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Casino Versus Japan - Come Along, Do [IDM/Downtempo/Ambient] (2004)

Casino Versus Japan - Come Along, Do [IDM/Downtempo/Ambient] (2004) submitted by LeftSideDrive_ to listentothis [link] [comments]

Casino Versus Japan-Come Along Do

Casino Versus Japan-Come Along Do submitted by Grizmoblust to ElectronicaLounge [link] [comments]

Sae Niijima is the best character in Persona 5 (spoilers)

Posted this in Persona 5 and it kept getting auto removed for whatever reason, i spent a long time writing it so here it is!
Sae Niijima is the best part of Persona 5 (spoilers)
I'll start by just noting that I'm going to be talking about Makoto a decent amount also, although mostly in relation to Sae.
I'm not here to convince you that Sae Niijima should be your personal favorite part of Persona 5. I'm not even here to convince you that you should her if you don't; part of the beauty of her character is that she isn't always all that likable anyway. What I am here to do is explain to you why, from a writing standpoint, Sae is absolutely one of the very best parts of the story.
Persona and the Absence of Parent/Child Relationships
I read a great reddit post a while back regarding Makoto's character that went into a lot more depth on this issue than I'm going to, and I've also seen a number of other people comment on the positive change that the Sae/Makoto relationship made in this regard, so I doubt that my perspective on this will be particularly new for anyone reading (I am going to find that reddit post and provide a link in the comments after writing this, btw). However, I do think it's a key factor in what makes Sae so effective, and so I'm going to talk about it anyway. In a series full of teenagers with little to no notable parental influence, Sae and Makoto's relationship manages to bring family life to the forefront of the story. While Sae is Makoto's older sister, and not her mother, the significant age different between them and Sae's role as guardian colors their dynamic with parent/child overtones. The game does not half ass the exploration of this relationship; many scenes and lines of dialogue are dedicated to fleshing it out and exploring it. Through it, we are able to experience a new type of conflict in a Persona story: loyalty to family versus the goals of the group. As I noted earlier, most parents in Persona games are absent, and therefore cannot provide any sort resistance to a character's goals. The pull that Makoto feels towards her sister even as she actively goes against her by working with the Phantom Thieves is constant and palpable, even allowing her to serve as a red herring for the traitor (not a very convincing red herring, mind you, but a red herring nonetheless). The scene where Sae receives her calling card and Makoto breaks down crying, declaring that she is "on your [Sae's] side" is heartbreaking. It serves as the culmination to the mental and emotional conflict that Makoto has been experiencing the entire game.
I think it's also important to note the complexity of this dynamic: it is simultaneously very loving and yet filled with lingering resentment. I think this is something that is lost on many people, and the game could have done a better job portraying it at times (my most significant critique would be that there is no scene depicting their reconciliation after Sae's palace). Yet, I don't think it can be questioned that there is clearly a deep love between them. As I already discussed, Makoto's feelings are obvious, since the loyalty she feels to Sae acts as her primary source of conflict throughout the entirety of the game. Sae is a more complicated case. Her acting as Makoto's guardian and providing for her is the most obvious sign that she cares. I don't know the details of the custody system in Japan, but I highly doubt that Sae was "required" to take Makoto in, nor was she automatically given custody. She probably had to petition for it. The pressure to provide for another person is clearly a contributing factor in her unhealthy obsession to succeed at her job. The fact that her confidant actually begins following the revelation that Makoto was part of the Phantom Thieves is also very notable, as it marks the beginning of her really trying to listen to/believe the protagonist's story.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention *that* scene, and you all know which one I'm talking about. It has spawned A LOT of Sae hate and a lot of admittedly very funny memes. The scene where Sae lashes out at Makoto is one of the most brutal in the entire game, with many fans claiming that her actions in this moment are utterly unforgivable. While I do understand this sentiment, I would counter with the idea that most people, at some stage in their life, have said something horrible to somebody that they love. This is part of what makes Sae such a wonderfully human character: she isn't perfect. Far from it. She fucks up and does bad things, just like people do in real life. I think her immediate response after saying this speaks volumes. She apologizes immediately, and yes, it's an awkward, shitty apology, but it's clearly an apology coming from someone who knows they did something really wrong and has no idea how to fix it. Anyway, I've been on this topic for a while, so let's move on.
Plot Relevance and the Structural Backbone of Persona 5
I think the only character that you could reasonably argue has more plot relevance than Sae is Akechi, and that is mostly only because of his role as the protagonist's "rival" character. Despite Akechi being the detective that is pursuing the Phantom Thieves, I actually think Sae feels far more like a detective that is pursuing the Phantom Thieves. This is due in large part to the fact that her job requires investigation as well, but regardless, my point is that she feels like more of an active threat. Her obsession with them is brilliantly escalated; while she does view them as criminals and disagrees with their methods from the start, it isn't until they take down Kaneshiro that she truly fixates on them. In her mind, they stole her chance at a promotion, and that makes things personal between them. She is an important source of information on the mental shutdowns, as she is revealed to be secretly investigation them on the side. Unbeknownst to her, this also means that she is acting against Shido and the SIU for the entirety of the game, which makes her one of their targets and prompts them to assign her to the Phantom Thieves case. This is an active effort to set her up for a loss, and her desperation as the weeks go on and she continues to make little progress is palpable.
She also serves as the structural backbone of the game, which I absolutely love but has also spawned a lot of memes online (someone must have wiped your ass when you took a shit, who was it?! Tell me!). The very first shot of the game is the front of her casino, with the statue of her out front holding the judgment scale in her hand. The structure of the game from that point on, all the way to the end of her palace, is centered around the main character convincing her to believe him, and side with the Phantom Thieves. If you miss a deadline for one of the palaces, you will get a game over, because the inaccurate recount of events has failed to convince Sae Niijima to save your life. This is the crux of the Phantom Theives' master plan to trick Akechi, and is their greatest gamble. They are banking on the idea that, at the end of the day, Sae is a good person. Returning to that opening shot of her casino later in the game when you are finally ready to traverse her palace always gives me chills, as it is a clear sign that this is the moment the game has been building towards.
Towards the end of the story (Sae's palace onwards) she serves as a kind of "inside man" for the Phantom Thieves. While they continue to change things in ways that the law can't, she fights for progress from within. When the group sets Shido as their last target, Sae vows to make him face justice in a court of law after they change his heart. This drives home the idea that the Phantom Thieves simply cannot do everything all on their own, and they must work with adults in order to achieve lasting change. In many ways, Sae is the missing piece, and their partnership with her is what makes the team truly complete.
A Life Outside of the Protagonist
I want to start talking about this topic by noting that Persona 3 is my favorite persona game. I've played it four times, and will probably continue to replay it until the day that I simply can no longer hold a controller. One of the things that I love most about the cast of Persona 3 is that you never get the sense that the protagonist is the end all be all; without him, the characters would still likely be experiencing the same triumphs and hardships that they experience throughout the actual story, albeit in a slightly different way or at a different pace. The formation of SEES is not tied to him and the development of the characters does not rely on him. I love the dynamic between Sae and Makoto for many of the same reasons. Their relationship and the issues that go along with it are completely separate from the main character, and even the Phantom Thieves in general. The post about Makoto that I am going to link in the comments also talks about this idea. Without the protagonist, they would still have the same troubled, complicated family dynamic that they have throughout the story. This helps give the sense that there are things that are simply bigger than the main character. While some players may like when the main character feels like the end all be all because it always for a sort of wish-fulfillment self insert, I personally don't prefer it, and so this entirely separate dynamic is very welcome. Sae is also given many scenes dedication to her, whether it be her with Makoto, or her with Akechi, or just her by herself (or with NPCs). The point is, they are scenes completely absent of the protagonist, which is notably different from the rest of the game.
"Rotten Adults" and Unavoidable Hardship
An idea that I think Sae's character is very important in presenting is the notion that sometimes, life just doesn't really allow you to rebel or "stick it to the man" the way that the Phantom Thieves do. When Sae lashes out and expresses that Makoto could never possibly understand her struggles because she isn't a provider, she isn't exactly incorrect. The vast majority of their father's responsibilities did fall on her shoulders upon his death, simply because she was the eldest. So, where Makoto has the freedom to act out and "rebel," Sae does not have the same luxury. Her portrayal always gave me the sense that she was person with a very strong sense of justice, who entered the field of law because she hoped that she would be able to do some good and make positive change. However, when she got there, she quickly grew disillusioned with it all when she realized that "justice" didn't actually matter at all. This is in part due to her father's death while on duty, which contributed to her budding belief that justice is meaningless, and in part due to the fact that justice is quite literally meaningless in her job that is supposed to be all about upholding the law. She was stuck in her job, however, because she had to provide for another person and therefore couldn't just quit because she was unhappy with the system in place. So, she ultimately adhered to the idea that winning is all that matters, not the concept of what is lawful or unlawful. It's quite a classic case of "person that initially hated the system ultimately grows to perpetuate it."
I think this perspective is important because the game is very fond of throwing around terms like "rotten adults" (looking at you, Ryuji). Sae's character presents the idea that some people who grow do bad things aren't evil, they have just been dealt a bad hand in life and are ultimately beaten into submission due to their circumstances. The fact that she manages to change her own heart rather than having the Phantom Thieves do it for her furthers this idea, because it demonstrates her innate goodness even though it had been hidden for a long time.
Anyway, I think that's it for my rambling. If you actually read this far, I really hope you enjoyed, and thank you for reading! I'd love to hear any thoughts that you have in the comments.
submitted by shadowqueen15 to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

Jimmy's Top 10 Fun but Never Ever Forgotten Arcade Standards!

Jimmy's Top 10 Fun but Never Ever Forgotten Arcade Standards!
Do you bear in mind Mr. Do, Mr. Do's Castle, Bomb Jack, Super Pac-Man as well as more?
This time, I found several video games that probably many of you arcade players delighted in having fun, however, had either failed to remember concerning or have actually been looing for but can not find a high quality used arcade game worth buying. With that being said, the listing of games within the short article are already consisted of in practically all our multigame arcade game machines, significance, our product arcade game line names, "Timeless Arcade System.!".
Do you remember these #arcadegames? Mr. Do, Mr. Do's Castle, Mr. Do's Wild Ride, Baraduke, ChopLifter, Super Pac-Man, Bomb Jack, Woman Pest, My Hero, and P-47 #videogames, #arcade #game #classics?
  1. Super Pac-Man.
Super Pac-Man is the 4th entry in the Pac-Man collection of video games, launched in arcades in Japan on August 11, 1982 and North America on October 1, 1982. The third as well as 2nd games-- Ms. Pac-Man and also Pac-Man And also, both from earlier in the year-- were developed by Midway Games in the US without Namco's involvement, making Super Pac-Man the first official sequel.
Earlier Pac-Man arcade machines utilize Zilog Z80 processors. Super Pac-Man is the very first in the collection based upon the Motorola 6809.
Ok, I reviewed sufficient! Please, take me to the #arcadegames, #videogame, #arcademachines, #arcadegames.
Noise and gameplay mechanics were transformed radically from the initial 2 entries into the Pac-Man collection-- rather of consuming dots, the player is called for to eat tricks in order to open up doors, which open up areas of the puzzle that contain what in earlier games were known as "fruits" (foods such as apples and also bananas, or various other rewards such as Galaxian flagships), which are now the standard things that should be cleared. In earlier levels, secrets open nearby doors, while as the gamer advances with the degrees, it is much more usual for keys to open far doors.
Along with the original power pellets which permit Pac-Man to consume the ghosts, two "Super" pellets are readily available and also will certainly turn Pac-Man into Super Pac-Man momentarily. In this form, he comes to be much larger, can move with enhanced rate when the "Super Speed" switch is held back and might penetrate doors without unlocking them. He is additionally invulnerable to the ghosts, who show up thin and flat to provide the illusion of Super Pac-Man "flying" over them. He still can not eat them without the help of the original power-up. When Super Pac-Man is about to change to regular Pac-Man, he flashes white. The Superpower can then be prolonged by eating a power pellet or extremely pellet, if readily available.
  1. Mr. Do.
Mr. Do! is a puzzle video game produced by Universal as well as released in arcades in 1982. The initial game in the Mr. Do series, it was just one of the first arcade games to be launched as a conversion package (by Taito), and took place to sell 30,000 devices in the United States.
The object of Mr. Do! is to score as numerous factors as possible by digging passages via the ground as well as gathering cherries. The title character, Mr. Do (a circus clown-- except for the initial Japanese version of the game, in which he is a snowman), is frequently chased by red monsters called creeps, and also the gamer sheds a life if Mr. Do is caught by one. The game mores than when the last life is lost.
Cherries are dispersed throughout the level in groups of 8. 500 bonus points are awarded if Mr. Do gathers eight cherries straight without stopping. A degree is total either when all cherries are gotten rid of, all creeps are damaged, "ADDITIONAL" is meant, or a diamond is located.
Mr. Do can beat creeps by hitting them with his bouncing "power round" or by going down big apples on them. While the power round is bouncing towards a creep, Mr. Do is defenseless. If the ball bounces into a location where there are no creeps to hit (such as behind a dropped apple), Mr. Do can not use it once more until he has gotten it. When the power sphere hits a creep, it after that reforms in Mr. Do's hands after a delay that enhances with each use.
Mr. Do or the creeps can push an apple off the side of an upright tunnel and crush one or more creeps. If an apple drops greater than its very own elevation, it vanishes as well as breaks. Mr. Do can additionally be squashed by a falling apple causing a death.
Occasionally, the creeps change briefly right into even more powerful various colored monsters that can passage via the ground. If one of these digs through a cherry, it leaves fewer cherries (as well as less points) for Mr. Do to gather. It commonly crushes itself, other creeps, and/or Mr. Do when it digs under an apple.
Each time ball game passes a certain threshold throughout play (5000 points), a letter from the word "BONUS" appears on the playfield as an Alphamonster, and also the player can beat or be beat by this beast in the same way as a creep. Defeating an Alphamonster awards that letter to the gamer and collecting all five letters of the word finishes the level, goes to a cut scene playing the motif to Astro Kid, and also grants the player an added life. Alphamonsters attempt to eat any apples they run into, which makes them difficult (yet not impossible) to crush.
The creeps spawn at the center of the screen. After they have all showed up, the generator will certainly develop into a food product; selecting this up scores bonus points, ices up all the creeps, and also calls out an Alphamonster and also three big blue monsters. The latter can consume apples also. The creeps remain frozen (however still harmful) till the gamer either beats all 3 blue monsters, defeats the Alphamonster (in which instance any remaining blue monsters are developed into apples), loses a life, or finishes the stage.
Seldom, going down an apple will certainly expose a ruby which, if gathered within regarding 15 secs, finishes the degree and also awards a bonus offer credit to the gamer (in addition to 8000 points), enabling him or her to play a totally free game.
  1. Mr. Do's Castle.
Mr. Do's Castle is a video game launched in arcades by Universal in September 1983. It is the second of the Mr. Do collection of video games, although it wasn't meant to be. It began as a game called Knights vs. Unicorns, but the U.S. department of Universal convinced the Japanese arm to customize the graphics into a Mr. Do!
The game takes place in a castle filled up with platforms and also ladders, some of which can be flipped from one platform to another. The game developments to the following degree when all cherries on the level have actually been gathered or all opponents have actually been defeated. The gamer sheds a life if Mr. Do is captured by a monster, as well as the game ends when the gamer runs out of lives.
As in Mr. Do! the gamer can make an extra life by gathering all the letters from words "EXTRA". Routine monsters can be changed into monsters birthing the ADDED letters by gathering all three keys dispersed around the playfield and afterwards grabbing a magic guard from the top flooring. Beasts in this state are simpler to defeat than regular; a basic hammer strike will certainly get the job done. After a short period, they change back into their regular kinds. The game additionally offers a bonus offer debt for accumulating an uncommon ruby that shows up on the playfield at random intervals.
The cherry blocks are absent from Mr. Do Vs. Unicorns and also early alterations of Mr. Do's Castle. Instead, obstructs that are not keys or heads at the start of a phase will certainly be fill blocks (those left behind when unicorns come under holes and are laid off for a time). As a result of this, there are just three methods to finish a degree in this variation, versus the four methods to total levels in Mr. Do's Castle. On top of that, in these early alterations, the fill obstructs change shades every 2 phases.
  1. Mr. Do's Wild Ride.
Mr. Do's circumstance is a roller rollercoaster, as well as the things is to reach the top. As the automobiles (and eventually various other items) rate around the track, the gamer needs to get away by utilizing an incredibly rate button, or by going up little ladders spread about the track to evade the threats. 2 symbols at the end of the degree variety from cakes to ADDED letters or diamonds change upon gathering cherries at the top of each letter. The game is timed, and also the timer ticks quicker when the very rate button is held back. Crash with a roller rollercoaster auto or an additional object is deadly, knocking Mr. Do! off the rollercoaster as well as setting you back a life.
After the 6th degree is completed, the game cycles back to the very first with numerous barriers and/or more roller coaster autos to prevent.
  1. Bomb Jack.
Bomb Jack is a platform game launched in arcades in 1984 by Tehkan (later referred to as Tecmo). It was adhered to by two official sequels, the console as well as computer system title Mighty Bomb Jack, as well as the arcade game Bomb Jack Twin as well as Bomb Jack II, which was accredited for personal computer just.
The game's antagonists are enemies such as birds and also mummies which, once they go down in the bottom of the screen, can morph right into points like flying saucers and also orbs that drift around the display, making Jack shed a life if he touches them. Other comparable rewards are the B (Incentive) which raises the score multiplier (up to 5x), the E (Extra) which provides an added life, and the unusual S (Special), which grants a totally free game. There are 5 various displays in the game, each including a distinctive plan of systems (the fifth has no platforms at all).
  1. My Hero.
My Hero (Seishun Rumor in Japan) is a side-scrolling beat 'em up released by Sega by means of arcade in 1985 and also for the Master System in 1986.
The arcade variation consists of three various levels, each continuing in a countless loophole up until the player runs out of lives. It starts out with the gamer personality (named Steven according to the arcade leaflet, Takeshi in Japan) on a city street enjoying as a street ruffian runs off with his partner (called Remy, additionally according to the arcade flyer, Mari in Japan). This same procedure repeats for the rest of the game, only with 2 other managers as well as stage designs.
Due to area limitations on the Sega Card, the Sega Master System port just includes the street gang in 3 stages that enter a continual loophole up until the player sheds all lives and also obtains a game over. The ninjas and also the ape/human enemies from the arcade variation are omitted.
  1. Woman Bug.
Lady Insect is an insect-themed maze chase video game generated by Universal Entertainment Corporation as well as launched in arcades in 1981. Its gameplay is like Pac-Man, with the primary addition to the formula being entrances that alter the format of the labyrinth when used. The arcade original was fairly unknown, yet the game located bigger recognition as well as success as a launch title for the ColecoVision console.
The goal of Girl Bug is to eat all "flowers," hearts, and also letters in the maze while preventing other pests. The gamer is represented by a red, yellow, and also green personality looking like a ladybug while the adversary insects' appearance varies by degree. The border of the labyrinth functions as timer, with each circuit signifying the launch of an adversary pest from the central location, as much as (normally) an optimum of 4. The rate of the circuit raises on stages 2 as well as 5.
There are 8 different enemy insects-- a various pest is presented on each of the first eight levels. Beginning on level 9, each degree has four different opponents.
Unlike Pac-Man, the player can change the design of the maze by shifting any one of the twenty environment-friendly gateways. It is not possible to totally isolate a portion of the labyrinth via gate changing.
When the fourth opponent pest goes into the puzzle, the central area will certainly show a level-specific vegetable. Eating a veggie offers the gamer reward factors as well as incapacitates the opponent pests for several secs, though touching them is still lethal. The arbitrarily put skull icons are deadly to ladybugs as well as enemy bugs. An opponent bug who dies returns to the central area. When a vegetable is consumed, the central area will remain empty unless an adversary pest dies and also is re-released, revealing a new vegetable. A ladybug who dies will certainly shrink from view as well as be quickly replaced with symbols appearing like the stereotypical wings as well as halo of an angel.
The colors of the hearts and letters cycle through a brief red, a middling yellow, and a longer blue. The factor worths are as complies with:.
Flower: 10 factors (20, 30, or 50 factors with appropriate multiplier).
Blue letteheart: 100 points (200, 300, or 500 points with ideal multiplier).
Yellow letteheart: 300 factors (600, 900, or 1500 points with proper multiplier).
Red letteheart: 800 points (1600, 2400, or 4000 points with proper multiplier).
Vegetable: Begins at 1000 factors, rises by 500 with each degree to an optimum of 9500 points on degree 18. Yet level, the veggie's appearance (horseradish) and also point worth continue to be fixed.
If a heart is consumed while it is blue, a point multiplier will certainly enter into effect, indicated by the blue section in the top right corner of the screen. The very first blue heart doubles all factor values, the 2nd triples them and the third quintuples them. This multiplier lasts till the level is complete. Eating hearts while they are red or yellow offers no advantage past the points gathered.
At each level, the puzzle will certainly consist of three letters. The initial will be randomly chosen from the collection of X, T, R (which show up only in EXTRA), the 2nd will be randomly picked from the set of (which appear only in SPECIAL), as well as the 3rd will be an A or an E (which appear in both words). An additional goal of the player is to complete the words UNIQUE (indicated in red in the top left edge) and BONUS (in yellow at top center). If, as an example, a letter S is eaten while it is red, the corresponding letter in the word SPECIAL will transform from grey to red. Consuming an S while it is any other color (or if the S in SPECIAL is already red) offers no advantage beyond the points gathered. Finishing the word SPECIAL rewards, the gamer with a complimentary game, while finishing BONUS provides the player an added life. Completing either word causes all its letters to return to normal as well as immediately advances the player to the next level.
The veggies associated with the first 18 degrees and also their equivalent factor values are: 1 - cucumber (1000 ), 2 - eggplant (1500 ), 3 - carrot (2000 ), 4 - radish (2500 ), 5 - parsley (3000 ), 6 - tomato (3500 ), 7 - pumpkin (4000 ), 8 - bamboo shoot (4500 ), 9 - Japanese radish (5000 ), 10 - mushroom (5500 ), 11 - potato (6000 ), 12 - onion (6500 ), 13 - Chinese cabbage (7000 ), 14 - turnip (7500 ), 15 - red peper (8000) [note that the name is misspelled in the game], 16 - celery (8500 ), 17 - wonderful potato (9000 ), 18 - horseradish (9500 ).
The tune that plays when a new Girl Insect enters the labyrinth is a fragment of a tune called "Ladybug Samba".
  1. Baraduke.
Baraduke, also called Alien Market, is a scrolling shooter arcade game originally launched by Namco in 1985.
The player takes control of a spacewoman in a biohazard match, Gamer 1 is Kissy and Player 2 is Takky. They have to clear 8 worlds of raising trouble (each one is composed of five regular floorings and one boss flooring) by utilizing their wave guns to damage all the enemies inhabiting them. They need to also save the one-eyed Paccets for added factors and the opportunity to make another guard in the end-of-floor perk games.
On each floor there are a certain variety of opponents known as Octy, which will leave power-up pills behind when defeated. Defeating all the Octy on the present flooring will open up a pipe at the end of the flooring, and the player will have to find as well as enter it to continue to the following one. The one in charge floors include a large enemy (a Blue Worm in Globes 1, 3, 5 as well as 7, a Turning Eye in Worlds 2, 4 and also 6, and also the Octy King himself in World 8) that must be killed in order to proceed to the next world.
  1. Choplifter.
Choplifter (elegant as Choplifter!) is military themed scrolling shooter created by Dan Gorlin for the Apple II as well as released by Broderbund in 1982. It was ported to Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, VIC-20, MSX, and Thomson computers. Graphically enhanced versions for the Atari 8-bit family members and Atari 7800 were released in 1988 by Atari Firm.
In 1985, Sega released a coin-operated arcade remake, which subsequently was ported to the Famicom and also Master System in 1986. Choplifter is just one of minority games that initially appeared on a house system as well as was ported to the arcade.
P47 Thunderbolt (called P-47: The Freedom Fighter in Japan) is a shoot 'em up game developed by NMK and also Jaleco. It was launched in the Arcades in 1988 as well as ported to many house systems. It was adhered to by P-47 Aces in 1995.
The game takes place in World Battle II and also the gameplay is basic. The player should make use of the ideal tool to fight an employer or go with a phase.
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submitted by jimmm123456 to u/jimmm123456 [link] [comments]

Ryoma Hoshi

Alright, let’s just get this out of the way from the start. Yes, I have a Kirumi flair. No, I’m not cutting Ryoma because I have a Kirumi flair. There, now that that’s done…
I’ve had one hell of a time trying to decide who I would cut this round. At first, I decided that I would cut Tenko if she made it to me, but she got saved by the NWP right away. I wasn’t going to be cutting Monaca, Mahiru, Aoi, or Mondo, as they all are in my top 15 characters. Long story short, I had it narrowed down to between Shuichi and Ryoma. I decided to save my Masked Corpse for later so that I could use it on a character I dislike more than Shuichi gee, I wonder who that could be. That means that Ryoma Hoshi is on the chopping block for me today! And we’ve gotten to the point where most of the characters remaining, and all the characters in the pool for me to cut, are ones that I do like, so this will be a mostly positive write up.
Do you want to know what one of my biggest pet peeves in gaming is? When a character’s story importance is revealed to you after they’re already dead. This isn’t an intrinsically bad idea, but it can get tiring very quickly if overdone. It was stupid and heavy handed in Metal Gear Solid 4, and it’s annoying that it pops up in every single DanganRonpa game in some form or another. Sometimes it can create great mystery and confusion like with how it was handled with Mukuro. Other times, you get robbed of a great character just because the game wanted to shock the player, but still wanted the character to be relevant throughout the story. See the Imposter (though at least he got more shown development in DR3) and Rantaro Amami. Hell, even DR3 did it with Chisa and Miaya to an extent in the Future Arc. Now, you’re probably wondering why I’m bringing this up when it doesn’t really apply to Ryoma. Well, for two reasons. One, Rantaro is already gone, and I wanted to bring it up in regards to him, but also, Ryoma is one of the few characters in V3 who don’t suffer from this problem, although I’ll get into that more towards the tail end of this. So with all that out of the way, let’s get into the meat of the reason why I’ve chosen to cut Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro, here.
First impressions with Ryoma are overall positive. One can’t help but immediately form a comparison between him and other similarly designed characters like Teruteru and Hifumi at a glance. Instead of the developers delivering on that trope, they subvert expectations by making him cool and composed with simply one of the best voices in the series. You’ll note that I’ve said nothing of my first impressions of his actual character design. I’ll touch on that later. Ryoma has a very dark and sad past, and is actually one of the very few characters who has killed someone before being a part of the killing game. He managed to kill an entire mafia organization and was incarcerated for the feat. He was on death row before being sequestered in the dome for the Killing School Semester and the 53rd season.
Now comes the thing that’s really impossible to avoid when talking about Ryoma. They way the game portrays his lack of a will to live. I’m hesitant to call it depression, as I have not personally been affected by depression, so I can not say with any certainty whether his statements of “having no will to live” coincide with the symptoms of depression. What I will say though, is that I love how it is used as a point of comparison with other students’ views. While I can understand u/FeistyDeity’s frustration with Kaito being angry at Ryoma for his view on life, even to the point of calling him an idiot, I think it portrays very clearly what kind of person Kaito is; his faults as well as the positive aspects of his personality. His argument with Rantaro early in the game also gives a distinct comparison between both of their outlooks onto the situation at hand. Ryoma is willing to lay his life down then and there in order to save everyone else, while Rantaro is adamant in finding a way out in which nobody dies.
Then Chapter 2 happens and the motive videos are given out to all the living students, and Ryoma figures that this might be the final push he needs in order to turn his life around like how Rantaro, Kaito, Shuichi, and others have encouraged him to. He thought that there was nobody waiting for him outside those walls, but apparently there is. Well, let’s see who’s waiting for him and… oh. oh no. Obviously this was orchestrated by Monokuma in an effort to push Ryoma over the edge. I mean for fucks sake, Celestia at least had her cat and Toko had a fucking stink bug, but I must admit, I don’t know how I’d react if I was told that there was nobody out there who cared for me. That everyone who once would welcome me was dead. It’s a genuinely chilling thought. It actually gave me Mother 3 vibes with its final boss (btw, play that game if you haven’t, it’s great). It ends up culminating in Ryoma meeting with Kirumi and seeing her determination to keep living, something that he wished he had himself. He ends up giving his life to help Kirumi escape for the betterment of Japan. And no, I don’t blame him for sacrificing all the other students in order to reach that goal. He was simply thinking with a utilitarian mindset. He weighed the loss of 13 Ultimate students versus an entire nation of people. The conclusion was sound, at least in my opinion.
So I’ve been singing Ryoma’s praises for a while now, so why in the hell did I cut him here? Well, quite simply, he’s not relevant in the grand scheme of things. Ryoma doesn’t really do anything. When the group failed to escape via the manhole, he just went back to his room. Later, after his aforementioned argument with Rantaro, he just sequesters himself in his room until avocado boy bites the shotput bullet. Later, Ryoma ends up in the casino with Kaito and a few others and manages to beat him time after time in gambling. Does this shed some light on his history in prison? Nope, he just says that some people have a knack for gambling while others don’t. Then he goes back to his room. Are you sensing a pattern here? Then, after Ryoma received his motive video from Maki and watched it, he asked to meet with Kirumi. The murder of Ryoma Hoshi then occured and Kirumi proceeded to be stupid with how she tried to hide her involvement. Ryoma’s lack of relevance in the story is what ultimately led me to cutting him here, although there are other smaller things that contributed to that decision.
Prepare for my unpopular and controversial opinion. I don’t like Ryoma’s character design. Let’s start with the positives though. I like his color scheme of blue and black, giving a very prison-like feel to his outfit. The cuff and chain around his ankle is also a nice touch. His jacket is also incredibly stylish, to the extent that I would love to own one just like it. That’s about it for compliments though. The first thing you notice about Ryoma is… well three things one after the other: his height, face, and hat. Ryoma is short, 3’5” in fact, and is it weird to only me that it’s never addressed aside from in the Chapter 2 trial when its used as evidence for how Kirumi could have managed to make it across with both of them on the inner tube. I feel like most of the student’s would be surprised by his height and at least someone with less tact like Miu or Kaito would bring it up at least once to him. And just to be clear, him being short isn’t a flaw of his character to me, but rather how it’s handled. Admittedly, this is a problem to me with characters like Hifumi and Teruteru as well.
Of far larger issue to me is his face. Holy shit, when I saw it for the first time, I was positive it was a shitpost of some kind that I just didn’t understand. Then when I saw it in the actual game, I was speechless. Really? Those are the eyes they’re going with? DanganRonpa has some of my favorite designs for eyes in any media, namely because they’re fairly simple to draw while being beautiful to look at. Sometimes they change the design of the eye for the better (like with Gundham), and sometimes for the worse (as they did with Teruteru). His eyes look so lifeless that along with the biker jacket and chain, he could be a miniature Ghost Rider he’s also a skeleton now which helps. Granted, that may have been the intention to give him lifeless eyes. I just think that they look ugly as they are. His large blush marks on his cheeks also look unnatural and don’t reflect his personality they way his clothing does. Overall, his face looks like he’s wearing a geisha mask of some kind. It’s really unsettling.
Then there is his hat with those spikes pointing out of it. He says that they’re like that because he really likes cats. So he’s a prison convicted of murder in the first degree who enjoys wearing cat ears? There’s tonal dissonance and then there’s whatever in the bleeding hell this is. You want to know how bad it was for on my first time through? I initially thought that Ryoma was a robot. That was the only way his lifeless eyes and head spikes (antennae) made sense to me. But then he was eaten by piranhas and he’s a human after all. You could’ve fooled me. Also, I’m not going to dedicate another whole paragraph to it, but I find his extremely muscular legs to be… unsettling? I think that’s the word I’m looking for.
You can probably tell that I’ve gotten progressively more cynical over the course of writing this. That’s in part from growing more and more tired over the course of constructing this write up, but also because I genuinely find Ryoma’s design one of the worst in the entire series. I’m going to attempt to calm down a bit and step back from his character design though and look at a more neutral point in my eyes: his FTEs. I don’t find his Free Time Events awful like with Kirumi's, nor do I find them especially great. He talks about his time playing tennis, owning a cat, and expands a bit on his motivation for killing the mafia. It’s a nice little thing to read if you haven’t already, but it doesn’t really dig deep into his past beyond the surface of what Shuichi already knows about him. Although admittedly, that is more of a problem with Shuichi himself though perhaps I’ll get the chance to expound on that later. Hmmmmm.
Finally, I want to talk about what I genuinely believe to be the absolute best thing about Ryoma’s character development: his love suite event. It’s strange how polarizing these can be. For characters like Miu, Angie and Himiko, their love suite events are appalling and actually offensive to me on a personal level (Himiko will have her time, I swear it). For other characters though like Kirumi, Tenko, and Ryoma they can help better my opinions of the character in question. With Ryoma’s event in particular, it’s a heartwarming tale of him coming to grips with the fact that he needs other people in his life to care about him and walk alongside him through life. This is ironically my favorite love suite event regarding Shuichi’s involvement as well, as he genuinely seems to want to help Ryoma better himself. Ryoma is convinced that there is no future that can exist wherein he and his manager can reconnect after his crime of killing the mafia. Shuichi proves him wrong and thus my favorite love suite event comes to a close.
To conclude and condense my overall thoughts on Ryoma, he’s a good character that gets dragged down slightly by his lack of relevance in the overall story and dragged further down by what I believe to be awful character design. His backstory is interesting even if his FTEs don’t expand upon it all that much, and his love suite event is truly incredible.
As for why I didn’t choose any of the others? Well…
Aoi Asahina, Mondo Owada, and Mahiru Koizumi all sit comfortably in my personal top 15 characters, so they weren’t going to be cut by me this round.
I wasn’t going to use my Masked Corpse on Shuichi Saihara or Ibuki Mioda because I wanted to save it for a future round in case Himiko is saved by the community and I need to use it on her.
Korekiyo Shinguji, Chiaki Nanami, and Mikan Tsumiki were characters that I was also considering cutting, but I ended up edging towards Ryoma ever so slightly.
Nagisa Shingetsu is a fantastic villain in UDG and I believe that both he and Monaca Towa should’ve made it to the next round.
submitted by Zanthosus to DRrankdown [link] [comments]

A rational take on why Donald Trump is no good.

Why Donald Trump is No Good……
Yeah, you’ve heard people argue this before. No, this isn’t another example of some ‘woke’ leftist showing all the symptoms of ‘Orange Man Bad’ syndrome. It’s also not a fluff piece from a far-right bigot. In fact my only goal for this piece of writing is not to belittle the beliefs, thoughts and opinions of other’s or to garner the admiration of those who share a similar disposition to myself, but rather to fill a niche in the overcrowded space of people criticizing the man. In the sea of hatred for this one person there is a shortage of calm, reasonable, explanations for why he is not a good fit for leading the nation.
People have argued he’s a sexist, a bigot and a criminal. Most of those people I’d wager have never actually met the real man. Neither have I so I’ll reserve judgement on how he acts around other people in private. All I can comment on is what is displayed to the public, and admittedly there is a possibility that the man we see is different than the man we don’t see. Perhaps there isn’t a difference either, but again I simply don’t know so I won’t make an ass of myself (anymore than I do on a regular basis) and try to speculate where possible.
I want to lay out some historical facts here as far as where he came from and what he has done. To begin with, he came from money.
The whole ‘small loan of a million dollars’ meme has been played out and who would I be if I beat that dead horse anymore, so I won’t stoop there. Simply put though, Donald’s grandfather was a German immigrant who was an entrepreneur in every sense of the word. The man was a barber turned saloon owner turned investor and surely left his son, Fred Trump (Donald’s Dad) a good starting point to accomplish what he would go on to do. Fred Trump was a New York area landlord and real-estate developer. He owned apartment buildings, developed new properties to add to his portfolio and made a healthy fortune doing so.
Enter The Donald.
Whether he only took the claimed million dollar loan to get started in real estate back in the seventies or if he also employed the benefit of his fathers contacts and existing real estate holdings to bolster the growth of what would come to be known as ‘Trump Enterprises’ is asinine to even question.
Trump joined his father’s company at age 22 and over time branched off to develop his own deals and business holdings as his father began to wind down his activity and enter pseudo retirement. No shame in that, no harm and no foul, just simply how it goes. When Fred Trump died in 1999 his net worth was estimated somewhere around 250-300 million and was presumably split between his many children.
I’m not going to question the validity of his statement that he (Donald) is a ‘self-made’ man. I’ll let you decide that one for yourself. What I am pointing out though is, he grew up as the son of a wealthy New York real-estate developer, and from an early age began a career as a wealthy New York and later global real estate developer.
He finished college in 1968 and avoided having to go to Vietnam, though one can’t fault him for that any more than they could fault George Bush Jr. for serving in the air national guard or for Bill Clinton avoiding it entirely just as you couldn’t really fault anyone for not wanting to die in a jungle halfway around the world, so again, no harm no foul.
In the seventies he began investing in properties and by the time the eighties rolled around he was a well-known figure around New York and in the tabloids. He began leveraging the equity he had in existing buildings to buy new ones (a fancy way of saying he took out a big mortgage to buy another property), which can be a smart move by anyone’s count so long as you play your cards right. Things panned out and he had the opportunity to invest in some casino’s in Atlantic City. They we’re cash cows and drove him to double down on his successes until they became excesses and eventually, he was so over stretched with debt and expenses accrued from the construction of his latest casino project in Atlantic city, he decided to declare a strategic bankruptcy.
He had fallen from grace so to speak but managed to salvage some assets and over the course of the next decade made concerted efforts to rebuild his image (and his wealth), going so far as to host a reality TV show and commenting on politics, and well you know the rest of the story.
That’s the brief history; the condensed and light version of the life and times of Donald Trump. Now consider his constituency. He is hailed by those who would hail him, as a champion of the working man. A man who cares about restoring the prosperity of the middle class, cracking down on illegal immigration and global trade perceived as being not in this country’s favor. I’ve heard him referred to as a ‘populist’ and a ‘real’ politician. Whether you like him or not he is known for speaking his mind freely and openly, off the cuff, and often without a prompter or pre-written speech.
Even if you don’t find him an eloquent public speaker, you have to admit it’s different to hear someone in politics talk the way he does. In fact, I’d go so far as to say, that for a politician to speak freely and openly about his motives and goals is a good thing. That to rid oneself of the filtered down, mass appeal garnering middle of the road pandering psychobabble we’ve grown accustomed to both in politics and in the corporate world, is refreshing to a degree.
This is what I see as being his primary appeal. He doesn’t sound like a normal politician. In fact, the conventional politicians associated with a system seen as slow, bureaucratic and self-indulgent all fought in vein to suppress his efforts towards taking the white house. Even people in his own party we’re against him and so you have this sort of outsideunderdog/maverick/self-confident savage of a man blasting his way through the status quo and putting on a good show along the way.
At this point you might be wondering, what the hell am I mentioning all this for if the title of the article is ‘Why Donald Trump is No Good’.
Well here’s why; he’s full of shit.
Nothing actually distinguishes him from any other politician in Washington other than the tactics he used to get there and how he conducts himself publicly. Other than that, the underlying machine is the same. It is self-serving and narcissistic. It pretends to care about the plight of those in a class far different than itself, and it works to create a certain image for itself for others to rally behind.
I find a wonderfully tragic from of irony present itself when a member of the working class proclaims this wealthy New York real-estate developer known for shrewd deal making and having a solid gold toilet has their goals in mind. If you paint broad strokes about it sure he may, but if you narrow in on what’s important to him versus the common man? If you compare his value system or any other rich 'yuppy' from 1980’s Manhattan with a farmer in Iowa, a rancher in Montana, a carpenter in Georgia or a factory worker in Detroit, you’re going to find incompatibilities.
When the man declared bankruptcy after his last casino project failed, he stiffed contractors building the thing for millions of dollars, putting many of those companies out of business if not merely hurting their bottom line.
Any contractor out there who is a trump supporter, I want you to imagine the owner of a building site you’re working on stiffing you and every other contractor for the money you rightfully earned and then voting for that same guy to go lead your nation and fight the greed and self-indulgence ever present in Washington D.C. It just simply does not compute. The man is interested in self perseverance and you know what god dammit, that’s okay! It’s not a crime to make money and screw other people over within a certain legal boundary of doing so. It is however, unethical, immoral, and the action of a man not concerned with the plight of the average working person and if he tells you anything on the contrary he’s lying through his teeth.
Hillary Clinton wasn’t any different on a base level. In fact, she was worse. The status-quo career politician looking to assert dominance and influence over others while appearing likable to the public is a classic motif as old as civilization really. That means on top of everything aforementioned above, she like most other politicians didn’t even feel inclined to innovate their approach towards seizing power.
You may ask, “what did Trump do that was so great?” Well I’ll tell you.
What Trump did that was so revolutionary in my opinion, is he simply embraced what the role of the president really is, or at least what it’s become; a salesman.
All a president is anymore, really, is a mouth peace for the board of directors that would otherwise call the shots. I mean really the old idea of how our government operates is on its last leg if not completely dead. The last time we legally declared war was when we declared on Japan in WWII. Every conflict since then, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, shadow operations in Africa and other CIA operations in various countries around the world (panama, Grenoble, etc.) we’re not voted on by congress as a declaration of formal warfare. We simply allocated the money and troops and away we went. Corporations can donate unlimited amounts of money to politicians anonymously per a supreme court decision not even decade old, and a normal citizen can’t muster the financial and bureaucratic resources it takes to dismantle the ever growing power and influence of the Federal Agencies which now in lieu of voted in officials design the policies that effect our daily lives. A president of the United States is not totally powerless though, as he certainly needs to command respect to maintain the illusion of authority. He can enact certain policies and make important decisions just like a president of a company would. They ‘sell’ the general public on, or rather convince them the direction the country is heading is for the best and on track. Every state of the Union address is essentially just a scripted reassurance everything’s on track despite any set back that presents itself at the time. And really every speech is the same way to a certain degree, at least up until Donald Trump took office. What Donald did is use his entrepreneurial instinct to exploit a niche in the market for new presidents.
I mean, following the collapse of his casino’s and the retraction of his real estate holdings in the early nineties the man rebuilt his image as a Brand Name more than anything of substance. He didn’t manufacture anything, but rather he put his logo on things other companies made, just as many large companies do, and he marketed himself. He sold the general public an image of himself that conveyed certain things he wanted to convey, in order to make money. Just as he did with mail order steaks and board games he has done with the Presidency. That is, he put his unique stamp on the thing and sold it to whoever would buy, and more than half the people who voted in the last election for president, bought what he was selling.
Every four years our nation considers ‘buying’ a new president. Companies use money to fund their campaigns and individuals use votes to ultimately pick out a new public spokesman for the government. Really, it’s more like leasing than buying if you think about it.
Picture one of those roads in a town near you where all the dealerships are. There’s some Ford, Honda and Chrysler dealerships on one side and some Chevy, Toyota and Kia dealerships on the other. All the cars are comparable, they all have similar features, they all have a range of options but ultimately look sort of similar to each other relative to their own respective class (i.e. trucks look like trucks, sedans look like sedans and so on), some are cheaper, some are more reliable, some come in different colors and others don’t seem like as good of a value. Ultimately though they are relatively homogenized and not too dissimilar from the other. That’s the normal political landscape in a nutshell. A guy with a red tie or a blue tie. A lady in a pan suit who wants gun control or a lady in a pan suit who like border control.
Then all of a sudden, a new company called Tesla starts selling cars online, and they’re electric, and they’re fast, and they look cool. Some people ignore them, others find reason to hate them, and yet more point out the ideas been around for a long time already, but now enough people in the market to get a new car are captivated by how different they are. The fact that they run on different fuel than gasoline and hell, you can’t even buy them the same way; they become available in a whole new platform. Even if the company failed after a few years the shakeup it has on the marketplace is long reaching and everlasting up to a point, but at the end of the day, despite how different the approach, style and substance, it’s still a car. Its main function is to move you from point a to point b and the person making them wants to sell them to you.
Now whereas a different kind of car may seem beneficial, a different kind of politician is not. There’s a reason it was in poor taste to accept the nomination for president in this country when it first came to be an available position. The idea of a person who aspired to have power over others and to call the shots on such a scale seemed in poor taste, and so many of the first presidents, following the template laid forth by the very first president himself, would feign disinterest in such a nomination.
Perhaps it’s better now that politicians are more honest about their ambition. At the very least we can see through their guise a bit better. That is, if we care to look, and I fear that most just don’t want to see what lies before their eyes.
So, what’s the takeaway here?
Don’t hate him because he belongs to a different political party than you, don’t hate him because he is a different color than you, don’t hate him because he is a different gender than you, don’t hate him because he’s a boomer, and most of all, don’t hate him because you disagree with his stance on certain political issues. In fact, don’t hate him at all.
Just don’t support a person who’s obviously pretending to care about you when all the facts say otherwise.
submitted by Something_Ordinary_ to u/Something_Ordinary_ [link] [comments]

Fulford is saying this month might get a little crazy.

Suddenly all sorts of people who dropped contact after the March 11, 2011 Fukushima terror attack are trying to contact the White Dragon Society (WDS) through this writer. These include a top Yakuza assassin, a senior MI6 operative, an NSA representative, a representative from a new CIA faction, and others. They, together with our regular contacts, all agree that something big is coming.
The most colourful character to renew contact was a Mr. K, who was introduced to this writer years ago by Japanese military intelligence as the top assassin for the Yamaguchi-gumi mutual protection syndicate (this was before it splintered into three factions). The diminutive and serene-looking Mr. K says his job consists of chopping peoples’ fingers off, one knuckle at a time, until he extracts the information he needs. He then wraps the bodies in lead and dumps them in the ocean, something Takamasa Kawase of Japanese military intelligence independently confirmed. Mr. K also says that he has done work for the Mitsubishi banking conglomerate (presumably helping them locate missing funds).
It was an associate of Mr. K, the daughter of former Yamaguchi No. 2 boss Masaru Takumi, who insisted on meeting this writer on March 10, 2011 to set my mobile alarm to ring at exactly 11:00 AM on March 11, 2011, the day of the nuclear and tsunami terror attack on Japan.
Trucks were also spotted bringing large amounts of emergency relief supplies to the Yagamaguchi-gumi’s headquarters in the days before the January 17, 1995 Kobe earthquake, according to Kobe residents who live near their headquarters. As a result, their gang was far faster than the central government to provide relief supplies to quake-stricken residents of Kobe.
Now Mr. K says his group has become “spiritual in nature” and that starting in late October,
the world will experience “earthquakes, storms, and other disasters” that will result in a large drop in the world’s population before “a happy new era” begins. Mr. K was evasive about details, but did say something could happen in Japan just before the October 22nd Japanese general election that Asian secret society sources say will result in the ouster of Khazarian slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Japanese gangsters have told this writer on numerous occasion that they get billions of dollars in payments from the Khazarian-controlled Bank of Japan in return for acting as their enforcers. It is clear they have been told to do all they can to keep Khazarian proxies like Abe in power, under threat of new attacks on Japan with earthquake weapons.
The WDS conveyed a message via Mr. K and others that should the P2 Freemasons and their bosses in Zug, Switzerland try another stunt like Fukushima, there would be serious retaliation. There are three nuclear weapons that have been placed in top Khazarian power spots by the Gnostic Illuminati with the purpose of reminding them that mass destruction is a two-way street, Illuminati sources say. It has also been recommended to the U.S. military that they physically occupy the Bank of Japan and round up the people distributing its money to gangsters. They know exactly who they are and where they are. Crown Prince Naruhito is ready to point out all of them if asked, say sources in the Three Legged Crow secret society.
In any case, Mr. K is not the only person predicting that something unusual is about to happen. The world’s media, for example, have taken note of U.S. President Donald Trump’s recent hints of ominous things to come.
Pentagon sources explain that, “After the Las Vegas massacre and an Israeli ambush that killed 4 U.S. special forces troops in Niger, [White House Chief of Staff General John] Kelly summoned the Joint Chiefs of Staff and combatant commanders to the White House on October 5 to bring all hands on deck to back Trump against the NFL, Antifa, the deep state, and the cabal.” The source continued by noting, “Even NSA boss Admiral Mike Rogers and Pacific Commander-in-Chief Admiral Harry Harris were invited, as Trump said cryptically that this is ‘the calm before the storm.’” The “storm” would take place in the form of mass arrests, the issuance of a new currency, and the launch of a global currency reset, the source said.
“‘Calm before the storm’ means the swamp is about to be cleaned out and they are all scared sh#tless, so we better take a picture,” a CIA source confirmed.
The mass killing operation in Las Vegas and the accompanying corporate media BS storm about a single, now-dead killer being responsible was a fatal mistake by the Khazarian mafia, many sources agree. The Internet is full of videos showing that multiple shooters were involved, and calls for comprehensive revenge are being made. By promoting this obvious lie, the FBI, nominally in charge of the Las Vegas investigation, has made itself a target of the U.S. military and other agencies.
It has already been leaked all over the Internet by insiders that casino mogul Sheldon Adelson and former Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff were planning to make a fortune by using this incident as an excuse to make metal detectors manufactured by a company they own mandatory at all concerts, bus terminals, etc. Instead, both men are now hunted, if not already dead.
A different CIA source says that Las Vegas is run by the Chicago Mob and that even honchos like Adelson and Chertoff are just front men for the Italians. “It is Florentine nobility running the Chicago Outfit and the remnant of the Jewish Mafia. The Chicago Outfit is involved in weapons, drugs, and human trafficking across the U.S.-Mexican border. John DiFronzo is a top boss of the Chicago Outfit along with his brother Peter DiFronzo,” this source says. In other words, it is the fascist P2 Freemasons who were ultimately behind the Las Vegas Gladio-style operation. The FBI is a P2 subsidiary and you can expect tanks at their headquarters soon.
Another Khazarian power center that is under attack is their control of academia. “To improve meritocracy to make America great again, the Jewish bastion Harvard University is under a Department of Justice probe for overrepresentation of Jews and helping mediocre Jews like [Trump son-in-law] Jared Kushner steal admissions from more qualified whites and Asians,” the Pentagon sources say.
Also, “Hollywood and the Democrats are reeling as the New York Times was ordered to do a hit piece on a fellow Jew, the serial sexual predator film producer and major Hillary and Obama fundraiser Harvey Weinstein,” the sources say. Of course, the New York Times story…
…is just the tip of the iceberg, and you can be sure much worse revelations about murder, rape, pedophilia, and human sacrifice rampant in Hollywood will come out.
Donald Trump himself is clearly being pulled at by opposing forces. While some CIA and Pentagon sources portray him as a hero who will “drain the swamp,” other CIA sources say he is “drugged and blackmailed.” A clearly visible sign of a split in the U.S. government came last week when the CIA, speaking on the record, contradicted Trump’s statements about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un being a madman. The CIA made it clear that if a war was started on the Korean Peninsula, it would not be started by the North.
Now that the campaign to use North Korea as an excuse to start World War 3 is being undermined, the Khazarians are trying to reignite tensions with Iran as an excuse to start their Gog-versus-Magog end-times war. However, Pentagon sources say the Iran thing is not going to happen either.
The big reason for the rise in tension in the U.S. is that the Washington D.C. Corporation—not to be confused with the Republic of the United States of America—missed a payment deadline that came due on September 30th, its fiscal year end, say MI6 sources. The U.S. government’s budget had a $1 trillion shortfall and the situation has reached the point that, by its own estimates, its net worth is minus $65 trillion.
The MI6 sources say that when the payment deadline was missed, an extension was granted that lasts until October 17th. However, previous reports say that an extension was granted until December 15th, so it is not wise to fixate on a particular date. It is clear that this year is proving to be especially difficult for the U.S. corporate government to find money to keep its operations going.
Another reason the Khazarians are flirting with real bankruptcy and loss of power this time is the demise of their petrodollar. Saudi Arabian King Salman (or perhaps his body double) made the first-ever visit by a reigning Saudi monarch to Russia last week. The Saudis agreed to buy arms from Russia and reached many other deals, according to various press releases. Furthermore, the Saudis also talked about the possibility of ending the petrodollar by selling their oil for currencies other than the U.S. dollar, Pentagon sources say. This led the U.S. military to issue a veiled threat to the Saudis by suspending all military exercises with the Saudis and their allies.
The Pentagon still needs Saudi oil to run its machines and Saudi money to pay its salaries, and thus will not allow the complete death of the petrodollar until a comprehensive global financial reset is in place, Pentagon sources explain.
Another sign seen last week that something big was about to happen was a fire burning on the roof of the New York Federal Reserve Building.
If you want, you can believe the Fed’s story that a generator caught on fire, but a good guess is that they were burning evidence before the U.S. military makes their long-overdue move to occupy that criminal institution.
This autumn we have a real chance to permanently end criminal Khazarian rule of the planet. If you are in a position personally to take action, please do so.
submitted by LightBringerFlex to conspiracy [link] [comments]

Let's talk about music.

So let's talk about music.
The OST is REALLY good, but I tired of it after a few hours.
I'm kind of a music junkie (if my name didn't imply that).
I think I found the perfect Pandora station for playing this game (Which is quite a feat, since I have over a hundred well curated ones).
Create a new station for the track "Come along do" by "Casino Versus Japan & Freescha".
Thumbs up
"Stars" by "Ulrich Schnauss"
"Questing" by "Tokimonsta"
When they come up.
The final result is just.... what flows with this game (and fucking sublime)
It's sedate and sometimes bits of edgy violence get thrown in. It's clearly a sound from the future. It's glitchy. There are ancient elements thrown in. Fists beating against wood and leather clashing with analog synths and digital filters. I could listen to it for days.
Fatigue is a big problem with lots of music. Bad religion is my favorite band of all time. I literally have their logo inked on my body. I can't listen to them for more than 30 minutes at a stint because we aren't built to feel that way for too long. However, the stuff this station kicks out is just mellow enough to keep the grate off. It's literally bleeding over into my work commute and my headphones when I'm up against tough work problems.
It's the perfect listen for someone tending their fields and Alpacas under the glow of sunlamps and heat of idling starship engines. Someday the bad days will all count towards the promise of that glittering night sky.
Also, are there any good music mods? I would love something that allows my best artists to play songs. Instruments to be crafted. Mealtimes to be enhanced. Any machine learning kids here? I'd love to see someone working on a machine learning music making project plug their library in with what a high tier in game artist is doing. Higher tiers of art follow more learning branches. Low art levels are simple drums. High levels are at the limit of what the algorithm can do.
Let me put my art kids to work keeping morale up. Humans have endured spartan conditions and bleak futures for tens of thousands of years under the warble of simple ocarinas and drums made from animal hides.
There also aren't really any good mechanics to gather the tribe.
It would be great if mealtimes and social gatherings became structured around someone playing their heart out for an hour every day. Let the brilliant existing in-game AI dive into more relationships when everyone is gathered around eating a meal hearing a song.
Also, let's hear other good playlists y'all have for fighting raiders and spinning advanced components for your starship parts.
submitted by No-Coast-Punk to RimWorld [link] [comments]

Boom: The Effects of Atomic Warfare on America

America's first successful atomic bomb test was in 1945. The first atomic bomb was made in Los Alamos, New Mexico by Leslie R. Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer. Every bomb that the United States made had a code name. For example, Fat Man was the name of the bomb that got dropped in Nagasaki, Japan. Atomic bombs cause damage to the area that it dropped on. This occurs because of the fission in the bomb losing energy due to radioactive decay. The use of atomic bombs sparked controversy in America. The question that was on everyone's minds was if atomic bombs should have been used. America’s diplomacy was negatively affected by the turning point in American past nuclear conflicts such as The Manhattan Project with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Cold War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Manhattan Project was created after America’s entrance into World War II. Vannevar Bush, an electrical engineer, thought that the army should be involved in the workings of a power plant. The project named “The Manhattan Project” after the Manhattan Engineer District, where the project was being planned. The Americans left the decision of dropping two models of nuclear weapons on Japan to Harry S Truman. “For Truman, the choice whether or not to use the atomic bomb was the most difficult decision of his life.” Truman decided to drop the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki after America gave Japan the option to surrender. Japan rejected the offer even after hearing threats of the United States using weapons of mass destruction. Going through with the plan, the bomb was loaded on a plane called Enola Gay and dropped on Hiroshima.
On August 6, 1945, America dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan. The Americans called this bomb “Little Boy” because of how small it was. The dimensions of the bomb were 10 feet long, and 28 inches in diameter. In contrast to its size, this bomb gave off thirteen kilotons of force. The blast radius of the bomb went up to 3,000 yards. "At the time of the bombing, Hiroshima was home to 280,000-290,000 civilians as well as 43,000 soldiers. Between 90,000 and 166,000 people are believed to have died from the bomb in the four-month period following the explosion" (“Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945.”, 2014). Five years after the bombing, The U.S Department of Energy determined that at least 200,000 or more people died because of this event. The government officials in Hiroshima, Japan said that approximately 237,000 people were killed in total. This also includes the people that died from burns, radiation sickness, and cancer (“Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945.”). It would seem as if America would be done bombing Japan after the casualties that ensued. Two days after bombing Hiroshima, The United States bombed Nagasaki, Japan.
On August 9, 1945, America dropped a bomb on Nagasaki, Japan. This bomb was called "Fat Man" because of its girth. The bomb’s dimensions were ten feet and eight inches long. The diameter of Fat Man was sixty inches. This bomb gave off an explosive force that was equivalent to 21,000 tons of TNT. "It is estimated that between 40,000 and 75,000 people died immediately following the atomic explosion, while another 60,000 people suffered severe injuries. Total deaths by the end of 1945 may have reached 80,000" (“Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki - 1945.”, 2014.) The topography of the land lessened the effects of the bomb. It shielded the city from the heat, blast, and radiation from the hit. Although the effects lessened, there was still long-lasting damage to the area. For example, six weeks after the bombing, there was a shortage of water and many secondary fires. "A U.S. Navy officer who visited the city in mid-September reported that even over a month after the attack, "a smell of death and corruption pervades the place. "As at Hiroshima, the psychological effects of the attack were undoubtedly considerable. (Manhattan Project: The Atomic Bombing of Nagasaki). This was the end of the United States bombing Japan, thus marking the end of The Manhattan Project.
After The Manhattan Project concluded, there was tension between The United States and Japan. The two countries signed a treaty on January 25, 1960, so they could reconcile. "The treaty is to run for ten years, and its ten articles pledge that 1) both nations will take “action to counter the common danger” if the forces of either are attacked in Japan, though not elsewhere, 2) “prior consultation” will be held between the two before U.S. forces in Japan receive nuclear arms, 3) Japan is released from further contributions (now $30 million a year) for the support of U.S. troops in the islands" (“How Japan and the U.S. Reconciled After Hiroshima, Nagasaki.”, 2018). There was more friction added to their relationship because of trade and how well that Japan's economy was doing. Even more friction was added on the 50th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. "American veterans’ groups protested plans for a Smithsonian exhibition that explained the destruction of the atomic bombings and its effect on Japanese victims, arguing it made Americans look like aggressors. Others felt that the perspective of U.S. veterans groups was consistently heard more than the perspective of that of the survivors of the atomic bombings. 'Aware of lingering bitterness over their nation’s role in World War II, Japanese are disappointed, but not surprised that U.S. veterans’ groups have forced the downscaling of a controversial exhibition commemorating the end of the conflict [...]' “'We had hoped that the feelings of the people of Hiroshima might have gotten through to the American people'” (“How Japan and the U.S. Reconciled After Hiroshima, Nagasaki.”, 2018). The diplomacy between Japan and The United States decreased because of these issues. In addition to the relationship between the United States and Japan worsening, The Soviet Union's relationship with the United States was, as well.
The major alliances in World War II were the Axis Powers and The Allied Powers. The Axis Powers were Germany, Italy, and Japan. America and The Soviet Union fought along with Great Britain. Even though America and The Soviet Union were allies, their relationship was strained. They had opposing views on how to run their nations. “Americans had long been wary of Soviet communism and concerned about Russian leader Joseph Stalin’s tyrannical, blood-thirsty rule of his own country. For their part, the Soviets resented the Americans’ decades-long refusal to treat the USSR as a legitimate part of the international community as well as their delayed entry into World War II, which resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of Russians” (“Cold War History”, 2009). The Cold War started officially when the Marshall Plan was implemented. This was an operation created by George C. Marshall that helped Western European countries with the rehabilitation process after World War II. It was also used to stop the spread of Communism to the rest of Europe by restricting the flow of money to states and countries that border the Soviet Union. During this period, the United States and the Soviet Union took part in a competition between themselves called The Soviet-American Arms Race. At the time, the United States was the only country with nuclear arms following World War II. When Nikita Khrushchev, the Soviet leader, found out that The United States had more access to nuclear weapons, he decided to expand his arsenal. This also provoked John F. Kennedy, the president of the United States at the time, to do the same. These events started The Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Cuban Missile Crisis was a series of conflicts between the Soviet Union and The United States that could have resulted in a nuclear conflict. This event started on October 14, 1962. "Photographs taken by a high-altitude U-2 spy plane offered incontrovertible evidence that Soviet-made medium-range missiles in Cuba—capable of carrying nuclear warheads—were now stationed 90 miles off the American coastline" ("The Cuban Missile Crisis Begins", 2009). America panicked because they found that the missiles were very close to the United States. The close proximity allowed easy access to states such as New York and Washington, D.C. To counter a possible attack, The Kennedy administration set up a naval blockade to prevent further importation of missiles to Cuba. A problem arose: "The danger of this approach was that if the Soviets refused to remove the missiles, the United States would be forced to escalate the crisis by authorizing air strikes over Cuba to bomb the missile sites" (The Cuban Missile Crisis, 2016). To resolve this issue, Nikita Khrushchev, John F. Kennedy, and Fidel Castro had to come to an agreement. "Throughout the negotiations, Khrushchev failed to consult with Castro. [...] Castro hoped to negotiate the closing of the US naval base at Guantanamo and the cessation of U-2 flights over Cuban territory. Ultimately, Khrushchev agreed to remove all of the nuclear missiles from Cuba, while failing to even broach the subject of Castro’s demands" ("The Cuban Missile Crisis Begins", 2016). After The Cuban Missile Crisis ended, John F. Kennedy was taught about the dangers of nuclear brinkmanship. In August 1963, The United States, The Soviet Union, and Great Britain signed a treaty that banned atmospheric and underwater nuclear testing. It was called the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. This treaty worked well until the arms-race between The Soviet Union and The United States started. Even though these events occurred in the past, America still gets nuclear threats.
Currently, Donald Trump is the president of the United States. "Trump was a real-estate developer and businessman who owned, managed, or licensed his name to several hotels, casinos, golf courses, resorts, and residential properties in the New York City area and around the world" (“Donald Trump”, 2019). He decided to manage his businesses and become president because he did not want to look at his life and have regrets about not running. Since Trump became president, America has been getting nuclear war threats. This happened mainly because Trump tends to provoke other countries. Once, he almost did this by Tweeting about North Korea. Bob Woodward, American journalist, wrote a book called "Fear: Trump in the White House". It mentions how 3.5 billion dollars is used each year to station troops in South Korea. Trump responded to this by saying that he had no idea of why they were stationed there and that they should be removed. James Mattis, the Secretary of Defense told him that they were there to prevent World War III. In October 2017, Trump tweeted Rex Tillerson, the Secretary of State at the time, that they were wasting their time trying to fight the "Little Rocket Man". Trump was asked if this would provoke Kim Jong Un, the leader of North Korea. He responded by saying: "It's leader versus leader. Man versus man. Me versus Kim. [...] Woodward told CBS the most "dangerous" moment of Trump's standoff with Kim came when the president went to produce another provocative tweet. "He drafts a tweet saying, 'We are going to pull our dependents from South Korea — family members of the 28,000 people there,'" Woodward told CBS" (“Bob Woodward Said Trump Nearly Provoked North Korea into War with a Single Tweet.”, 2018). Trump found out from back- channel communications with North Korea that the tweet would be taken as a threat and would cause a war immediately. (“Bob Woodward Said Trump Nearly Provoked North Korea into War with a Single Tweet.”, 2018). Donald Trump almost said something that would have started a nuclear war and has broken important relationships with countries.
America’s diplomacy was negatively affected by the turning point in American history created by the past nuclear conflicts such as The Manhattan Project with Hiroshima and Nagasaki, The Cold War, and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Usually, the United States affect the way that other parts of the world live their lives, for the better or worse. Even though this is true, The United States is also affected by their altercations. It is usually the problem of diplomacy with the other country. Without proper diplomacy, there will be no way to gain allies if a war started.
submitted by kekemagic101 to free_editing [link] [comments]

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[Table] I am a teacher in a low socio-economic, rural/isolated Australian High school AMA

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Date: 2012-11-09
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What is the craziest/funniest story you have about your students? Wow lots to answer! I'll start with... really need to be aware of cultural and religious differences in the classroom. It is sometimes really difficult when you realize something you assume is "general knowledge" is way outside their experience - teaching myths and legends for example: they know the story of the rainbow serpent and aboriginal dreaming, or how the gods gave fire to the Tongan man, but they might have no clue who the three little pigs are. Oh the other hand, because we have a 40% pacific islander population, they are really free and open with creativity, music and dance in particular. The most popular performance in the entire year has been the Cook Island girls doing traditional dance!
Do you take into account the multiculturalism of your class when designing your lesson plan? I decided to go into teaching for several reasons - firstly because I believe kids need someone who is passionate and wanted to help them to succeed. It didn't hurt that my mum teaches too, so I knew what I was getting into! I also was lucky and got a scholarship to cover my entire university costs if I agreed to work in a "difficulty staffing area" for 3 years minimum. I was a "targeted graduate".
How does such a diverse student population affect the learning climate? Honestly, though, I really feel that there is no such thing as a "bad" kid. Crazy, yes, but not evil. Even the worst one has some good in them. I did work experience in juvenile justice system and thought that most of these kids come from such horrific experiences, how could they get out of the pattern without people working to preventing them falling further down the same path?
What made you decide to get into teaching? As for crazy, do you mean funny, weird, confrontational, violent, insane...? Because I have a few, both from personal experience and stories from others...
That's awesome! Sounds like a very exciting place to live. I really love it. We have Tongan, Cook Islander, Samoan, P&G, phillipines, Turkish, afghanis, Sudanese, Indian, Fijian, Italian, Anglo, aboriginal, Chinese, among others, but there is ever any racial divides!
Have you ever seen the movie Fortress? Don't they have a song about the piggies? Never seen it, sorry!
Are there any Jonah Takaluas? I don't think so. Ive never heard of Jonah Takaluas.
How about one weird, one funny, and one violent? Alright!
Weird: I had a boy aged about 14 who had mental health problems. He barricaded himself into the middle of the classroom during class using chairs and stayed in there for an hour, pretending to be a cat. He also refused to take the DET funded laptop because the government could track his thoughts.
Funny- an aboriginal girl in yr 7, let's call her Teraha (not her name, hers is weirder) stole a whole bundle of white foundation makeup from drama and smeared it all over herself. Went around screeching "Look Miss! Now I'm a white fella like you!" at every class. She kept going until a boy started calling her Michael Jackson and she punched him in the face. I thought it was clever, she got a long suspension...
Where abouts? How do you manage to manage a class of 500? The whole school population is roughly 500, with a teaching staff of 53. The largest individual class I teach is 29 students, but I am also a year adviser for yr 8, which is 84 students aged about 12 to 13 years old.
Oh ok, whereabouts is your school? We are a small area so I won't give you the exact name or region, but it is roughly 8 hours inland from sydney, and is rural, not urban development.
Is it Parkes...I bet it's Parkes. I only know two things about parkes: it's where the dish is and that the poet Peter skryznecki lived there in a migrant hostel as a kid. Not parkes.
Dubbo. Not dubbo. Oh thank god, it is not dubbo.
Having just finished my HSC and the Advanced English course, I was really hoping I'd never have to see, hear or read Skrzynecki (pronounced Sheh-Nes-key just to stuff with us) ever again. Not that his work is inherently bad or anything, just that I'm so very, very tired of HSC English. I know him personally. A nice man, but very forward!
I lived in Australia for a year (I'm from Canada) and found the racism to be overt compared to Canada (we are still racist but keep it mostly hidden). Is that your experience? Also can you post some scenery photos - I miss there. I think the overt racism is cultural, we are a blunt people! I'd love to post some, but I'm using an iPad without any home pics. Anyone else got some?
Do you receive any extra pay compare to teachers in cities like Sydney? How is a teacher's salary set in Australia? Is it payed by the federal government, regional authority or the municipality? In some areas, you get paid extra or receive subsides for housing etc. unfortunately, where I am does not qualify for these! It is too bad, a friend of mine in the far west pays less than $50 rent on her house and gets an extra week off because of the temperature and geographic isolation... As for who pays me, I am in public education system, so am technically a governmental employee! I am employed by the NSW (State) Department of Education and Community Services. If I was private sector, it would be a different story. Wages are decent, and they increase over time. I started as a 4 year trained graduate (I have 2 bachelor degrees, not a BA and a diploma) and the starting salary was about $54,000. Currently, I'm sitting on about $64,000 annually.
This is the pay agreement if you'd like to look, but it is currently being renegotiated with the union. Link to
How do you feel about the divide on "my child is bad, therefore - I must parent" vs. "my child is bad, therefore - it is the teachers fault that my child misbehaves, as it's not my job to teach them morals, values and ethics" ? I straddle the line. Yes, I as a teacher must teach and model appropriate behaviour and ethics, but we cannot do it alone. We see them 6 hours out of 24. What they get outside of school makes a far longer lasting impression and while I do my best to show your child what they should be doing, home is far more effective as they model from what is shown to them as appropriate!
In the case of the drop-outs and gang members: Do you think that these kids truly wanted to learn? As in, did they really want to succeed, but just gave in to gang pressures or lack of academic success? It comes back to the difference between a learning difficulty and a learning impairment. Many kids honestly want to learn and please you, but are so anxious -as in psychologically/clinically phobic - that they will do anything, including acting out violently, to escape the situation. I have had kids in tears because they are so scared of reading a sentence they are literally crippled by it.
My girlfriend and I are moving over to Australia from Scotland in a little over a month, and she is a Home Economics teacher and will be looking for a job in that field before long. Do smaller, regional schools offer such programs? What would you say the main difficulties associated with regional living are? A good question. Yes, we teach Food Technology, Textiles, Design &Technology... Basically, if it comes under the TAS description, it gets taught. See, the junior school (aged 11-16) in the public system get taught a basic taster course of most subjects and then elect their subjects in their final senior years. Your best bet is to sign up with the Department of Education and get a casual teaching number so she can get a feel for our system before applying for a temporary block or a permanent position.
Main difficulties? Distance and isolation are the big ones. You are a long way from anywhere and it takes ages to get places. This means that access to opportunities and resources are limited to what is available locally. There is sometimes a very insular community who have trouble going outside of their town- I teach 18 year olds who have never been more than a two hour drive from home, never been on a plane or been to a capital city, who have no desire to ever do so.
Because Canberra is so nice? Canberra is lovely, but so artificial!
30 different nationalities. Why? What is in your town/city? Casino? Mines? We have a large itinerant population, lots of unskilled labour positions. This includes fruit and farming mainly. Also lots of refugees flooded into the areas for a better life, more opportunities in regional areas than in the cities.
Dingos ever eat any of your kids? Just kidding, but what creepy or dangerous insects or snakes do you have to be aware of by your school? Do termites count? Joking. No, we have redback, whitetail and funnelweb spiders on premises, personally, I'd take the redback over whitetails, ( a whitetail is tiny and it's bite causes necrosis) brown snakes, tiger snakes, red bellied black snakes... Worst thing is when someone finds a baby brown snake. They're small, fast and venomous, but brown snakes never lay just one egg, so even if you catch it there is probably 4-8 other little brown evil snakes hiding under the building somewhere...
Yikes. Beautiful country..lots of nasty things. Yeah, but they are usually more scared of you or are highly visible if you know what to look for. Whitetails are awful because they love to get into bedrooms and bedding in your sleep. If you miss the bite, it can be pretty nasty, google whitetail spider bite if you need some more reasons to avoid Australia!
How do the less privileged children that you teach deal with being upside down? Well, from our perspective, it would seem that you must struggle with being upside down. For us, upside down is rightside up!
Ah. So they deal with it quite well then. Thank you for answering my question. It was either that or invest in magnetized boots. And you are welcome.
an awesome gravity machine. but low socio-economic areas can not generally afford such machines. Sadly true. We rely on thumbtacks and staples mostly, and tie ourselves down with double sided tape if we are feeling extravagant!
Please tell me you staple the children's bodies and not the clothes. Clothes tend to get expensive. Question B! How do you deal fight of dingos trying to steal the children, as well as the 9000 other creatures there trying to kill them? Easy, packs of dingoes are easily warded off when you release the crocodiles with mouths full of deadly snakes.
Man, I does this make me want to visit your great land. Hey, ask nice and I might even regale you with tales of childhood horrors! In the meantime, if you're still keen on Australia after that, look me up!
What's the attendance rate on an average day like? Well, that depends. We have a lot of "partial attendance" where students truant a lesson or two, go down the street or hang out in the school grounds, but are technically at school. The majority of our kids have decent attendance, but the 15-16 year olds are bucking the curve- every class except year 10, I might be missing one or two, but today, my year 10 class of potentially 20+ students was actually a class of 7. (It was period one, some turned up later in the day). But every school has some problems. It becomes a major concern if a student's attendance rate drips below 85%. As a year advisor, I have to contact home and enquire about this before it gets sent on to the welfare team, but when you get someone who has been in school for roughly one week in ten altogether, then it gets passed on to the department of community services and the home-school liaison officer steps up.
Are you also sick of your students not tying up their kangaroos after arriving at school? I for one am sick of finding kangaroo shit in my staff room. Yeah, it was really frustrating, but now we keep them on the back oval until the kids have to ride them home again. Once they fight off the swarms of deadly snakes and have a friendly boxing match or two, the Roos usually settle pretty quiet until we send off our boomerangs to get the latest beer advertising. that stirs them up like a bucket of prawns on a hot day!
As a rural school do you feel your students are disadvantaged in anyway in regards to funding, resources, teachers etc? I go to a school near Penrith which is not anywhere close to rural but I felt that my school either had terrible funds management or was less well off as schools closer to the city. Also if you don't mind me asking, whats the average ATAR score of your school? This is hard to answer because my school is currently receiving special grants from the government to boost our funding. At the moment, we have two more teaching positions and an extra deputy that our number of students wouldn't usually support. When this runs out at the end of the year, we will be having some serious restructuring, losing a deputy, several members of the support/office staff (including groundskeeper) and between 2-4 teaching staff. This means the load for teachers will go up and our classes will increase in size. A big problem for us is our parents and families, being low-socioeconomic groups, cannot often afford uniforms, shoes, workbooks or other equipment, or school fees. We as a school subsidize a lot for our kids, and I personally keep a supply of books and equipment in my classroom that comes out of my own money. Many students arrive in inappropriate clothing, without a bag, food, solid shoes, books or a pen, and we have to do what we can for them. We are better off than some, but compared to those "best" Sydney schools? Not a competition.
This is hard to answer because my school is currently receiving special grants from the government to boost our funding. At the moment, we have two more teaching positions and an extra deputy that our number of students wouldn't usually support. When this runs out at the end of the year, we will be having some serious restructuring, losing a deputy, several members of the support/office staff (including groundskeeper) and between 2-4 teaching staff. This means the load for teachers will go up and our classes will increase in size. A big problem for us is our parents and families, being low-socioeconomic groups, cannot often afford uniforms, shoes, workbooks or other equipment, or school fees. We as a school subsidize a lot for our kids, and I personally keep a supply of books and equipment in my classroom that comes out of my own money. Many students arrive in inappropriate clothing, without a bag, food, solid shoes, books or a pen, and we have to do what we can for them. We are better off than some, but compared to those "best" Sydney schools? Not a competition. As for our results, I honestly cannot remember the average ATAR from last year. I do know that in the NAPLAN testing, we are below state averages in literacy and comprehension, but we do more "value adding" than state average - meaning our students make more significant improvement in their result between yr 7 and yr 9 than is the state average, but they are starting at a lower point so are still not meeting the goal.
Wow thanks for the replies :) Honestly from how I perceive it, teaching deserves much more appreciation than it gets at the moment. I'm really glad your students got such a fantastic teacher like you and speaking from experience, is very hard to come by. Also, HSC english is poopy. Ooooh yeah. HSC is the delight of everyone. I say this as an English teacher, HSC English, in my humble opinion, should not be mandatory. Scaled up to reward people who take it, yes. Like the maths syllabus. But mandatory, for everyone? It just makes you hate us and it.
FINALLY A TEACHER WHO (openly) AGREES! Compulsory HSC English left me so bitter and jaded after what would otherwise have been a very enjoyable final year of high school. Three years later and I can still feel the hatred welling up inside as I read those words. It sounds like your teacher did not do the course justice. Mild disdain is expected, but welling hatred is ... Not a good sign.
One of my closest friend's parents are both rural school principals in NSW, one Primary over ~40 students, one highschool over a larger school. Out of interest, did you choose to work in the bush, or were you posted during teacher training? What was the biggest "culture-shock" moment for you when you started working out past woop-woop? Did you train in one of the capitals? I chose to be rural because I felt I could do more good here. But not a culture shock. I grew up in a tiny, semi-arid, "rural-and-isolated" dairy farming town in the riverina and went to a rural university, (wagga), which meant I had more trouble adjusting to seeing hills than to the lifestyle!
I can see how that would be awesome! But by God, you're amazing for dealing with all that stuff, every single day. Amazing. I was a teacher too, so I know you don't get told that enough. ANd here's the government, come to yank your funding. And how about some more paper work for the Institute? Does it get lonely out there? I've been West, but only on business. It does get lonely, particularly as I'm not married. Meeting new people out here is hard, especially once you weed out the ex students!
That's gotta be tough. I know convincing a fella who 1. will move out there and 2. understands your passion is a tall order, because I went through something similar while living not too far from the city. Is the job good enough to keep you there long term? I have trouble because most people don't like to try long distance relationships. My job is a permanent position which is important. This means that I can be guaranteed a job from now until I retire, even if my school numbers drop and they don't need me, the government is obliged to find me another position in the state. This is called a "forced transfer" because I am technically a government employee, not employed by my specific school.
Do your students experience racism because they live in a mostly white country? It is not as big a problem here as it is in some places where I have taught. Because we are very culturally dirvese, students are fairly tolerant of each other. They are more likely to be offensive to people of the same racial background than others! We do get some racism out in the community -one man I know refers to it as "the black school" and we have had visiting schools afraid to enter our school because of fears that they might get "bashed" by the aboriginal or islander students. When they do come in, they are usually pleasantly surprised that we don't react to newcomers with violence!
I taught out your way not all that long ago. I know you didn't say where but we both know there aren't many schools that far out with 500+ students! Nonetheless, our schools could still have been hundreds of kms apart anyway. It's a ridiculously big state. I just wanted to send this your way... Hands down, the best kids I ever taught came from that little town out west. I still keep in contact with many of them. They astound me with their growing lives and I genuinely miss them. It was tough out there, I saw things that Australians should be devastated by - kids living in 'buildings' that didn't have doors (you lift one of the walls out), sleeping in caravans with torn off roofing, travelling for an hour along dirt roads just to get to school - and yet those same kids rarely bitched and moaned like their city counterparts. I also received my best training out west - training which made me the teacher I am today. I'd like to think I'm the teacher reddit wishes it had! Or at least the one I wished I had! Enjoy your time out there - the good and the bad! How far away is the nearest movie theatre? It was 4ish hours for me. I am lucky that way, we are only a couple of hours from a regional hub, with a cinema no less! I can get to see a movie in a little under an hour drive there and another back. It is hard, I think, for people who don't live out this way to truly understand what the distance is like. How many people out there can drive for several hours without seeing any sign of human society other than the road or occasional power lines?
Fellow registered teacher here. I've never taught in Australia though aside from my teacher training. What's the best way to go about getting your foot in the door into teaching? Is it generally accepted that you need to go out west and teach in a country school? Is it possible to get into some schools in the major cities in more permanent positions? The staffing system is changing, but if you want to build experience, then going west helps. You can also work casually in a school and hope a position you are suited to opens up. Permanency is a major goal and it can take years of working temporary blocks of 6 months or a year to find a school wwhich can offer it. It's about being visible and writing applications well.
What do you think life would be like in that community, for a gay student? It is difficult. Very difficult. admittedly, it is easier on the few we have here than other places I have been, we even have a few transgender students who are fairly accepted and moderately popular. Some of this is the acceptance in some pacific islander cultures, such as Tongan. From my school, the policy seems to be if you don't broadcast, they will not judge.
It has been about 2 years since I finished my teacher training. I've been teaching English In Japan since then. I don't think that experience is going to help me too much when it comes to looking for a job when I get home. Is there one particular skill or thing in demand outside teaching experience that I could develop to help me get a job? Schools like people who bring more than their job description - if you have any specialities that could help, for example, I run a lot of extra curriculars for our school including the public speaking competitions. Think about what skills or willingness you have and how these could help the community.
With limited funds, do you believe you are still able to teach the fundamentals well enough to be considered successful? I believe we do a pretty damn good job. All evidence we collect with statewide and national testing shows we are value adding to educational standard at above average for the lower ability students and we consistently get some of the best results for seniors in the region. We struggle to extend the mid range ability students as much as other schools may, but this is a situation where good teaching practise is more important than anything else we have to work with.
I am also studying teaching (high school - English and history major) and am also Australian. I was wondering, how is it teaching in a rural area? I have some friends who found the adaption hard due to suburban life. Adjusting to rural life can be hard, I have friends who grew up in cities who find it grating, too quiet, dull and too far away from friends and family. But they tend to appreciate things I forget, like being able to walk out late at night and see the entire sky filled with stars and complete silence.
When I visited my friend 6 hours south from Sydney, the night sky was the beauty of it all... I still have a year to go thankfully, so when the time comes, ill hopefully be able to decide. Also is the pay better for rural? I've heard it is. You get the same pay no matter where you are. But the further west you go, the better you concessions are. They need teachers and are happ to make offers to get them!
Are the Polynesian boys really the best break dancers in the whole suburb? PS - "Awww, Miss, you farted!" Mainly the Polynesian, but the aboriginal and aboriginal/islander boys are pretty darn talented too!
How does your access to resources compare to that of a rural school in a place like, say Southwestern Virginia? I have no idea, the only place I have been outside of Australia is China, which is very very different to australia educationally! We have access to the net, obviously, we have a decent amount of tech such as computers and smartboards in school rooms, and thanks to the dept of education, all students in years 9-12 have a school mini laptop. But we are a big, empty country, meaning it takes hours to get anywhere. Teachers struggle to get approval for professional development because it takes at least a 3 days worth of casual coverage - a days travel up, a day at the course and a days travel back...we just can not afford that.
Ay miss, is Jonah truly the sickest break dancer in school or are there new breakers out there we need to know about? My boys are amazing. They have real talent. You watch out!
What do you listen to when you want to " jam the fuck out"? Genre, artists? I love my old school classics, rolling stones especially, but i also have Pink, Marlyin Manson, Ramstien, Elvis, jazz, broadway musicals and 90s pop in the mix. When working with kids, teenybopper stuff tends to bleed into your consciousness. I unfortunately am now fluent in teenage girl and can discuss One Direction or the like almost painlessly!
I'm gonna say Griffith or Riverina area? Sounds like it. Not Griffith. Further west.
Yes hi madam international drainage commission here; which way does the water in your toilet run? If you want me to go check my neighbours, you could end up with an insanely high phone bill that causes an international incident.
How often you get called 'fucking white cunt'? A good friend of mine is a teacher and needs it to start her day, as well as strong black coffee. I think that the best one I've ever been called is a "fucking white racist pig" by a parent. I don't think she saw any irony in calling me that.
Any moments where your work felt really fulfilling? I remember being in my first year out teaching, working with a really low ability group, studying a poetry unit. We were 3 weeks in and they were really struggling with it. One day, I was working with a girl and you could see it just click - it was as if a switch had literally been flipped in her head and she looked at me with absolute wonder in her eyes - she said "Miss! There's so much more to poetry than just words, isn't there?! "
They are rare but worth it!
Do dingos eat babies? Actually, yes. Dingoes are untrustworthy feral animals, and have been known to maul small children or attack tourists. As for the Azaria Chamberlain story, I think the baby died, but I still don't know how the "dingo" got into a tent without causing any damage or disturbance...
Does "rise up lights" still sound like "razor blades" when an Australian says it? No. Rys up lihts, versus rayzuh blahdez.
What is the gifted/talented programming like at your school (if any)? I know that multicultural schools, particularly rural ones have a very hard time developing and implementing programs for the gifted, but Australia has broken a lot of ground with that research. You said somewhere that PD is hard to come by, since you're so far away from everything, but are there resources available at your school (like a gifted resource teacher)? We run gifted and talented programs in art and music, we also have dance students participate in school spectacular, but video conference training sessions. Our drama students just finished a joint drama production with our sister school in the western suburbs, where they used video chat, fb and internet to bond and build an entirely original play based on joint experiences as Australian youth.We also run a Targeted Sports program to identify those talented at athletics and sport, who get extra training and experience. It is working really well with the junior boys.
What does your AEO do? The official description appears to have been written by a committee, can you please explain using more concrete examples? An AEO is employed at schools that have a significant number of indigenous students.Basically, they work in the school to get indigenous student the best possible educational opportunities and work within the indigenous community to promote the school and education.our AEO works with individuals who are recognised "at risk", helps create multicultural programs and resources, liaises with community members and aboriginal elders, and generally seeks out opportunities for our indigenous youth while being a visible, successful role model for the students.
Do you have Bogans? I keep seeing videos with them. They seem to be a combo of rednecks and pikers... Trust me, everywhere has bogans. They are often racist, slow thinkers and lovers of real "ocker" cultural touchstones, such as utes with thousands of aerials, spotlights and a roo bar, B&S balls and bundy rum.
Do you actually work with Torres Strait Islanders? Some yes, but the majority of indigenous students here are aboriginal.
I can't help but think of tommorrow when the war began. Have you ever read it to any students? Do any of your students resemble any of the characters? I teach that book to my kids, in year 9. they love it, but don't really resemble the characters. Twtwb is a very blue mountains, mainly white population, farming town setting. Some of the landscape rings true but the people are not much like mine!
I don't know if you're still answering, but I'll ask. I live in a low socio-economic urban area in WA, where we have MAJOR problems with Aboriginal children being actively discouraged from attempting to study and improve their lot in life by parents who would rather they live off benefits. Many either feel that they are owed by the white man, or that there is no chance so why bother.. generally a mix of the two. Is this a problem in rural areas? We don't have students being actively discouraged, but our parents often don't place much value on education, and often our kids have to work to help support the family. When you are working for 6-8 hours and not getting much sleep, school is not that important.
Are sports teams a big part of your school? Does it have a rugby/aussie rules team? Sport is life in our school. If there is a competition out there, we have a team - we even have lawn bowls team!
Is the area anything like the movie "The Snowtown Murders"? No, that was mountains and in a different state, I think.
Have you seen Wake in Fright? Why do people keep asking me that?
Last updated: 2012-11-14 03:06 UTC
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