
Dream Gold Knights in the Dark City: 1
Dream Saga: 3 (significant shelfwear, many creases, 2 small rips)
DVD: 1 (small rip, dent, and crease in front cover), 2
E's: 1-3
Earthlight: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
East Coast Rising: 1
Eensy Weensy Monster: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Eerie Queerie: 1-2, 3 (ex-library)
El Deafo* (small rip)
Element Line: 1-2, 4
Elemental Gelade: 1 (moderate shelfwear, some writing)
Elf Quest The Grand Quest: 1, 5 (ex-library, small stain, peeling plastic, creases), 6
Emma: 3 (ex-library, moderate yellowing, small rip), 5 (ex-library, medium and 2 small stains)
Emperor's Castle: 1
Enchanter: 1*, 2*
Enmusu: 1
ES Eternal Sabbath: 3
Et Cetera: 1-5
Eureka Seven: 5 (slightly dirty)
Evil's Return: 1-2
Evyione Ocean Fantasy: 1* (slightly bent)
Excel Saga: 1 (tape on corners of covers), 2-4
Eyeshield 21: 6 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 11 (major crease), 18 (medium stain, slightly warped), 19 (tiny rip)
Faeries' Landing: 1-2, 5-7
Fairy Cube: 1 (many dog-eared pages), 3
Fairy Navigator Runa: 1 (ex-library, slight browning on inside covers, slightly dirty)
Fairy Tail: 1 (large crease), 9 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear), 52 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, creases)
Fake: 3, 4 (laminated covers), 6
Fall in Love Like a Comic: 1 (slight yellowing on inside covers), 2 (slight yellowing on inside covers)
Figure 17: 1 (ex-library), 2
Firefighter! Diego of Fire Company M: 10, 14
First Love Monster: 7
Flame of Recca: 1 (a couple small rips), 2
FLCL: 1 (slightly bent at spine, small rip), 2
Flock of Angels: 1 (small dent in spine)
Flower of the Deep Sleep: 1 (noticeable spine stress), 2
Fool's Gold: 1
Forbidden Dance: 1-3
Forbidden Scrollery: 1*
Forget About Love: 1
Formera: 1* (ex-library, bent at spine, several creases, several small rips)
Foxy Lady: 1
Freak Legend of the Nonblondes: 1
Free Collars Kingdom: 1
Free Runners: 1 (slight browning on inside covers)
From Far Away: 2 (spine stress)
Fruits Basket: 2 (moderate shelfwear), 4-6, 9
Fubar: 6*
Fujoshi Rumi: 1
Full House: 3
Full Metal Panic Overload: 1 (plastic starting to peel on front cover), 3, 5
Full Metal Panic!: 1 (moderate yellowing, small stain, dirty, a little plastic peeling on covers)
Full Moon: 1
Fullmetal Alchemist: 1 (slightly bent at spine), 2, 4 (several creases), 9, 11 (slightly bent at spine)
Fullmetal Alchemist [Light Novels]: 1 (slightly dirty)
Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden: 1, 4 (medium crease)
Fushigi Yugi The Mysterious Play: 1, 2 (slightly dirty), 3* (bent at spine, medium stain), 5*, 6*, 8* (multiple creases), 10 (ex-library, staples, creases, shelfwear), 11 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, several creases), 12 (bent), 13 (ex-library, several creases)
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class: 1*
Gaba Kawa (front 10% of book is "wavy" from water damage)
Gacha Gacha: 1, 2 (slightly bent at spine), 3
Gakuen Alice: 1, 11, 15
Gakuen Prince: 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Galaxy Angel: 1 (slightly bent at spine, moderate shelfwear, missing survey card), 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip), 5 (significant spine stress and small rip in spine)
Galaxy Angel Beta: 1 (ex-library with creases)
Garden Dreams: 1* (slightly bent)
Gatcha Gacha: 1-2
Gate [by Hirotaka Kisaragi]: 1
Gate 7: 2 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, several creases, slightly dirty), 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, several small rips/creases), 4 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, tiny stain)
Gate Keepers: 1-2
Genshiken: 1, 3, 7 (wavy at back of book)
Gestalt: 1, 5
Get Backers: 1 (significant creasing in both covers), 2-3, 5
Ghosts* [one shot] (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small creases, slightly dirty)
Gin Tama: 4 (slight yellowing)
Girl Got Game: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2-3
Girls Bravo: 2, 7 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases, corners of covers are coming apart)
Glass Wings [one shot]
Go West: 1
Godchild: 1-3
Gon: 5 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, ex-library)
Good as Lily* (moderate shelfwear)
Good Luck: 1, 2 (spine stress)
Goong the Royal Palace: 1* (ex-library, creases, peeling plastic on covers)
Gorgeous Carat: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (slightly bent)
Gothic Sports: 1 (moderate shelfewar, small-to-medium piece ripped off back cover), 2
Grand Guignol Orchestra: 1, 2 (tiny stain)
Gravitation: 1-3, 5 (moderate shelfwear, medium crease)
GTO Great Teacher Onizuka: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Guardian Angel Getten: 3-4
Guardian Hearts: 1
Gunparade March: 1-3
Gunslinger Girl: 1-3
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: 1-2, 8 (ex-library)
Gyakushu!: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
.hack Legend of the The Twilight: 1-3
Haibane Renmei: 1
Haiyuki: 1
Hana-kimi: 1-3, 4 (several creases), 7-11
Hanami International Love Story: 1
Hanaukyo Maid Team: 1-3 [All of these are a slightly smaller size than normal]
Hand of the Morningstar: 5
Hands Off!: 1, 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear on spine), 3, 7 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, many creases, small pieces ripped off corners of pages)
Hannah Montana Secrets and Super Sneaks Cine-Manga (significant shelfwear, small creases)
Happy Cafe: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Happy Happy Clover: 1, 3
Happy Hustle High: 1-4, 5 (several small creases)
Happy Lesson: 1
Harlequin Violet Blind Date
Haruka Beyond the Stream of Time: 1, 2 (slight browning on inside covers)
Harukaze Bitter Bop: 1
Haunted House [one shot] (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Hayate the Combat Butler: 1 (ex-library, peeling plastic, several creases), 2
Hayate X Blade: 4-5
He Is My Master: 1
He's My Only Vampire: 10 (slightly bent)
Heaven's Will [one shot]
Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo: 2
Hellgate London: 1 (tiny stain on 1 page)
Hellsing: 3 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Her Majesty's Dog: 1 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, several small creases, small rip)
Here is Greenwood: 2 (bent at spine), 3 (small rip), 4
Hero Tales: 2, 5 (ex-library, faded spine, slightly bent at spine)
Heroman: 3
Hibiki's Magic: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2
High School Debut: 1, 7 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
High School Girls: 1, 3
Higurashi When They Cry Abducted By Demons Arc: 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwe ar)
Hikarou No Go: 1-2, 7 (ex-library), 19 (ex-library), 21 (ex-library)
Hikkatsu: 2 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Hinadori Girl: 1
Hollow Fields: 1-2, 3 (medium crease)
Honey and Clover: 5 (ex-library), 8 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, slight browning on inside covers), 9 (ex-library)
Honey Hunt: 1 (slight browning of inside covers), 2
Honey Mustard: 1 (medium crease in back cover), 2-3
Hopeless Savages: 1* (ex-library, large crease, medium crease), 3* (ex-library, significant shelfwear, medium-to-large crease, medium rip taped together)
Hoshin Engi: 1
Hot Gimmick: 1-9
House of Five Leaves: 8* (ex-library)
Hybrid Child* [one shot]
Hyde Closer: 1-3
Hyper Dolls: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Hyper Police: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
I Am Princess X [Light Novel] (moderate shelfwear, many creases)
I Hate You More Than Anyone!: 6 (slightly bent)
I Luv Halloween: 1-2
I"s:2 (medium-to-large crease), 14
I"s:1, 2 (medium stain), 3, 7, 10, 12
I, Otaku Struggle in Akihabara: 1 (slightly brown inside covers), 2 (slightly brown inside covers)
I-Doll: 1
Ichiroh!: 1*
Id_entity: 1 (small rip, moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3-6
Il Gatto Sul G: 2*
Imadoki!: 1 (several creases), 2, 3-5
Immortal Rain: 1, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, slight yellowing), 4 (slight yellowing)
Imperfect Hero: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing)
In Dream World: 1-2
Indian Summer: 1
Initial D: 19 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, dirty)
Innocent W: 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Instant Teen: 1, 2 (a couple small creases), 4 (a couple small rips)
Insufficient Direction [one shot]*
Inukami: 1
Inuyasha: 1 (large crease), 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3, 5 (a couple small creases), 6, 13-18, 19 (several small creases), 43 (ex-library)
Inuyasha Ani-Manga: 3, 10 (slightly bent at one corner, a couple slightly dirty pages), 14 (a couple slightly dirty pages)
INVU: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Itsuwaribito: 1-2
Jack Frost: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Jim Henson's Legends of the Dark Crystal: 1
Jim Henson's Return to Labyrinth: 1
Jing King of Bandits: 1, 2 (significant shelfwear), 3 (significant shelfwear)
Jinki Extend: 1-2
Jiu Jiu: 1, 4 (ex-library, several small creases)
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: 7 (several creases)
Juline: 1* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Junk Force: 1-2, 3 (medium crease, shelfwear at top and bottom of spine, slightly bent at one corner)
Junk Record of the Last Hero: 1, 5, 7
Juror 13 [one shot]
Just a Girl: 2
K-on: 4* (ex-library, significant shelfwear, bent at spine, several creases, small rip)
Kagerou-Nostalgia: 1 (small gouges in front cover)
Kagetora: 1, 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3 (ex-library)
Kamen Tantei: 1, 3 (ex-library, creases, medium stain)
Kamichama Karin: 1 (warped, moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 2, 3 (several creases), 4 (significant shelfwear, several creases), 5 (several small creases), 6 (moderate shelfwear), 7 (small rip)
Kamichama Karin Chu: 1
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: 1, 5 [hardback] (ex-library)
Kanna: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Kanpai: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small crease)
Karakuri Odette: 2 (ex-library), 6 (ex-library)
Kare First Love: 1-2
Kare Kano: 3 (spine stress), 4 (large stain, moderate shelfwear, small rip), 5
Kashimashi: 1, 2 (2 large creases)
Kasumi: 1 (multiple small creases), 2 (marker)
Kat & Mouse: 1
Kaze Hikaru: 1, 10, 18 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine
Kedamono Damono: 2-3
Kekkaishi: 1 (small stain)
Key Princess Story Eternal Alice Rondo: 1-2
Kids Joker: 1
Kieli: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Kill Me, Kiss Me: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3
Kim Possible: 3
Kimi ni Todoke: 10 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine)
Kimikiss: 1
King of Cards: 1
King of Hell: 1-2, 5 (significant shelfwear, small stain, small rip)
King of RPGs: 2
King of the Lamp [one shot] (medium hole in front cover, small holes in first 22 pages - barely affects reading)
King of Thorn: 2 (ex-library)
Kingdom Hearts: 1 (medium crease), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, small piece ripped off spine)
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear, several small rips/creases)
Kingdom Hearts II: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (slightly bent at spine, moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Kissing* [one shot]
Kitchen Princess: 1
Kodocha: 1
Kokoro Connect: 2
Kon Kon Kokon: 1
Kujibiki Unbalance: 1
Kurogane: 2 (moderate yellowing)
Kurogane Communication: 1
Kurozakuro: 2
Kyo Kara Maoh!: 2
La Corda d'Oro: 1, 6 (moderate browning on inside covers)
La Esperanca: 1*
Laddertop: 1
Lagoon Engine: 1-2, 3 (small rip and small crease in front cover)
Lament of the Lamb: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing at edges)
Land of Silver Rain: 3 (slightly dirty, small crease), 7
Last Fantasy: 3-4
Last Hope: 1-2
Laya the Witch of Red Pooh: 1
LBX Little Battlers Experience: 6 (ex-library)
LDK: 1-2
Leader's High!: 1
Legal Drug: 1, 3 (large crease, small crease)
Legend: 1*, 3* (moderate shelfwear), 6*
Legend of Chun Hyang [one shot]
Legend of the Eight Dragon Gods: 1 (small rip in front cover)
Let's Dance a Waltz: 1 (ex-library, small rip, multiple small creases)
Library Wars: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Life: 1 (several small creases)
Lights out: 1
Liling-Po: 1, 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Limit: 1
Little Queen: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Lizzie McGuire Cine-manga: 6
Lost at Sea*
Louie the Rune Soldier: 1 (2 small stains)
Love Attack: 1-2
Love Com: 1, 3 (slight browning on inside covers), 5 (moderate browning on inside covers, some wrinkles in cover), 7, 16 (ex-library), 17 (ex-library)
Love Hina: 1-4, 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (tiny stain), 9 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 14
Love Master A: 1
Love or Money: 1-2, 3 (small rip in front cover)
Love Roma: 1, 4, 5 (ex-library)
Loveholic: 1
Loveless: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, medium crease), 4 [hardback] (ex-library), 5
Lucky Star: 1* (small stain, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 3* (small stain, front of book is warped)
Magic Knight Rayearth: 1 (small-to-medium crease, slightly dirty)
Magical JxR: 2* (moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip), 3* (large crease, small rip)
Magical X Miracle: 1-2
Mahoromomatic: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty), 2 (a couple small creases), 3 (several small creases), 4
Maid Sama!: 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Maid Shokun: 1
Maid War Chronicle: 1
Maison Ikkoku: 1-4
Manga Dogs: 1
Manga Mutiny* [one shot]
Maniac Road: 1
MAR Marchen Awakens Romance: 1-2
March on Earth: 1
Maria Holic: 1-2, 3 (significant creasing, moderate shelfwear), 4
Maria the Virgin Witch: 2-3
Marilyn the Story of a Woman* (medium stain, many creases, corners of covers coming apart)
Mark of the Succubus: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (small rip)
Marmalade Boy: 1-2
Mars: 6, 7 (moderate shelfwear)
Masca: 1
Maus: 1* (small rip), 2* (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
MBQ: 1
Me & My Brothers: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip, tiny creases), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 5 (moderate shelfwear)
Megatokyo: 1-4
Menkui!: 1
MeruPuri: 1 (a couple small creases), 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 4
Metamo Kiss: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Metro Survive: 2*
Mikansei No. 1: 1-2
Miki Falls: 1
Millennium Snow: 1-2
Million Tears: 1 (medium stain, moderate shelfwear)
Minima: 1
Mink: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (significant shelfwear, bent at one corner, creases, small rips)
Miracle Girls: 3, 6
Missile Happy: 3 (small rip in spine)
Missing Kamikakushi No Monogatari: 1
Missions of Love: 10 (ex-library)
Mobile Fighter Gundam: 1 (slightly bent at spine, small rip)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: 2
Model: 1 (moderate shelfwear, wrinkles in spine), 2-5, 7 (moderate shelfwear, small rip, medium crease)
Momogumi Plus Senki: 3, 4 (ex-library)
Monkey High: 2
Monster Hunter Orage: 3
Monster Soul: 2
Moonlight Meow: 1 (slight yellowing of inside covers)
Mouryou Kiden Legend of the Nymph: 1, 2 (1 large crease, several smaller creases, and a little dirty)
Moyasimon: 1 (ex-library, several small creases, small rip)
Mugen Spiral: 2 (bent)
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation: 1 (several tiny stains), 12 (ex-library, 2 medium creases), 14 (ex-library)
My Dead Girlfriend: 1 (significant shelfwear)
My Dearest Devil Princess: 1
My Girlfriend's a Geek: 1-2
My Heavenly Hockey Club: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3, 6 (moderate shelfwear)
My Little Monster: 1
My Love Story!!: 2
Nabari No Ou: 1, 4 (ex-library)
Nabi the Prototype [one shot] (slightly bent, moderate shelfwear)
Nadesico: 1
Najica Blitz Tactics: 1-3
Nana: 1 (stain on back cover), 21 (ex-library)
NaNaNaNa: 1 (bent at one corner, small-to-medium stain)
Naruto: 1 (many tiny stain spots), 2, 3 (slightly dirty), 4, 6, 7 (slightly bent at spine), 18 (bent), 21 (large crease, wrinkled plastic on spine), 27, 28 (several tiny stains), 30 (tiny stain), 40 (slightly bent, several tiny stain spots, a couple small creases), 43 (slightly bent at spine), 44 (slightly bent)
Naruto The Movie Legend of the Stone of Gelel (gouges and pinhole in back cover)
Natsume's Book of Friends: 19 (ex-library, multiple small rips)
Neck and Neck: 1-2
Negima: 1, 2 (medium stain, slightly warped), 3-6
Neko Ramen: 1
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2 (bent, multiple small creases), 11 (ex-library)
Neon Genesis Evangelion Angelic Days: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Neotopia: 1 (has staples)
Never Give Up: 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Ng Life: 4 (ex-library)
Night Head Genesis: 1
Night of the Beasts: 1 (significant shelfwear)
Nightschool: 1*
Ninja Girls: 1
No Man's Land: 1-2
No Matter How I Look at It, It's You Guys' Fault I'm Not Popular: 2 (several gouges)
No Need for Tenchi: 1-2
Nodame Cantabile: 2 (tiny stain), 5 (tiny stain)
Noodle Fighter Miki: 1
Nora: 1-3
Noragami: 1
Nosatsu Junkie: 1-2
Now: 1-3, 4 (2 large creases), 5 (ex-library, very dirty, small stain, slightly wavy at back, 2 small rips)
Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan: 1-2
Ocean of Secrets: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Odd is On Our Side (ex-library, moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small creases)
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakasi: 6
Off Beat: 1-2
Oh My God!: 1-2
Oh My Goddess!: 1, 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 9*
Omukae Desu: 1 (small rip in spine)
On the Books* (small piece ripped off back cover and 1 page)
Once in a Blue Moon: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
One: 1-2, 7
One Piece: 1 (several dog-eared pages), 2 (medium crease, several small creases), 5 (2 medium stains, moderate yellowing, several creases)
One Thousand and One Nights: 1
One Week Friends: 1*
Onegai Twins: 2 [light novel]
Only the Ring Finger Knows* (wrinkles in spine)
Orange Planet: 1
Oresama Teacher: 7, 13
Orphen: 2, 3 (some creasing in back cover), 4, 6
Otazine Manga of Otaku Generation: 0 (large crease, small rip)
Othello: 1
Otogi Zoshi: 1-2
Otomen: 1, 10 (ex-library), 15 (ex-library), 16 (ex-library), 18 (ex-library)
Our Kingdom: 1*, 3*, 4*
Ouran High School Host Club: 1
Outlaws of the Marsh: 6
Oyayubihime Infinity: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Pandora Hearts: 1 (missing title page, spine stess), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Pandora Hearts Caucus Race [light novel]: 2 (ex-library)
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: 2-3
Pantheon High: 1 (large crease, writing on 1 page)
Para Para* [one shot] (medium crease, a few folded pages)
Paradise Kiss: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4-5
Pastel: 1-2, 3 (spine is cut, but still intact)
Pavane for a Dead Girl: 1
Peace Maker: 1-2
Peacemaker Kurogane: 1 (slightly dirty, 2-3
Peach Fuzz: 1-2
Peach Girl: 1-2, 3 [pocket size], 4 [pocket size], 5 [pocket size], 6, 8 [pocket size]
Peach Girl Change of Heart: 2, 7-9
Peach Girl Sae's Story: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Pearl Pink: 1-3
Peigenz: 3
Penguin Revolution: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases), 2-6
Peppermint: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2, 4
Persepolis 2*
Phantom Dream: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 4 (ex-library), 5 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Phantom Tales of the Night: 1* (slightly bent, back cover is very dirty, several large creases)
Phantom Thief Jeanne: 1
PHD Phantasy Degree: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3, 4 (white lines on corner of spine), 5 (slight-to-moderate yellowing at edge of pages), 6 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, whiteout)
Pichi Pichi Pitch: 2, 5
Pick of the Litter: 1 (multiple creases in both covers)
Pieces of a Spiral: 1, 4 (tiny stain), 7
Pig Bride: 2*
Pilgrim Jager: 1
Pink Innocent: 2
Pita-Ten: 1 (slightly scraped up), 2-4, 7
Pixie Pop: 1
Planet Ladder: 1, 2 (slightly bent), 3-5
Platinum Garden: 1-2, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Pokemon Adventures Diamond and Pearl Platinum: 1
Pokemon Black and White: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, small piece ripped of spine)
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure: 1 (a couple small creases), 2 (medium stain, small stain, and a several small creases), 4, 5 (several tiny creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, tiny stain, large crease, several small creases)
Pop Japan Travel - Essential Otaku Guide [one shot]
Popo Can: 1
President Dad: 1, 2 (ex-library, plastic book cover, medium crease), 3, 4 (ex-library, plastic book cover, several creases), 6 (ex-library)
Pretear The New Legend of Snow White: 2, 3 (a couple creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Pretty Face: 1, 3 (a couple small creases)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: 1, 3
Priest: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (plastic starting to peel at edges of covers), 3 (large crease, small rip), 4 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 5-6
Princess Ai: 1 (bent)
Princess Resurrection: 1 (small stain, several small creases, writing on inside cover), 6
Project Arms: 7, 11-12, 15
Psychic Academy: 1 (slightly bent at one corner), 2 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 3, 4 (slightly bent at spine), 5 (bent at spine), 6 (slightly bent at spine), 7 (slightly bent at spine), 11 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Psychic Power Nanaki: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Psycho Busters: 1
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 1
Pumpkin Scissors: 5
Punch: 1-2
Purgatory Kabuki: 1*
Q-Ko-Chan: 1
QQ Sweeper: 2
Queen of Ragtonia: 1 (multiple small and large creases)
Qwan: 1
R2 [rise R to the second power]: 1
RA-I [one shot] (medium crease in front cover and a couple small creases)
Ragnarok: 1-2, 3 (a couple small creases), 4-8, 10 (slightly bent at spine, light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Raiders: 1
Ral Grad: 1, 3 (dog-eared pages), 4
submitted by lootsmuggler to mangaswap [link] [comments]

[US][SELLING]Many Individual Volumes of Manga/Anime [W]$2.75 each Paypal


Most of the manga are in the grade range of G2-G4. Some of the manga have parenthetical notes about their condition and are generally in G1-G3 condition. Ex-library manga are automatically G1 regardless of their condition. I'm selling these manga cheaply enough that I don't want to answer 20 questions about each book.
I also have a small amount of anime available for the same price. Anime are either new in shrinkwrap or used but tested. Each one is subtitled or dubbed in English. Some of them are numbered, while others aren't. I include the episode numbers when I think it will clarify things.

18+ manga (either non-yaoi or yaoi) is separated from the rest of the manga.
After we agree to what you're buying in the thread, I'll need you to PM me your email address. Then I'll send you a paypal invoice.

  1. Manga/anime cost $2.75 each.
  2. If you buy 5 or fewer manga, you must pay an additional $3.50 for shipping and handling.
  3. If you buy 6 or more manga, I will waive the shipping fee. As long as supplies last, I will add a free bonus manga that I have multiple copies of. You can pick which one if you have a preference. For this week, I have: Absolute Boyfriend 1, Harlequin Violet Blind Date, Negima 3, Zero The Beginning of the Coffin 2. I also have some free sampler manga left.
  4. No international shipping.
  5. If you live in Pennsylvania, please tell me in your PM. I have to charge 7% sales tax. Because I live in Allegheny County, it's 7% regardless of which part of Pennsylvania you live in.
* Starred manga are larger than normal, which matters if your shelves only have so much space. Smaller manga are NOT starred.

Akihabara Geeks
Alien Nine Collector's Series
Angel Sanctuary Enhanced Edition
Angelic Layer: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Arc the Lad: 5 [episodes 17-21]
Armored Trooper VOTOMS [episodes 14-27]
Aura Battler Dunbine: 7 [episodes 26-29]
Bakugan Battle Brawlers: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Basilisk: 2 [episodes 5-8] (The box is kind of slanted.), 3 [episodes 9-12], 6 [episodes 21-24]
Beck Mongolian Chop Squad: 1 [episodes 1-5], 3 [episodes 11-14], 4 [episodes 15-18]
Black Jack episode 8
Casino Warrior Zero: 2 [episodes 5-8]
Corrector Yui [episodes 11-14]
Cyber City episode 2
Dangaizer 3: 1
DNA: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Ex-Driver: 1
Fairy Reins
Fight!! Spirit of the Sword
Final Fantasy Unlimited: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Fleet of Doom [Voltron movie]
Fruits Basket: 1 [episodes 1-6]
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid: 2 [episodes 5-7], 4 [episodes 11-13]
Geneshaft: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Getter Robo Armageddon: Transfiguration
Godannar!!: 6 [episodes 21-23]
Grappler Baki The Ultimate Fighter
Green Green: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Grenadier: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Hades Project Zeorymer Extinction
Hammerboy Collector's Series
His and Her Circumstances: 4 [episodes 17-21]
Huntik: 1 [episodes 1-7]
I Shall Never Return
I'll/CKBC Crazy Kouzu Basketball Club [episodes 1-2]
Idol Project: 1 [episodes 1-2], 2 [episodes 3-4]
Initial D: 2 [episodes 4-6]
Jubei-Chan The Ninja Girl The Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch Complete Series
Kodocha: 11 [episodes 41-44]
Magical Witch Punie-Chan
Mirage of Blaze: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Mushi-Shi The Movie [live action]
Noir: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Now and Then, Here and There: Bonus Disc
Oh My Goddess: 4 [episodes 15-18], 5 [episodes 19-22]
Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
Orphen: 5 [episodes 15-19]
Otogi Zoshi: 1 [episodes 1-5]
Peach Girl: 1 [episodes 1-5], 6 [episodes 22-25]
Queen's Blade: 2 [episodes 5-8, OVA episodes 3-4]
Rahxephon: 2
Rave Master: 2 [episodes 3-5]
Revolutionary Girl Utena: 3 [episodes 14-17], 5 [episodes 21-23], 8 [episodes 31-33] (medium rip in slip cover)
Robotech: 14 [episodes 80-85]
Sakura Wars The Movie
Samurai 7: 4 [episodes 13-16], 7 [episodes 24-26]
Samurai Jack The Premiere Movie
School Rumble: 6 [episodes 23-26]
Sentimental Journey [complete series, 2 dvds]
Seven of Seven: 1 [episodes 1-5], 2 [episodes 6-11]
Shadow Star Narutaru: 1 [episodes 1-4]
Shuffle!: 6 [episodes 21-24]
Slam Dunk: 3 [episodes 11-15]
SoltyRei: 1 [episodes 1-6]
The Boy Who Wanted to be a Bear
The Goku Sen: 1 [episodes 1-5]
The Twelve Kingdoms: 2, 6
The Weathering Continent (warped front matter)
Trinity Blood: 2 [episodes 5-8], 3 [episodes 9-12]
Tsubasa: 3 [episodes 11-14], 5 [episodes 19-22], 6 [episodes 23-26], 9 [episodes 37-40]
URDA The Third Reich
Witchblade: 4
Ys: 2
Zone of the Enders Dolores, i: 4

18+ Manga: (non-yaoi; a couple are 16+, but in series that are usually 18+)
7th Garden: 6
Astral Project: 1
Battle Vixens: 1 (small rip)
Between The Sheets
Blade of the Immortal: 1* (2 copies, 1 is bent, has multiple creases and moderate shelfwear), 5*
Blood Sucker: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Blood the Last Vampire 2002* [one shot] (several small creases)
Category Freaks: 1 (2 copies, 1 pretty scuffed up)
Death At Death's Door: 1 (2 copies)
Dogs Prelude: 0*
Doll: 1 (hardback, moderate wear on slip cover), 3 (a couple small creases)
Flowers & Bees: 2
Happy Mania: 5, 8 (2 copies)
Hey Princess (small rip, spine stress)
High School of the Dead: 1
Jormungand: 4* (a page is ripped and creased)
Kami-kaze: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips), 4
Kannazuki No Miko: 1
Kikaider 02: 4
King of Wolves [one shot]
Maico 2010: 1 (2 copies, 1 with small rip), 4
Omamori Himari: 1, 4
Orfina: 1*
Remote: 2, 3 (2 copies), 4 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Sacred: 1
Samurai Harem Asu No Yoichi: 2
Sensual Phrase: 1-2
Steel Angel Kurumi: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers, tiny stain)
Strawberry 100%: 9
Sword of the Dark Ones: 1
Sword's Edge: 1* (severe shelfwear, small stain, tiny stain, small rip)
Testarotho: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4
The Dead Boy Detectives
The Young Magician: 1 (2 copies, 1 with slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3
This Ugly Yet Beautiful World: 2 (moderate shelfwear, several creases)
Tokko: 1 (moderate shelfwear, medium stain, slightly warped at 1 corner, creases/rips on spine, several small creases)
Triage X: 1 (a couple large creases, small hole)
Warriors of Tao: 1 (2 copies, 1 slightly dirty)
Welcome to the N.H.K.: 2 (small stain, slightly warped at front of book, a couple small creases)

18+ Manga: (yaoi)
Barefoot Waltz* [one shot]
Black Knight: 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Crazy Star* [one shot] (slightly bent)
Dark Prince: 3
Hanky Panky [one shot]
Hero Heel: 1* (2 copies), 3
June Pride [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty)
Junior Escort* [one shot]
Kiss All the Boys: 1 (multiple creases)
Little Butterfly: 2*
Love Code* [one shot] (some browning on inside covers)
Passion: 1*
Shining Moon* [one shot] (slight browning on inside covers)
The Art of Loving: 1* (slightly warped)
The World's Greatest Love: 2 (slightly warped)
Thunderbolt Boys: 1
Yaoi An Anthology of Boys Love Stories: 2
Yellow: 1* (slightly bent, moderate yellowing, slightly dirty)
Yokan: 1, 2 (slight browning on inside covers)

Regular Manga:
+Anima: 1 (medium crease, some writing), 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip), 3 (wrinkles in spine)
07-Ghost: 1, 2 (ex-library, peeling plastic), 3-4, 6
10, 20, and 30: 1
13th Boy: 2* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
20th Century Boys: 4* (ex-library, somewhat dirty), 5* (ex-library, slightly dirty)
9th Sleep* [one shot]
@Large: 2
A Little Snow Fairy Sugar: 2
A Midnight Opera: 1 (significant shelwear, medium rip), 2 (significant shelfwear)
A Perfect Day for Love Letters: 1
A Wise Man Sleeps: 2 (small rip)
A Wrinkle in Time*
Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade: 2
Absolute Boyfriend: 1-3
Afterschool Charisma: 1*
AI Love You: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3 (medium crease), 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 7 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
AI Revolution: 1
AI Yori Aoshi: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3
Aion: 1, 3
Airgear: 1 (moderate yellowing at edges of pages)
Aishiteruze Baby: 1, 3 (wrinkles in spine, small rip in spine), 4
Alice 19th: 1-3, 5 (slightly bent), 6-7
Alice in the Country of Hearts: 1 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several tiny creases), 3
Alice on Deadlines: 1
Alichino: 1-3
Alien Nine: 1
Amazing Agent Luna: 1-2
Amnesia Labyrinth: 1
Angel Cup: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Angel Diary: 4* (large crease), 6* (several small creases)
Angel Sanctuary: 1, 2 (back cover is scraped up), 3
Angel/Dust Neo* [one shot] (moderate shelfwear)
Angelboy: 1*
Angelic Layer: 1 (several small creases), 2, 4 (faded spine, moderate shelfwear)
Ani-lmo: 1, 5
Anne Freaks: 1-2, 4 (medium-to-large crease)
Antique Bakery: 3* (significant shelfwear, multiple creases, small stain, small rip)
Aoi House: 1
Aoi House in Love: 1 (some yellowing of inside cover), 2 (some yellowing of inside cover)
Aquarian Age Juvenile Orion: 1-3, 5
Arana The Heart of the Spider: 1
Arcana: 2
Archlord: 1 (ex-library)
Are You Alice?: 1 (ex-library, wavy, dirty, small rip, significant shelfwear)
Aria: 1
Aria: 2
Arisa: 1 (pretty creased up covers)
Ark Angels: 1-2
Armageddon: 1-2
Aron's Absurd Armada: 1* (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small rip)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel: 1
Artemis Fowl [one shot]*
Assassination Classroom: 1
Assembly [one shot]
Astro Boy: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing, several small creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers), 9 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
Attack on Titan: 1
Avalon Hill Coronation: 1, 2, 3 (creases in both covers)
Avatar the Last Airbender: The Promise Part 2*
Avatar the Last Airbender Cine-manga: 1
Aventura: 1 (ex-library), 3
Azumanga Daioh: 1*
Baby Birth: 1-2
Babymouse: 12* (bent)
Backstage Prince: 1 (small rip in back cover)
Bad Kitty: 1
Bakegyamon: 4 (slightly bent), 5 (slightly bent)
Ballad of a Shinigami: 1
Bamboo Blade: 1-3, 6
Banya the Explosive Delivery Man: 2 (spine stress)
Battle Girlz: 2
B.B. Explosion: 4
Beast Master: 1
Beauty is the Best: 4 (ex-library), 5 (ex-library)
Beauty Pop: 2
Because I'm the Goddess: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Beet: 1-2, 3 (several creases, tiny stain), 4 (medium rip, medium crease), 5 (bent at spine, multiple creases, couple small rips, back cover bent)
Beyblade: 2 (several small creases)
Beyond the Beyond: 1-2
Bird Kiss: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Bizenghast: 1-3
Bizenghast The Novel
Black Beauty* (ex-library?)
Black Bird: 1-2
Black Butler: 1
Black Cat: 1 (a little plastic peeling at the edges of the covers), 2-3, 4 (writing/coloring, small-to-medium crease), 5 (medium crease, multiple small creases, 2 small rips), 18, 19
Black Sun Silver Moon: 1, 4
Blade of Heaven: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip)
Blame: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, several tiny creases, small rip)
Blank: 1 (spine stress)
Blank Slate: 1 (slight browning on inside covers)
Bleach: 1, 4 (small crease, medium gouge), 6, 7 (a few creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, medium crease), 10-11, 14, 16, 19 (a couple creases), 20, 36 (ex-library, small stain, medium crease)
Blood Alone: 2, 3 (piece of tape or something in the middle of the book)
Bloody Kiss: 2
Bloody Monday: 3 (ex-library, large crease), 5 (ex-library)
Blue Exorcist: 1-3
Blue Inferior: 1
Blue Monday: The Kids Are Alright*
BoBoBo-Bo Bo-BoBo [one shot] (moderate shelfwear, slight-to-moderate yellowing)
B.O.D.Y.: 2 (small rip)
Bogle: 1-2
Bombos Vs. Everything: 1
Bone: 2*
Boruto: 2 (many large creases, small rip)
Bound Beauty: 2 (ex-library, significant shelfwear)
Bow Wow Wata: 1
Boy Princess: 9
Boys Be: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2-3
Boys of Summer: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Brain Powered: 1 (several small creases), 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Bran Doll [one shot]
Brave* (stained at bottom of book, several creases)
Bride of the Water God: 1*
Brigadoon: 1 (moderate shelfwear, several creases), 2 (ex-library)
Bring it On!: 2*, 4*
Broken Angels: 1-2, 4 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Burst Angel: 2
Bus Gamer 1999-2001 The Pilot Edition (moderate shelfwear)
Buso Renkin: 1-3
Butterfly: 1
By the Sword: 1-2
Cactus's Secret: 1
Cafe Latte Rhapsody [one shot] (some plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Cafe Occult: 1-2
Calling You: 1 (medium cut through back cover and several pages)
Camp Midnight*
Can't Lose You: 1
Cantarella: 1
Captain Nemo: 1
Captive Hearts: 1 (bent), 2, 4 (small dent, medium crease), 5
Cardcaptor Sakura: 1 (ex-library), 3 [pocket edition], 5
Cardcaptor Sakura Master of the Clow: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (significant shelfwear, large crease, and 2 medium creases), 3
Cardcaptors [cine-manga]: 6
Case Closed: 1-2, 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, some plastic peeling on covers, several creases)
Castle of Dreams [anthology] (moderate shelfwear, a couple small rips, slightly dirty)
Cat Paradise: 2 (light spine stress), 4 (small rip)
Central City: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Ceres Celestial Legend: 1, 2 (2 small rips), 3, 4* (medium-to-large crease), 5-7, 10
Cheeky Angel: 1-2, 5 (some creasing in back cover)
Cherry Juice: 3 (several creases)
Chibi Vampire: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 6 (significant shelfwear), 12 (significant shelfwear, 2 small rips, slightly dirty)
Chobits: 1, 2 (light spine stress, a couple small creases, a few gouges), 3-5
Chronicles of the Cursed Sword: 1-2, 3, 5 (slightly bent), 6-13, 14 (small rip), 15
Chrono Crusade: 1, 7
Chunchu The Genocide Fiend: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (significant shelfwear)
Cirque Du Freak: 1 [Special Scholastic Edition], 8 (ex-library)
Clamp School Defenders Duklyon: 1 (medium stain)
Clamp School Detectives: 1 (plastic starting to peel at edges of covers), 2 (ex-library and missing poster), 3
Clan of the Nakagamis*
Clay: 1
Claymore: 1 (ex-library)
Clean-Freak Fully Equipped: 1
Click: 1
Club 9: 1* (creases, slightly dirty)
Code Breaker: 2
Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion: 1
Cold Mountain*
Colosseum: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Comic: 4* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Comic Party: 1, 4
Comic Party Another Round: 2 (slightly bent)
Comic Party Party Time: 1
Complex Age: 1* (small rip, small wrinkles in spine)
Confessions of a Blabbermouth* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Confidential Confessions: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Confidential Confessions Deal: 1
Corrector Yui: 1
Countdown 7 Days: 1
Courtney Crumrin: 1* (signed, but I don't know if it's legit), 3
Cowboy Bebop: 1 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain)
Crazy Love Story: 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, creases)
Crescent Moon: 1 (significant wear, creases, and rips), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (small rip)
Crimson Hero: 1-3
Cross: 1
Cross Break: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Crossroad: 3, 6
Crown: 1, 2 (slightly bent)
Culdcept: 1-4
Cy-Believers: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3
D. Gray-Man: 1
Daemonium: 1
Daniel X: 1* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Dark Angel: 1 (creases in covers), 3
Dark Edge: 8
Dark Goodbye: 1 (couple small creases)
Dark Metro: 1 (small rip)
Dark Moon Diary: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Dawn of the Arcana: 11 (ex-library)
Dazzle: 1-3, 6 (2 medium creases)
Dead End: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip), 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Deadman Wonderland: 1
DearS: 1 (small rip), 2, 4
Death Jam: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear, 2 large stains, slightly warped at back of book), 3
Death Note: 1-3, 5, 9
Degrassi the Next Generation Extra Credit: 3-4
Delicious Seasons: 1
Demon City Shinjuku: 1
Demon Diary: 1-3, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5, 6 (wrinkles in spine)
Demon Flowers: 3
Demon Love Spell: 1, 6
Demon Sacred: 1 (small rip), 2
Descendants of Darkness: 4
Desert Coral: 1-2
Destiny's Hand: 1
Detective Jermain: 1 (ex-library, slightly bent)
Deus Vitae: 1-2
Devil Survivor: 1 (ex-library, several creases), 2
Devil's Bride: 1
Devils and Realist: 1-2
Di Gi Charat: 1-2
Di Gi Charat Theater Leave it to Piyoko: 1
Dimension W: 1, 5, 7
Disgaea 2: 1 (plastic starting to peel at corners of covers), 2
Disney Fairies: Vidia and the Fairy Crown (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Divine Melody: 1* (very bent, slightly dirty)
DNAgents: 1*
DNAngel: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, significant shelfwear), 5-6, 10-11
Do Whatever You Want: 2
Dobeki Bride: 5
Dogby Walks Alone: 1
Dojin Work: 1
Dokkoida?:: 1
Dolls: 1
Doubt!!: 1 (wrinkled plastic), 2, 4
Dragon Ball: 4
Dragon Ball Z: 1 (a few small rips), 2
Dragon Drive: 1
Dragon Eye: 4
Dragon Hunter: 1-5
Dragon Knights: 1-7
Dragon Voice: 1
Dramacon: 1-3
Dream Gold Knights in the Dark City: 1
Dream Saga: 3 (significant shelfwear, many creases, 2 small rips)
Duck Prince: 1
DVD: 1 (small rip, dent, and crease in front cover), 2
E's: 1-3, 4 (2 medium-to-large creases, 2 small rips)
Earthlight: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
East Coast Rising: 1
Eat Man: 1*
Eat Man Second Course: 1*
Eensy Weensy Monster: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Eerie Queerie: 1-2, 3 (ex-library)
El Deafo* (small rip)
Element Line: 1-2, 4
Elemental Gelade: 1 (moderate shelfwear, some writing)
Elf Quest The Grand Quest: 1, 5 (ex-library, small stain, peeling plastic, creases), 6
Emma: 3 (ex-library, moderate yellowing, small rip), 5 (ex-library, medium and 2 small stains)
Emperor's Castle: 1
Enchanter: 1*, 2*
Enmusu: 1
ES Eternal Sabbath: 1, 3
Et Cetera: 1-5
Eureka Seven: 1, 5 (slightly dirty)
Evil's Return: 1-2
Evyione Ocean Fantasy: 1* (slightly bent)
Excel Saga: 1 (tape on corners of covers), 2-3, 4 (small-to-medium crease)
Eyeshield 21: 6 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 11 (major crease)
Faeries' Landing: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfewear), 5-7
Fairy Cube: 1 (many dog-eared pages), 3
Fairy Navigator Runa: 1 (ex-library, slight browning on inside covers, slightly dirty)
Fairy Tail: 1
Fake: 3, 4 (laminated covers), 6
Fall in Love Like a Comic: 1 (slight yellowing on inside covers), 2 (slight yellowing on inside covers)
Figure 17: 1 (ex-library), 2
Final Fantasy Type-0 [Loot Crate Exclusive]
Final Fantasy Type-0 Side Story The Ice Reaper: 1
Firefighter! Diego of Fire Company M: 10, 14
First Love Monster: 7
Flame of Recca: 1 (a couple small rips), 2
FLCL: 1 (slightly dirty, a couple tiny creases), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Flipside: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 4 (moderate spine stress)
Flock of Angels: 1 (small dent in spine)
Flower of the Deep Sleep: 1 (noticeable spine stress), 2
Fluffy, Fluffy Cinnamoroll: 2, 4
Fool's Gold: 1
Forbidden Dance: 1-3
Forbidden Scrollery: 1*
Forget About Love: 1
Four-Eyed Prince: 2
Foxy Lady: 1
Freak Legend of the Nonblondes: 1
Free Collars Kingdom: 1
Free Runners: 1 (slight browning on inside covers)
From Far Away: 2 (spine stress)
Fruits Basket:1 (slightly bent at spine), 2 (slightly bent at spine), 4 (slightly warped at back of book, moderate shelfwear, medium crease), 6, 9
Fubar: 6*
Fujoshi Rumi: 1
Full House: 1, 3
Full Metal Panic Overload: 1 (plastic starting to peel on front cover), 3, 5
Full Metal Panic!: 1 (moderate yellowing, small stain, dirty, a little plastic peeling on covers)
Full Moon: 1
Fullmetal Alchemist: 1 (plastic peeling at edges of covers), 2, 4 (several creases), 9, 11 (slightly bent at spine), 14 (slightly bent at spine, several small creases)
Fullmetal Alchemist [Light Novels]: 1 (slightly dirty)
Fun Home* (warped at 1 corner, small stain)
Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden: 1, 4 (medium crease)
Fushigi Yugi The Mysterious Play: 1, 2 (slightly dirty), 3* (bent at spine, medium stain), 5, 6*, 8* (multiple creases), 10 (ex-library, staples, creases, shelfwear), 11 (ex-library, slightly bent at spine, several creases), 12 (bent), 13 (ex-library, several creases)
GA Geijutsuka Art Design Class: 1*
Gaba Kawa (front 10% of book is "wavy" from water damage)
Gacha Gacha: 1-3
Gakuen Alice: 1, 11, 15
Gakuen Prince: 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3
Galaxy Angel: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (significant spine stress and small rip in spine)
Galaxy Angel Beta: 1 (ex-library with creases)
Gamerz Heaven: 1-2
Garden Dreams: 1* (slightly bent)
Gatcha Gacha: 1-2
Gate [by Hirotaka Kisaragi]: 1
Gate Keepers: 1-2
Genshiken: 1, 3, 7 (wavy at back of book)
Gestalt: 1, 5
Get Backers: 1 (significant creasing in both covers), 2-3, 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Ghosts* [one shot] (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small creases, slightly dirty)
Gimmick!: 4
Gin Tama: 4 (slight yellowing)
Girl Got Game: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2, 3
Girls Bravo: 2, 7 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases, corners of covers are coming apart)
Glass Wings [one shot]
Go West: 1
Godchild: 1-3, 4 (slight-to-moderate yellowing)
Gon: 5 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear, ex-library)
Good as Lily* (moderate shelfwear)
Good Luck: 1, 2 (spine stress)
Gorgeous Carat: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4 (slightly bent)
Gothic Sports: 1 (moderate shelfewar, small-to-medium piece ripped off back cover), 2
Grand Guignol Orchestra: 1, 2 (tiny stain)
Gravitation: 1-3, 5 (moderate shelfwear, medium crease)
Gravitation Voice of Temptation [light novel] (moderate shelfwear)
GTO Great Teacher Onizuka: 1
Guardian Angel Getten: 3-4
Guardian Hearts: 1
Gunparade March: 1-3
Gunslinger Girl: 1-3
Guru Guru Pon-Chan: 1-2, 8 (ex-library)
Gyakushu!: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
.hack Legend of the The Twilight: 1-3
Haibane Renmei: 1
Haiyuki: 1
Hana-kimi: 1-3, 6-11
Hanami International Love Story: 1
Hanaukyo Maid Team: 1-3 [All of these are a slightly smaller size than normal]
Hand of the Morningstar: 5
Hands Off!: 1, 2 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear on spine), 3, 7 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, many creases, small pieces ripped off corners of pages)
Hannah Montana Secrets and Super Sneaks Cine-Manga (significant shelfwear, small creases)
Happy Cafe: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Happy Happy Clover: 1, 3
Happy Hustle High: 1-4, 5 (several small creases)
Happy Lesson: 1
Harlequin Violet Blind Date
Haruka Beyond the Stream of Time: 1, 2 (slight browning on inside covers)
Harukaze Bitter Bop: 1
Haunted House [one shot] (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Hayate the Combat Butler: 1 (ex-library, peeling plastic, several creases), 2, 16
Hayate X Blade: 4-5
He Is My Master: 1
He's My Only Vampire: 10 (slightly bent)
Heaven's Will [one shot]
Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo: 2
Hellgate London: 1 (tiny stain on 1 page)
Hellsing: 3 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Her Majesty's Dog: 1 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, several small creases, small rip)
Here is Greenwood: 2 (bent at spine), 3 (small rip), 4
Hero Tales: 2, 5 (ex-library, faded spine, slightly bent at spine)
Heroman: 3
Hetalia: 1* (bent at spine)
Hibiki's Magic: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2
High School Debut: 1, 7 (moderate yellowing, medium crease)
High School Girls: 1, 3
Higurashi When They Cry Abducted By Demons Arc: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Hikarou No Go: 1-2, 7 (ex-library)
Hikkatsu: 2 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Hinadori Girl: 1
Hissing: 1 (smudges), 2 (dirty)
Hollow Fields: 1-2
Honey and Clover: 9 (ex-library, browning on inside covers)
Honey Hunt: 1 (slight browning of inside covers), 2
Honey Mustard: 1 (medium crease in back cover), 2-3
Hopeless Savages: 1* (ex-library, large crease, medium crease), 3* (ex-library, significant shelfwear, medium-to-large crease, medium rip taped together)
Hoshin Engi: 1
Hot Gimmick: 1-9, 12 (tiny stain)
House of Five Leaves: 8* (ex-library)
Howl's Moving Castle: 1
Hyde Closer: 1-3
Hyper Dolls: 1* (moderate shelfwear)
Hyper Police: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Hyper Rune: 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
I Am Princess X [Light Novel] (moderate shelfwear, many creases)
I Hate You More Than Anyone!: 6 (slightly bent)
I Luv Halloween: 1-2
I"s:2 (medium-to-large crease), 14
I"s:1, 2 (medium stain), 3, 7, 10, 12
I, Otaku Struggle in Akihabara: 1 (slightly brown inside covers), 2 (slightly brown inside covers)
I-Doll: 1
Ichiroh!: 1*
Id_entity: 1 (small rip, moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3-6
Il Gatto Sul G: 2*
Imadoki!: 1 (several creases), 2, 3-5
Immortal Rain: 1, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, slight yellowing), 4 (slight yellowing)
Imperfect Hero: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing)
In Dream World: 1-2
Indian Summer: 1
Initial D: 19 (ex-library, significant shelfwear, dirty)
Innocent W: 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Instant Teen: 1
Insufficient Direction [one shot]*
Inubaka Crazy for Dogs: 1 (ex-library, several small/medium creases)
Inukami: 1
Inuyasha: 1, 2 (several gouges), 3-6, 13-18, 19 (several small creases)
Inuyasha Ani-Manga: 1, 3, 10 (slightly bent at one corner, a couple slightly dirty pages), 14 (a couple slightly dirty pages)
INVU: 1-3, 4 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear)
Itsuwaribito: 1-2
Jack Frost: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Jim Henson's Legends of the Dark Crystal: 1
Jim Henson's Return to Labyrinth: 1
Jing King of Bandits: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear, several small rips), 3 (significant shelfwear, multiple creases, dirty, small rip)
Jinki Extend: 1-2
Jiu Jiu: 1
Juline: 1* (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Junk Force: 1-2, 3 (medium crease, shelfwear at top and bottom of spine, slightly bent at one corner)
Junk Record of the Last Hero: 1, 5, 7
Juror 13 [one shot]
Just a Girl: 2
Kagerou-Nostalgia: 1 (small gouges in front cover)
Kagetora: 1, 2 (slight-to-moderate yellowing), 3 (ex-library)
Kamen Tantei: 1, 3 (ex-library, creases, medium stain)
Kamichama Karin: 1 (warped, moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 2, 3 (several creases), 4 (significant shelfwear, several creases), 5 (several small creases), 6 (moderate shelfwear), 7 (small rip)
Kamichama Karin Chu: 1
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne: 1, 4 (tiny stain), 6
Kamui: 1-2, 6 (slightly bent)
Kanna: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Kanpai: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small crease)
Karakuri Odette: 2 (ex-library)
Kare First Love: 1-4, 8
Kare Kano: 1-2, 3 (spine stress), 4 (large stain, moderate shelfwear, small rip), 5
Kashimashi: 2 (2 large creases)
Kasumi: 1 (multiple small creases), 2 (marker)
Kat & Mouse: 1
Kazan: 3
Kaze Hikaru: 1, 10
Kedamono Damono: 2-3
Kekkaishi: 1 (small stain)
Key Princess Story Eternal Alice Rondo: 1-2
Kids Joker: 1
Kieli: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Kill Me, Kiss Me: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, several creases), 5 (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Kim Possible: 3
Kimi ni Todoke: 1
Kimikiss: 1
King of Cards: 1
King of Hell: 1-2, 5 (significant shelfwear, small stain, small rip)
King of RPGs: 2
King of the Lamp [one shot] (medium hole in front cover, small holes in first 22 pages - barely affects reading)
King of Thorn: 2 (ex-library)
Kingdom Hearts: 1 (medium crease), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, small piece ripped off spine)
Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories: 1 (significant shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, a couple small creases)
Kingdom Hearts II: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (slightly bent at spine, moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Kitchen Princess: 1
Kodocha: 1
Koihime Soushi [one shot]
Kokoro Connect: 2
Kon Kon Kokon: 1
Kujibiki Unbalance: 1
Kurogane: 2 (moderate yellowing)
Kurogane Communication: 1
Kurozakuro: 2
Kyo Kara Maoh!: 1(warped, moderate shelfwear), 2, 3 (large but mostly invisible crease), 4 (moderate shelfwear)
La Corda d'Oro: 1
La Esperanca: 1*
Laddertop: 1
Lagoon Engine: 1-2, 3 (small rip and small crease in front cover)
Lament of the Lamb: 1, 3 (moderate yellowing at edges)
Land of Silver Rain: 3 (slightly dirty, small crease), 7
Last Fantasy: 3-4
Last Hope: 1-2
Laya the Witch of Red Pooh: 1
LBX Little Battlers Experience: 6 (ex-library)
LDK: 1-2
Leader's High!: 1
Legal Drug: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3 (large crease, small crease)
Legend: 1*, 3* (moderate shelfwear), 6*
Legend of Chun Hyang [one shot]
Legend of the Eight Dragon Gods: 1 (small rip in front cover)
Li Ling Po: 1-3, 4 (moderate shelfwear)
Library Wars: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear), 4
Life: 1 (several small creases)
Lights out: 1
Limit: 1
Little Queen: 1 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Lizzie McGuire Cine-manga: 6
Lost at Sea*
Louie the Rune Soldier: 1 (2 small stains)
Love Attack: 1-2, 5-6
Love Com: 1, 3 (slight browning on inside covers), 5 (moderate browning on inside covers, some wrinkles in cover)
Love Hina: 1-2, 3 (bent), 4, 5 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (tiny stain), 9 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear), 14
Love Master A: 1
Love or Money: 1-2, 3 (small rip in front cover)
Love Roma: 1, 4, 5 (ex-library)
Loveholic: 1
Loveless: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (moderate shelfwear, moderate yellowing, medium crease), 5
Lucky Star: 1* (small stain, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 3* (small stain, front of book is warped)
Made in Heaven: 1-2
Magic Knight Rayearth: 1 (small-to-medium crease, slightly dirty)
Magical JxR: 2* (moderate shelfwear, several small creases, small rip), 3* (large crease, small rip)
Magical X Miracle: 1-2
Mahoromomatic: 1 (moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty), 2 (a couple small creases), 3 (several small creases), 4
Maid Sama!: 3 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Maid Shokun: 1
Maid War Chronicle: 1
Maison Ikkoku: 1-4
Manga Dogs: 1
Maniac Road: 1
Maoh Juvenile Remix: 2
MAR Marchen Awakens Romance: 1-2
March on Earth: 1
Maria Holic: 3 (significant creasing, moderate shelfwear), 4
Maria the Virgin Witch: 2-3
Marilyn the Story of a Woman* (medium stain, many creases, corners of covers coming apart)
Mark of the Succubus: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (small rip)
Marmalade Boy: 1-2
Mars: 11 (several small creases), 14-15
Masca: 1
Maus: 1* (small rip), 2* (moderate shelfwear, small rip)
MBQ: 1
Me & My Brothers: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip, tiny creases), 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 5 (moderate shelfwear)
Meet Sailor Mars: Fire (slightly dirty on inside covers)
Meet Sailor Moon: Crystal (small rip)
Megatokyo: 1-4, 5 (small stain)
Menkui!: 1
MeruPuri: 1, 2 (slightly faded spine), 4
Metamo Kiss: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Midori Days: 5
Mikansei No. 1: 1-2
Miki Falls: 1 (small wavy spot, large creases, small rip, moderate shelfwear)
Millennium Snow: 1-2
Million Tears: 1 (medium stain, moderate shelfwear)
Minima: 1
Mink: 2, 4 (moderate shelfwear), 5 (significant shelfwear, bent at one corner, creases, small rips)
Miracle Girls: 3, 6
Missile Happy: 3 (small rip in spine)
Missing Kamikakushi No Monogatari: 1
Missions of Love: 10 (ex-library)
Mixed Vegetables: 2 (slightly bent, moderate browning of inside covers, large crease), 5 (moderate browning of inside covers)
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: 2
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Astray: 2, 3 (ex-library, faded at spine)
Model: 1 (moderate shelfwear, wrinkles in spine), 2-5, 7 (moderate shelfwear, small rip, medium crease)
Momogumi Plus Senki: 3, 4 (ex-library)
Monster Hunter Orage: 3
Monster Soul: 2
Moonlight Meow: 1 (slight yellowing of inside covers)
Mouryou Kiden: 2 (1 large crease, several smaller creases, and a little dirty)
Mouryoukiden Legend of the Nymph: 1-3
Moyasimon: 1
Mugen Spiral: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Muhyo & Roji's Bureau of Supernatural Investigation: 1 (several tiny stains), 12 (ex-library, 2 medium creases), 14 (ex-library)
My Dead Girlfriend: 1 (significant shelfwear)
My Dearest Devil Princess: 1
My Girlfriend's a Geek: 1-2
My Heavenly Hockey Club: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3
My Love Story!!: 2
My Neighbor Totoro: 3-4
Nabari No Ou: 1, 4 (ex-library)
Nabi the Prototype [one shot] (slightly bent, moderate shelfwear)
Nadesico: 1
Najica Blitz Tactics: 1-3
Nana: 1 (stain on back cover), 21 (ex-library)
NaNaNaNa: 1 (bent at one corner, small-to-medium stain)
Naruto: 1 (tiny stain), 2, 3 (slightly dirty), 4 (small rip), 5 (slightly bent), 6, 7 (large crease, medium crease, several small creases), 8, 9 (tiny stain), 18 (bent), 21 (large crease, wrinkled plastic on spine), 24 (several tiny stain spots), 25 (slightly bent, multiple pages with large creases), 27, 28 (tiny stain), 29-30, 38 (slightly bent), 40 (slightly bent, several tiny stains, a couple small creases), 43, 44 (creases), 45, 46 (bent, waviness at back, small rip, small stain), 48, 49 (small dent in back cover), 50-51, 58, 63 (bent at spine), 66 (bent at spine), 68
Naruto The Movie Legend of the Stone of Gelel (gouges and pinhole in back cover)
Neck and Neck: 1-2
Negima: 1, 3-7
Neko Ramen: 1
Neon Genesis Evangelion: 2 (bent, multiple small creases), 11 (ex-library)
Neotopia: 1 (has staples)
Never Give Up: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Ng Life: 1-2
Night Head Genesis: 1
Night of the Beasts: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear), 3
Nightschool: 1*
Ninja Girls: 1
Nisekoi: 1
No Man's Land: 1-2
No Need for Tenchi: 1-2
Nodame Cantabile: 1, 2 (tiny stain), 5 (tiny stain)
Noodle Fighter Miki: 1
Nora: 1-3
Nosatsu Junkie: 1-3
Now: 1-3, 4 (2 large creases), 5 (ex-library, very dirty, small stain, slightly wavy at back, 2 small rips)
Nura Rise of the Yokai Clan: 1-2
Ocean of Secrets: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Odd is On Our Side (ex-library, moderate-to-significant shelfwear, small creases)
Of the Red, the Light, and the Ayakasi: 6
Off Beat: 1-2
Oh My God!: 1-2
Oh My Goddess!: 1*, 3 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, several small creases), 9*
Omukae Desu: 1 (small rip in spine)
On the Books* (small piece ripped off back cover and 1 page)
Once in a Blue Moon: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
One: 1-2, 7
One Piece: 1 (small rip), 2, 5 (2 medium stains, moderate yellowing, several creases), 21
One Thousand and One Nights: 1
Onegai Twins: 2 [light novel]
Only the Ring Finger Knows* (wrinkles in spine)
Orange Planet: 1
Oresama Teacher: 7, 13
Orphen: 2, 3 (some creasing in back cover), 4
Otazine Manga of Otaku Generation: 0 (large crease, small rip)
Othello: 1-2
Otogi Zoshi: 1-2
Otomen: 1
Our Kingdom: 4*
Ouran High School Host Club: 1
Outlaws of the Marsh: 6
Oyayubihime Infinity: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Pandora Hearts: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4
Pandora Hearts Caucus Race [light novel]: 2 (ex-library)
Pandora in the Crimson Shell: 2-3
Pantheon High: 1 (large crease, writing on 1 page)
Para Para* [one shot] (medium crease, a few folded pages)
Paradise Kiss: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 5
Pastel: 1-3
Pavane for a Dead Girl: 1
Peace Maker: 1-2
Peacemaker Kurogane: 1-3
Peach Fuzz: 1-2
Peach Girl: 1-2, 3 [pocket size], 4 [pocket size], 5 [pocket size], 6, 8 [pocket size]
Peach Girl Change of Heart: 2, 7-9
Peach Girl Sae's Story: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear, small rip)
Pearl Pink: 1-3
Peigenz: 3
Penguin Revolution: 1 (ex-library, moderate shelfwear, multiple creases), 2-6
Peppermint: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2, 4
Persepolis 2*
Phantom Dream: 2, 3 (moderate shelfwear, tiny stain), 5 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Phantom Thief Jeanne: 1
PHD Phantasy Degree: 1, 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 4-5
Pichi Pichi Pitch: 2, 4, 5 (wrinkles in spine)
Pick of the Litter: 1 (multiple creases in both covers)
Pieces of a Spiral: 1, 4 (tiny stain), 7
Pig Bride: 2*
Pilgrim Jager: 1
Pita-Ten: 1 (slightly scraped up), 2-3
Pixie Pop: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Planet Ladder: 1, 2 (slightly bent), 3-5
Platinum Garden: 1-2, 3 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 6 (moderate-to-significant shelfwear)
Pokemon Adventures: 3 (slightly bent at spine)
Pokemon Adventures Diamond and Pearl Platinum: 1, 3
Pokemon Adventures HeartGold and SoulSilver: 1
Pokemon Adventures Ruby & Sapphire: 17 (slightly bent at spine), 21, 22 (a couple small creases)
Pokemon Black and White: 1, 2 (moderate shelfwear)
Pokemon Diamond and Pearl Adventure: 1 (a couple small creases), 2 (medium stain, small stain, and a several small creases), 4, 5 (several tiny creases), 8 (slightly bent at spine, tiny stain, large crease, several small creases)
Pokemon The Movie Kyurem Vs. The Sword of Justice [one shot]
Pop Japan Travel - Essential Otaku Guide [one shot]
Popo Can: 1
President Dad: 1, 2 (ex-library, plastic book cover, medium crease), 3, 4 (ex-library, plastic book cover, several creases), 6 (ex-library)
Pretear The New Legend of Snow White: 2, 3 (a couple creases, plastic peeling at edges of covers)
Pretty Face: 1, 3 (a couple small creases)
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon: 1, 2 (medium crease), 3, 11 (last page is coming loose, moderate shelfwear, slightly dirty)
Priest: 1 (moderate shelfwear)
Princess Ai: 1 (bent), 2
Princess Resurrection: 1, 6
Project Arms: 7, 11-12, 15
Psychic Academy: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2 (moderate shelfwear, small rip), 3, 4 (slightly bent at spine), 5 (bent at spine), 6 (slightly bent at spine), 7 (slightly bent at spine), 11 (moderate shelfwear, several small creases)
Psychic Power Nanaki: 1 (light-to-moderate shelfwear), 2 (light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Psycho Busters: 1
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: 1
Pumpkin Scissors: 5
Punch: 1-2
Purgatory Kabuki: 1*
Q-Ko-Chan: 1
QQ Sweeper: 2
Queen of Ragtonia: 1 (multiple small and large creases)
Qwan: 1
R2 [rise R to the second power]: 1
RA-I [one shot] (medium crease in front cover and a couple small creases)
Ragnarok: 1-2, 3 (a couple small creases), 4-8, 10 (slightly bent at spine, light-to-moderate shelfwear)
Raiders: 1
Ral Grad: 1, 3 (dog-eared pages), 4
Ranma 1/2: 1-2, 3*, 11*
Rave Master: 1 (moderate shelfwear), 2
Ray: 3
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