Do Las Vegas Casinos Have Dress Codes: Mistakes to Avoid ...

vegas casino night attire

vegas casino night attire - win

[Part 1] A lifelong gambling enthusiast, you've played in countless venues for all manner of currency and collateral. Bored with trying to make a fortune, you seek out an apocryphal underground casino offering players chillingly high stakes against the opportunity to win anything their hearts desire

As long as I could remember I've always been into gambling and betting. There's just something about it, the thrill of winning, the heart pumping stakes of losing all. It's the sensation I felt like no extreme sports, gourmet cuisine, or sex could provide.
I started way too young, living with inattentive parents. My father was a drunk and my mom was a hoarder. I spent my childhood in the playground betting with the other kids with sweets, daring each other to do stupider and stupider stuff.
Eventually those stupid things led to petty crimes. Stealing, house robbing, fighting to name a few. But as I grew older I turned my sight to a more "sophisticated" venue. Donning my best suit, meddling with higher society in casinos draped in high quality decorations, menu full of high end cuisine and's all a façade in the end which I didn't care much for. It's the's always the thrill that I seek.
Years went by, eventually everything went numb. I have gambled the most secretive rooms in Vegas, played with crime bosses of the east in Macao, pissed off a lot of dangerous people. None of those gave me the thrill anymore, and I felt like I died. Like a shark seeking blood, I need more blood. I needed more!
I remember that one night, casually playing online poker I browsed the usual chatroom for gamblers like myself, only something caught my eyes...
"The Church of Cajetan"
Huh, Saint Cajetan was the patron saint of gamblers. I've never heard of this place. Asking around nobody in the chat knew a lot about it. Words from the grapevine stated that it was "the place that holds everything you seek"
I raised an eyebrow. I was intrigued. I asked around how and where can I find this place. Just another rumor, but they all say "it finds you, it knows". I spent hours and more searching for any mention of it online to no use. In my frustration I fell asleep eventually.
knock knock
Knocking on my door jolted me up. Looking at my clock it was 3 in the morning. I went to my door still in daze. Nobody was beyond that door, only an envelope placed neatly on the floor.
The words "Church of Cajetan" written in front of me woke me up completely. Inside I found a note and a gold coin with no other discernable feature but the name "The Church of Cajetan".
Dear Mr. Holden Parrish, we are excited to extend an invitation to the venerable Church of Cajetan. To enter please grab hold of the gold coin encased inside and enter any door at exactly 3:33 either am or pm. Bear in mind the church requires formal attire
I was stumped but excited. Without even contemplating on how ridiculous it was I immediately wore my best suits. Italian made maroon suit jacket and trousers I won from an Italian mob in New York city.
3:32 am. My heart was beating. My palm was sweating holding the gold coin tight. 58...59...60. 3:33 am I opened my bedroom door. Beyond I found myself inside a small waiting room draped in the finest carpet matching my own suit color. Gold and silver decorations filled the room.
"Mr. Holden Parrish, I presume?"
I turned my gaze to a man in front of me. He wasn't there before...
"You can call me Val. I will be your guide tonight inside the Church of Cajetan"
I was understandably overwhelmed of the situation. Something supernatural was going on there. But a gambler that I was, poker face was my forte.
"What's the minimum bet in this place? What game do you play?"
"Oh we don't take money here, Sir. Your gold coin is your first bet. The chance to enter the Church is your first bet. We don't want any loser here, Sir. As for the game, we offer anything and everything ever conceived in the history of gambling"
Val walked to the back of the room, leading me through a large wooden door. What he showed me behind it was a large hall with similar decorations to the small waiting room.
Countless tables of games being played, chattering of people, sounds of gambling machines, that familiar smell of high end casino...I was thrilled. I've been to plenty of similar places but this...this felt different.
submitted by HangryHangryHipHoe to HangryWritey [link] [comments]

Book Rey Mysterio If He Never Joined WWE in 2018 - Part 2: Booyaka

Part 1 here
In this part, we saw Rey Mysterio jump onto the scene of NJPW. He started off hot, taking on his two amigos in Jushin Thunder Liger and Hiroshi Tanahashi respectively. At King of Pro-Wrestling, he defeated Liger - but fell to The Ace in a match for his G1 Climax briefcase. He then won the IWGP United States Championship off of Cody to end his offspring of Bullet Club, and would embark on a title reign. He successfully defended against Bandido last time we saw him, and now he moves onto his next challenger.
Book Rey Mysterio If He Never Joined WWE in 2018 - Part 2: Booyaka
G1 Supercard:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Tomohiro Ishii - IWGP United States Championship
Rey Mysterio skips out on the New Japan Cup, and instead prepares for the G1 Supercard. It will be the biggest show NJPW have held in America, and since he’s the United States Champion he will be defending. Rey ventures off to GCW for Joey Janela’s Spring Break, taking part in the Clusterfuck as a surprise entrant. On Night Two, after Janela faces off with Jungle Boy - he calls out Rey to a match for a later date. Mysterio doesn’t respond, instead he’s in Madison Square Garden to face off against a New Japan semi-finalist, Tomohiro Ishii. He lost to Okada in the semis, and is angry. He wants to take his anger out on someone, and the IWGP United States Champion is his next victim.
He fought in the inaugural title match but came up short to Kenny Omega, but now he has his chance to become the first Japanese man to hold it. After seeing Mayu Iwatani retain the Women of Honor Championship, we move to our next match - as Tomohiro Ishii walks out to a loud MSG pop. In the front row are Mysterio’s daughter, Aalyah and his wife. Then we see his son, Dominick, as a young lion at ringside. He got kicked in the head by Minoru Suzuki earlier so he’s just having a great time. They’re dad then enters out in the same gear he wore to the actual WrestleMania that weekend, as the villain “Mysterio” from Spider-Man Homecoming. He walks out with the gold Tomohiro lusts for, and rolls inside to pose with it on the second rope.
The bell is rung and Mysterio goes to lock up - BUT ISHII GRABS HIM INTO A RELEASE GERMAN SUPLEX!! HE FOLLOWS WITH A BRIDGING GERMAN!! 1.........2.....KICK OUT BY REY REY!!! Mysterio is shocked at the sudden attack, and scurries up in the corner. ISHII GOES FOR A CLOTHESLINE BUT REY TURNS IT INTO A CRUCIFIX PIN!!! 1........ISHII KICKS OUT AND IS HIT BY A ROUNDHOUSE KICK!! REY WITH A HEADSCISSORS TAKEDOWN!! Rey regains and takes a moment to intake what’s happening, and GOES FOR A SHIRANUI!! ISHII COUNTERS WITH A SPIKE DDT!!! 1..............2..........KICK OUT INTO A POWERBOMB!!!! 1.............2..........TOMOHIRO LOCKS IN A BOSTON CRAB!! There is no escape for Mysterio from this rabid dog - who is hungry. Ishii locks in the hold and cinches it tighter.
The crowd are going nuts at these two guys fighting spirit. ISHII GOES FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX, BUT REY FLIPS OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE GOES FOR A 619 - BUT ISHII SPINS HIM TO THE OUTSIDE!! TOMOHIRO RUNS THE ROPES, BUT IS HIT BY A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY!! He lifts Ishii up and runs the ropes, TO HIT A BULLDOG!! INTO A TORNADO DDT!! He calls for a 619, as Ishii crawls to the ropes. HE HITS IT!! HE DIVES FOR THE SEATED SENTON - BUT NO NECK TOM CATCHES AND HITS A BRAINBUSTER!!! 1...............2..............MYSTERIO KICKS OUT!!! Everyone explodes that Rey kicked out, and Ishii is still that angry dog - but he just got a whiff of a juicy steak. Tom lifts him up, looks him dead in his dead eyes - AND HEADBUTTS HIM TO SHIT!!
Tomohiro Ishii defeats Rey Mysterio (12:51)
PROGRESS Chapter 88: Super Strong Style 16:
Marty Scurll vs. Rey Mysterio
With his United States Championship lost, ending his 92 day reign, Mysterio heads away from Japan for a while to regain himself. He’s confirmed to show up at PROGRESS‘ Super Strong Style, but later revealed that he won’t actually participate - instead wrestle on the last night in a standard singles match with no prizes but merit. Meanwhile, his opponent is scheduled to be...Marty Scurll. A man who hasn’t appeared in PROGRESS in a long while, mainly because he’s in the middle of a ROH World Championship reign. Having begun his reign in June of 2018, Marty still holds it. He’ll return to PROGRESS for this night however, as he wants to face Rey…badly. After Dominion last year when Rey lost to Marty, he’s wanted to defeated him one on one. A year of wait, and he finally gets his chance. The ultimate hero vs. The ultimate villain, it’s like a comic book finale.
In the lead up, Marty cuts a promo on Mysterio. In it he is as snivelling as ever, offering his wife Angie a night with him and calling Dominick “a giant lummocks“. Then when the third night of the Super Strong Style 16 arrives, we hear Rey Mysterio’s entrance music for the first time in PROGRESS history, as he enters to a raucous pop from the Alexandra Palace. Alexandra Park in London lose their minds for the Lucha Libre legend, who comes out in Black Knight attire (a Marvel superhero from Britain). The fans love him and he shakes hand with Jim Smallman as he enters. Marty Scurll’s reception is mixed, but he certainly wants it to be vocally harsh. He takes beer out of fans hands and spits it at them, which certainly turns their reactions around.
The two men stare down after the bell is rung, a seismic stare. Rey puts his hand up with two fingers, but so does Scurll. They then both do the “2-0-5” taunt in sync. The crowd laugh, which Marty doesn’t like. He taunts on the second turnbuckle to earn their ire. Rey does the same and receives a good response. Scurll then jumps off and walks over to Rey - WHO DIVES AT HIM WITH A HURRICANERANA! They then run the ropes, AND MARTY CATCHES HIM WITH AN ARM DRAG HANDSPRING! MYSTERIO HITS HIS OWN ARM DRAG! Marty runs the ropes but Rey goes for a FRONT DROPKICK - but Marty halts so Rey misses the boat. SCURLL THEN DOUBLE FOOT STOMPS ON THE LUCHADORS FEET!! He lifts him up and starts to chop his chest.
Marty finishes the chops, AND THEN HITS A ROPE-ASSISTED ENZIGURI!! He stomps on Rey while he shouts at fans who boo him, telling them to be louder. He smashes his knee into a kneeling Rey, and then lifts him into a Gory Special!! REY ESCAPES WITH A SUNSET FLIP!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND GOES FOR A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY, BUT SCURLL CATCHES WITH A SITOUT SUPLEX SLAM!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND HITS A PENALTY KICK!! HE LOCKS IN AN OCTOPUS HOLD!! He wrenches on it, but Rey shuffles to the ropes. Scurll then slides outside to shout at a fan who insulted him. SCURLL IS THEN HIT BY A SUICIDE DIVE INTO A HEADSCISSORS BY MYSTERIO!! REY THROWS HIM INSIDE AND HITS A FROGSPLASH!!! 1................2............KICK OUT!!! MARTY DOESN’T DIE AFTER THE SURPRISE ATTACK!!
Rey is now out of his trance of being beaten down and is back in the fight. Scurll goes for a Wheelbarrow Bodyscissors but Rey counters with an Arm Drag! HE GOES FOR A SUNSET FLIP PIN BUT SCURLL BREAKS OUT WITH A LANZA!! SCURLL THEN LIFTS REY UP FOR A GERMAN SUPLEX!! HE CONNECTS, AND GOES FOR ANOTHER! BUT MYSTERIO FLIPS OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE THEN CONNECTS A BASEBALL SLIDEFOLLOWED BY HEADSCISSORS!! Rey is on a roll as he dances like Eddie outside. Scurll goes to push him into a fans seat, but Mysterio ducks and PUSHES HIM INTO THE APRON!! They then fight there. Scurll knocks Rey off and CONNECTS A SUPERKICK FROM THE APRON!! HE THEN DIVES OUT WITH A MOONSAULT TO THE FLOOR!!
Now they’re both on the ground. Scurll is dead and so is Rey. They crawl up by the fans laps. Scurll asks a fan to hold Rey in place as he lines up a Penalty Kick. MYSTERIO EVADES BEFORE THE KICK CONNECTS AND PUSHES HIM ONTO A GROUP OF FANS SEATS!! HE THEN DIVES OFF THE SECOND ROPE WITH A CROSSBODY - OVER THE FANS HEADS TO SCURLL!! They’re both even more dead than before and spend time climbing out of the wreckage, through fans and bent and fallen chairs. Rey navigates his way back while Marty writhes in the agony. Once back in the ring Mysterio dives for a Seated Senton - BUT IS HIT BY A SUPERKICK!! SCURLL HITS THE BLACK PLAGUE AND ROLLS INTO THE CROSSFACED CHICKENWING!! REY GETS HIS FOOT ON THE ROPES!! Scurll angrily lets go, throwing the luchador to the mat.
They roll outside to recover after the big rush of counters. Scurll is first up and walks over to Rey’s daughter and wife. He tries to chat them up, BUT REY TURNS HIM AROUND INTO A THROW INTO THE RING POST!! HE HITS A BIG BOOT INTO THE STEEL!! Rey then sets up a wooden table, and brings Scurll up to the apron. They both trade forearms there. Marty jumps to the second rope, possibly looking for a TORNADO DDT!! REY BRINGS HIM DOWN AND HITSMA HURRICANERANA OFF THE APRON!! SCURLL CRASHES DOWN THROUGH THE WOODEN TABLE ONTO THE WOODEN FLOOR!! Scurll grabs his back in utter agony, his spine crushed by the wooden table and floor. Rey then picks him off the mat and rolls him inside.
Marty Scurll defeats Rey Mysterio (19:58)
Dominion 2019:
Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Rey Mysterio - IWGP Heavyweight Championship
At Wrestling Dontaku, we see Kazuchika Okada and SANADA face off for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship in Night Two’s main event on May 4th. Afterwards, Rey Mysterio appears on video where he says he will return to New Japan at Dominion to take on Okada for his IWGP Heavyweight Championship. The Rainmaker then states that in his post-match press conference, that he’s always wanted to face Rey Mysterio and that he’ll be happy to do it. Rey is a good and honourable man who deserves this title match after 25 years of wrestling. Okada is happy to give him the opportunity but makes sure Mysterio knows, he won’t win.
Later in the month is AEW’s Double or Nothing. The highly anticipated show features a plethora of talent and star studded match ups, after the Jacksonville and Las Vegas rallies individually. Rey Mysterio appears at neither however despite heavy rumour and speculation. However, to open the show we see the Casino Battle Royale. In this we get a bomb dropped on us - the debut of Mysterio in AEW. Entering as the Joker, he comes and cleans house. It comes down to him and Adam Page, who face off in a 5-minute long battle. The winner will face either Kenny Omega or Chris Jericho at All Out for the AEW World Championship so the stakes are high. In the end, Hangman eliminates Rey after a Buckshot and Superkick combo.
Then two weeks later is Dominion. For the first time ever, Rey Mysterio will challenge for the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship. After a hell of the show we reach the main event. We’ve seen Dragon Lee vs. Will Ospreay, and Kota Ibushi vs. Tetsuya Naito, and now we’re here. Rey Mysterio cuts a promo earlier in the show about how this means the world to him, this opportunity, and that he needs to win. He will never get a chance like this again, and can’t waste it. Mysterio represents is no-nonsense ordeal, as he comes out dressed as The Punisher. He’s got the navy singlet, with a skull across it. His mask then has the skull as well on it. Mysterio taunts on the second rope, but then Okada comes out. It’s the same thing he felt against Tanahashi and Liger, just being in the presence of someone on another world.
When the bell rings, they don’t lock up straight away. They take in the magnitude of the stage and suck it all in. About a minute passes of this, before they lock up. They get into a collar and elbow, and Rey spins into a waist lock. Okada arm drags him off and cinches in a chinlock. Rey tries to flip out but Okada simply lowers down with him. HE THEN HITS A BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!! Okada cinches in another chinlock. Rey gets up and Irish whips Okada to the ropes. The Rainmaker rebounds and connects a Shoulder Block to take Mysterio down. Rey gets up while Okada runs the ropes, and hits a HEADSCISSORS! Mysterio ducks under a clothesline and cinches the waistlock. He takes Okada down and applies a nerve hold, then hits a Spinal Tap!
Okada lifts himself up and runs the ropes for a Short-arm Lariat! Rey stumbles back and rolls into a VICTORY ROLL!! 1........2.....KICK OUT!! OKADA GETS UP WITH A SHOULDER BLOCK, AND THEN RUNS THE ROPES FOR A RONT DROPKICK INTO THE CORNER!! Mysterio takes a Bret Hart sell of falling on impact. OKADA LIFTS HIM FOR A FLAPJACK BUT REY FLIPS OUT AND HITS AN ARM DRAG!! HE RUNS THE ROPES BUT IS CAUGHT IN A WHEELBARROW !BODYSCISSORS, THAT IS COUNTERED WITH A BULLDOG!! FLYING HEADSCISSORS BY MYSTERIO!! HE RUNS THE ROPES BUT OKADA HITS THE FLAPJACK AND FOLLOWS WITH A MILLION DOLLAR DROPKICK!! Okada then lifts Mysterio up and throws him to the corner, and starts to apply shoulder blocks.
Okada Irish whips Mysterio who LEAPFROGS THE RAINMAKER AND HITS A MYSTERIO-EXPRESS!!! 1..........2.......KICK OUT!! OKADA WITH ANOTHER SHORT-ARM LARIAT!! Okada connects a European Uppercut to a kneeling Rey! This is the cut off, and The Rainmaker starts to stomp down on him. He lifts Mysterio up and Irish whips Rey, who jumps to the second rope AND DIVES OFF WITH A DIVING HURRICANERANA!!! OKADA ROLLS THROUGH AND CONNECTS A OPEN HAND CHOP!! DROPKICK!! HE LIFTS REY UP FOR A BACKBODY DROP BUT MYSTERIO EVADES AND HITS A SPINNING WHEEL KICK!! Rey is back in the fight, and runs the ropes for a RUNNING CROSSBODY!! HE HITS A TILT-A-WHIRL TORNADO DDT!! 1..........2........KICK OUT!!!
Rey pulls himself up by the ropes, hoping the comeback got him. He punches the air, but lifts The Rainmaker up. He heads to the apron and awaits Okada - BUT SUNSET FLIPS OVER! REY ROLLS HIM AND HITS A ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!! Mysterio then runs the ropes but OKADA WITH A BIG BOOT!! HE HITS THE HEAVY RAIN!! 1........2.........KICK OUT!!! REY PULLS HIMSELF UP AND HITS A LOU THESZ PRESS!! HE GOES FOR A SHIRANUI - BUT OKADA DUMPS HIM ONTO THE MAT!! Rey doesn’t get up from that one, feeling the pain. Okada stomps on him and kicks the head, THEN GOES FOR A DDT!! MYSTERIO SLIDES OUT AND HITS A HEADSCISSORS!! HE RUNS THE ROPES AND CONNECTS THE 619 OUT OF NOWHERE!! He climbs the ropes and points to the crowd - DIVING SPLASH!! 1.........2.........KICK OUT FROM THE RAINMAKER!!!
Rey gets desperate to end it and HITS A BASEBALL SLIDE TO THE OUTSIDE!! HE FOLLOWS WITH A SUICIDE DIVE INTO A HEADSCISSORS!! Okada falls into the guardrail both times, feeling the steel on his back. Rey goes to Irish whip but Okada reverses into his own. Rey then hops the guardrail and awaiting to see what Okada does. OKADA THEN DIVES OVER THE GUARDRAIL WITH THE SCOOBY DOOBY DOO!!! They both lay dead, as the referee counts down from 20. Eventually they get back up, after a lot of stumbling and tumbling. They get back in and REY DIVES WITH THE WEST COAST POP!! 1.........2.......OKADA ROLLS OUT OF IT WITH REY ON HIS BACK!!! ALABAMA SLAM!!! KICKOUT!!! HE LOCKS IN THE DEEP IN DEBT BUT REY GETS OUT!! HE RUNS TO THE CORBER BUT SO DOES OKADA WHO HITS A RUNNING BACK ELBOW!! HE THEN CONNECTS THE AIR RAID CRASH NECKBREAKER!!! 1...............2.............KICK OUT!!!!
Kazuchika Okada defeats Rey Mysterio (26:13)
Fyter Fest 2019:
The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson and Nick Jackson) vs. Rey Mysterio and The Lucha Brothers (Fénix and Pentagon Jr.) - Six-man Tag Team Match
With the launch of All Elite Wrestling, many peoples attention have been grabbed. Double or Nothing as we know saw Rey Mysterio make his shock debut to open the main show as the Joker slot in the Casino Battle Royale. Him and Hangman Adam Page had a war as the final two, ending with Page winning. Now comes Fyter Fest, however this scheduled match between The Elite and The Lucha Bros/Pac has been altered. Pac pulls out and so the replacement is revealed on The Road To Fyter Fest, where Rey Mysterio is interviewed and then he announces he will be the partner of the Lucha Bros. This is the official main event of Fyter Fest, as the actual last match is Unsanctioned.
The Young Bucks enter first dressed as Ryu and Ken each, both posing on the stage until…the lights go down. A fan walks on stage, but then they go down again. KENNY APPEARS AS AKUMA’S RAGING DEMON!! He holds the finger gun over the fans body and makes his way down to the ring with his Elite stablemates. Then comes The Lucha Brothers. On the stage are Fénix and Pentagon dressed in their skull masks and hoodies. They both walk out but point to the centre, WHERE OUT COMES REY MYSTERIO!! Rey unhoods from his blue cloak to reveal his normal mask. He is dressed as Death from the Castlevania series in line with the whole skeleton aesthetic as well as for the video game tie-in.
“Round 1 – FIGHT!” yells Justin Roberts as Nick Jackson and Rey Mysterio start us off. They go into a lockup and start to push forward and back. Nick lifts himself to the second rope and tightropes it, before jumping down with an Arm Drag. Rey rolls through with that but jumps back in a Rana. They both run the ropes but Nick leapfrogs and Mysterio rolls under, then springboards off with a Crossbody. A cover goes nowhere and Nick kips up for his own arm drag, followed by a Back Body Drop that Rey flips out of. They then go to a stalemate at this point and reposition in their respective corners. Kenny whispers to Nick while Mysterio stretches on the ropes. They both then move forward to the centre.
Rey hits an Overhead Chop and follows with an Open Hand to the chest. He does this while maintaining wrist control. He then hits a Roundhouse Kick and an Enziguri, and runs up the ropes, then dives off with a CROSSBODY! Nick goes for a Superkick once up, but Rey spins him into a Spinning Wheel Kick attempt, which Nick spins and they HIT STEREO SUPERKICKS!! THEY THEN DOUBLE DOWN WITH CLOTHESLINES!! While their down, in come the others. EVERY TRIO IS IN THE RING AND A BRAWL BREAKS LOOSE! Kenny and Penta are going at it while Matt and Fénix do battle. They trade slaps and chops and kicks, until Mysterio and Nick are back up. REY HITS A AIR MYSTERIO TO NICK JACKSON!! The Lucha Bros then hit Superkicks to Kenny and Matt to take them outside. ALL THE LUCHADORS THEN DIVE OUT AFTER THE ELITE!!
They all enter the ring and isolate Matt. The Bros hit Superkicks and hold him in place for a MYSTERIO EXPRESS!! Nick comes inside but is hit by a Hook Kick, and then with a SEATED SENTON FROM REY!! FÉNIX WITH A DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT TO NICK!!! 1……..2…..KICK OUT!!!!! The Bros roll out and Nick and Mysterio keep going. They trade forearms, until Rey tags in Fénix. Fénix comes in hot with a Springboard Front Missile Dropkick to Nick. He looks for a double team with Pentagon, BUT NICK HITS THEM BOTH WITH A DROPSAULT!! HE TAGS IN MATT! MATT COMES IN WITH A TOPE CON HILO TO BOTH GUYS!1 HE HITS A NORTHERN LIGHTS ON PENTAGON WITH AN O’CONNOR ROLL ON FÉNIX!! 1………2……KICK OUT!! HIM AND NICK THEN HIT DOUBLE SLINGSHOT SITOUT FACEBUSTERS!!
Matt then gets a tag to Kenny Omega. OMEGA IS IN! Kenny runs straight forward with a Dropkick to Pentagon sending him outside. He hits a Backbreaker to a tagged in Mysterio , 1……2….KICK OUT!! HE GOES FOR THE YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!! BUT IT IS INDEED ESCAPED! MYSTERIO DIVES OFF THE TOP WITH A MOONSAULT!! Kenny recovers himself, BEFORE DIVING OUTSIDE WITH A RISE OF THE TERMINATOR TO PENTAGON!! PENTAGON CUTS HIM OFF! Cero…Miedo – AND THEY START TO FIGHT ON THE OUTSIDE!! They go to the apron where Pentagon lays in some chops, BUT OMEGA WITH A KOTARO KRUSHER ON THE APRON!! THE BUCKS THEN SEND FÉNIX TO THE FLOOR WITH A BACK BODY DROP + CANNONBALL SENTON COMBO!!
Now all The Elite are inside and isolate Rey Mysterio. The Elite triple team him, with Matt and Nick holding Rey in place for A V-TRIGGER!! FOLLOWED BY A GERMAN SUPLEX!! KENNY HITS THE YOU CAN’T ESCAPE!! MATT FOLLOWS WITH A TOP ROPE ELBOW AND NICK WITH A SWANTON!!! 1………2……KICK OUT!!!! They pick him up and The Bucks try to double team. MYSTERIO MOVES AND MATT SPEARS NICK!! ENZIGURI FROM MYSTERIO TO OMEGA!! HE TAGS IN PENTAGON!! Pentagon comes in and chops everyone, and then hits a Double Japanese Arm Drag on Matt and Nick! SUPERKICK TO KENNY FOLLOWED BY A LUNGBLOWER!! Kenny rolls out, but then FÉNIX SPRINGBOARDS TO THE OUTSIDE WITH A TORNILLO TO OMEGA!! REY FOLLOWS WITH A SUICIDE DIVE!! PENTAGON THEN HITS A LANZA TO MATT BACK IN THE RING AND COVERS! 1………2…….KICK OUT!!!
The Lucha Brothers and Rey Mysterio defeat The Elite (20:20)
submitted by ConorCulture to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

Following a week of gambling in Las Vegas, Marine Ron Parkhurst was found floating in remote cove of Lake Mead about 30 miles from The Strip with a bullet in the back of his head. The Clark County coroner concluded he had been in the water for about three days. His case is still unsolved.

Summary: In June of 1997, Marine Recruiter Ron Parkhurst walked out of his Huntington Beach, CA office and never came back. He packed up his black Ford Mustang, drove to Las Vegas where he spent a week gambling. He checked into a Motel 6 and over the course of a week he made small ATM withdrawls ranging from $60 to $200. He was seen several times between June 15 and 18 at the MGM Grand. By the end of the week his bank account had only $53.00.
At 4 AM June 18, Parkurst's Mustang was found abandoned on an access road near Lake Mead. His CD collection was gone, his wallet hound but with no license or ATM card. Three days later on June 2 around 10 am a women discovered Parkhurst's body floating in the water. He had been shot by a 45 caliber in the back of the skull.
Some other oddities about this case: Parkhurst was married to a woman named Rebecca whom his family never met. When asked, Ron claimed she was the maid. She claimed his veterans benefits after death, and even listed a son born 1993, although its unclear if Parkhurst is the father. He also allegedly purchased a life insurance policy in the months before his death. At the time of his death, he lived alone in an apartment in Irvine, California.
The case has remained unsolved for the past 22 years. A year ago Parkhurst's sister Diane Garrett has been in touch with LVPD's cold case unit and hopes for some leads.
What are your theories on Ron's death? Gambling debt gone wrong?
Ron Parkhurst:
Source: article. Pay walled so text below:
Cold case: Sister wants answers in 1997 murder of OC-based Marine by Keith Sharon
His nephews called him the strongest man in the world.
He had a “bright and shiny” bald head, his master sergeant said with a laugh. “You could see him from a mile away. He was quiet, well-mannered. He always stood up straight whether he was in military attire or civilian clothes.”
Ron Parkhurst was a Marine. “A really good Marine,” said Master Sgt. Rene Robles.
Parkhurst was so gung-ho he was made a recruiter, working out of the USMC substation in Huntington Beach. There is no explanation for why in 1997 he walked out of that office, after 13 exemplary years in the military, and never came back. He had a meeting scheduled with the family of a recruit, but he didn’t show.
One late spring afternoon, he ditched his responsibilities, hopped into his black, immaculate Ford Mustang, accompanied only by a vast collection of music on compact discs, and headed to Las Vegas. Inexplicably, he spent a week hitting the casinos. He was wearing cutoff jeans and a red and white T-shirt when he walked out of the MGM Grand on June 18, 1997, the last day of his life.
On June 21, 1997, Ron Parkhurst was found floating in the remote Saddle Island Cove in the waters of Lake Mead about 30 miles from The Strip. The Clark County coroner concluded he had been in the water for about three days.
He had a .45-caliber bullet in the back of his head.
The U.S. Naval Criminal Investigative Service and the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police concluded the death was a homicide. The LVMPD report classified the case as “murder WDW” (with a deadly weapon). But “due to the lack of logical investigative leads, this investigation is closed,” the NCIS said in its report from June 1997. The case will be reopened if either the Las Vegas police ask for assistance, or a suspect is identified.
In 22 years, no suspect has been identified, and the Las Vegas police have not asked for help. Although. there is a potential thread to the investigation that has not yet been fully pursued.
“I’ve always felt he was killed execution-style,” said Diane Garrett, Ron’s sister, and mother of the nephews who were impressed with their uncle. “His death was devastating. The family has never been the same afterward.”
Garrett has been in touch recently with the Las Vegas police, where a cold case detective is taking another look at the 22-year-old unsolved murder. Cold case investigator Terri Miller has spoken with Garrett, but did not return a call from the Southern California News Group.
“I was drop-jawed when I heard what happened,” Master Sgt. Robles said. “All of us Marines felt like one of our Marines was down.”
A Marine is still down.
Kept a distance
Parkhurst could run. He was on the cross country team at Manual High School in Peoria, Illinois.
“He was always this kid with an impish kind of personality,” said Garrett, his older sister. “If he got in trouble, he would smile. He never took things seriously. He was always joking.”
After high school, he needed some stability in his life so he picked the military, specifically the Marines. He worked as an aircraft mechanic.
He was stationed for a while in Tennessee where he met Rebecca Carolyn DeLoach, who had been twice divorced. On Valentine’s Day of 1992, Rebecca became his wife.
The strange thing about his marriage was that Parkhurst didn’t tell his family about it. Garrett said she called him once a week – on Sunday nights – and she would ask about Rebecca. Parkhurst never gave details.
“Who was the woman who answered the phone?” Garrett would ask. “He would say, ‘That was the maid.’”
Parkhurst and Rebecca moved to California, so they were far enough away to keep his family guessing. When she filled out military forms as his dependent after his death, Rebecca listed a child named Justin, born in 1993. Parkhurst’s family does not know if he was Justin’s father.
Robles said that by the time he met Parkhurst in 1995 or early 1996, he told everyone he was single. Rebecca was not invited by his family to his funeral.
Attempts to reach Rebecca for comment in this story were unsuccessful.
Piecing together details
In 1997, Parkhurst was living alone in an apartment on Thunder Road in Irvine.
Suddenly, in June, he dropped out of his life and went to Vegas. He checked into a Motel 6. He made several small ATM withdrawals, none more than $200, during the last week of his life, including a withdrawal of $60 on June 18, 1997. That final transaction left $53.85 in his checking account.
He was seen several times between June 15 and 18 at the MGM Grand.
At 4 a.m. on June 18, Parkhurst’s Mustang was found abandoned on an access road next to Lake Mead. His CD collection was gone. His wallet was found, but it had no driver’s license or ATM card inside. Garrett said she has been told by police that a witness saw another car speeding away from Parkhurst’s Mustang.
Three days later, on June 21, just before 10 a.m., a woman discovered Parkhurst’s body in the water. He had been shot in the occipital area of the skull. Police were able to get DNA samples from the car, but they proved to be inconclusive.
Police searched Parkhurst’s Irvine apartment five days after his body was discovered.
The report said Parkhurst may have purchased a life insurance policy in the months before his death. But there is no follow-up report about the investigation into that potential lead.
Robles, who was Parkhurst’s supervisor in Huntington Beach, flew to Las Vegas to identify his body. Parkhurst was buried in his dress blues, and Robles accompanied the casket to Parkhurst’s family home in Peoria, Illinois.
Everyone on the plane was asked to remain seated while Parkhurst’s casket was taken off the plane.
“Everyone was staring out the windows of the plane,” Robles said. “His parents were very hurt. They were in shock. Disbelief.”
Parkhurst was given an honor guard funeral with a flag-folding ceremony.
A $5,000 reward was established for information leading to an arrest. No one ever claimed the reward.
Leonard and Nancy Parkhurst, Ron’s parents, both died in the 22 years since his murder. Garrett said her parents wouldn’t talk about his death to her or at family gatherings.
“It was never spoken of,” she said.
A year ago, she was going through her parents’ belongings when she found the extensive Judge Advocate General report on her brother’s death.
She started contacting people mentioned in the report.
She has considered advertising on a billboard in Orange County.
“This is something I’ve had rolling around in my brain – a billboard,” Garrett said. “It would say, ‘Do you know what happened to this person?’”
She said the Las Vegas police are taking a new look at the case, and the cold case investigator has asked permission to begin interviewing people such as Rebecca Parkhurst and a “person of interest.”
So far, Garrett doesn’t know if the new investigation has been launched.
“Somebody has to know something,” Garrett said. “I want to know what happened.”
submitted by vanillagurilla to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Events for Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10

Friendly reminder that this weekend includes some very large events (EDC Orlando, Veteran's Day parade) that will increase and worsen traffic and parking and may also involve road closures, so please be careful out there. Carpool with friends and family, take an Uber or Lyft, Sunrail or Lynx bus.
All weekend (Fri 11/8 - Sun 11/10):
43rd Maitland Rotary Art Festival; Lake Lilly Park, 701 Lake Lily Drive, Maitland, Florida 32751; The Maitland Rotary Art Festival has been entertaining Central Florida residents and visitors since 1976. Although hosted annually by the Rotary Club of Maitland, Florida, the event has evolved into a community celebration of the arts. The many public and private partnerships make it possible for Maitland Rotarians to showcase our community. The Maitland Rotary Art Festival Inc. is a not-for-profit501(c)3 organization that raises funds for the charitable activities of the Rotary Club of Maitland.
Annunciation Fall Festival; Annunciation Catholic Church, 1020 Montgomery Rd, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714; Live entertainment, rides and games, festival food favorites, crafts, live and silent auction and raffle! Free admission and free park and ride.
Free Admission for Veterans/First Responders, Nov. 9-10; Orange County Regional History Center, 65 E Central Blvd, Orlando, Florida 32801; The Orange County Regional History Center invites veterans, active-duty military personnel, and first responders to visit the museum for free on the weekend of November 9-10, 2019, in honor of Veterans Day. The route of the 20th annual City of Orlando Veterans Day Parade travels just south of Heritage Square adjacent to the History Center on Saturday, November 9, 2019, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Honoring the courageous men and women of the armed forces who have fought for our nation’s freedoms, the parade will feature marching bands, ROTC units, active duty military, decorative floats, and veterans groups from all military branches representing a wide variety of conflicts. Learn more here:
Fri 11/8
4p - 6:30p: Longwood Chili Cook Off; City of Longwood City Hall, 175 W Warren Ave, Longwood, Florida 32750; In conjunction with the monthly Longwood Car Show. The "Chili Cook Off " is a fundraiser that supports Parks & Recreation programming here in the City of Longwood and is hosted by volunteer Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Members. Chili Cookers Wanted!! All compete for cash $$$$ prize and trophies. Chili Cookers WANTED !!! Contact 407-260-3497 or email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]). Compete for CASH prizes. *Entry fee individuals is $25* **Entry fee for businesses is $75**
5p - 11p: College Park JazzFest 2019; College Park Main Street, 648 Dartmouth Street, 32804; College Park Main Street will host the 18th annual College Park JazzFest on Saturday November 9, 2019 from 5-11pm. The community’s flagship street festival along Edgewater Drive will feature 12 bands on three stages performing jazz, rock, R&B and more. College Park JazzFest will feature a vibrant street party atmosphere with diverse food trucks, vendors, and the local shops and restaurants open onto Edgewater Drive between Smith Street and Clayton Street.
Bands featured at College Park JazzFest 2019 include:
• Jackie Jones
• Ramona the Band
• The 8th Note Collective
• Dave Capp Project
• John Korbel
• Gerry Williams Band
• Brown Bag Brass Band
• Sideshow Revival
• Legendary JCs
• Lauren Lester
• The Lawbreakers
• Tarpon Springs Jazz Ensemble (a Dr. Phillips Center Essentially Ellington High School Jazz Band)
5p - 12a: 70's Cosplay Party in VAULT 5421; Gods & Monsters, 5421 International Dr, Orlando, Florida 32819; Join us Saturday, November 9th, for 70's Homage Night in Vault 5421! FREE EVENT! To celebrate the new movie release of Charlie's Angels, we're hopping in the time machine and playing the classic 70's series and other 70's movies and shows on our big screens throughout the bar, with far out tunes playing, themed cocktails & Cosplay Cage-Dancing! Come in your best 70's cosplay or attire to receive 1 FREE SHOT or soda! (Just mention your attire, at the bar, for your FREE shot or soda.) Come early to enjoy our Happy Hours 5-8pm, featuring 20% OFF ALL DRINKS, including the special themed drink and shot created for the event! (Please note our store Gods & Monsters is All-Ages friendly, but our bar VAULT 5421 is 18+ to enter and 21+ with valid ID to purchase alcoholic beverages.)
6p - 8p: Fall Festival; UCUMC - University Carillon UMC, 1395 Campus View Ct, Oviedo, Florida 32765; All-things-fall coming together in one place: Fall Festival! While fall weather isn’t guaranteed, the fun is! We’ll be outside under the lights on University Carillon’s field with food, fall desserts, apple cider, festival games and live music! There’s fun ready for everyone—pumpkin games for the kids, football skills challenge for anyone brave enough, crafts for all ages, petting farm and more. Best of all, it’s FREE! Bring some friends and family and enjoy everything fall!
6p - 9p: Casselberry Food Truck Night; Lake Concord, 127 Quail Pond Circle, Casselberry, Florida 32707; Casselberry locals park at the Target Casselberry, are escorted across 17-92 by police officers, walk to the lovely lush Lake Concord Park covered with oaks behind City Hall, buy dinner from the food trucks, then listen to live music and shop local art. To see which trucks are coming Go to and click on Truck Schedule. Free admission. Free parking.
6p - 9:30p: Movie Night at Adventure Lake: Spider-Man Far From Home; Nona Adventure Park, 14086 Centerline Drive, Orlando, Florida 32827; Sponsored by F45 Training Nona, this is a FREE event to the community from 6-9:30 p.m. • The movie will begin at 6:30 p.m. • A popcorn + soda combo will be available for $4 (FREE to Nona Adventure Park Members)! • Splashes Bistro will be open until 9:30 p.m. for dinner, snacks, drinks, wine, beer, sodas, lemonades, and water. • Featured Film: SPIDER-MAN FAR FROM HOME • Feel free to bring pillows, blankets, etc. - this will be held under the pavilion near Splashes & the Pro Shop.
6p - 12a: 2019 Give Hope & Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament and Casino Night; Orlando Science Center, 777 E Princeton St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come join us for a fun and classy event designed to bring Las Vegas to Orlando! Enjoy professionally-managed Texas Hold 'Em Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Fine Catering, and Raffle Giveaways! A night out like no other in Orlando - All for a great cause! Whether you play poker or not, this is an evening for all! Tickets and more information can be found on our website
Sat 11/9
9a - 4p: Great Day in the Country 2019; Oviedo on the Park, 321 E Mitchell Hammock Rd, Oviedo, Florida 32765; The 46th Annual Great Day in the Country Arts & Crafts Festival is produced by the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club. The Festival is FREE to attendees. See This year over 350 arts and crafts vendors will be displaying and selling items that are perfect for gifts or your own home. Vist our food and beecraft beer vendors in either of two Food Courts (east and west). Enjoy music and local acts which will range from jazz to rock and roll. The Oviedo Woman's Club's famous Bean Soup will be exclusively available only at the festival. Great Day in the Country 2019 will mark the 25th year of the Student Art Fest, with work from art students in our local schools. The art will be on display and awards in excess of $2K will be presented to students during the Opening Ceremonies. Great Day in the Country is the GFWC Oviedo Woman's Club's major fundraiser. Over the past nine years, the club has awarded over $600,000 for scholarships, school grants, and charitable organizations. Last year, over 30,000 people attended the event. Free parking is available nearby and shuttles buses will take people to and from those lots.
12p - 4p: Bunny Cafe at The Nook; The Nook on Robinson, 2432 E. Robinson St, Orlando, Florida 32803; Come meet and pet our adorable furry friends while learning what it takes to give them loving and healthy indoor homes. Volunteers will be on hand to answer all your questions about feeding, housing, and connecting with these wonderful animals. ADMISSION IS FREE. The rabbits will be housed inside the bar for their safety and comfort while patron seating will be outside with tables and tents. There will be food available for purchase with La Empanada Food Truck and The Veggie Cart, and alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks from The Nook and Framework Coffee. Learning activities will happen outside along with a prize raffle benefiting ORCA as well. Guest time with rabbits will be in 15-minute increments from 12 – 4PM with a maximum of 15 guests per time slot. Sign up will be first come first serve outside the bar. Patrons should check in at least 5 minutes before their assigned time slot, so they don't miss their turn. ORCA’s goals with this event are to educate the public and to ensure we can continue our mission to rescue and re-home abandoned or distressed rabbits and provide them quality medical care by raising donations.
FOOD: La Empanada Food Truck, The Veggie Cart; DRINK: The Nook on Robinson, Framework Craft Coffee Bar; ART:
1:30p - 4p: Outdoor Family Concert sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities; Seneff Arts Plaza - Downtown Orlando, 445 S Magnolia Ave., Orlando, Florida 32801; Join the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra for this annual free Outdoor Family Concert in memory of Della Phillips sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. Enjoy Dr. Seuss family classics The Sneetches and Green Eggs & Ham with beautiful music performed by the orchestra with live narration on Saturday, November 9 at 3 p.m. at Seneff Arts Plaza at the Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Also at the concert will be food trucks and family-friendly activities with an instrument petting zoo beginning at 1:30 p.m. Event sponsored by Dr. Phillips Charities. This Saturday at 1:30 p.m. prior to the concert, don't miss family-friendly activities and delicious food from the following food trucks: Up In Smoke BBQ, Orlando Fat One's Hot Dogs & Italian Ice, SMAC Food Truck, Sugar Rush Marshmallows, Tacos Mazatlan, Rubios Baja Grill (\*to clarify, food starts at 1:30p and concert starts at 3p**)*
4p - 8p: Lake Nona Town Harvest; Crescent Park in Laureate Park, 8374 Upper Perse Cir, Orlando, Florida 32827; Bring out the whole family to enjoy a festive evening of entertainment featuring top 40 cover band Stereo FM, scarecrow stilt walkers, acrobatic surprises, and more! Oversized tractors, hay bales, and pumpkins create the perfect cozy photo op. Enjoy delicious treats from food trucks Bloque 45, It's All Greek to Me, Guacamole Co., Absofruitly US, Avofuel, a beer garden, and a large Kid's Zone sponsored by Laureate Insurance Partners for toddlers to teens! We look forward to you joining us for the first Lake Nona Town Harvest!
5p - 12a: Warriors Of Light: A Final Fantasy Tribute; The Abbey, 100 S Eola Drive, Suite 100, Orlando, Florida 32801; On November 9th, 2019 in Orlando, Florida, Ongaku Overdrive is honored to bring you Warriors of Light, a Final Fantasy tribute with music, games, art, vendors, and cosplay. Details:
▪︎Musical acts performing their renditions of Final Fantasy and other Square music 🎵 ▪︎Multiple video game setups 🎮 ▪︎Video game tournaments with cash prizes 🕹 ▪︎Artists, vendors, and exclusive event merch ▪︎A cosplay-friendly atmosphere ▪︎Final Fantasy-themed cocktails🍹 ▪︎And more!
🎵MUSICAL LINEUP🎵: Descendants of Erdrick, Mega Ran, The Returners - VGM, Knight of the Round
Plus, a Final Fantasy edition of No Borders Art Competition!
We have more to announce with music, games, and events. Tickets go on sale at
Follow us:,,
Sun 11/10
3p - 4:30p: Let Freedom Ring!; Cathedral Church of St. Luke,130 North Magnolia, Orlando, FL 32801; The Orlando Concert Band, with organ, salute the Armed Forces with Veterans Day favorites like Battle Hymn of the Republic, America the Beautiful, God Bless America, and rousing marches by John Philip Sousa.
submitted by whirlpool4 to orlando [link] [comments]

Here's 20 Events For Your Weekend at VT, Blacksburg and the NRV...

For those looking for something to do locally this weekend, here's 20 events you can enjoy...
1. 2020 Virginia Tech Entrepreneur Challenge The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 4:00 - 7:00 PM Admission: Free The Virginia Tech Entrepreneur Challenge is a campus-wide, student startup competition that brings together successful alumni-entrepreneurs, industry partners, and students to showcase the best new ventures at Virginia Tech. Watch as interdisciplinary teams from across campus compete for the best business model and a chance to win up to $40,000 in cash awards and prizes! The Entrepreneur Challenge event features a showcase of the finalist teams from Virginia Tech along with a high-powered lineup of judges sharing their expertise and experience in the world of entrepreneurship. There will be free swag and giveaways for attendees. Link:
2. Alex & Andrew in Concert India Garden Restaurant, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 6:00 - 8:30 PM Admission: Free Alex & Andrew are a Jazz duet that “Jam” spoon out sweet guitar licks and spread on the charm based in the New River Valley region of Virginia. Link:
3. Play: The Wolves Squires Studio Theatre, Virginia Tech Friday, February 21, 2020 at 7:30 PM and Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 2:00 PM and 7:30 PM General Public: $12.00, Students & Seniors: $10.00 The Virginia Tech School of Performing Arts presents the play "The Wolves" which is an engaging, funny, and sometimes painful meditation on society, sex and soccer. A portrait of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for nine American girls who just want to score some goals. Link:

4. 31st Anniversary Party at London Underground London Underground Pub, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 8:00 PM - 02:00 AM $3.00 cover London Underground Pub is celebrating their 31st Anniversary with a Birthday Party in Vegas. Featuring the live jazz stylings of the The Chinquapin Hunters, door prizes, food & drink specials, casino card games and a birthday champagne toast. There will be a Charity Black Jack table with guest dealer Michael Haberman with all proceeds benefiting the New River Land Trust and a Vegas-inspired menu and martini list. Must be 21 or older. Link:

5. Howlin' Mudbellies in Concert McClain's at First & Main, Blacksburg Friday, February 21, 2020, 8:00 - 11:00 PM Admission: $3.00 The Howlin' Mudbellies are a blues group performing rhythmic, percussive, shaking and grooving blues, from the deep south country to the rockin' city. Picking, slide, and finger style acoustic guitar, Dobro, thumping bass, and sometimes added kick of drums and harmonica. The Blacksburg band has shared the stage with blues and bluegrass legends like Bo Diddley, Willie Watson, Bob Margolin, John Hammond and the Nighthawks. Link:
6. 2020 Special Olympics New River Polar Plunge Festival Bisset Park, Radford Saturday, February 22, 2020, 10:30 AM - 2:00 PM Minimum donation or total fundraising amount of $100.00 to plunge per person. Special Olympics Virginia along with the Radford City Police Department and Radford University presents the 2020 Special Olympics New River Polar Plunge Fest. Break out your swim trunks and get chilly with several hundred Special Olympics supporters in the New River. There will be a costume contest with prizes, DJ music to get you moving, plus free hot chocolate keeping you warm. It’s $100.00 to participate which benefit the Special Olympics and includes a Polar Plunge t-shirt. Link:

7. 2020 Soul Food Sampling St. Luke and Odd Fellows Hall, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: $25.00 The Blacksburg Museum and Cultural Foundation presents the 6th Annual Soul Food Sampling. The St. Luke and Odd Fellows Hall in Historic New Town will offer a Soul Food Sampling and presentation on the history and traditions of Soul Food. There are 3 time slots for the Tastings: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM and 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Today is the last day to sign-up. Link:
8. Gate 10 CD Release Party Floyd Country Store, Floyd Saturday, February 22, 2020, 12:00 - 3:00 PM Admission: Free Floyd Country Store presents the Gate 10 CD Release Party for their new album. Gate 10 is a high energy band hailing from the New River Valley region of Southwest Virginia. The band brings a classic and modern sound to bluegrass, gospel and country music. Gate 10 is excited to travel this musical journey with a hard driving, solid style, but one that is firmly rooted in traditions with their own innovative sound. Their stage presence is beyond their young years with their musicianship, vocals, and harmonies. Link:
9. Free Wheelchair Tennis Recreation Clinic Burrows-Burleson Tennis Center, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 1:00 - 3:00 PM Admission: Free Virginia Tech Men's Tennis and Virginia Tech Rec Sports offer a Free Wheelchair Tennis Recreation Clinic. If you are a tennis fan and whether you are a wheelchair user or not, see what wheelchair tennis is all about. USTA National Manager and Head Coach for Team USA Wheelchair, Jason Harnett, will be here to help you learn about the history, the rules and get on the courts to try wheelchair tennis for yourself. The event is free and no pre-registration is required. All ages, skill levels and abilities are welcome. Link:
10. Studio Ghibli Celebration Christiansburg Library, Christiansburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 1:30 - 2:30 PM Admission: Free Enjoy an afternoon of all things Studio Ghibli. Create Ghibli inspired crafts, enjoy Ghibli inspired snacks, as well as other tasty snacks from Japan, and even compete in a Ghibli themed Jeopardy tournament to get a chance to win a Ghibli themed door prize. Link:
11. 50s Night with Karaoke, Elvis & Marilyn Hwy 55, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Food is 50% Off if Customers wear 1950s Attire, Admission is Free Elvis and Marilyn will be on hand and you can get in the spirit with your own 1950's attire to get 50% off your meal. In addition, get your photo on our red carpet and sing karaoke. Link:

12. Virginia Hollow in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Virginia Hollow is an Indie, Newgrass, Americana, Bluegrass and Folk Rock band from Floyd, Virginia. Their performances and music take you on a journey fraught with raw emotions and stories of love, trust, betrayal and longing. Rising Silo Brewery is a family-friendly, dog friendly vibe and all are welcome. Link:
13. Soul Party Dance Graduate Life Center Auditorium, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 6:30 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Solely Swing, Blacksburg Swing Dance and West Coast Swing Blacksburg present their Soul Party Dance. This 70s themed night will feature lessons in Blues and West Coast and plenty of soul music. Disco attire is not required, but is very much encouraged. Come out and boogie the night away. No partner or experience required. Link:
14. Pakistani Student Alliance at Virginia Tech 2020 Culture Show Haymarket Theater, Virginia Tech Saturday, February 22, 2020, 7:00 - 10:30 PM Admission: Free Enjoy as Virginia Tech's Pakistani Student Alliance puts on a spectacular cultural event showcasing Pakistani dance, fashion and more. Admission is free and seating is limited to the first 450 attendees. Link:
15. 2020 Floyd Mardi Gras Costume Ball Dogtown Roadhouse, Floyd Saturday, February 22, 2020, 7:30 PM - 02:00 AM Pre-Festival Tickets: $20.00, At the Door: $25.00 The 11th Annual Mardi Gras Costume Ball, a fundraiser for Blue Mountain School, is an entire evening packed with enthralling musicians, tantalizing food, and magnificent fun. This years line-up includes music from Music Road Co. and The Ambassador, Her Majesty, DJ Step, a Krewe du Bleu pre-show dinner with Chef Richard Perry, and a Kiddy Gras Pajama Party for ages 3-12 down the road at the June Bug Center for kids (and parents) who want a fun night out. The Krewe du Bleu Dinner tickets are $65.00 and include entrance to the Costume Ball. The Kiddy Gras Pajama Party is $20.00 for the first child in a family and $15.00 for each additional child in advance. Link:
16. Mardi Gras Party with Music from Sonic Camel McClain's at First & Main, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 8:00 - 11:00 PM Admission: $3.00 Enjoy live music and Mardi Gras themed food and drink specials. Sonic Camel covers most eras and genres with tributes, requests, dancing, and laughs. Link:
17. Wave Nite XI featuring JKuch with 13 Performers The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, February 22, 2020, 9:00 PM - 02:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Sine Wave Surfers presents Wave Nite XI featuring Buffalo, New York headliner JKuch. A total of 13 performers will take the stage including mister (Greensboro, NC), Electrobro (Blacksburg, VA), Johanna Vaughan (Blacksburg, VA), Glazed (Philadelphia, PA), Skelechrome (Christiansburg, VA) and Sleazy Lettuce (Charlottesville, VA) among others. Attendees must be 18 or older. Link:
18. Women's Basketball: UVA vs. Virginia Tech Cassell Coliseum, Virginia Tech Sunday, February 23, 2020, 2:00 - 4:00 PM General Public: $10.00, Youth: $5.00 The Virginia Tech Women's Basketball team hosts ACC Conference opponent and in-state rival the University of Virginia. The first 500 fans will receive a maroon shaker. It's also a Youth Team Day. Local youth basketball teams are invited to attend free of charge, but must sign-up in advance. Link:
19. Tackle The Tower Christiansburg Aquatic Center, Christiansburg Sunday, February 23, 2020, 2:00 - 4:00 PM Daily Admission Fee: Ages 3 & Up: $5.00 Have you ever jumped from five meters in the air into 17 feet of water? Here is your chance to jump off the Aquatic Center's 3-meter board or 5-meter tower. Participants are required to pass a 25 yard swim test before diving. Link:

20. Roaring 20s Speakeasy Membership Drive: The 51 Club at The Shade Raymond F. Ratcliffe Memorial Transportation Museum, Pulaski Sunday, February 23, 2020, 4:00 - 7:00 PM Individual Memberships start at $12.50, Special for the Event: Two Memberships for $20.00 Join the Ratcliffe Museum for a fun filled and educational evening at the museum for a membership drive event themed around the Roaring 20s Speakeasies. Learn about 1920s local Pulaski history, enjoy music, dancing, and finger foods inspired by the 1920s plus other surprises. Dress up in your best flappers or fall guys costumes or come as you are. A cash bar will be available for wine, but everything else is included with admission. Link:
Have a great weekend everyone and add any other events I missed.
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

🌧✨ Reddit Dragula - S3 Meet The Monsters | Part One ✨🌧

As a pre-conceived warning, this MTM will not be as good as last seasons. Due to my own mistake, I should’ve been more specific on it being more of a look description so I could have free range on the episode writing, however these girls and the other ones coming in the next part SLAYED for their first times, and honestly they’ll make this part good themselves. I apologise.
“What did you see?”
The sudden opening of the first scene occurs, appearing with a booming lightning strike sound, the constant loud splatter of rain drops pouring from the pewter clouds above can also be heard within the storm. The camera panned from the near trees, outwards into the clearing, where a drenched woman small of stature huddles within a blanket next to a police officer, residing next to the camp fire which had clearly extinguished due to the weather; the relentless amount of opaque, thick smog rising and intoxicating the air. She trembles and shakes in the cold night, shook up from something she had seen. The police officer near her leans further in, patting her back, the tense music continuing to crescendo.
“I saw Ev-evi-evita.”
A close up of a mixture of rain and tears rolling off her jawline happens, then the camera suddenly switching to the policeman's frowning face.
“Ok, this girls clearly done drugs. Just take her somewhere, to her home, whatever.”
The man scratches the rubble upon his jaw, and then stares into the distance of the forest, thinking that he saw a dark silhouette moving around, shaking his head and getting into his car, slamming the door in disappointment. One more lightning strike occurs, the intense, blindening blue blast of lightning covering the screen, transitioning into the new scene.
Las Vegas
11:00 PM
“Back, back, back here again. Spinning the wheel one more time.”
The camera pans through the streams of posh, upper class people in formal attire, treading over the crimson velvet floors and leaving behind their footprints. Fantasia can be seen, back in the same spot of last season, before a casino table in which rests the same wheel used from last season, each quarter reading the name of a final four queen. She also wore the same dress from the last time she stood in the spot. Her large, talon-like, royal blue fake nails come into view as she grabs onto the spin wheel, spinning it and watching it slow down. Vibrations emit from her phone, Fantasia looking down as she sighs and reluctantly answering the call, disrupting her attention to the spinning wheel. Whatever it landed on was blurred out as she turned, and awaits to hear the unknown voice on the call.
“Who died? Have I been sent home yet? Oh no what’s the twist? Wait, I don’t want to know, what is it?” She practically yells down the phone, eyeing up those who walked past her and gave her the evils.
The scene cuts to Fantasia rushing to her car, stumbling in her heels, gripping onto the cold handle and swinging the door open, throwing herself in. She ends the phone call, sighing, and then drives down the strip and out into the dessert. The roaring exhaust on the vintage car emitted vast sounds waves and smoke, whipping up the sand into whirlwinds and suffocating the air that lacked any moisture. The night sky was dawned upon her, with a slight red cast as the sun went down, continuing to drive faster as she looked at the time within her car. She eventually leaves the dessert scene, and finds herself pulling out of a police station, rushing into the doors whilst pushing past people and peering around for the sheriff's office.
“What did you see?”
She drops heavily onto the chair next to the woman who was found earlier, rushing her on for an answer.
“No, I don’t care about the cross dressing pedo, and yes you’re scarred by my stunning face, but a faster answer please. I don’t have all day, not all of us work on the same brain speed of… myself.”
“I saw a dark area, I’m not sure where it was. Almost like an empty room. And there were these monsters…”
The scene fades out, transitioning to another one which shows what she saw. A dark empty area, from what we can presume a room, was shown, only lit by a far flickering bulb in the distance, the only sound is of the faulty electrics and loose wires about the room, occasionally emitting sparks. Faint footsteps echoed off the wall, but coming from no sure direction, the camera spinning slowly until it focuses on a series of unknown figures.
The room was, well, as bright as you could expect an abandoned warehouse-y place to be, with walls as dark as the minds of those that entered it, and a thin veil of dust and mist that intermingled as it fell from the damp, mold-encrusted ceiling. Ava Adore slowly stepped into the light, her platforms scraping against the cold concrete floor. Her outfit was fairly simple-she wore a short, neatly-cut bob wig that just scraped her chin, green face paint dripping down her mouth in some semblance of vomit. Her eyeshadow was an acid-bright yellow and her lips a shade of pink in a similar brightness. Her t-shirt was black with neon pink writing declaring the words "Vomit gore", and her skirt was a similar shade of yellow to her eyes, a skintight PVC material. Her leg attire was quite similar in its simplicity, black fishnets with fake blood dripping down from her thighs in a crude simulation of menstruation. She gave the camera a disinterested stare with her white contacts, as if she felt almost a disdain for her situation. The dark scene fades into a confessional.
[AVA | archdukelidl]: Ugh, I'm Ava Adore, I'm, like, 22? and I'm from the west midlands. Or whichever trash bag you pull me out of after a night of partying. Seriously, I've ended up in some wild places. My drag style is best described in two words: Party filth. Like, acid neon, puke and death. As you can probably tell from my outfit. I don't think it fits into the typical conventions of filth drag but I'll go with it. I like to experiment with horror stuff occasionally too. I would say my drag is out-of-the-box but that just sounds cocky, right? Oh, wait, who gives a fuck? Yeah, it's out of the box. If you can even find a box big enough to fit my fat ass. I have high hopes for myself, like, I don't expect to win, but I expect to put up a damn fight and I will cut a bitch with my fake nails if I have to. But winning would be cool so I'm not gonna do that, because that's like a disqualifiable offence, yeah? I got my drag name from a song by the Smashing Pumpkins, even though their music isn't really what filth is about. I just thought it sounded like a classy name. And I am the absolute opposite of that shit! Anyway, laters! I gotta go find some shit to drink.
“How many others did you see?”
The scene of her vision continues, Fantasias voice heard in the background as she continues to question the girl for answers.
The room was dark, thick smoke covers the room as a dark shadow appears through the smog. Anita walks in, one hand on her mask, the other stretched out in a claw-like fashion. She appears in a beaked mask, akin to those worn by the plague doctors during the black plague. The base of the full black mask is made of metal and the beak is made of hard leather, with clear glass on the eyeholes. She is wearing a red leather sex harness as a top with bare chest. The straps of the harness form a crisscross across her chest and the “straps” are thick enough to cover her nipples. She is wearing a pair of flare pants with feather ruffles on the sides that move beautifully with every step she takes. A rope belt with skulls is wrapped around her waist, with the excess dangling on her left side. She is also wearing an 8-inch black stiletto heel with a chunky front portion. Anita has on black leg warmers made of feathers on her forearms over a black latex wrist-length glove underneath. She accessorizes the look with a necklace with 5 skulls spaced out around it and dangling skull earrings. She is wearing a grey thick dread wig with smaller skulls in it. As Anita walks through the smoke, she takes off the mask, revealing red tribal markings on her forehead, with 2 pointed stripes painted downwards underneath her eyes, perpendicular to her lips. She has on a strong dark smokey eye and no brows, with a strong black lip. Her body and right arm also has matching red tribal markings. To complete the look, she is wearing blackout lenses to add intensity. On her back, she is wearing a rusty copper-colored cage, held by chains like a drawstring bag, with a mystery item in it. As she walks to the center, she twists and squirms as if being possessed by a demon. Once she hits the marking, she stands straight and silent, before turning around to release the black crow in her cage. She laughs maniacally as she watches her crow fly around the room, a symbol of her releasing her evil into the atmosphere.
After the camera focuses on the individual, it slowly fades back into the confessional scene.
[ANITA | passingpeaches ]: Sup whores. My name’s Anita Dragname and I am 25 years old from sunny Singapore. My drag is polished, wicked and gagworthy. I signed up to Reddit Dragula 3 cause I’ve had a taste of competing in RDR1 Remastered and thought I could give this a shot too. Some of my looks on that season have been said to be “very Dragula” by the other girls, so why not? I think out of the 3 elements of Dragula, I resemble Horror the most as I’m always turning spooks, stunting creepy.
The questioning continues to be heard, as another figure can be saw in the distance, beside Anita who had just appeared in the light.
“The werent only two, there were lots. Have you ever just saw something and it’s scarred you?”
“Yeah, I saw RDR2.”
“They kept appearing, it was so odd.”
The dark figure moves closer and closer.
Catheterina steps out covered in dirt, head to toe. She begins by standing with her feet far apart and her arms straight out by her sides so you can take in all of her filthy glory. Her dark auburn hair is large and in charge, extremely unkempt and poofy. The hair is waist length, with the top of the wig beginning six inches above her head. Upon closer inspection, you can see that there are dead roaches all throughout her hair. Her lipstick is chocolate brown, with a smudge on her upper lip to the left to give the impression that she’s been eating dirty ass. Her eye-shadow is bright green and each in the shape of a leaf, with a line coming out of each of her eye-lines to appear as a stem. To top it off, she has a roach pasted on her forehead with two worms coming out of each side to appear as a headband. On her extended arms is a brown garter snake, wrapped around her neck and both of her arms. On her left hand it’s rearing its’ ugly head, fully alive and well, with the snake’s body ending on Catheterina’s right hand. Her chest is covered with a tassel of leaves formed in the shape of a butterfly, with two brown leaves arranged vertically across the sternum, and crumpled up orange leaves to form the breasts. She has a belt that is also made of green leaves with two twigs sticking out at each side, holding up her knee-length, upside-down-cone-shaped skirt that is made of tiny twigs and sticks and slants downwards to the point that it sticks out five inches from her knees, still leaving see through areas. She steps forward with her arms still spread out, but then raises her right hand and begins pulling the dead roaches out of her hair, until she sticks out her right hand to show the handful of six roaches, and then eats them one by one like a bunch of M&M’s. The next handful she grabs, she smushes them on her right cheek, wiping the trails of their bodies across her face and then licking up the remnants. She pulls a worm off her forehead and it begins to swirl around. She lets it through one of the holes in her skirt to crawl up her urethra, with her mouth wide open in shock and pleasure at what she’d just done. For her finale, she unwraps the snake from her arms and allows it to hang around her neck for a bit, before bringing it up to her face and allowing it to lick her. She returns the favor by deep-throating its’ head before pulling it back out, still bobbing its’ head.
[CATHETERINA | asiaoharasdragrace]: I’m Catheterina Dick, named after the hopes that my outfits will make you cringe harder than my drag name and like I tell all my male suitors, I’m 18. I’m from Louisiana. Considering no one would recognize the name of my actual town, I’ll just go with New Orleans. It’s like my home away from home because there’s smelly homeless people everywhere so I fit right in. If I had to describe my drag in 3 words, mental illness manifestation. Kidding, sort of, but really I’d say campy, grungy, and trashy. I signed up for this because I need the online validation I don’t get in real life. Jk, but in all honesty I’ve been following these interactive seasons for a while, and Dragula allows you more freedom to be crazy and nasty and shocking, so I figured this was my opportunity to take the nightmares I’ve been having as long as I can remember and bring them to life- on Reddit. I easily resemble filth the most. I’m literally down for anything. This look only scratched the surface of how gross I am. I will drink piss and swallow whole live frogs and chop off toes if that gets me the Reddit Dragula crown. Hell, I’ll still do it anyways.
“Ew, that one sounded gross. Let me guess, there was another one?”
As the exposed queens disappear, the continuation of the sound of footsteps occurs, getting closer and closer, the camera occasionally flickering off and on.
Sue stepped out into the light with a pure air of elegance, embodying the jazz singers of days gone. When she looked in the lense you felt the whiff of whisky and regret hit you. When she twirled and the slit came up on that velvet gown it was as if she was sex herself. Candid, yet with ulterior motives behind it. She pulled a stiff cigar from her bodice, but rather than putting it to her mouth she put it to her neck, seemingly inhaled and then released the fumes through her mouth. The years of sin in the city and vice had made physical differences to her body. Rather than letting it be a catalyst for improvement she simply used it to show how little she cared. Her arm began to jitter, and she ripped off her glove revealing an IV bag of yellow liquid attached to her arm. Her hand began to contort into an assortment of glamorous poses, showing it to be in her nature to keep it beautiful. She pulled out a bottle of red wine from under her dress titled “Jesus juice, tastes like the end of the road”. She yanked out the cork and began drowning her arm in the juice, attempting to get it into where the IV had rested. She needed into her bloodstream, and the way she shook the bottle to get the liquid in was near visceral. Exhausted from the ordeal she fell to the ground, pulling her glove back up above her elbow in an attempt to be seductive, before giving up on this wish (as she likely did with many others in her life), and dragged her makeup while grabbing the cross laden below the throat cavity and saying some short prayers
[SUE PERB | HashtagDeathSplat]: I am Sue Perb, short for Susan Perb and longer for Susanne Perb, I am from The United Kingdom and I’m whatever age you want me to be. Sue is unexpected, polished and pristine. She serves you glamour with a twist. She’ll give you always a simple silhouette but always with a trick up her sleeve. It’s always polished and neat before it all inevitably goes to shit when she destroys the floor. I always try to embody a glamour and a beauty in what I do, and I use that as my way to present the other aspects. I signed up to Dragula to win a motherfucking crown and do something creative with my vacation.
“I mean, they weren’t all females. There was one that appeared quite masculine too.”
“Not a straight right?”
“I don’t know.”
Another daunting silhouette can be seen, as the light flickers Sue disappears from view, whilst the unknown person walks towards the lens.
The king emerged from the darkness of the room, a flash of light coming from the miners helmet he is wearing. Cobwebs cling to the yellow helmet as the dim headlamp flickers. His face is sunken in, the makeup creating deep dark circles under his eyes and sharp, jutting edges of his face. His chin has a smattering amount of dark brown stubble, which is contrasted by his intensely thick brown eyebrows. His face is an ashen gray color with short dirty blonde hair sweeping down to partially shade his eyes, which are blue. His overalls are a dark faded green color, they cling to his body, revealing a thin, wiry frame, and they are covered in dust and cobwebs. He is bare chested underneath the overalls, with the rest of his body painted similar to his face: gray and skeletal. There is a huge tear in the side of his overalls, caused by a large chunk of rock embedded into his side, with blood seeping through at a slow rate. His heavy, black combat boots drag and kick up dust as he shuffles forward deliberately, clutching a spray-painted gray sunflower close to his chest.
[INDIGO CHILD | cloudess15]: Hey, I’m Indigo Child, also known as cloudess15, and I’m 26, which means I’m past my biological prime and my cells are slowly dying. I’m a punk ghoul from the Twin Cities and my drag can best be described as undead, cynical, and comical. I definitely represent horror the best because there is nothing more terrifying than a butch who knows how to do makeup. I decided to do this competition to further develop my drag aesthetic. Let the Purple Reign begin!
The office scene returns, where Fantasia can be seen frowning at the girl whilst she describes what she saw.
“Portia, girl, come on. Please don’t tell me you’re having a relapse from your drug look on the Coachella challenge.”
Suddenly the woman, now known as Portia, snaps out of her depressing mood, turning red as she watches Fantasia rub her head in disappointment.
“It’s not my fault. It got me the win, so why wouldn’t I try again for the finale?”
“Just continue, tell me the others.”
It snaps back to the dark room.
A very tall and very pale figure steps into the doorway. In the half light, all that is visible is the soaring swoop of a skyscraper pompadour, and the glowing ash of a lit cigarette. She exhales the smoke in a perfect circle and steps forward. Razor sharp cheekbones adorned with metallic silver contour draw your attention up to golden brown eyes framed with lengthy spiked lashes. There is a sparkling viscous substance smudged around the eye and delicately spilling down her cheeks. How much of it is silicone glitter versus actual blood is anybody's guess. Her nails are certainly long enough to have scratched somebody's eyes out. Her fur bomber coat is as blood red as her hair, but the artfully slashed sequined chiffon strands underneath it could only be called a shirt by the blind or the generous. The only thing keeping the top half of the outfit from disintegrating is an elaborately woven double wide obi style belt made from sex shop cock rings and bits of old denim. Silver latex high waisted leggings hug a booty that tests the limits of the concept of 4 way stretch, and the surprisingly long and slender legs that carry it are encased in a red latex thigh high boot that matches the hair and the coat. She takes the last drag of her cigarette (stained with remnants of lacquered red lipstick), and crushes it under her stiletto heel in a manner that borders on niche pornography.
[ANGIE APATHY | msmonochrome]: Hello uglies! I'm Angie Apathy, old enough to know better, but young enough to still do it anyway. I'm born and bred in New York City, a place so dirty that my last subway ride was probably filthier that all of last season's runways put together. If I had to describe my drag in 3 words, they would be grungy grindhouse sexbot. I can switch from Fellini to Fulci at the drop of a hat, and bring a Dragula style celluloid cocktail of glamour and horror to the competition, with a dash of kink fueled filth thrown in. As a new face, these other girls might not give me much credit. That's fine, as I prefer to get the cash up front. Why Dragula Season 3? Apathy is nothing more than a fancy word for having not a single fuck left to give, and I am here to snatch the crown away from the tired masses of H.P Lovecraft fanfic and queens who still think blood capsule residue dribbling down their chin with some butcher shop entrails is super spooky.
The faulty light bulb flickers once again, Angie fading from view, replaced by one more dark silhouette that falters in the distance, stumbling towards the ambience of light.
A diadem of black tendrils sat proudly upon her grey skin. The cords intertwined themselves in a complicated manner, tying into thick webs that formed a netting. Only two of the crown's cords were not fitting in this order, instead, hanging loosely upon each side of her face. Her skin was grey, the shadows battling each other upon her visage. Her lips were basked in a deep plum color, with a single drop of blood staining them. Her cheekbones were high, strangely and disgustingly high. Erathelle stares down with her white contact lenses. There was only white in her pupils, the tones of violet and grey that danced around her eyelids being the only drop of color present. Where her eyebrows should have been, another pair of eyes were drawn. They were angular, thin, sharp, staring directly at the camera. Her gown went up to her neck. The lace of it was black, delicate, and torn into several spots, leaving her skin exposed around the shoulders and collarbones. Her abdomen resembled an insectoid carapace, having a series of blunt spine-like structures erupting around her stomach and down to her hips, where the dress falls down into a mermaid cut that hugged her legs tightly, spinning about as she walked. There were long threads of linen that hanged from her hands and diadem, swathing in the wind as she walked. Erathelle brought up a single finger to her lips. Pressing hardly upon her skin with her dark, fake nail, she would cut down in a single swipe as a thin droplet of blood crashed down upon her chin. The goddess Arachne had been dormant for too long - and now, she grows hungry.
[ERATHELLE | cuntaliefondant]: My drag name is Erathelle, but you can call me Era for short. It comes from my religious name. I am a Wiccan priest, and I go by "Erastis". So I took "Era", and added "thelle", because I love French sounding shit and there you have it. I am eighteen years of age. Fresh out the womb, right? I’m from Romania, where all the vampires and gypsies come from. Hide your drag from me, I'm gonna steal it. My drag in three words would be blasphemous, obscene, foul. A girl after your own heart. I think I embody horror the most. I think my purpose as a monster is to defile, and I really can't put it in better words. Everything I touch turns into a horrifying, ugly, repulsive mess.
Fading back to the scene in which Portia and Fantasia sat opposing one another, they both pause for a second and think.
“So, you’ve basically cast S3 for me through a drug trip?” Fantasia quieries her, confused but also thankful at the same time.
“Well, if you want them monsters on the cast then yeah, I guess so. What about the other 6?”
“I’ll go to wherever you imagined, you must’ve been there in the past anyway and find the others. Thanks, you’ve finally been useful for once.” She pats Portia on the back as she rises, heading to the door. “Write that damn finale submission already too, whore.”
She hurries out of the police station, in disgust with the toxic fumes that arose from the severe amounts of men smoking cigarettes, coughing as she regains balance on the slippery steps and gets back into her car. Pulling out a raggedy map from the cabinet, she opens it up and looks down at where she’s meant to be driving.
“I don’t even know how to work maps.”
She scans her finger over certain circled locations, such as one labelled ‘ancient chapel’, even one in Mexico, sighing.
“I’ll just go north.”
Fantasia presses down onto the acceleration pedal, switching on the radio and Euthanasias rap begins to play as the car storms off into the distance, disappearing from view.
Yet again, I apologise for the quality of the episode. Episode one will make up for it, and just a thank you to each queen in this part and the upcoming one for doing so well and actually making this worth reading.
submitted by bbukrpdr to RDRInteractiveSeason [link] [comments]

An Ultimate Travel Guide To North Goa

An Ultimate Travel Guide To North Goa
No doubt, North Goa is a paradise for travelers. Hub to some really stunning beaches and serene point of worship, North Goa is an ideal part of the Goa trip. There is so much in North Goa that one can enjoy while at this point in the dazzling state that one may never wish to go back. Nature lovers can opt from a collection of places, whereas the adventure seekers can openly sway from here to there as adventure water sports await them. Newly-wed couples can boast their special moments in the calm backwaters and hidden places, whereas buddies can hang out together in the Goan shacks and dance to some loud beat. Foodies can zest the scrumptious food and peace seekers can opt for a lonely place with a serene view for themselves. North Goa offers something for al. And most of all an insane peace of mind that is not so easy to get anywhere else.
So take a look at these unexpected places to visit in North Goa which will keep you visiting back again and again.

Fort Aguada

Aguada Fort is the most popular fort among all the architectures in Goa. In the beginning, this fort was a hub to the Portuguese people, whereas now it is converted into a jail. Don’t miss the panoramic view from the lighthouse while you are here. You ought to visit this place to explore the joyful views of the mighty Arabian Sea. Besides beaches, it is one of the best places to visit in North Goa.

Anjuna Beach Flea Market

Anjuna Beach Flea Market is a mini carnival in itself. Organized every Wednesday, this flea market is explored by the locals, Indian tourists an International tourists as well. This market is where one can find a lot of activities to do until late at night. This market is no less than a fashion street, where one can find great gifts, fashionable attires, and captivating artifacts. Food stalls are also part of this flea market as well, where one can savor some scrumptious Goan cuisine.

Deltin Casino

The Deltin Casino is one of the most popular casinos in Goa where one can try their luck. It is located on the Calangute beach in North Goa. Her one can have a feeling of Las Vegas. It is where you can savor several electronic games like Roulette, Blackjack, Slots, Poker, Craps and much more. One will also get a chic bar and plush lounges in the casino where you can enjoy the nightlife at its best.

Chapora Fort

Chapora Fort, another witness to the miracle of Portuguese architecture, is one of the top places one can include in your North Goa trip. The remains of the ruins of today were once where the Portuguese suppose to rule for more than 150 years. The ideal reason to visit this place is that it bids marvelous views of Anjuna Beach and Vagator Beach. It is a perfect hotspot for photographers to spend some ideal time and catch the moments in their camera. You will also get two tunnels that Portuguese bulti to break out in case of an emergency.
Calangute Beach
One cannot forget this popular beach from the list of places to visit in North Goa? It is named as “queen of beaches” by many tourists. Shopaholics—big showrooms of graceful handicrafts from Indonesia, Tibet, and Kashmir are lined up on the main road alongside the beach. From beach bathing to sipping drinks on the shack, you can have chilled. Laid-back time on the beach during your Goa holiday.
Grande Island
Grande Island is amongst the most bizarre yet wonderful tourist places in Goa. True to its name, it offers a grand experience to the adventure lovers who are seeking for adventure watersports as it is a hub to excellent Scuba Diving spots. Some of the Scuba Diving sites around Grand Island are Suzy’s Wreck, Shelter Cove and Bounty Bay. Take a day trip and don’t forget to experience Snorkeling or Scuba diving at Grande Island.
submitted by jaluikinjal to u/jaluikinjal [link] [comments]

An Ultimate Travel Guide To North Goa

No doubt, North Goa is a paradise for travelers. Hub to some really stunning beaches and serene point of worship, North Goa is an ideal part of the Goa trip. There is so much in North Goa that one can enjoy while at this point of the dazzling state that one may never wish to go back. Nature lovers can opt from a collection of places, whereas the adventure seekers can openly sway from here to there as adventure water sports await them. Newly-wed couples can boast their special moments in the calm backwaters and hidden places, whereas buddies can hangout together in the Goan shacks and dance to some loud beat. Foodies can zest the scrumptious food and peace seekers can opt a lonely place with a serene view for themselves. North Goa offers something for al. And most of all an insane peace of mind that is not so easy to get anywhere else.
So take a look at these unexpected places to visit in North Goa which will keep you visiting back again and again.

Fort Aguada

Aguada Fort is the most popular fort among all the architectures in Goa. At the beginning, this fort was a hb to the Portuguese people, whereas now it is converted into a jail. Don’t miss the panoramic view from the lighthouse while you are here. You ought to visit this place to explore the joyful views of the mighty Arabian Sea. Beside beaches, it is one of the best places to visit in north Goa.

Anjuna Beach Flea Market

Anjuna Beach Flea Market is a mini carnival in itself. Organized every Wednesday, this flea market is explored by the locals, Indian tourists an International tourists as well. This market is where one can find a lot of activities to do till late at night. This market is no less than a fashion street, where one can find great gifts, fashionable attires and captivating artifacts. Food stalls are also the part of this flea market as well, where one can savor some scrumptious Goan cuisine.

Deltin Casino

The Deltin Casino is one of the most popular casinos in Goa where one can try their luck. It is located on the Calangute beach in North Goa. Her one can have a feeling of Las Vegas. It is where you can savor several electronic games like Roulette, Blackjack, Slots, Poker, Craps and much more. One will also get a chic bar and plush lounges in the casino where you can enjoy the nightlife at its best.

Chapora Fort

Chapora Fort, another witness to the miracle of Portuguese architecture, is one of the top places one can include in your North Goa trip. The remains of the ruins of today was once where the Portuguese suppose to rule for more than 150 years. The ideal reason to visit this place is because it bids marvelous views of Anjuna Beach and Vagator Beach. It is a perfect hotspot for photographers to spend some ideal time and catch the moments in their camera. You will also get two tunnels that Portuguese bulti to breakout in case of an emergency.
Calangute Beach
One cannot forget this popular beach from the list of places to visit in North Goa? It is named as “queen of beaches” by many tourists. Shopaholics—big showrooms of graceful handicrafts from Indonesia, Tibet and Kashmir are lined up on the main road alongside the beach. From beach bathing to sipping drinks on the shack, you can have chilled. Laid-back time on the beach during your Goa holiday.
Grande Island
Grande Island is amongst the most bizarre yet wonderful tourist places in Goa. True to its name, it offers a grand experience to the adventure lovers who are seeking for adventure watersports as it is a hub to excellent Scuba Diving spots. Some of the Scuba Diving sites around Grand Island are Suzy’s Wreck, Shelter Cove and Bounty Bay. Take a day trip and don’t forget to experience Snorkeling or Scuba diving at Grande Island.
submitted by picnicwale1 to u/picnicwale1 [link] [comments]

What's happening around town (Wed, Jan 30th - Tue, Feb 5th)

Oklahoma City's event list.


Wednesday, Jan 30th

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 2nd Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Anthem Drown Night! (HiLo Club - Oklahoma City) Our local friends at Anthem Brewing Co. have some great beers! Every Wednesday night from 9pm to close enjoy $8 Drown Night! Their Power Pils will be flowing!
  • 🏆 January Wednesday Game Night (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The popular Wednesday Game Nights continue in the Remington Park Casino in January 2019, with a different element. Collect your Wednesday Night Game Card...
  • 🎓 Jeff Dismukes (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 1:30pm Jeff Dismukes from the OK. Department of Mental Health will be speaking to the business community about mental health and what employers and the community can do to help in the combat against the opioid crisis.
  • 🎨 Joy of Painting, Bob Ross Style (Norman Public Library - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Enjoy a fun evening for all ages, learning to paint in the style of the great Bob Ross. Groups/families of 4 to 8 people will work together to create a...
  • Reading Wednesdays, Ages 2-5 (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:30am Bring your youngster for story time each Wednesday at 9:30am. Books are nature-themed and selected based on the season. We’ll begin with an interactive...
  • Senior Scams (Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am Sheryl Presley from the Oklahoma City Police Department will be here to discuss how to protect against mail, phone and other types of scams.
  • 😂 Steve Mazan (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 2nd

Thursday, Jan 31st

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 2nd Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • Chad Elliott (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎭 The Comedy Magic & Mentalism of Max Krause 13+ (Max's Magic Theatre - OKC - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:15pm 13+ Ages
  • Herobust (Farmer's Market - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Subsonix and Disco Donnie presents Herobust at the OKC Farmers Market on Jan 31.
    After a solid summer of putting bassheads into neck braces at Lollapalooza, EDC, and Electric Forest. Herobust is ready to show off some new music by releasing his new single, WTF. WTF is a Bass track that is pretty well explained by its title, with…
  • 🎓 Managing Stress (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 6:30pm Being stressed is uncomfortable. When you know why stress happens, you will know how to deal with it and how to antidote it. The trick is to learn the essential tools that stop stress happening.
    Regardless of its origins, stress drains our physical, emotional and mental energy.
    Several myths exist about the causes of stress and the most…
  • Missouri Contemporary Ballet (University of Science & Arts of Oklahoma - Chickasha) Start Time: 7:30pm Davis-Waldorf Performing Arts Series presents the Missouri Contemporary Ballet in its performance of…
  • 🏃 Red Coyote Pack Pint Run (Classen Curve - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Come run with the pack! The weekly Red Coyote Running and Fitness Pack Pint Run is an out-and-back 3-mile course so you can go as far or a short as you...
  • 😂 Steve Mazan (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Feb 2nd
  • 🏆 Surf and Turf (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 4:00pm The legendary Thursday night feast in the Bricktown Brewery on the Remington Park Casino floor continues to be one of the top dining draws in Oklahoma...
  • 🎓 Moore Toastmasters (1st United Methodist Church - Moore) Start Time: 7:00pm Do you cringe at the thought of being in front of a room communicating? Maybe you have no idea how to construct your thoughts for your next business meeting?
    Come and join toastmasters and learn the art of public speaking and leadership. It is a safe and great learning environment for you to start or refine your public speaking skills. There…
  • 🎭 The Wolves (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm THE WOLVES By Sarah DeLappe Showing in the Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Left quad. Right quad. Lunge. A girls indoor soccer team warms up....

Friday, Feb 1st

  • 🎓 Edmond Ambucs Friday Luncheon (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm The Edmond Chapter Ambucs “creating mobility & independence for people with disabilities” hosts a weekly luncheon every Friday. Please join us at 12PM Noon, UCO Nigh Center, Cherokee Room. We also meet the 2nd Tues. night monthly, 5:30PM, Rock & Brews, 2737 W. Memorial Rd. for $5 burgers & FREE appetizers. More info., call (405)820-9667.
  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Blue vs. Santa Cruz Warriors (Cox Convention Center - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Come see some thrilling professional basketball during the Oklahoma City Blue 2018-19 season. Experience the fast-paced…
  • 🏆 Central OK: University of Central Oklahoma Baseball vs Southeastern Oklahoma State (Edmond) Start Time: 1:00pm University of Central Oklahoma Baseball vs Southeastern Oklahoma State
  • Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR (The Sooner Theatre - Norman) Start Time: 7:30pm Take a fantastic musical adventure with an out-of-this-world car that flies through the air and sails the seas. Based on the record-breaking West End production and the beloved film, and featuring an unforgettable score by the Sherman Brothers ( Mary Poppins ), Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR. is one blockbuster that you'll find "Truly Scrumptious."
  • 🎭 Free Zumba (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 5:00pm Dress to sweat! Free Latin inspired dance fitness class, Space Limited RSVP.
  • Hearts for Art (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am One day to celebrate love is not enough! Visit the Museum any time during February 1 – 14 and show your love for your favorite piece of art or artifact. Pick up a heart at Visitor Services, leave it by your selection, and share on social media using #MyWest and #HeartsForArt. While visiting, pick up the “Find the Love” guide, a selection…
  • 🎭 HEDWIG and The ANGRY INCH (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • The Hot Sardines (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Feed your heart and soul with classic jazz as The Hot Sardines take over the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Pops Concert…
  • The Jig Is Up (The Blue Door - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Jo Koy (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 7:00pm Head to the Riverwind Casino in Norman for a hilarious night of stand up with Jo Koy. From a Las Vegas coffee house to one…
  • Jo Koy (Riverwind Casino - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm Comedian, Jo Koy is headed to the Showplace Theatre, Friday, Feb. 1, 2019! Show beings at 8 p.m. Doors open at 7 p.m. Tickets: Platinum - $55.00...
  • 🎨 Opening Weekend of Ansel Adams (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am In 1916, a fourteen year-old Ansel Adams (1902-1984) began to capture the beauty of the West. Adams’ subsequent body of work - over 40,000 photographs -...
  • 🏃 Paseo First Friday Gallery Walk (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The First Friday gallery walk is held on the first Friday and Saturday of every month. The walk starts on Friday at 6pm and lasts until 10pm and on Saturday from 12pm to 5pm. Over 60 artists in more than 17 galleries participate, all within walking distance. Four to six Art Opening Receptions on Friday night showcase the new work of the…
  • 🏆 PBR: Unleash the Beast vs. PBR: Professional Bull Riders (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 7:45pm Children ages 2 and up must have a ticket.
    The toughest 8 seconds in sports is back at the Chesapeake Energy Arena! It's the Professional Bull Riders' Express Employment Professionals Invitational, February 1st and 2nd. Watch the STARS of the PBR - including Ryan Dirteater, Kaique Pacheco, Jess Lockwood & more, as they go head to head with the…
  • 🎭 Poolboy//Brother Gruesome//Locust Avenue (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Pool & Spa Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Feb 3rd Plan to attend the Pool & Spa Show at Oklahoma State Fair Park for a head start on summer pool set-ups. At this Oklahoma…
  • RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars 4 Watch Party (The Boom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Join us every Friday starting on December 14th for our RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars Season 4 Watch Party in the front bar, hosted by Riley Moore! It’s not just a watch party but a drag show, too plus we'll have some great games and even prizes you can win. So come out and watch with us while you enjoy your favorite adult beverage and/or order…
  • Saint Loretto Honky Tonk Disco Party (51st st. Speakeasy - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm Saint Loretto is throwing another exciting themed party at 51st Street Speakeasy with friends, FEEVES (Dallas) and local favorite, Swim Fan. Attendees are encouraged to dress in their best Western/disco attire and come ready for a fun night of dancing, photo opps, and great drinks. This party marks the release of FEEVES' latest release, MELLOW…
  • SMO 21 (Science Museum Oklahoma - Oklahoma City) Adults are invited to experience Science Museum Oklahoma after hours during special SMO 21 events. Guests can participate in…
  • 😂 Steve Mazan (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left
  • Surreptitious: The After Work Social Mixer (Avenue 101 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm $10 Fishbowls $3 Hennessy Black $1 Beers $10 Hookah ($5 the 1st Hour) 3 Wine ::NO COVER::
  • Walk to the North Pole (Norman Public Library - Norman) Join us for our Walk to the North Pole! There are 3,746 miles (or 7,492,000 steps!) from Noble to the North Pole, and we want Noble residents to help us...
  • 🎭 The Wolves (Oklahoma City University - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm THE WOLVES By Sarah DeLappe Showing in the Burg Theatre at Oklahoma City University Left quad. Right quad. Lunge. A girls indoor soccer team warms up....

Saturday, Feb 2nd

  • 🎨 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am September 1 – May 12, 2019 American Indian Artists: 20th Century Masters As Lakota artist Oscar Howe wrote in 1958, “There is much more to Indian art, than pretty, stylized pictures.” This exhibition highlights this depth and the 20th century American masters who shaped it. Explore early artists such as the Kiowa Six, Tonita…
  • 🏃 Balto 5K Run (Mitch Park - Edmond) Our annual BALTO 5K Run has been an incredible tradition and is a major way to raise money for our charity!
  • Broncho Pep Band Days (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 1:00pm
  • 🍴 Celebrate with Your Little Valentine! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Not sure how to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your little sweethearts? Enjoy our family Valentine’s Day specials on Saturday, February 2 from 11:30 am to 4:00 pm. A family of four (2 adults, 2 children) can indulge in a 4-course fondue for under $100.
  • 🎡 Yukon Chocolate Festival 2019 (Robertson Activity Center - Yukon) Start Time: 1:00pm Tickets go on sale Friday, January 14! Tickets are $12 in advance
  • OK Classics Car and Memorabilia Auction (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 9:00am Don't miss the OK Classics Car and Memorabilia Auction, Feb. 2nd at FireLake Arena. Now is your change to own a piece of history! Classic cars and...
  • Eagle Watch (Lake Thunderbird State Park - Norman) Meet at the Discovery Cove Nature Center within Lake Thunderbird State Park in Norman for an information session at 1pm,…
  • 🎓 Essentials of Raja Yoga Meditation- a day course (Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center - Edmond) Start Time: 12:00pm Taking time out has always been a vital part of improving the quality of life, refreshing our understanding of events and re-charging the spirit. A day Retreat is an opportunity to step off the conveyor belt of life and spend time in a peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, reflecting upon and exploring the important factors governing our…
  • Edmond Farmer's Market (Festival Marketplace - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am
  • Friends' Annual Used Book Sale (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 8:00am Come support the Guthrie Public Library and take home some fabulous books, most priced at $1 a piece! Doors open at 8 am.
  • Hearts for Art (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am One day to celebrate love is not enough! Visit the Museum any time during February 1 – 14 and show your love for your favorite piece of art or artifact. Pick up a heart at Visitor Services, leave it by your selection, and share on social media using #MyWest and #HeartsForArt. While visiting, pick up the “Find the Love” guide, a selection…
  • The Hot Sardines (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Feed your heart and soul with classic jazz as The Hot Sardines take over the Oklahoma City Philharmonic's Pops Concert…
  • Love Bugs (Myriad Botanical Gardens - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am Saturday, February 2, 10-11:30am The Garden Classroom Member $6; Nonmember $8 Best for ages 6 to 10 Register by Tuesday, February 5 REGISTRATION COMING SOON! Celebrate your little one’s love of nature and bugs in this hands-on, Valentine’s Day themed class. We’ll read books and play a game to learn about all sorts of love bugs – from…
  • 🍴 Open for Lunch! (The Melting Pot - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:30am Starting the first weekend of February you can enjoy The Melting Pot every weekend all day long! We will be opening our doors at 11:30 am every Saturday & Sunday until the end of February. Make your reservation today!
  • 🎨 Opening Weekend of Ansel Adams (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am In 1916, a fourteen year-old Ansel Adams (1902-1984) began to capture the beauty of the West. Adams’ subsequent body of work - over 40,000 photographs -...
  • 🏆 PBR: Unleash the Beast vs. PBR: Professional Bull Riders (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 7:45pm Children ages 2 and up must have a ticket.
    The toughest 8 seconds in sports is back at the Chesapeake Energy Arena! It's the Professional Bull Riders' Express Employment Professionals Invitational, February 1st and 2nd. Watch the STARS of the PBR - including Ryan Dirteater, Kaique Pacheco, Jess Lockwood & more, as they go head to head with the…
  • Pool & Spa Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Plan to attend the Pool & Spa Show at Oklahoma State Fair Park for a head start on summer pool set-ups. At this Oklahoma…
  • Saturdays for Kids: Comic Book Art (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 10:00am In the 1950s, the Chisholm Kid, a black cowboy from Oklahoma, was the first to be featured in a comic book. Discover more about this comic and create one...
  • 😂 Steve Mazan (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day

Sunday, Feb 3rd

  • Pool & Spa Show (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Plan to attend the Pool & Spa Show at Oklahoma State Fair Park for a head start on summer pool set-ups. At this Oklahoma…
  • Rivals in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Female-fronted rock band Rivals layers dark vocals on top of heavy guitar riffs. Crowd the 89th Street stage in Oklahoma…

Monday, Feb 4th

  • Marty Friedman in Concert (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Join virtuoso Marty Friedman for an evening of serious guitar shredding as he brings his One Bad M.F. Live tour to 89th…

Tuesday, Feb 5th

  • On Your Feet (Civic Center Music Hall - Oklahoma City) Thru Thu, Feb 7th Go behind the scenes in the lives of Gloria and Emilio Estefan from their beginnings in Cuba to the tops of the American pop…
  • 🏆 Oklahoma City Thunder vs. Orlando Magic (Chesapeake Energy Arena - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm Experience the thrill of fast-paced pro basketball as the Oklahoma City Thunder takes on the Orlando Magic. Wear your blue…

See Also

submitted by eventbot to okc [link] [comments]

Vegas - Playing to win

Previous chapter.
I get back to my room with 20 minutes before I need to meet the group for dinner. I get to work immediately. I plug in and start up New Project Manager's (NPM) broken laptop and try to connect my own laptop to the ethernet connection again with no luck. Damn. I change into my dinner-going attire and check on the broken laptop; it's hit a blue screen in trying to boot and showing an error code for a driver issue. Damn again. Resigned, I head out to meet the group in the lobby.
It's harder to find them than I had expected. There are at least 3 other groups of Japanese and American Businessmen (JB[] and AB[]) milling around the lobby and its adjoining rooms. I finally find them back in the hotel's bar sitting around the Grizzled Engineer (GE) who has returned to drink and scowl from the corner of the room. Big Boss and his wife (BB and BBW) stand in their dusty cowboy clothes; BB is talking with the greasemonkies and Jake (GM1&2 and Jake). BBW looks kind of bored and ignores everyone around her. I decide to see what GM1&2 are discussing with BB.
BB: I think it must have been the fact it was surrounded by steam lines, but that old shaft used some of the heaviest oil I've ever seen and we still had problems. Had one lathe that would bust a bearing on the shaft if it was put on too suddenly. But anyways we had gallons of this nasty greenlooking oil. We figured out that if you use a little brush and drag it across a doorway a few times you could make a spiderweb that would cover anyone that walked through it. That went on till a foreman walked through it and then they stored the oil in a locked cabinet. GM1: Oh we had some stuff like that in a shop that serviced locomotives. I'm not sure we ever put it in anything but I remember someone spilled it and walked off with it all over his boots. You could've followed him a mile from the mess he made. GM2: What's going on, EWD? You figured out what happened to that laptop yet? EWD: No, but it's definitely not working. Blue screens on boot. BB: Everyone's dressed so nice... maybe we should have changed. EWD, GM2 says he personally saw NPM drop the laptop. Is this all true? EWD: Yes, part of the case broke. There may be more damage inside and it's possible even the blue screen was caused by the drop. And she definitely didn't drop it by accident. Just looked me in the eye and dropped it from yea high. BB: Well I'm sure no one would intentionally damage company property. Someone would have to be crazy to destroy something that belongs to me!
BB laughs heartily at the thought for a moment. He pauses to think before speaking again.
BB: Let's continue this discussion tomorrow, EWD. We'll have a better idea then. Now, let's get going!
BB leads the charge out the door to a small fleet of taxis and a couple of limousines. He, BBW, Big Boss's Secretary (BBS), and a couple of wizened JB[] take one limo and a couple of our own Office Folk (OF[]) climb into the other with another group of JB[]. The rest of us filter as best we can into the waiting taxis. I spot a prize: a newer, high-ceiling van. I flag over GM1&2 and climb aboard. GM1&2, Jake, and Pat (Chinese guy who translated for us previously) climb aboard just before another group of JB[] fill any remaining seats. We set up in the back and chat as we wait to depart. I check my email and see that NPM sent out an email saying she wasn't feeling well and would stay behind to catch up on work that had been delayed by the earlier problems. I stew on it the entire ride.
We arrive at another casino that is renowned for its restaurant and file inside to a banquet hall reserved for us. I find my seat between BBS and the not-present NPM. BB stands to address the group for a few minutes. As he finishes, the first course of the meal is wheeled in and served.
BBS: This part of these trips puts me on edge. EWD: Why? It doesn't seem that bad. BBS: It's the part after dinner. BB will probably head back to a private room with his friends and lose a lot of money. It's their tradition. EWD: He gambles? Didn't seem like the sort. BBS: Socially. He's probably the only person who goes back there to gamble with his friends. EWD: Ok. Why does this bother you? BBS: BB's a little enthusiastic sometimes. I worry that one day he'll bet my 401k.
I ponder on this as we eat. Other people at the table chat away happily but BBS and I eat in relative silence. As the dinner wraps up BB and the wizened JB[] come over to us.
BB: BBS! You ready for game night? You going to bring in the money again this year? BBS: (with a grin I've not seen before): Definitely. This group looks even weaker than last year. BB: Good stuff! Give 'em hell! EWD: Do they let visitors back there, BB? BB: As long as they have their hands on a few hundred retirement plans!
BB walks off laughing with the JB[] and is escorted to the back by a couple of security guards. BBS gives me a look I can't describe but know to mean "He might actually do it". I decide to take my leave and head over to GM1&2.
EWD: What's the plan? GM1: I'm going to burn a little cash. GM2 will sadly not be joining us. GM2: Pat here says they have some kind of competition in the arcade. You all are missing out. GM1: Dumbass counted cards in this very casino 'bout 5 years ago. They told him not to come back but I think if he stays out of the casino he's good. EWD: I think anyone who walks in with BB is good. You can count cards? GM2: Damn right I can count cards. My uncle taught me how and before I came here I bought a book on probability in cards to get a better idea of how to use the knowledge. Played one table for almost 3 grand before two of the biggest guys you ever saw practically carried me out. Got to keep the money, though. EWD: Well, that arcade thing sounds like fun. I'm sure it beats gambling.
GM1, Jake, and I go into the casino and set up at a blackjack table. We play for about an hour. Jake has done quite well for himself and shows no sign of stopping. I get a call from BBS and excuse myself from the table.
BBS: We need you in the arcade! EWD: What happened? BBS: Some kind of blue screen error. Hurry!
I head back to the table to collect my chips and let them know what's up. GM1 decides to come with me and Jake keeps playing. We head toward the arcade.
We hear the cheering crowd before we even get inside. We push past the crowd to see BBS and Pat playing Street Fighter II. They are both clearly veteran players; they toggle the joystick with a practiced flick and their fingers dance over the buttons like lightning. The crowd cheers and hollers constantly. GM2 sidles up next to us.
GM2: Game's computer blue screened. I just restarted it and it worked fine. You'd of thought the world was ending by the way people were acting. EWD: What exactly am I watching?
GM2 pulls up an image on his phone; it's a tournament with odds for each player for each fight.
GM2: I guess all the bets have been made already and now they just see how it plays out. Strangest thing I've seen. EWD: I never would have guessed BBS was a SF2 wizard. Huh. GM2: Told me her brother was one of the best in the world and they played almost constantly. She never competed but I reckon she could've.
The crowd roars as BBS turns with her arms raised. I say goodbye to GM2 and wave to BBS before slipping out of the crowd. I hear the next round start up and smile as I walk to catch a taxi.
I get back to my room a little before 11:00 and sit down with the broken laptop. I try to boot it into safe mode and it hangs before rewarding me with the same blue screen. Whatever it is that's breaking, this computer needs it to run. Damn yet again. I think on this for a minute. I reboot my computer into Debian. I pull the hard drive out of the bad laptop and hook it up with a SATA -> USB adapter to my machine and mount it. I can explore the disk but won't be able to directly run it for problems. I grab anything I think might be useful; I get her documents, downloads, desktop, temporary internet files, error reports, etc. I then dismount and disconnect the drive while I browse the heap of information for the truth.
And it's not hard to find it at all. In her temporary internet files it becomes clear that she tried to figure out how to get a virus, then went to several warez sites and downloaded about 20 random executables (all still in the downloads folder) and ran them until it just plain crashed. I wasn't sure exactly which one would cause this and briefly considered trying them out on a virtual machine but decided I'd gathered enough. I documented the viruses and internet history with screen captures and wrote up a quick readme explaining what had happened and what I did to find the information. I made very sure to post the searches she used ('what site can i get a virus from', among others) where they'd be immediately found. I then zipped up the information and sent it to everyone she had emailed earlier.
It's almost 1:00. I check my ethernet again. Nothing. I need to stop getting my hopes up on that one.
Next Chapter.
submitted by effingWitchDoctor to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

If Vince McMahon put his money into opening a casino in Las Vegas instead of bringing back the XFL, this is how I’d envision it...

It can go on the Las Vegas Strip past Stratosphere.
Have the dealers dress as referees, both striped and bowtie. Get all the celebrities they can from guest hosting to endorse it and be at the grand opening. Get Jake "The Snake" Roberts to give blackjack tips to those at tables.
Have Jason Jordan, Sting, RVD and the two guys from the Sonic commercials appear on the red carpet as interviewers.
Play entrance themes nonstop and schedule various eras by time: Modern throughout the day, 80s/Attitude Era at night.
It can be called McMahon's Million Dollar Mania.
A special high-protein buffet arranged by Vince himself.
Have Vince walk around and shake the hands of casino goers asking how they like it so far, thoughts on their experience.
And ON the grand opening night, gather the entire roster, along with Triple H and the McMahons, for a vocal performance of Viva Las Vegas while dressed in tuxedos or hoodies.
Do meet and greets there with your choice of Uso. Or Kevin Nash.
Cash in your chips towards WWE Network subscription credit or even tickets to a live event!
Have the beefcakes from the WBF walk around to offer you drinks on the casino floor while you're playing. Dressed in classic hat, cane and all.
Watch the WWE Movies on a fifty foot screen with Titus O’Neil.
Get a chance to work out with Triple H, play Lego with Finn Balor, get a bar tab courtesy of Byron Saxton and much more in the weekly sweepstakes.
Pastamania is back, brother! Plenty of hearty options located in the food court. Also a Sonic where they skate the meal to your location!
A fountain filled with WCW nitro cologne with a scent that spreads throughout the entire casino. The WWE Shopzone where you can buy Seth Rollins flip flops and Naomi ponytail caps.
It's time to place the grapefruits onto the competition at those other casinos!
submitted by ArabianDisco to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

Vegas - Stick to the plan!

Hello TFTS! It's been a long wait, but this is a continuation from this story. I'm really sorry for the delay and hope to wrap this thing up in the next couple days.
I wake up and stagger over to my computer. Ethernet's still not hooked up. I stare blankly at the jack for awhile before connecting to wireless and checking my email; I already have ten or so requests for help (most from the dead of night) and it's not even 6:30. I sigh and stand to get ready for the day.
I am hungover and maybe still intoxicated. I can't really decide which is more likely but my head is pounding and my stomach protests my decision to move. I pop a couple of ibuprofin and look at the little coffee maker on my table before deciding that instant coffee just isn't going to do it today. I get ready and head downstairs to find some food.
There is a complimentary breakfast held in a room adjacent to the lobby. As I near it I spot several familiar-seeming faces. The breakfast room itself is packed; strangers are sitting down at each others' tables and the room is a deafening cacophony of cutlery and speech. I can't hang with this. I amble over to the hotel bar which is mercifully quiet and nearly empty and head up to the bar to grab a breakfast menu. As I turn I see the Grizzled Engineer (GE) sitting exactly where I left him last night; he has a whiskey and a coffee in front of him and is looking into the coffee as though something of grave importance dwells at the bottom. I walk over, nod to him, and sit. He studies me for a minute.
GE: Eggs. EWD: What? GE: Eggs. Maybe some gravy. Coffee. A Bloody Mary, too. Maybe a second. EWD: That your cure for a hangover? GE: I know what I'm talking about.
Realizing he probably indeed knows what he's talking about, I go up to the bar and place the order (aside from the second Bloody Mary). I walk back to the table and chat with GE a bit; I'd never really talked with him before but he's actually a pretty interesting character. He'd been a helicopter pilot in the Air Force before studying to become an engineer. He married his high school sweetheart as he was finishing up his degree and got hired as an aeronautics engineer right out of school. He and his wife had two sons that didn't see 30 due to Cystic Fibrosis. Their marriage did not survive the loss of their sons. I ate my breakfast listening to his stories and came to see how such hard, cynical men were made. Good men lose too much and what's left of them keeps going without. I finish up, tell him I'll be at his presentation later, and wish him well. It's time to go argue about that secure ethernet connection some more.
The representative behind the counter knows nothing about the request I'd placed. He gives me the same run-around, useless apologies, and offered no solutions. I persist. I urge him to get the secure ethernet connection set up post-haste. I go on to say that I will need secure ethernet for my workshop tomorrow. He nods along with everything I say and types up the request. I'm pretty sure I've gotten my point across and decide to head back upstairs and get to my emails.
Most of the problems are minor fixes but two stand out. They are both from our New Project Manager (NPM) who leads a development team. The first one is a complaint about her laptop; apparently she had explicitly requested a Mac (which we do not issue; we have mostly Windows and a few Red Hat and Debian machines) for a great number of reasons. She is angry that she's stuck with a computer that "won't work" and "will probably catch a virus". I try and fail to give a damn about this email and decide to read the next one, which was sent about 8 hours after the first.
I immediately notice that the Big Boss (BB), Chief of Operations (CO), Head Tech (HT), and a couple others have been CC'd on this email. Flags go up as I read ahead; apparently the laptop had indeed caught a virus. She states for everyone involved that she never trusted the Windows machine and had asked for a Mac and that I should be doing my job better. She goes on to say that later today she will go buy a Mac and give us the receipt so we can refund her. My blood boils. She CC's all of my superiors (and a few colleagues), insults me, AND expects us to give her special treatment? I grab a backup laptop from my equipment bag. No, I think we need a word first.
I email everyone back and say I'm going to collect the laptop immediately. I walk over to her room (few doors down from mine) and knock. One of the Greasemonkies (GM2) and Jake (Jake) are walking out of GM2's room. We exchange pleasantries when NPM opens her door and literally drops the laptop from waist level onto the floor. I hear something sing a plasticky swan song.
NPM: You need to learn to listen. I told you I needed a Mac and now this thing's useless. What a waste of company money.
I struggle for words. I really just want to kill her with the laptop in my hands, but that would double my tech workload. Instead I bare my teeth in what I hope looks like a smile and shove the new laptop in her hands. I pick up the broken machine and see that a piece of case has split but that it otherwise looks ok on the outside.
EWD: I'm going to go put your documents on a USB drive. Then I'll get this fixed up for you. Good as new. NPM: Don't bother with it. I backed up my documents before it died and I've already ordered a new computer. I'm going to pick it up in a few hours. I'll give you the receipt later.
She shoves the other laptop back into my hands and slams the door in my face. I turn to see GM2 and Jake staring slack-jawed at her door.
Jake: Wow, what a bitch. GM2: Watch your mouth, Jake. EWD, that woman is a bitch. EWD: She says it got a virus last night. Either way it probably isn't feeling too good after that drop. GM2: I guess you're probably busy today... I can look at it if you want. EWD: No, this is now my baby. I want to figure out how she got a virus. She just bought herself a few hours of my time without distraction. Jake: Did she do it on purpose? GM2: Well I don't know, Jake. What do you think? Jake: Uh. Probably.
We chat for a minute longer before I head back to my room and drop off the laptops. I check my email again and see that Big Boss's Secretary (BBS) is heading up to BB's room and wants me to accompany her. I head down to the lobby and meet up with her. We talk to the same representative I talked to earlier and he calls a security guard over to escort us. We get into the elevator and the guard uses a card to get access to the top floors. He walks us over to a room and knocks. BB answers after a moment in cowboy attire.
BB: EWD! Are you being naughty? I think you're being naughty. You really upset NPM! EWD: I wasn't trying BB. And NPM really upset me just now! I'll get back to you on that. BB: I'm sure it will all work out. Do you like riding horses, EWD? I love it. There's something in us that makes us want to set out into the wilderness. Just to walk out and never look back. Not that you would ever do that. I would find you.
BB beams at us and ushers us inside. The suite is enormous; I can see it has at least 4 rooms and assume there are more in the back. His wife (BBW) is working on a laptop in similar attire. She ignores us as is her custom.
BBS: There's a lot going on today, EWD. We have 2 presentations of our own and you'll be attending 5 others. The last one ends at about 4:00 after which we're joining up with some Japanese Businessmen (JB[]) and going out to dinner and then spend some time in a casino. It should be fun. Until then, you're bound to get pulled from room to room fixing problems. I've emailed you the schedule. Stick to the plan and we'll be fine. EWD: Sounds easy enough as long as I don't get too bogged down with tech support issues. BB: Did you really have everyone go to the bar last night, EWD? God, that's brilliant. Except for the drinking part. Poison. Poison, the lot of it. EWD: We did indeed, BB. Worked a charm. BB (shaking his head): Poison.
We say our goodbyes and head downstairs to the first presentation: GM1&2, GE, and Jake are showing off a new CNC mill that we've been prototyping. I figure I can let them handle any tech issues themselves and sit in the back working on email support. They handle the presentation flawlessly and we chat for a minute before I head to the next presentation.
I spend the rest of the day largely by myself. I go from room to room alone, resolve any problems, then sit in the back and answer inane questions. Everything went remarkably smooth compared to the chaos of the previous night. I guess that a few hours of drunken support in advance really does make a difference.
At about 3:30 I get an email from NPM. It's an e-receipt for a Macbook. A really nice Macbook. About $2500 worth of nice.
I have about 30 minutes before I'm expected to go to dinner. I really want to go examine the broken laptop but figure I'll need more time. I don't even really know what I'll find. I have to table this until later this evening.
One thing's for sure, though; there's no way this is going down how NPM wants it to go down. No way in hell.
Next Chapter!
submitted by effingWitchDoctor to talesfromtechsupport [link] [comments]

Blair released the June newsletter and it came with an interesting test that may spark some questions

1) Of the dozen or so spoof Tool CDs included in the spurious catalog in the insert contained in the import (i.e. European) version of Aenima, one of them is actually real (meaning that it at least includes jam sessions by the band and various other recorded material). Though having never been released to the general public, about 30 copies were surreptitiously placed in various record stores in European cities (most of them in Poland) by members of the band and their crew during a tour over there. TRUE OR FALSE? 2) Coincidently, the first winner of the golden ticket “Seal of Xatanitos” contained in the 21st anniversary edition of “OPIATE” was a woman named “Goldie.” TRUE OR FALSE? 3) Danny used the alias of “Barry McCockener” when registering at hotels during tours, while Justin opted for, “Will McFinngerdo.” TRUE OR FALSE? 4) One of the songs planned for the band’s next album (when ever that might be) is a sequel to a song on a previous Tool album. (Hint, this song involves the concept of a transhuman.) TRUE OR FALSE? 5) In the Tool song entitled “Mantra”, Maynard gently coaxed sounds out of one of his pet cats, which were recorded, and then electronically processed to create an eerie droning effect. TRUE OR FALSE? 6) A song on the next Tool record will be called “Toynbee Tyler.” The “y” in the word “Tyler” not being a typo, as the song hints at the guardian of speculative Freemasonry, and the “resurrection of the living” as opposed to the dead, which are mentioned on the original “Toynbee Tiles.” TRUE OR FALSE? 7) Regarding Danny’s other band, “VOLTO!”, the cover art for their debut album, “Incitare” (by psychedelic artist Rick Griffin) was originally intended to be used on an album cover by the band “Steppenwolf.” TRUE OR FALSE? 8) The main riff in Tool’s ultimate hidden track entitled “PROBLEM 8: THE RIEMANN HYPOTHESIS” was played repeatedly (and rather mischievously) by Adam during the sound checks attended by unsuspecting ‘meet and greet’ guests during the recent Australian and New Zealand tour. TRUE OR FALSE? 9) One of Danny’s favorite singer-songwriters is Joni Mitchell. TRUE OR FALSE?10) For the “LATERALUS” tour, two band members wanted to have an orchestra perform with them on the songs, “LATERALUS”, “DISPOSITION”, “REFLECTION”, “TRIAD”, and “PUSHIT.” TRUE OR FALSE? 11) Justin first heard a recording of Jimi Hendrix – now one of his favorite musicians – while in BMB’s hotel room at the Hard Rock Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. TRUE OR FALSE? 12) Maynard once subdued an overly enthusiastic fan on stage by placing the person in a martial arts type chokehold – all the while continuing to sing the song until members of security handled the situation. TRUE OR FALSE? 13) Adam doesn’t move around much on stage because he has an artificial hip. TRUE OR FALSE? 14) Danny is currently a member of a modern day “HellFire Club” that at times play midnight rounds of golf with flaming balls and the using of high tech night vision goggles instead of seeing with the older secret magical formula known as ‘drops of cat’s eyes.’ TRUE OR FALSE? 15) Tool both signed with their first manager and inked their first record deal (at different times) while performing at the “Coconut Teaszer” club in Los Angeles. TRUE OR FALSE? 16) Donning a mullet wig and the appropriate attire, Maynard once pretended to be a stage technician frantically trying to fix a problem with some equipment seconds before Tool took the stage. As the band began playing “Hooker With A Penis”, Maynard quickly stripped from his convincing disguise while doing the vocals. TRUE OR FALSE? 17) The Knights Templar artifact that Danny had melted down as part of his bronze Paiste/Jeff Ocheltree Custom Craft drum kit was found at Montsegur in the South of France on March 16 in 1998. TRUE OR FALSE? 18) With regards to one of Maynard’s other bands, the term “A PERFECT CIRCLE” comes from a book written by John Michell. TRUE OR FALSE? 19) On their next record, the band will include a cover called “From A Dry Camel” by prog-metal pioneers “DUST” from their eponymously titled debut album in 1971. The Tool version will retain the same heavy echo-plex vocals, powerful bass lines, wah-wah pedal guitar lead, and a (very) loud gong intro! TRUE OR FALSE? 20) Upon recently learning that “Chili John’s” in Burbank was closed for the summer, Danny had a gallon of chili overnight FED-XED from “Ben’s Chili Bowl” in Washington D.C. so that his mates could have it for lunch during the next day’s writing session. TRUE OR FALSE? 21) During one of Tool’s tours in America, after the performance had ended and the house lights were turned on – they were then turned off again, with the colorful stage lightning turned on. Moments later, after almost – but not all – of the concert goers had left the venue, Danny played “Faaip de Oiad” as a LIVE hidden track that was filmed to be released on a possible future DVD release. TRUE OR FALSE? 22) On the recent Australian tour, Tool lighting director Mark ‘Junior’ Jacobson wrote with a Sharpie the name of one of the new Tool songs (mentioned already in this test?) on some of the golden (not red) squares of confetti that was shot from canons into the audience. TRUE OR FALSE? 23) Danny chose the original release date of JULY 23 for Volto’s “INCITARE” to coincide with the helical rising of the star Sirius (also the beginning of the “Dog Days” of summer). TRUE OR FALSE?
submitted by OGnugget to ToolBand [link] [comments]

vegas casino night attire video

Obviously strict formal attire is not required here or at most other places in Las Vegas. A good rule is to dress so you don’t feel out of place. See our Las Vegas Show Guide for more information and a complete list of the top shows playing in Vegas. The Alice in Wonderland character led a legion of playing cards, making it a great idea for a casino party with poker or black jack as the centerpiece. Guests can dress in red or dress up like characters from the story. Around Halloween time this is a popular theme that guests really get into. Las Vegas Themed Casino Night The type of casino you choose plays a vital role when it comes to deciding what to wear. For example, a night at the Bellagio in Vegas will ask for a whole different outfit to a night at the Genting Casino in ChinaTown. Yet, a casino night is a great chance to dress up wherever you are and enjoy yourself with your friends and family. A night at the casino is a perfect opportunity to dress up and have a great time with your loved ones! It’s a fun, classy way to spend a night out, but make sure you’re dressed properly for the occasion. Knowing what to expect and how to find the perfect outfit will make your night even better! High rollers and jet setters are the name of the game when it comes to having a Las Vegas-themed party. Wear something that says you are ready to belly up to the bar with Frank Sinatra or Wayne Newton. Be ready to live a little. A party that celebrates the Las Vegas lifestyle is a chance to go all out and dress up. We’d consider this acceptable clothing for a night out at a flagship casino or any property that requires formal dress. Men’s semiformal wear is also pretty close to what we’d consider appropriate attire for an evening at a nice casino, even if they ask for formalwear. It includes: A dark business suit. A matching vest. Las Vegas Outfit Ideas. Any casino-themed party is not complete without the appropriate outfits, and while there are tons of different ideas for casino parties of every shape and size, it’s always good to back to the roots of what made casinos what they are today: Las Vegas. Glitz and Glam, Casino Style. Some casinos, like those in Las Vegas, are all about the glitz and glamor. If you're planning a night in Vegas, you want to dress in pieces that sparkle and shine. For women, go with a standout sequin dress and pair it with some sexy heels, or get a metallic top and wear it with dressy black pants and heels. Planning a night out in Vegas? Las Vegas boasts world-renowned clubs all down the Strip with the most extravagant décor you can think of — and of course, music to keep you partying for hours. Before you head out for the evening, let’s talk wardrobe. The Vegas look is about standing out and showing off, and the right trendy attire is guaranteed to boost your confidence and bring out your ... Las Vegas not only offers late-night activities, but it also has equally fun events taking place during the day time. Planning your entire wardrobe according to how you wish to spend your day in Vegas can help you dress right for every situation. Below is a comprehensive style guide as to how to dress for a casino.

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